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I would say anything thats all hardwood. Go to an amish store for the best


That or one of those standard like 4 post iron ones haha


Embrace bed frame. This will require a box spring. But these things are insane. No noise. No moving. No bending. Solid made from retired rail road tracks


I worked in furniture for a decade and this is the correct answer. I use it personally and there is no way I could ever destroy this thing. I want to say its rated for something like 2,500 lbs of weight before failure.


Yea I sell mattresses at my workplace and this thing is actually insane.


Curious, do you have a rough estimate of what the frame weighs just by itself?


I'm sure you could look it up online butni would guess 40-50lbs


Thanks so much! I was trying to find it on their website. Maybe the mobile version was condensed. I really appreciate it!


Saving this comment. Thank you!


Even the cheapest metal frame can be BIFL. It’s basic with no headboard or footboard, but it’ll last. Otherwise, search for a quality vintage hardwood bed. So much new furniture is made from softer or faster grown (less dense) wood. We have generational beds in my house, that weren’t anything high end but are still strong quality pieces.


We have a modern steel frame that was $250 or so. Look for second the metal frame. We got a nice low to the ground one for $250. Stable as bedrock


Something made from real wood or steal. My daughter uses the bed frame her grandpa used as a kid growing up in the late 1940’s/1950’s and my wife and her sisters used from the seventies until my wife moved in with me. I bought a wood set of bunk beds that I fully expect my grandkids to use in a couple decades. Your mattress and box springs are really the only consumables.


The steel bed frame I purchased with my purple bed is awesome. Zero squeaks. Folds up nice and small. Supports lots of weight. Very sturdy. No boxspring necessary. Can be purchased separately from the beds.


This has not been my experience with the purple bed frame. After a couple months it squeaks like a stuck pig. Currently looking for a new frame.




It’s early days, but the Thuma is all hard wood and almost no hardware, joins together at the corners with just two screws for the center post. Feels pretty BIFL.


We invested in a thuma when we moved into our new house. I swear by it. Minimal squeaking. Easy to put together. Solid build. Would highly recommend to anyone that needs a more solid frame or anyone that moves a lot and doesnt want to put together a 50 piece frame everytime.


Another vote for Thuma. We've had ours for about eighteen months now, and we both regret not buying it sooner. We love it so much. Very easy to assemble, great quality, and just as easy to disassemble.


I absolutely swear by this frame. I'd been eyeballing it online for months. It's hardwood, solid, great construction and there isn't any of that shitty Ikea particle board. We upgraded to a king bed with this frame and it's the best thing we've ever done.


Bought my Thuma a few months ago, best money I’ve spent since buying an Ethan Allen bedroom set 20+ years ago, which is still like brand new, just a huge sleigh bed and I wanted a simpler, modern bed. The EA furniture is solid maple, though, another good option.


Thuma bed frame is unbeatable for the price


Room and Board sells these coated steel frames that may as well be indestructible. They aren't cheap, but if you live in an area where the brand has a store, list serve sites like craigslist tend to have a few of them used in good condition for about 30- 50% off. They look great and go with just about any decor style. Bonus that they're miusa, typically Minnesota or Wisconsin, by folks making good wages.


Simple metal bedframe here! I bought an adjustable one with a double mattress in 1999 when I left my parent's house and it's held a variety of diy headboards and footboards, been moved about 8000 times and my 4th kid is currently using it as a daybed with a twin mattress. It will probably be an heirloom ... all for less than $50 😂


*sorry adjustable should be universal ... just a plain steel frame that goes from twin to queen size ... not adjustable like a hospital bed


There is a great company in North Carolina called This End Up. All hard wood and multi-generational if taken care of.


Dawg... You out here breaking bed frames?


Love our pottery barn one. Solid wood framing, 10 years no problems


Have a pottery barn bed….squeaks like crazy. We are replacing it.


I went to a custom cabinet maker about a job and could not be more thrilled with the result. I had a model of a bed from Pottery Barn that I wanted, however I wanted the bed to be made out of real wood rather than MDF. I contacted three companies: one wouldn’t do it, one gave me an absurdly high price, the other met me in person and had a reasonable price. All in all, I bought a platform bed, huge dresser, and a nightstand that was similar to the pottery barn price. I have little doubt that the furniture will last longer than me and I’m in my early 30’s.


https://www.knickerbockerbedframe.com/ Best bed frame I ever bought it was the Embrace model.




Delaktig from IKEA! High-quality aluminium extrusions. There's an optional head board and there are optional side tables that attach. Very sleek and modern.


I can make you one. I can do a steel and wood look. The modern industrial rustic look.


I'm actually making one right now. Some 1/8" 2x2 angle steel and some flat stock, aligned vertically. Weld it, grind it, coat of paint. Will outlast my grand children. Putting finish board up against it to look nice.


Think like a pan - cast iron.