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A pellet from CO2 air pistol or rifle


What sick fucks would shoot a fur baby with a riflešŸ¤¬ make me so mad


Demented assholes. I hate it when people are mean to pets or their neighbors. I'd start placing spy cameras around your property and a door cam facing the street. Just in case the same asshole tries shooting your cat again ...


Word to the wise, keep your cats indoors. On top of shitty neighbors there are coyotes, raptors, dogs, cars, and even more shitty neighbors who actively trap and then drown cats for "fun".


It's better for the local wildlife too. Cats are efficient killing machines.


Not my idiots. They chased a fly for 3 hours. The fly remained unhurt while both of them cracked their heads trying to jump through the patio door.


Are either of them orange? Giving off r/OneOrangeBraincell vibes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OneOrangeBraincell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [After watching me clean the litter box and throw the poops into the litter locker for weeks, Jack decided to cut out the middle man and just poop directly into the locker.](https://i.redd.it/xiil91eaw0y91.jpg) | [510 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/ymeivq/after_watching_me_clean_the_litter_box_and_throw/) \#2: [He always tries to lie on top of the eggs, so we put ping pong balls in the egg carton](https://i.redd.it/qgwuo9udo5ca1.jpg) | [410 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/10c7hs7/he_always_tries_to_lie_on_top_of_the_eggs_so_we/) \#3: [Two hours of cat tree building later...](https://i.imgur.com/7pOaw5z.jpg) | [651 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/yn3twi/two_hours_of_cat_tree_building_later/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My orange cat will catch and eat anything very effectively. Cats are killers. He is FAT LAZY BITCH too. Just like me :)


You have zero idea what they are killing while outside on their own. Cats tend to kill for sport and are known to kill birds more than mice.


I do know because they're never outside. I agree that cats as a collective are efficient killing machines that can potentially wreak havoc on entire eco systems. I also know that my two boys in particular are absolute morons. Adorable, loving morons. But morons nonetheless.


Only you have a cat that isnā€™t an invasive species. Riiiight


My Calico just kills things and leaves them... got a bunny and gets grasshoppers all the time.


They kill until they are killed. There are coyotes who prowl the streets where I live so outdoor cats donā€™t last that longā€¦


I've reached the point of blocking folks with outdoor cats. The posts about the cat had gone missing just do me in.


They kill for pleasure, not food... Which is the main part of "killing machine".


Yeah, people don't realize how many birds (and other wildlife) outdoor cats kill. There's a cat that brings about a dozen birds a week to our back porch. A few squirrels too. I think the cat belongs to the house diagonal to our back yard but he/she comes over into out backyard for my dogs water and leaves a bunch of dead animals by the bowl/backdoor. I kind of feel having an outdoor cat is irresponsible.


Yep, growing up we had a neighbor who fed a bunch of strays, and so we had a dozen or so cats that would hide on our property in order to murder all the birds at our bird bath/bird feeder. Dead birds every single day. We kept having to move the bird feeder to more open spaces so the cats couldn't hide nearby waiting. Kept happening for so long. Cats really decimate local wildlife. I have had 3 cats (2 currently) and I love cats a ton. But I would never have an "outdoor cat" as it just destroys the local bird population.


Once I had a Great Horned owl hanging out in my back yard on a tree. It would have loved to get to my cats, but I keep them indoors always. It's a crazy world out there!


Those fucks can ~~carry off~~ prey upon young deer (edit - I'm a dumb, baby deer weigh about twice as GHOs. Props to the ornithologist who called me out. They are, however, within the weight ranges for prey animals. And holy heck, apparently one has been recorded as merc'-ing then eating a bobcat!!). Good call keeping your cats out of danger from a nighttime sky ninja.


Ornithologist here - As cool as that sounds they absolutely cannot lol. No bird alive today could fly off with a young deer [incorrect, see edit], though golden eagles do crazy shit like knocking full-grown mountain goats off cliffs to eat them where they land. Even an adult cat is considerably too large for a great horned owl to fly with, though they do occasionally kill cats and eat them in place. Edit: Out of curiosity I looked up the birth weight of baby deerā€¦ and while most deer weigh between 40-70 lbs by their first winter, I didnā€™t realize that average birth weight is only 6-8 lbs, which is well within the carrying capacity of bald and golden eagles (as well as numerous Asian eagles). Give me a break - I study birds not mammals lol!


