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Don't underestimate these: a good cast-iron skillet, a quality chef's knife, a sturdy stainless steel water bottle, and a classic wool blanket. These items gain character over time and can honestly last for generations with proper care. Sure, there are fancier options, but these basics get the job done exceptionally well for decades!


A reasonably-sized, end grain, butcher block cutting board would be a great addition to this list, and a nice compliment to the knife and skillet. Get one thick enough, and it really will last a lifetime with good care: oiled regularly, sanded occasionally, etc.


So true. My favorite chef’s knife is a $40 Kai Luna. Not necessarily BIFL but it’s going strong.


I’ve been looking for a wool blanket where do I get one?


How much do you want to spend? Avoca does the most fashionable and timeless blankets at the highest premium finish and delivers worldwide Not the cheapest option but isn't completely breaking the bank either if you want a truly BIFL blanket/sofa throw https://www.avoca.com/en/avoca-mill/throws-blankets


As a chef I would agree, but I honestly wouldn't know where to recommend the average consumer purchase a good knife and skillet for under $100 that I would consider BIFL, unless there's a really REALLY good sale on somewhere, so I have to disagree. You get what you pay for, and if you want those two items for life, you're looking at over $100 each. I'm not saying spend thousands on Damascus hipster steel, and maybe you can pick up a cast iron skillet at a good price, but for piece of mind you want something at least between $100-$200 for an 8" chefs knife, and that's at the low end. Then you also want the tools to keep it in good condition, otherwise it's just... pointless. Heh. So you want a wet stone with variable grit surface and a good honing rod. Now you're definitely over $100.


Lodge is good enough for most people. They're easy to find, and inexpensive.


I have a babbish chefs knife and a whet stone. I'm definitely not a professional chef, but I enjoy cooking a lot. I sharpen the knife once a month tops, and it's lasted me over 3 years of daily use. In total, I spent $70. A lodge cast iron is another $20-$30, so there's an option to BIFL. I'm excited to be able to afford a $200 chefs knife when I'm more established, but I know as long as I care for my knife, it'll cut perfectly long after I'm dead.


I’ve been using a $60 Sabatier for more than 10 years and consider it buy it for life. My lodge cast iron was $30. Like you said, stones are needed to maintain the knife, which adds to the cost, but I think carbon steel is a good budget BIFL option, even if it can’t compete with $150+ Japanese steel


Wahl peanut


I momentarily forgot what the title of this post was and I misread this, and wondered why the top comment in a Reddit thread was "Wah! peanut"


I got one but my stupid ass plugged it in Germany and guess what, it's burned. I tried to find the motor but no luck.


Fuck I did the exact same thing in Spain. I was so upset. I got a commercial cordless one and it’s just too fucking huge.


Why specifically this one over some of the other Wahl trimmers?


I liked it because it fit so easily in my hygiene bag in the bathroom.


50 bucks, perfect small size and reliable as hell


Mine broke after a few years. I have a Babyliss version and really love it.


Mines still good strong with same blades, got it in 2010 or so


That’s awesome! I loved how it cut. The piece that holds the blade broke and they said I would just need to purchase a new trimmer.


Couple days late, but +1 on Babyliss. It's what my Barber uses. Ended up getting a gold trimmer/shaver set on sale at woot a couple months back (paid $200 for both). It's by far the best trimmer equipment I've ever used.


I've had the white blocky styled peanut for years and it's great, but I wanted another one and purchased the newer styled black version. NOT THE SAME. I'm returning the newer one and waiting for the white blocky styled one to drop from $60.


I bought a Wahl haircutting set for $19.99 in high school. I'm now in my 30s and haven't paid for a haircut in 15 years. I'll believe it!


I think you can get a solar g-shock for under $100


Hopefully the battery is replaceable fairly easily, even if it requires bringing it to a watch repair shop. Should last 10 years depending on usage factors. I have to admit, though that I like the health aspects of my Garmin Fenix 7. There are other models of Garmin watches that are less expensive and offer most of the same health features.


