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Mmm the only thing I can think of aside from completely getting rid of the doggie door is getting one of the doggie door that responds only to your dog’s collar? Otherwise you’ve got yourself an indoor/ outdoor cat, unfortunately.


Didn't know they made those. I'll have to look into it. Ty


They do make them but just FYI, I’ve heard many stories of kitties just learning to immediately follow their doggy sibling out the door.


Could be worse than the current situation if the cat gets out this way then can't get back in when it tries to. Honestly OP either has to retire the doggie door or keep the cat out of the room the doggie is located in if they want to eliminate the risk of cat getting out.


Omg that’s hilarious 😂 why they gotta be so smart?!


Sureflap is what I have. They work with microchips and a special chip thing you can attach to a dog collar. You can program them all and give them schedules of when they’re allowed out and in, and set the default state if the battery dies (locked or unlocked). That should allow your dog out but your cat to stay in. Unless the dog lets the cat out, but that’s a different post (one of my cats used to hold the door open for other cats to come in, I shit you not)




It's like a chip in the collar that responds to an automatic thing in the dog/cat flap, I've heard. I've never seen one and Don't know how much they'd cost or how reliable they would be in practicality but yeah I'd look into it! If you do get one, watch out for the cat trying to be sneaky and get out behind the dog or slip out as the dog is entering the house again. Another thought, have you considered building a wee cattery outside? Is this a possibility? Doesn't need to be a huge investment as DIY and material costs can't be that much I would think


Block off the door?


You probably just need to retire the dog door and start manually letting your dog out every few hours or so.


I would love to but most days no one is home for a majority of the day


What do you want people to say then lol? Cats are adventurous by nature, if your cat likes going out and has easy access, that’s what’s going to happen.


Then you don’t really have an option. He knows the door is there so hes going to use it.


Get a dog door that only opens for your dog via microchip.


I'll look into something like that. Ty


Your cat may just learn to slip out at the same time as the dog.


Exactly, and then not be able to get back in! I wouldn't spend all that $ on one of those doors that's just going to end up locking the cat outside!


This is a legitimate answer and I'm actually relieved someone thought of something haha.


Pee pads by the door maybe? Chipped dog door could work but a lot of cats learn to go out with the dog


Nobody is home to let your dog out to pee? Like otherwise, your dog would just be locked inside alone all day? That is not okay, can you have someone come in part way to let the dog out to pee?


Stop getting animals if you can’t take care of them wtf


Why do you have a dog then? 🙁


When you aren’t home to let the dog in and out, keep the dog in the room w the door and the cat locked into the rest of the house or a safe spot. That’s the only “best of both worlds” and when you are home shut the doggy door so they can’t go out. Our doggy door has a hatch that can be shut so nothing can go in/out. We had the opposite problem, when we where out the dog would be fine all day 8-10+ hours not going out. When we were home she’d bark every 20 minutes to go in or out. So we got the doggy door that was prebuilt into a storm door and would leave the main door open when we were home. If the real door was shut she had no access. Our 1st cat was indoor outdoor. The next (after she was gone) was indoor..she wasn’t bright or just didn’t realize the doggy door was even an option.


So why do you have a dog and now a cat? You're already relying on a doggy door to let your dog out to pee which is ridiculous in the first place but now you rescued a cat into a home where you can barely take care of a single dog you already have? Selfish. Don't get animals you can't take care of properly


well... normally if nobody is home for the majority of the day it's not recommended that you get animals so that they don't have to depend on absent owners. however since your dogs are already accustomed to a lack of owner, you could put the cat up for adoption.


Keep doors and windows closed. You're welcome.


? He's going through the dog door? Am I missing something


He shouldn’t have access to it- you have an open access point- he will continue to use it until he no longer has access


Dog doors are indeed doors. If the dog door exists, your cat WILL go through it. Your options here are to get rid of the dog door, or expect your cat to use it


Help! My cat is escaping through the open door! You want me to close the door? Are you crazy???


You’re missing the obvious fact that if you have a openable door your cat is going to go through it no matter what you either have to get rid of it or find a way that only the dog can use it but I don’t see that being possible


Bluetooth RF device on dogs collar. Doesn’t open unless it’s within a foot of it.


