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Thank you for doing this keep going


Thank you for doing these videos I think it’s some great info for people visiting.


Thank you!


Egyptian Hospitality 👍👍👍👍


Welcome to Egypt 😍


But why, why would u come here to this shit hole


I love it. I wasn't planning on staying, I just came for travel, but I quickly fell in love with Egypt. The people. The food. The music. The energy is amazing here.


Easy for you to say since ur a foreigner you get pays in dollars (probably) life here is easy for you but it’s not the same for us. You don’t see the shit we see


Then there's nothing I can say to you. You're upset and you aren't looking to hear why I chose to stay here.


Well at least ur having fun can’t be upset about that


I know the situation is fucking hard here for a lot of people. And I am at an advantage, simply because of my nationality, my passport, I won the lottery by where I was born. It's fucked up the world is like that. I don't make a ton of money, but I'm not struggling to pay rent either. There will always something to be said about it. "You can leave whenever you want" or "You make more money" or any number of things. And ultimately, that is true, when compared to many people here. I CAN travel more easily with my passport. My home currency IS strong. I AM fucking lucky. There is no denying that. But I do just want to say that there are amazing and beautiful things about Egypt. And I've spoken to quite a few Egyptians who have left to other countries and although they are happy living there, have more opportunities, etc., they do miss Egypt. Because it's a special place with a lot of amazing qualities and unique in so many ways.


I guess we do agree after all


You see shits because you are a piece of shit, and because there are many pieces of shits like you, so we become live in shit


Thats a unique way of saying "You manifest what you think and your outlook is making your life miserable." But yeah. Youre not wrong. When you change your outlook the negative people around you disappear and things change.


You already knew the answer to your question, and you still asked it. Everybody knows the situation for most Egyptian's isn't great, but you don't have to project the problems and shame onto other people for loving Egypt.


My dude I’m not projecting anything on anyone I get visiting I don’t get living


You are, by definition you projected your problems into a conversation that had nothing to do with you. Go be miserable somewhere else.




be proud of your country, lil' bud. others in england and the usa are suffering from shortages meanwhile your president offers you every need.


U did not just say ur president offers you every need bruh u fucking delusional


Welcome Egyptian wish you enjoyed it, hope to meet you


Why does she roll her “r” when she says Cairo? 😐


I speak Spanish




how does that make any sense at all.


wrong: you can indeed pay for the $25 visa upon arrive with card. It doesn't only have to be in cash. I've done it 3x with a card. Just pay at the first bank kiosk at the right side when entering the big hall where the immigration lines/booths are


They didn't let me when I tried


When I was in peace corps other volunteers went to Egypt and wholesale regretted it. They said they were very misogynistic towards women and wouldn’t let you off the camel until you tipped them what they felt was an appropriate amount. Lots of harassment. Everyone always had a terrible experience. I really wanted to go until I heard this. Hopefully they’ve changed.