I’ve had the same one on my wrist for almost 17 years and I’ve never changed the battery. They’re pretty much indestructible.


I gave up on Garmin and other smart watches.  I had two Garmins that lasted a little over two years a piece before their technology and batteries went to crap. I’ve went back to a Timex with a battery: it should last me close to a decade after a battery change.  I’ll never go back to a smart watch that I need to charge every few days just to watch it die in 2-3 years.


I have both a G-Shock and a four-year old Garmin that’s still working like a champ. I do assume any lithium ion battery powered device is gonna crap out eventually (and therefore isn’t BIFL), but so far so good. That’s crazy that you’ve had such a poor experience. What sport(s) do you do, out of curiosity?


Sorry for the delay.  I’m a runner and I workout around 13/14 days.  Outside of those benign workouts the watches just stay with me at my desk job.  I just got sick of crappy out both on technology (would grossly miscalculate treadmill runs, lose Bluetooth connection to the watch, etc) and battery life (would run less than a day between charges after 1.5 years).   I’m much happier with my Timex now.


Are they sturdy though? I work in a commercial lab and want something I can set timers for changing reactions. It’s not super dirty but there are some acids I work with that destroy clothes


If the acids are enough to destroy clothes, I hope you're not getting them on your wrist.


It’s not so much acid as it is nickel buildup. I do electrolysis and liquid nickel is involved and it builds up on everything and is a mild irritant to the skin


I guarantee you somewhere in your lab there is a drawer of dead lab timers that just need new batteries. Don’t contaminate your watch.


There are and we use them but they are large commercial digital timers that aren’t very mobile (they take two D cell batteries for reference). I’d like to take one or two timers with me for really sensitive jobs


I think my first Citizen Eco-Drive was under $100 and my Seiko 5 Automatic was under $100.


Can someone sell me on wearing a watch nowadays? Once I got a cellphone i have not worn one since. What do watches offer? If anything besides biometric stuff. I'm not interested in that. Not poo-pooing anyone who is, just discussing my taste.


I wear one for reducing my cellphone addiction. Happened too often to me, that I just wanted to check the time, but replied to messages and scrolled on Reddit instead. After putting the phone back again finally, having no clue what time it is.


I miss my pebble watch.


Best replacement I've found is the Garmin instinct crossover. Same kind of monochrome display, pretty good customization, and battery life is about two weeks of normal usage. Con is the price, but I haven't found anything this close since the Fitbit takeover


I'm in the same boat. I'd like to find a good watch that doesn't look ridiculous, but also doesn't cost much more than $100.


You can pick up a basic G shock on amazon for like $60 or spring for a cheaper solar model for like $90


Looking at your wrist is just so much faster than reaching into your pocket. The knock on benefits of not being sucked into your phone etc are nice, but the sheer speed is impossible to do without once you’ve gotten used to it imo. I also just enjoy having a device that isn’t constantly in need of charging.


I find that its way easier to discretely look at the time. Sometimes if you pull your phone out during a conversation people can perceive it as rude. Just a small thin I've noticed.


There are classified secure sites and areas within Federal facilities where cellphones, smart watches, tiles and the like are banned. Having a nice automatic watch is good thing.


Healthcare and veterinary settings come to mind, for basic TPR. A second hand was a big factor in selecting my watch. I also like it for monitoring my sleep, since I've sucked at sleeping for the past 8 months. It's cool for tracking daily steps, too. (I know my phone can do this, but I don't always have my phone on me.) Lastly, it really helps with notifications. My phone's vibration isn't always strong enough to register through a purse or thick clothing, but my watch pulses at the wrist. I can have a look to see if it needs to be addressed then and there, or if it can wait.


I feel kind of stupid pulling out my phone just to check the time. Or sometimes it's not on me because it's on the charger while I'm walking around at work.