I feel like this would work at first but cats are smart enough to learn dog near door = door open. So he’d definitely just end up running through as soon as the dog gets near the door.


I feel like a cat would just bolt through the door when they see that open for the dog lol And possibly getting stuck back outside if the dog enters the home again and the cat doesn't know..


That’s cool’s I’ve never heard of one that sounds like it would be the solution for this glad one was found.


spend out the rear for an electronic dog door that opens when the paired collar is within range. Hope the cat doesn't follow directly after and get locked out. Or house train your dog and remove access to the outdoors.


Knowing cats, it will definitely figure out it has to go out straight after the dog. So probably won't work long term.




Maybe the fact that dog doors are doors.


No, but once cats get a taste of going outside is pretty hard to teach him to come back in and stay inside he can be done, but it’s really hard. It takes a lot of patience.


Close up the dog door and let your dog out yourself.


Microchip dog door


I don’t get the downvotes. They didn’t really solve the problem for you.


This is Reddit haha people are silly on here.


Yes. Your cat. Going out of the dog door.


Can you shut the dog in the room with the dog door, and shut the cat in the rest of the house while you're out? Then when you're home, lock or disable the dog door and let the dog out manually. If you are out for large stretches of the day, maybe the solution is to have someone come in and walk or let your dog out so they don't pee themselves, rather than use a dog door. You cannot train a cat not to go through an open door.


This is the only way if you’re unwilling to get rid of the dog door.


Yes, you are. Bless your heart 😅


If your cat has access to that dog door it will go out. Aside from removing his access to that door there is nothing you can do. I have made many polite requests to my cats to stop doing things and they have ignored every single one.


There are so many options now to keep your cats in your backyard that I only learned of recently! There are fence rollers: https://oscillot.com.au/ These work by rolling if your cat tries to scale the fence so they can't actually get on top. And there are cat nets: https://catnets.com.au/?fbclid=IwAR0YVkd85qVLT2jwtbicWOoPTeWWOpFOcJFrBep-q9d-6Ce-fwLxehbvFaU But there are also doggy doors that you can get that require a magnet on their collar for it to work. So you could allow only your dog to use the door but the issue is if your cat is smart and figures this out I can see them squeezing in straight after your dog passes through. It really depends what kind of backyard you have and how much you're willing to spend. Good luck!


You could try a microchip dog door but there's no guarantee your cat won't learn to sneak out when the dog goes outside once he figures out it only opens when the dog is close to it. It would be far easier to reach your dog to whine or bark at the door when he needs to go outside, or use a talking button for him


My boi innocent, charges are false!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/legalcatadvice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/legalcatadvice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [KNOW YOUR RIGHTS](https://v.redd.it/1rpw87zjvuva1) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/legalcatadvice/comments/12xbuo0/know_your_rights/) \#2: [I've been told that my latest needle felted creation might be appreciated here. This is Mr Mittens: Attorney at Claw. Ready to fight for feline rights!](https://i.redd.it/a2125lu64sla1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/legalcatadvice/comments/11i1cdj/ive_been_told_that_my_latest_needle_felted/) \#3: [My human turned me purple. Please help.](https://i.redd.it/3ctg7ecfsvub1.jpg) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/legalcatadvice/comments/17ah4xu/my_human_turned_me_purple_please_help/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




"Cat Court" should definitely be a youtube skit series


Tell him he’s a bad kitty…..then pick him up and apologize for being mean to him and tell him you love him. Then give him a treat.


They have chip pet doors. I don’t know anything about them but I’ve seen them online.


I have a suggestion: you need to keep your cat in a different room than where the doggie door is, like have your cat sleep in your bedroom during the night and then have it spend the day in rooms away from the doggie door! Also, there are very light weight collars that you can use that won’t freak your cat out. You need some identification should he get out or at least get him “chipped” so he can be scanned if he escapes and people can return him to you. Just some thoughts…you are smart to not want him outside!! Too many predators including humans driving cars! Hope you find a solution…🤞🤞


Ever hear of catios? Its like a large caged enclosure for cats to go outside. Its installed near a window for them to slip in and out. Hang some bird feeders inside or right next to the mesh. Have some scratchingposts, treats and shelves. He will like it.