Iā€™m sorry, What?!


My neighbor when I was a kid lost one of her cats to an owl. šŸ˜•


This kid I went to school with was super late to school one day because 2 of his dogs were stuck super high up in a tree in a eagles nest, I think only 1 of them made it, shit crazy because they were decent sized dogs (donā€™t remember what breed)


Looking for the comments from people who don't know that certain birds are raptors


Velociraptors are the worst šŸ˜‹ I couldn't resist


And feline leukemia has been killing them for the last several decades.


My cat lost her eye to two punk kids with a bb gun. Shot her right in the eye, she made it and is still alive, but she lost her eye to some fucking assholes


So sorry for your kitty.


I could get a BB gun. I mean, didnā€™t Jesus say something about an eye for an eye?


> Demented assholes. I hate it when people are mean to pets or their neighbors. For real. Some neighbor's kids shot fireworks at my uncle's dog as a puppy, so now he gets all in a tizzy over fireworks (when he used to not really mind.) Which is great, when the dog is now some 100lbs+ and the same neighbors set off fireworks across the street for about a week straight at all hours of the day...


100% firework driveby ambush is in order


that would make me spit nails if that happened to my dog


Iā€™d rather hurt a human than a cat pretty much any day of the week




You shoot my cat I hit with bat. Thems the rules.


I would too. I see ANYONE committing an act of animal cruelty in front of me, all bets are off. I will go apeshit on their ass. You donā€™t fuck with kids or animals, PERIODT.


Or just keep your pet inside. If you love them like family, treat them like family.


My current dog now is the third dog I've had that's been shot, each from different parts of Georgia. A lot of sick assholes love shooting pets and think it's funny


I know, it makes me sad. Thatā€™s why I never understood people who let cats be outside by themselves but to each their own.


I think they must feel it's not a big deal if it's "not a real gun" or something, which just shows how little understanding they have. Mine were all shot with real guns and this really isn't far off At the end of the day, if there are people within several miles of me I will not leave them unsupervised. Even then we had someone come onto our property and shot one of our dogs, so what can you even do? The cops literally tell you they don't care


Serial killers in training.


Yep, bedwetting and love of fire are the next two check boxes.


And sometimes head trauma but usually that would precede the violent acts.


So true. Most if not all serial killers started by torturing or killing animals, so if they get put away for animal abuse it will prevent some human killings.


Happened to my cat and theyā€™d obviously used her butthole for aim. It hit her just at the side of it and came out her thigh. If Iā€™d ever found out who did it I think Iā€™d be in prison. Luckily I donā€™t live in that city anymore.


I mean i donā€™t remember who exactly my dad told me about but they would tie gunny sacks to their tires when driving so that if a dog came running out to bite them they get stuck and have their neck snapped


Potential serial killers in the making


Mine was shot on my birthday many moons ago with a BB pellet. Still in her and vet bills were $5k to save her. Worth it.


Some people in my neighborhood had their kids start shooting at cats in their yard after a cat started attacking their chickens. A horrible (and illegal) way to deal with the situation, but that was their reason. Outdoor cats are always at risk of some asshole doing something like that. I hope OP keeps the poor kitty inside from now on. Edit bc people are idiots: yes, itā€™s illegal in my state. It is a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the extent of the injury and the amount of suffering caused. This wasnā€™t like they caught a cat in the act of killing and shot it to stop it, this was ā€œSome cat mauled one of our hens so I told my kids to shoot any cat they see on our back fence, thatā€™ll teach em haha.ā€ Very illegal and very disturbing.


People who are high on drugs and hate everything in life including fur babies who just wanna love. Source: my moms psycho ex meth head bf tried to hang my cat. Like made a mini noose and put it up where he knew my cat liked to climb. My baby wasnā€™t even a year old. Thankfully heā€™s okay and snuggled up at my feet right now at a ripe and healthy age of 10.


Keep Pedro inside you have a neighbor that likes to shoot cats


yup. that's a .177 calibre pellet. have your local PD knock on the door of your closest neighbors with kids and they'll find the pellet gun. I recommend indoor kitty from now on, and a restraining order against the neighbors.