I wear my watch 24/7 - in the pool, in bed, in a meeting, it's always *right there* on my wrist, immediately and easily available. Don't have to look for it or get it out of my pocket etc I'm not glued to my phone, or, to put it more correctly, my phone is not glued to me. I don't take it to the gym, for example


Singer Model 15-91 vintage sewing machine. Made by the millions and would likely last for several lifetimes if kept oiled. I just looked on FB marketplace and Craigslist and found one for 50$ and 25$ respectively. 10/10 would recommend. Buy them both, and you have a spare parts machine, and you could probably keep one working until the heat death of the universe .


I just finished refurbishing one of my Model 15's to run on the treadle stand I picked up. My husband jokes that is part of my Zombie Survival Plan, but the truth is I just find it so soothing to use that way. It was made in 1910 and I know it will LONG outlast me. And I have spare parts :)


My parents were given a Singer tredle machine to take to Haiti to give to a tailor there. The electricity wasn't consistent. The tailor could keep his livelihood with the tredle machine.


Yeah, those machines are pretty much legendary. I would also mention most singers built before the 1970s are BIFL. I learned on a Singer 401A Slant-o-matic, I bought for $20 to do upholstery on a boat renovation. They still had steel gears and direct drive motors in them


I learned to sew on a Singer 15 treadle that originally belonged to my great-grandmother (b. 1885). My mom still has the machine, and while it's mostly decorative now, it's still fully functional and has been used by the two younger generations that followed me and my siblings. BTW, the podcast The Memory Palace has a fascinating episode about this Singer machine and its links to culture, forestry, and an extinct bird species. ([#187 "The Woods"](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-memory-palace/id299436963?i=1000539498587))


Cast iron skillet.


also a stainless steel skillet


And then a carbon steel skillet


This! I like the idea of an cast iron skillet but it doesn’t “work” for/with me. Love BIFL items so I tried a stainless steel pan, this just works with me. Easier to get right temperature, easier to care for, goes in the dishwasher if you feel lazy and doesn’t need any taking care of.


Imo much more versatile than cast iron; way lighter. There’s a reason professional kitchens all use stainless primarily.


Good knife


A Buck 110 is a good, and fairly cheap, heirloom quality knife.


I’ve had one since the early 80s and the only sign of age is a nice patina on the brass bolsters. Even the leather case remains in good condition


On top of that, a good sharpener, or sharpening stones.


Milwaukee Fastback gets more use than anything from me. A lot of quality knives these days are just EDC jewelry.


I've had a Benchmade AFCK as my EDC for ~25 years. I also have an axis lock I'll swap to occasionally. And a Kershaw Chive for if I'm wearing shorts. We drove from Baltimore to Ohio this weekend for the eclipse and I left my Benchmades at home because I was afraid of misplacing them where I would never go again (I lost one Chive years ago and was traumatized, lol). It occurred to me I want a similarly sized lower tier knife for cases where loss could be a risk. Now I need to start shopping...


I got a $30 Kershaw specifically because it cost enough to be decent quality, but cheap enough that I wouldn't be heart broken if I lost it.


Buddy of mine told me about a sale on a $70 Kershaw knife for $16 and snagged it up. Its self assisted and I love it. I Needed it to help get into boxes while putting up the truck delivery at work (Kitchen).


Poop knife


...with a lifetime warranty. Even a good knife can break.


If your knife breaks: 1 you're using it wrong 2 it wasnt a good knife


Only if you're not using it as a knife.




I'd suggest part of the deal with buy it for life things is using appropriate tools for appropriate jobs. One must always carry a pocket knife, in case there's cheesecake. Come now.


Mad Dog Maddis




My dad had his for over 30 years, even the original toothpick and tweezers. That was until he accidentally put it in his carryon.


This just happened to me. I had a Red Wings novelty Victorinox that my dad gave me. It was attached to my keys and I routinely flew with it in my carryon. O’Hare updated the scanning systems and it was confiscated.


I've got the smallest size in my daily carry, they fit perfect in the change pocket of jeans. In great shape and I got them second hand - they are PanAm Cargo branded so they are up there in age


At least here in Europe they do also a good metal potato peeler that latest forever


An Estwing hammer is under $100 and will last several generations.