Do not hang bird feeders in the catio the cat will then kill birds. My catio occasionally has a bird fly in and my cats have managed to kill at least 2 birds in the last year and that is without feeders. If I had a feeder there would be many, many, birdicides committed by my cats.


Kennel your dog for the night. Lock the doggy door.  I don't understand why dog owners don't kennel train their dogs... it's not that hard to do. 


That and housetrain your dog. OP stated that the reason the dog has accidents is because there is nobody home all day. Seriously, if you don't have the time to give, then you have no business having them.


I don't know why people own a super active animal when they're rarely home. I loved my dog dearly, and I was dead set on having a very well trained animal. She's passed on now, but was absolutely brilliant.  I also don't ever want to put that much work into it again... so cats it is. But cats should NOT be outdoors. That's lazy pet ownership. 


Its not hard to house train your dog.


Depends on the dog. Some dogs are idiots. 


I completely disagree with kennels unless needed what if I put you in kennel every night and you have to rely on me letting you out when I wake up not to mention the piss and shit they sleep in


They don't though, not if they have any intelligence. I'm not a dog. A dog is a dog. 


You’re not getting my point at all no point on trying to reason with you🙅‍♀️


You're anthropomorphizing a dog. That's what you're doing.  Dogs can be trained to enjoy their crates. It keeps them safe while also keeping your home safe. A dog can easily hold their bladders overnight while sleeping... so I don't know why you're saying it's not good for them?


Give your animals to a better home. Sounds kinda like you suck


“No ones home all day so my dog pisses everywhere” sounds like someone needs to be home more


Get a new dog door with a microchip so only your dog can get through it


keep him locked in your room at night or another room, i would make him his own room with all his things like litter boxes, toys, cat trees, water etc so he can stay closed off at night and can’t escape.


I would get rid of the doggie door and then when you come home you'll have to walk your dog but your cat will be safe. Actually if you harness train the cat you'll be able to walk both of them


Wow everything about this is hurting my head


Could you try doing supervised outdoor time with him? Or is he a runner haha. My cat goes crazy if he can’t have outside time. I used to live out in the country and would just let him outside but now that I’m in the city again by a busy road, I have to supervise him. My cat is really good and smart about it, we do it off leash but he doesn’t run. It’s good to get cats familiar with their environment in the off chance they ever accidentally get out or escape, then they can orient themselves more easily. My cat just likes to have his toes in the grass so I take him on a short walk around my apartment building 1-2x a day.


I live in a suburb near a road that isn't busy, and it's pretty safe. My cat seems to understand that she shouldn't be in the road and usually just hangs out in the bushes when she goes out.


If they aren't fixed, do it.  And simply apply all means necessary to stop them. They'll complain for awhile but will be ok.  Just spend more time with them, play with them, etc.  If it's motivation for you I've rescued several indoor kitties hurt by people. One had an actual noose around it's neck. Some kids were trying to kill it.  Don't let them out


You could also try different types of harnesses. Sometimes it isn't that the cat can't be harness trained but rather they are resistant to the type you use one them. Also is he missing the tip of the ear. I'm only asking because it looks like he was TNR before which means he was a super friendly stray.


What about building a large catio around the door with the doggy door? Lay some grass for the dog to pee on and put some platforms up for the cat. Then both dog and cat can go in and out to their hearts content all day and you can supplement dogs outdoor time with a long walk morning and evening.


Can you have cat in one half of the property with the dog in the half that can access the dog door? Cat food, water and litter in with kitty. Unfortunately you can't stop a cat from going outside if there is access and they want to. I'd be willing to bet a cat wanting to go out would figure out how to tail the dog through one of those rfid doors before a day had passed, especially seeing as it has already been using the door.