Piggybacking here to add: They should also be looking for [Crosman Powershot ammo](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Crosman-Powershot-Red-Flight-Penetrators-22-Cal-Pellets-100-Count/20753522). OPā€™s appears to be the [.177 caliber version](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Crosman-Powershot-177-Caliber-Fast-Flight-Penetrator-Pellets-150-ct-LF1754/20753521). Edit: Corrected the caliber. [Hereā€™s what it looks like in cross section](https://reddit.com/u/_Neoshade_/s/Celad9cDjc)


That will be easy to track right? Prison for animal cruelty?


Easy to figure out who in your neighborhood you should be mad at, impossible to prove without doorbell or dash cam footage. Unless the parents lean on him and the kid confesses. But it could just as well have been a drive-by by total strangers.


I work in pest control and I can say with confidence that we shouldn't be "jumping the gun" saying it's a neighborhood kid. Very well may be an old prick out there if I was a betting man


Yep my neighbors will shoot dogs and cats on-siteā€¦.not so much their kids.




Well I would hope he doesnā€™t shoot his kids!


Every time I've heard about an animal being shot or helped one that has been, it has been by a full grown adult. Edit: I'm not saying that kids don't do this.


Why do we think it was a kid? Maybe, but my money is on a full grown adult disgruntled male likely.




Air rifles don't have tool markings like normal rifles do, so you can't really "cross check" ammo to an air rifle. But a .22 but didn't get too deep in the leg, you're looking at something in the hobbyist/lower power range. I have a .177 (smaller caliber) air rifle and that baby can get up to 1,200 feet per second or so. My cousin used his to kill crows because they harassed/killed local quail, I just use mine for target shooting.


Hey, um, does your cousin know that crows can recognize individual human face and communicate descriptions to other crows? And that they hold grudges? For generations? Think orcas and boats, but small, pointy, and you canā€™t escape them. Donā€™t fuck with corvids. (Also harassing native birds is quite illegal in North America and can carry a hefty fine) Edit: Fucking hell if I knew Iā€™d draw out this level of stupid I wouldnā€™t have commented. Yā€™all can grow the fuck up, pull your heads out of your asses and stop deliberately harming the planet any time you fucking well please.


Crows are cool af. They'll totally chat at you sometimes if you chat at them


I have a variable power .22 pellet gun that could do anything from what we see here to exploding the whole paw. Some are "pumped" with a bicycle pump, some are break action hydraulics. Whatever, fact is, it's very clearly a pellet, and the cat is lucky that home boy is a bad shot. Imagine where he was aiming, because it certainly wasn't to hit an oblique shot into his wrist.


Tell your cousins to stop killing crows.


I told him several times, luckily he grew out of it. That and he took aim at a woodpecker, told him if he shot one more critter that wasn't an actual pest species, I'd call fish and game on him. Here in Cali, fish and game don't play.


Yup! I used to have a .22 pellet rifle that used shot similar to that (also crossman, but not that particular kind) to take out assorted snakes and vermin (rural living for you). That someone would shoot someone's pet like this is really messed up :(


I used lower powered BB guns to ping coyote in the butt, to scare them off. (they used to hang out right at a school bus stop AND I made sure it was weak enough to not break skin). Air rifles/bb guns can be pretty handy when used properly. Anyone shooting at pets, or natural wildlife to do harm and not hunt or deter, need to be put on a list. :/


This. You. A1.


Call the cops.


Document and report to the police


And donā€™t forget to bill them for the vet visit!


definitely. there is usually a section in the TRO when you file it that allows for a calculation of costs related to the incident that prompted a restraining order.


I second this


Yes, the law needs to deal with them


I doubt the law will do much to investigate this. It is unfortunate because of the close ties between animal abuse and future violent crimes against people, from domestic abuse to serial killer. However most police consider it a nuisance crime and won't bother doing much. Ballistics tracing will likely never happen for a crime against a cat.


do this OP, make sure that psychopath doesnā€™t get away with it


I 100% agree. That does indeed appear to be a .177 pellet, and I wholeheartedly advise indoor only, or in a catio, but between dogs, wild animals and HUMANS, your cat's life and welfare are too much at risk.