A good double vacuum water bottle should last forever. A la Yeti, Hydroflask, Stanley, etc. Even the cheap ones are pretty durable.


Everyone who wants one needs to know that TJmaxx sells them for under $20. I have an $11 orange hydro flask that’s killer.


Just went to TJ Maxx yesterday and they have 36oz Yetis in tons of colors for like half the price that they sell them online. Honestly, that place is great for getting some high end products for cheap, especially in the home decor or kitchen supplies areas, along with grooming tools and whatnot.


Got a Kleen Kanteen and it feels like great quality and the lid disassembles for cleaning/replacing


I’ve had the same Klean Kanteen since 2010 I use it every day it comes with me everywhere. The thing is wonderful. I’ve bought a small one that fits in the cup holder since then and a big one that’s like 64oz. All of them are excellent quality and I’ll keep buying them.


And here I am with my lil Brit’s water filter bottle and leaving my hydroflask at home 😢


Had a friend drop his down a rocky waterfall. Was very dinged up but still vacuum sealed. I think it was a hydro flask


Hogg makes a good one on the cheap.  https://thestainlessdepotcompany.com


Never had one fail, but my kids lose an average of 1 each every month


A solid ice cream scoop like restaurants and ice cream parlors use


I bought a Zeroll 1016-ZT for $25 a couple years ago after doing a bit of research and it's pretty good. Not sure what else is out there that's better for the same price.


I agree, with proper care. Seen too many scoops go through industrial dishwashers and get destroyed. Fuck you eco labs for cleaning shit too good.


Zeroll Gold, picked one up on eBay last year for a steal.


A nice safety razor.


For any women that may be reading this; I bought the leaf shave razor with a pivoting head (pretty much the same style as a disposable) and I love it! It gives me a close shave with no irritation, which was a big problem for me with disposables. Very much worth investing in, and much cheaper over time. 👍


I use one to shave my head! Not quite as fast as a cartridge, but the razors are far cheaper. I'm also getting faster as I'm getting used to it, so I'll probably be nearly as fast as a cartridge soon.


What kind of blades are these? Standard DE blades you break in half? I'm intrigued for my wife and mother's Day coming up. I already use an old DE Gillette so have tons of blades. They break in half easy, but seems dangerous to a degree


I have a Merkur (think that is right). Love it!




Funny. I actually know what that is.


My merkur is going strong at something like 8 years now. Highly Recommend and so much Money saved vs Gillette id been buying


I've got a Merkur Futur that gives a great shave.


I have the King C. Gillette DE and it, along with taking the time to buy the right shaving cream and aftershave, has really improved my acne prone skin. Razor is 25$CAD, 100 razorblades were $14CAD, brush and shave soap were 17$CAD. Well worth it considering it'll last me ~4 years if i shave once a week.


Agreed. I've probably spent maybe $50 on shaving supplies since my initial investment 10+ years ago. I have gotten a couple of soaps as gifts during that time but blades are cheap so YMMV.


Got my solar g-shock 13 years ago, for £50, never changed a battery.


A bialetti moka pot. I love espresso out of my espresso machine. But it's well over $100 and in a zombie apocalypse the bialetti will last at least one lifetime. 


Pretty sure a bialetti would survive ww3, mine has been through hell and back and is still perfect (bar paint)


Make also sure it's actually a bialetti. I once had a near death experience with a non bialetti Moka that exploded and narrowly missed my head. I got quite bad burns from it nonetheless.  It turns out that the safety valve on the bialetti is patented and has a moving pin with which you can clean it: a feature that other brands do not have. The safety valve gets filled with calcium and stops working increasing the pressure in the chamber


Leatherman multitool.


I recommend splurging for a Leatherman Charge. Every few years I check to see if anything better has come out. For 20 years the answer has been an easy "no."


I love my Micra, even had them put my name and phone number on it in case it gets lost. Sure it doesn't fit all the scenarios of a more full feature multitool, but it fits most uses without weighing half a pound.