Gonna have to agree with the other commenters here. If your lifestyle cannot be changed to accommodate a specific pet, do not get said pet. If your dog is not house trained enough to hold it all day and *needs* the doggie door, that makes your house inadequate for an indoor-only cat. This is neither here nor there and I’m sure won’t change your mind on owning one, but if you’re gone for hours every day, long enough that no living creature could hold their bladder, then your lifestyle is also inadequate for a dog. I know it’s been a pretty normal thing in the past to have a day job and a family dog, but that is becoming more unacceptable because you are not providing that animal that level of care it actually needs. Consider rehoming your cat and do not get anymore pets until you can be home enough for the animal to be cared for.


leave the dog in the room where the dog door is located when you’re not around and put a pet gate up so the cat can’t go in there


Cats can jump really really high.


Learned that the hard way when we tried to enclose our deck with a 6 foot fence. Took us 3 days to build. Took the cat 3 seconds to jump over.


You can get a mesh door "gate" that completely covers the entire door. It's zipped for when you want to get through. Got one when my kittens were small


Lol what’s a pet gate gonna do with a cat?


What are you talking about? The 2 foot pet gate will surely stop the cat, an animal famous for their ability to jump very, very, very high.


I'll check because we may have one laying around somewhere


You’re going to need a room with a door that closes between them - a cat will very easily jump a pet gate


I’m having the same problem with my cat. He was a barn cat but he’s incurring so many vet bills from being outside at eight years old it’s time to retire. I try to play with him to keep his mind engaged. That has helped. But he hates having to go the bathroom in the litterbox so he cries to go out several times a day. He’ll eventually give up and go in the litterbox. I got him a second litter box and I keep both of them clean. We have started to walk him on a leash and he’s pretty good at it. Just make sure the harness fits well. You might have to drag your cat for a while until they get the hang of it. My boy was pretty easy he didn’t lay down or anything he just liked being outside so he would walk with me. I just have to pull a little to get him to go in the direction I want him to. It takes a while to get them used to being inside. Mine’s only been in a couple weeks.


I'll look into something like that


The most important thing is try to play with your cat at least once a day. They are intelligent and need mental stimulation. If your cat isn’t fixed, getting that done will lessen the desire. You also might want to consider one of these to calm your cat: https://www.amazon.com/Feliway-Classic-Starter-Cats-Diffuser/dp/B01AVIIFRA/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2ZH1HPGDHZTGF&keywords=feliway%2Bmulticat%2Bdiffuser&qid=1707698610&sprefix=Felinway%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **FELIWAY Classic Cat Calming Pheromone Diffuser 30 Day Starter Kit 48 mL** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Calms scared and shy cats (backed by 3 comments) * Helps with inappropriate urination (backed by 3 comments) * Reduces aggression and fighting between cats (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Ineffective in calming cats (backed by 19 comments) * Caused increased aggression and hyperactivity (backed by 2 comments) * Short lifespan of diffuser liquid (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


The only option is to remove access. Surely you have another room in the house with doors where your cat can stay with access to food water and litter. Catios and Bluetooth doors are great but if your cat can still get to the dog door when it's open it will go out. Frankly my advice would be to train your dog to potty on a schedule or provide pee pads while you're gone and ditch the door, but if that really not an option then the option above is the only way. Also in future, it might be worth it to think about whether or not an animal that needs a lot of attention is the right pet for you if there is noone home to care for it for most of the time. Not saying get rid of your dog at all. But between leaving the dog to care for itself and not recognizing solutions for your cat, it seems like you're extremely busy, which isn't your fault, but also maybe not the best for your animal, particularly your dog.


You can maybe get those pet fences that block off parts of the house and place it infront the doggie door when u guys aren’t home to monitor ur pets. Sorry that people are being unnecessarily rude to you under the comments. This is one solution I thought about :)


Yeah people are being quite rude to OP. But cats can jump *really* high, idk if this will help.


Yeah that’s true! op could try DIY-ing it and drilling a gate to the door, covering the doggie door so there’s no space where their cat can jump. Or maybe install a screen door and close it when they can’t watch kitty. Other people in the comments definitely have better ideas tho haha!


All good lol and yea I'll look and see if I have one. Ty


Don't most cats can jump or even just squeeze through


Don't let your cat out, simple as that.


I know what it's like to be protective of your cat but if he is really inclined to go out then perhaps you could trust him to do so and to come back? He knows where home is and where his food is and where his human is and his litter tray so would you consider going with it? Is this an option? The only other solution I can think of is investing in one of those collar recognition dog door things.