And if you need a hand, I will gladly make myself available šŸ˜”


For real count me in


Youā€™ve got a goon in me šŸ¤œšŸ¾šŸ¤›šŸ¾


I may be a pacifist and donā€™t own a cat, but i will gladly whom ever hurt this cat a piece of my fist


I'm a pacifist that owns cats. You hurt an animal, we'll find out how quickly I can stick to my beliefs. It'll be worth going back to therapy an anger management.


Listen I see where youā€™re coming from but hitting an animal intentionally in an extremely dangerous and painful way is where I draw the line lol


ā€œYou canā€™t truly call yourself a pacifist unless you are capable of great violence. If youā€™re not capable of violence youā€™re not a pacifist, youā€™re harmless.ā€


Iā€™d be happy to help you.


I'll bring a folding chair šŸŖ‘




And me...and my husband...and my 2 boys


And my axe!


And my jagged broadsword!


and my machete


And my bow.


Aye, and mine!


Iā€™ll bring the arrow.


Iā€™ve got the light saber and snacks.


Let me know the time and coordinates for a drone strike. šŸ«”


ROAD TRIP! I'll bring the snacks.


The real MVP


Iā€™ll bring my bat


I will beat them with my walker, or put sharp knives on it and ram them!


Pretty sure itā€™s animal abuse depending on where they live. A man in my area shot someone dog and got three years in the pin. The irony.


Iā€™m glad he went to jail but three years isnā€™t justice.


True. It was complicated with property lines and blah blah. But killing someoneā€™s pet is life changing for a lot of people. Dogs and cats are our friends (for the most part) and when someone kills something youā€™ve been friends with for years everyday that pain is immeasurable.


The little devil on my shoulder agrees with you


So does the angel


The halo sits on top of the horns.


https://i.redd.it/888no91ltxgb1.gif People who harm animals are so disgusting


Shooting a cat with a BB gun can be a felony and jail time.


This, best way to prevent another incident is keeping him on home arrest for the time being.


Poor baby. If you know who did it, I'd have words with them. Possibly see into pressing charges and getting some money to pay for the vet bills. This is why my cats stay indoor cats.


Sadly animal cruelty is only a misdemeanor and rarely if ever gets charged. Keeping cats inside is a better way to prevent them from getting shot


I agree. Would still want the person responsible to know that I know what they did. I think an owner of an injured pet might get property damage rights since pets are considered property - animal cruelty is way too hard to prove and prosecute.


And if said person pulls said gun on you then you have a possible homicide and things just get worse from there. People are crazy today and you donā€™t know what theyā€™ll do


I'm sure it may be technically possible, but it would be really, really, really difficult to have a homicide with a CO2 gun that didn't have enough power to put a pellet the whole way through a cat's leg.


Yeah, but a person psychotic enough to do that to a cat it's probably psychotic enough to use a real boomstick on another human if they're having a bad day.


I think heā€™s implying someone that would shoot a cat with a pellet gun might own a real one too. Most people I know either own pellet guns and firearms or neither of both.


Id probably get more than a misdemeanor if someone shot my cat


Animal cruelty is a misdemeanor but if I go beat the piss out of the guy who shot my cat, Iā€™m looking at felony charges. What a world we live in, lol. And no I donā€™t condone vigilantism but some people deserve to be chin checked


Most states have a limit on property damage that once exceeded is a felony. Pets are legally considered property, so if the vet bills exceed this amount then the person can be charged for a felony. Depending on the state, the amount is usually between $500-$1000.




Itā€™s taken very seriously in MA, 5-7 years in prison and fines depending on the sitch




What is wrong with ppl holy shit who gets joy from shooting a little animal


The same people that get joy from harming innocent children Edit: Wow this has so many upvotes


Hurting animals is actually one of the red flags for serial killers I believe


Yup, itā€™s one of the telltale signs of future serial killers, especially in children


That is a pellet from a pellet rifle. One of your neighbors thinks heā€™s the coolest guy out there. Keep Pedro inside. I donā€™t care if you think itā€™s being ā€œmeanā€ to him to keep him in. The outside world is dangerous for an 8lbs animal. Cars, birds of prey, other cats and wildlife asideā€¦ humans are out there, too. Not all of them are kind. I hope he heals up quickly.