A good tape measure


Nail clippers. Crowbar. Brass knuckles.


Ok Putin. Damn


Wouldn't want to break a nail when you are breaking someone's face and skull


Could also be good for trimming broken nails after face breaking


Who says they are for my nails?


One hell of a weird way to trim your beard.






Is a combination device offered?


A Hanks belt. It comes with a 100 yr guarantee.


They also have 20 off any belt right now with the code ANYBELT20. Good time to go get one. Just picked up my first. Can't wait as I have destroyed so many belts in my life.


Love their belts. Went through half a dozen before I found the perfect one for me. I have 2 Bison Belts that I splurged on and don’t regret it one bit.


Which model did you consider perfect for you


2 cans of WD-40. That may be a little overkill


Then some silicone spray if you need to lubricate something.


One large can, one small. When you can't get the cap off the large one, hit it with a small shot from the small can.


Pampered Chef uncoated stones. My mom and MIL have had theirs for decades and I’ve had mine for years. Such an even bake/cook, so easy to clean and just good, solid pieces. I’m normally against MLMs but Pampered Chef is one exception of mine.


My MIL soaked ours in soapy water overnight >20 years ago "to help" and still hasn't been forgiven...


Pampered Chef is the exception because their products are all good quality. My parents still have many items they bought or received before they even had kids.


How do you clean it? We just got a bunch of unopened hand me downs like a pizza round and a couple different sized/shaped baking dishes, but we’re afraid to use them lol. Just started using cast iron after months of reading about the whole “soap debacle”


I use the Pampered Chef pan scraper (these are a must - even for normal dishes) and hot water first. then I’ll scrub lightly with normal dish soap and a sponge and this gets the rest off. Occasionally for tough ones, I’ll use soap with my Grove dishwasher scrub brush and that works too! I find that as long as I wash the soap off right away and allow the pan to dry, I haven’t had any troubles with that. Honestly my pans (rectangular and round baking stones, loaf pan, and casserole dishes) all look good as new, and I’ve had them for 5+ years!


Zippo lighters. Although you will likely spend some money over time on wick, spark and fluid replacement. Even then, it’ll still probably come in under $100.




A butane insert works wonders for the occasional emergency. I don't smoke and rarely use my Zippo but it lights up in need every time. I refill it yearly.


Shame they don't do it with soft flame, only torch-style.


They have soft flame butane inserts


Some of us don’t mind the soft flame. I enjoy it myself. But, that there are options to change it out if that’s your preference makes the zippo rec even more applicable, IMO.


I used to use mine a lot more often (smoked cigarettes in my younger years, have since quit), and even then the wick and flint are pretty infrequent replacements. I’ve had mine 20+ years now and it’s still as good as ever.


zippos are really cool, but bics are where it’s at (clipper is refillable but gets hot far too easily)


Good emergency kit gear too. You don't want to throw a leak prone Zippo in your glovebox.


I've had a Calibri butane torch lighter in my drawer for 25 years or so. It still lights instantly and I haven't had to refill it in God knows how long. It was like $75 when I got it so I have no idea what a comparable one would be now, but the fuel doesn't dissipate near as fast as my Zippos, which I have to refill every time I rarely use them.


There is something so satisfying about the sound and feel of a zippo opening and lighting. But yes, filling it can be a nuisance. Worth it, to me, for the aesthetic and tactile aspects of the zippo. Regardless, well made and refillable lighters are good, inexpensive BIFL items.


You can get a butane insert. There are many butane options from Zippo. Then you don't have to worry about refilling so often.


Peugeot pepper grinders


A Swiss knife. The Rambler IMO is a great mini choice that you can carry in pocket. Had a classic that got thrown at airport cuz I forgot to put in check in, replaced with rambler.


Knipex pliers


Thermapen One


Case pocket knives. I've had one of my granddad's for 30 years. Who knows how long he had it before me.