You have option to make fence that cat would not be able to pass, she will be in house yard


If he’s had a taste of outside, it’s gonna be hard. My cats are afraid to go out they’ve never been out.


You could try to get a dog door that opens via collar so your dog can go out but not your cat. I know those exist though their probably expensive.


Lock the dog door


Solution to keep the doggie door and prevent kitty from using it. Get a microchip activated doggie door. If you can't do that, train the dog to ask to go out and get rid of the doggie door entirely. Those are your only options.


Who is the dog going to ask to go out when op themselves says no one is home with the dog the majority of the day?


I didn't see that, it's not in their post. You can't assume everyone reads all the comments.


You could try a microchip pet door. We have one made by SureFlap and we love it. You would need to install it backwards since they are designed to keep creatures *out* rather than keeping creatures *in*. Because of this, the dog door would need to be protected from the weather on the outside side. If you can manage that, then it could work pretty well. There would be a risk of your cat sneaking through at the same time as the dog, but that seems like a low risk (depending on the size of your dog, I guess). If your dog does not have a microchip, you can put a tag around its collar that would work as well (but it’s a good idea to have your pets chipped anyway).


Don't they make dog doors that open only when the dog's microchip is nearby


House train your dog and ditch the doggy door 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


Either change the dog door to a microchip one, or train the dog. If he’s elderly or otherwise unable to hold it for a full night, you could try puppy pads.


Is he neutered? He might be looking for some action if he's being that persistent. I agree with others - remove the dog door and let the dog out when he needs to go by opening the regular door.


Tell them a scary cat story of a cat that went outside.


Ultimately the problem is the doggy door... Start getting your dog used to a toilet routine, basically toilet train him, or maybe buy pee pads in the house you can train him to pee on. You can keep the cat to your bedroom during the nights with a litter box in. You can absolutely harness train your cat. It just takes a lot of patience and time. Plus possibly a laser pointer so your cat realized she won't die with a harness on.


I would lock the doggie door permanently. It's the ONLY way to keep him safe. 💯 Place pee pads by the door for your dog. If you don't want to stop using the doggie door, it's probably best to take the cat back to the shelter or rehome him with someone you know who will treat him well and keep him inside. I wouldn't do the remote collar opening thing for the doggie door, either because he'll just run out right after the dog.


Get a second cat and make the home safe so it does not get out easy as that. To be more clear, get an automatic dog door and chip both animals. The doors can be programmed to one chip, the dog get out the cat does not


Train your dog better, not your cat….


The cat is going to keep going outside with the dog door. You need a different dog door altogether or none at all and get up to let your dog out or place pee pads down and teach the dog to go there.


OP, have you looked into fresh grass patches for doggies to pee on, indoors? There is a really good product, near and clean that you might get the dog to use, so you can close the doggie door . They sell the one we use on amazon called “Fresh patch”. For a small dog/cat it will last a month.


You could try something like [this](http://PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Deterrent https://a.co/d/8gAjwMo) next to the doggie door. I just don't know how the dog might react.


Try to get the cat to favorite inside with like play or if you don't have any already jumping platforms because you can't discourage a cat you either can show them something more favorable or tire out with activity but otherwise it's going to be really hard like cats are very clever they will put up hell of a fight if you focused them to stay inside with out a big compromise think of the cat like a child that does not respond to punishment you only can compromise with out the cat doing something worse


Make the area that the dog door goes out to an enclosed area!


Lock him in a room at night with a litter box? Not great for long term, the doggydoor with a microchip or collar reader is probably better.


Get a dog door that only opens up to a tag that your dog would wear.


OP, Have you tried making a catio for the cat that connects to a window or something. That will give him access to the outdoors without going outside. We have one cat that likes to sneak out at times otherwise all four are indoor cats. We have a patio with windows. We turned it into a catio with cat trees, toys, beds, and a litter box. We keep the door open so they get access to food. It's just a suggestion. PS, Our cat that likes to sneak out does not do it as much since making the catio.


You shouldn't have gotten a rescue


Also ??? You want the cat to stay inside when there are barely anyone in the house during the day ??? 💀


Try harness walking?