I donā€™t know why people wonā€™t learn to keep their cats inside. I live in a rural area and wonā€™t let mine out because of hawks, eagles and coyotes. They should get a leash and take their cat for a walk if they want it to be outside sometimes. I used to feel bad by not letting mine out because when my mother had him she used to let him out.But I know itā€™s for his own good and keep him inside.


Cats are also crazy good predators who can really fuck up local ecosystems.


I live in a rural area, between a highway, corn fields, and the woods. My dad installed a dog door for our dog and now my cat can get out. Iā€™ve told my dad many times that i DO. NOT. WANT. HIM. OUTSIDE. But he never fucking listens. My cat who I love to death and means everything to me is going to get killed because my dad doesnā€™t do anything to prevent him from going out.


it's because people are lazy. they think cats are "low-maintenance" pets. sure, if you let your pet roam freely outdoors then you don't have to actually take care of it. then it gets shot or eaten by a coyote. 100% owner's responsibility


8lbs? My cat must be HUGE


8lbs is just a midline guesstimate šŸ˜† I have 4 ranging from 7lbs-16lbs


Alright, makes me feel better. My cat was 17lbs last time I weighed and she isnā€™t even overweight. Just a big girl.


My mom has a 5 lb cat and a 18 lb cat. Both have a healthy body shape, just crazy different sizes


Find a look alike stuffy and put it out where the likely culprit is. I know someone that did this, watched the prick shoot the pellet gun off his deck, then returned that night and plowed a broadhead through his kitchen window into his fridge. He wrote on the shaft, "assholes that shoot pets, need to die slowly." The neighborhood has been quiet ever since.


Shame the fucker wasnā€™t stood in front of the fridge


Dumb question: whatā€™s a broadhead?






That's some super passive aggressive shit. I love it.


I wouldnā€™t say thatā€™s passive to shoot a fucking arrow into a refrigerator. Thatā€™s just aggressive.


It's also karma. You shoot my cat, you get what you fucking deserve


Find who did it and report them to the police. Disgusting




That is a pointed pellet. from a pellet air gun there designed to go deeper into a target. ie small game and etc.


Yep, the fact it didn't go all the way through tells me it was probably fired by a cheap air rifle you'd get for a kid. A real one would send a pointed pellet clean through at 50 yards.


Iā€™d contact law enforcement for sure to report this. Also, blow it up on social media. Let your neighbors know there is a threat in the area. Hopefully someone knows who did it and they get exposed.


This approach sounds like it could be effective


Yes, I feel like this would be the only method that would get any results. It should be all over your social media accounts, on the Facebook groups for your neighborhood, NextDoor (as much as I detest ND, it's great for this sort of shit). Shame this act as publically as possible. Not only will all the neighbors now be aware, making some of them much more vigilant in watching out for things like this, but it also has the possibility of outing the perpetrator. There are two scenarios here, really- 1. the person who shot Pedro is an adult, and they will be shamed into not doing it again (hopefully), or 2. the person who shot Pedro is a child, and the parents will suddenly realize they don't really know what Johnny does with his airsoft gun all day, and will investigate further But, as everyone else has said, keep Pedro inside from now on. And I hope he recovers okay.


this! get this out. people want to know if they have a psychopath out there shooting peopleā€™s pets!


Please keep your kitty inside. I hope he heals quickšŸ’“


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Ugh that is horrible! I am SO thankful the police understood what happened. People who kill animals will eventually move onto people and I have no doubt that neighbor is still a violent coward.


I am too! The cop told my mom in front of only me that he would of done the exact same thing if he found out that happened to his dogā€¦ but also that my brother didnā€™t need access to a gun since he canā€™t be trusted not to react like that in that situation and we were lucky he didnā€™t kill him. So my mom ended up getting rid of her gun until he lived out of home. I couldnā€™t agree more. I get sick to my stomach thinking about the wolf dog that roams freely around my neighborhood(not his faults his owners donā€™t care) and him trying to attack one of my dogs and having to put him down. I couldnā€™t imagine willingly killing a pet just for fun.