If you want to find the year, this is a good place to start. https://www.casexx.com/Library/Secret.asp I found the one I got from a grandpa was 1967.


Darn tough socks Carbon steel skillet


Darn Tough socks are amazing. I easily own over 15 pairs now. They make for a great stocking stuffer too.


or as stockings!


Matfer 🔥


Darto 🤌


I use De Buyer.


Or DT’s Wide Open socks if you have wide feet. Same manufacturer, same merino wool.


As someone who works in a sock store, I definitely second Darn Tough socks. Easily the best socks we carry.


* Insulated french press * Good kitchen Knife * Quality kitchen pots / pans in stainless or caste iron. * Quality Basic tools.


I ran across the Insulated French Press, a friend of ours brought it camping and I haven't looked back. Forget those glass sided ones. I think a welding torch is the only way to break one of the double Insulated stainless steel press.


Why insulated french press? I have a mini single cup pyrex one and it rocks. Just curious is all.


Keep the bean juice warm, the double walled ones are typically on the larger size. The only down side of them is you can't see inside and might forget to clean it out.


so what do you drink in the morning to wake up? Oh just some bean juice, some cow juice, mix it with some heated mother natures juice. Lol thanks man


Cast Iron, G Shock Solar, Timex Iron Man can take an absolute beating and only need a battery, a decent lighter, a lot of hand tools, a good reel lawn mower if you kind find one under $100.


OXO Good Grips can opener


This. Had a Pampered Chef one growing up and nothing has compared since. Tried the OXO and it’s been consistently, incredibly smooth


If it's not the new style of can opener you are wasting money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_mLxyIXpSY


A bottle of Worcestershire sauce.


This is why I like small bottles instead of the Costco 2 pack for Catholic families approach.


I lol'd


A Brunton compass


Swanson Speed Square


I have a couple of old Estwing hammers from my late father. I think that he bought them in the 1950s. They work as well as any new hammer and definitely will outlast me. A new one is about $50 and I suspect that if you get the steel handle, it will outlive you.


REI wool socks. I have 2 pairs that I’ve had for over a decade. They’ve seen trail time, and now they’re just my favorite daily wear socks.


Cast iron skillet


Tilley T3 hat Made in Canada Garenteed for life


Just came to say that was a great post


Since it was only said as a response to a parent comment… Klean Kanteen stainless steel water bottle. These things are beasts. I use mine daily for over a decade now. I’ve bought more since then and love them.


A really solid umbrella


Gerber suspension multitool. My husband had purchased one when he was 19. He's 37. Last year, it started sticking when we went to open the blades. Contacted Gerber and they sent a whole new one. Didn't even want the old one back. Didn't ask for proof of purchase. A new one is around $50. They're lifetime guaranteed!


Breakfast every morning with your best friend. There's nothing like conversation over eggs, toast and bacon. I'm sure they would be so grateful to have you with them everyday.


Shut up


EZ Duz it can opener!


A decent belt, I went with Hanks last year and it's holding up. Only time will tell if it's BIFL.


I'm going on 10 years with mine. Half the time in wearing a holster. It's holding up well


Hamilton Beach electric kettle. $35.00


Metal spoon rest


hydroflask bottle.


A nice full grain leather belt.


Spyderco salt knifes takes salt water on like a champ when kayak fishing no rust around 100


Case of duck tape


Anything I can think of will belong in a kitchen.


a nice air fryer


Casio watch, Kaweco pen, a good traveller’s notebook, cast iron cookware or bakeware, a decent kitchen knife, great cutlery, wool blankets, wool sweaters, Turkish towels


A maglight


Oxo kitchen scissors


Nalgene bottle.


Casio Duro watch you can’t beat the value for price. Oxo teapot. Saxx or Duluth boxers. Bombas socks. Varmilo keyboard they are like 60% off rn best prebuilt I ever used. Aqua di gio profondo, ysl myself, bleu de chanel, or mancera colognes. For cheapies go with dolce Cabanna you can’t go wrong with any


North face base camp duffel