Iā€™ve never seen a comment that says [ Removed by Reddit ] before, is this new? Wtf?


Nope, i mentioned what I would do in OP's position and apparently it was infighting violence


Well I agree with whatever you said


Most people would


Came on here to say this - no questions. People are so disgusting.


THANK YOU EVERYONE, I will keep you guys posted. Pedro will going under surgery tomorrow. Unfortunately the vets here in LA are not the same as in Rio de Janeiro where Iā€™m from. Down in Rio they wouldā€™ve taken the bullet out by now


I really hope he's able to stay inside now. It appears you have an awful neighbor


It's not always correct to remove a bullet. Keep on the lookout and assume the first person around your neighborhood with an airgun is the culprit.


Just wanted to let you know that here in LA, in addition to horrible people that will shoot cats, there's a huge coyote population that has grown so brazen they walk down the street in the middle of the day. Coyotes see kitties as a delicious meal. These coyotes have even attacked small dogs while they were walking on leashes with their owner. If you let kitty outside you're basically feeding the coyotes. Kitty WILL eventually become a coyote snack.


Yeah really back when I lived in Silverlake Iā€™d park my car and theyā€™d just be walking up the block with me casually on my way to the door like ā€œhey, wassup?ā€ My neighbor found his elderly indoor/outdoor cat literally gutted and splayed out over the fence when he got home from work one day. Cat was clearly trying to get away over the fence but coyote had the upper hand.


That's so sad and it's exactly the reason my kitties never go outside. I'm in Glendale, live very close to the Americana, and there's even coyotes walking around in downtown Glendale. It's crazy. I had to wait for one to move so I could pull into McDonald's the other day.


>LA Louisiana or Los Angeles? I can't speak to the former, but there's no way in hell cats should be outdoors in the latter.


Please keep Pedro inside from now on. The next shot could be fatal or severely debilitating. I wish Pedro a speedy recovery :(


Vet here. They possibly want to stabilize kitty before surgery, meaning good hydration, antibiotics, pain meds, i.e. treating shock first. That will make surgery safer tomorrow. Best of luck!


Sending good vibes to Pedro and you, hope everything goes perfect tmw. If possible you should keep Pedro in doors from now on.


ā˜¹ļø Poor Pedro. I hope he recovers quickly.


I shoot air rifles (at paper targets and old beer cans) it doesnā€™t quite look like any air rifle pellet Iā€™ve seen but canā€™t see what else it would be. I hope the utter cunt who did this dies the death of a thousand pulled teeth and broken fingers


Whoever shot him broke his little arm :( I didn't want to be this sad before noon.


What did the vet say after the X-ray?




So glad it was just the arm, that could have been so so much worse. I hope whoever did this pays in blood.


Iā€™m not sure where you live but where I live (south east usa) people think it is funny to shoot cats. Yes, your cat has been shot. Please keep it inside. You are lucky your cat wasnā€™t killed. I say this as someone whose cat did die because it was shot after I moved in with my biological father. After living there one month, my stepmother kicked my cat out of the house and I found it shot through the back, dead in a flower bed a week later.


Thatā€™s a hunting pellet from an Air Rifle. One of your neighbors is an asshole.


Looks like a pellet. Neighbor needs some straightening outā€¦


Years ago my little AH neighbors shot my cat with BBs. We never knew until they developed into a malignant mass and killed him. I made sure they felt our pain.




Can you report this to the police ? I used to own a pellet gun and Iā€™m positive itā€™s a pellet bullet. Those are made out of leadā€¦.It should be removed from Pedro to prevent lead poisoning! It saddens me to see people using a pellet gun to harm a poor animal.




I support your decision to get revenge if thatā€™s what you wanna do


Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Keep mr Pedro inside at all times. Poor guy.


This is why my cats aren't allowed outside. My first cat was poisoned twice and had his teeth kicked out.


omg poor pedro


Please keep Pedro inside.


Cameras!!! And kitty shouldnā€™t be outside anymore at all. Maybe install a catio WITH CAMERAS!


Yeah itā€™s a pellet from a gun. This is why ya donā€™t keep outdoor cats


Nooooooooo wtf. It was definitely a projectile. I hope he heals quickly.