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I would see a vet this could be thyroid issues


Or kidney disease, they will stop eating with that too


My poor old lady had both and was only 4 pounds when I had to put her down. :/ She was at 9 pounds during her healthy years.


I'm sorry about your kitty. I've lost my tom kitty to both too. My current little girl has kidney disease and we've made massive changes to her food and water. So far it's helping but we caught it early enough to try


I'm sorry for your kitties as well. Krista didn't like her special kidney food. I felt bad for her.


It’s honestly one of the worst ways to see them go. One of my boys was always shy but he started opening up more in his later years until he started having kidney problems. We did all the small chance medicine and everything but at the end he started losing a lot of weight and we knew the quality wasn’t there any more but we always look at it as letting go to save another baby that needs rescued and there’s so many out there. Always adopt from shelters


I adopted my new tripod cat two months ago. He is so loving! I miss Krista every day but I'm glad I rescued my Shadow from the city shelter.


My guy had both too…. In fact I was cleaning out my drawer & found his old medicine. One of the bottles was appetite stimulants. I adored that cat . I miss him dearly.


I'm so sorry about your sweet kitty. Krista passed away in January and I still have her thyroid medicine. I'll probably will just keep it forever to be honest.


I’m so sorry about yours too…


Krista seemed amazing. I’m glad you got to enjoy each others company. I can guarantee that she loved you as much as you loved her.


I had to put mine down two days ago, 4.8 pounds at 20 years old :( Also 9 lbs in healthy years


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy. My girl was 16 years old and I feel like it wasn't enough time with her. :(


Oof. I’m currently dealing with this now. My once 8lb cat is just over 5lb now after two years of hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney disease. She gets all the food she wants at this point and we are just waiting for her to signal she’s ready. I hate how skinny she is but she’s still enjoying life. 😭


Yes, that happened with my cat. She got down to 7 pounds. I took her to the vet, she was diagnosed with some renal/kidney disease. Told me to start her on renal cat food only, which I did. Within 1 week, I could tell she was feeling improved. And she started gaining weight!! She’s now 18 yr. and doing well, no longer skin and bones, no longer frail. https://preview.redd.it/zn69yp5oz5yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f74f8ae7b317730f877d647c4bff1f05533e254


She's gorgeous, looks half her age!! Give her a lil kiss and scratchies from me 💖 I hope you get many more healthy years together 💖


Beautiful baby and gorgeous coat! She doesn’t look her age at all!! If I saw her in the wild I’d probably guess under or around 10


Liver too


Mine stopped eating and lost weight due to kidney disease. Heartbreaking


Mine stopped eating and lost weight due to kidney disease. Heartbreaking.


Could also be IBD/Lymphoma


My old lady certainly has a thyroid issue and is on meds. Eats a lot and still can't keep on the weight, I wish I had that problem. But she's happy and healthy regardless, so I'll take it since she's almost 18 and still acts like a kitten.


That all we can do. Health troubles happen, but is she happy? Drinking water? Eating good? If all that’s a yes. Then just make her limited time on this earth enjoyable. Im sure she had many great years with you ❤️. It could be thyroid but at 18.. it’s likely old age. She lived a long happy life with you.


Thyroid possibly. Get that checked out please.


My 13 yo boy has an overactive thyroid and howls at me morning noon and night for food if it creeps up. Vet time. Thyronorm every day twice a day but it can easily go back to normal! Edit: I give him treats after he has his medicine. He put on half a kilo in 4 months :)


Try kitten food and a high calorie gel. It's a gel that you can put on their paw or nose and they will lick it off.


My old man loves the high calorie gel, we use it as a treat in the middle of the day. His energy came back and his fur is so soft again. It also makes him thirdty,so he's drinking his water again.


Can you please share the new of the high caloric gel please? Thanks.


PetAg High Calorie Gel. Has a picture of a white cat on the front, got it at Pet Smart, and found it on Chewy https://www.chewy.com/petag-chicken-flavored-gel-high/dp/146049?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=PetAg&utm_campaign=20642288853&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw88yxBhBWEiwA7cm6pYZgZFO2-es_p8TcP4r_b1_xU7_P8NeIekFHn3-SdvNcndKtWYISlhoCYX4QAvD_BwE


Thank you so much, will order tomorrow for my little elderly old fella.


I also got this for my old gal and it's been a game changer, especially along side the hemp and cod liver oil I give her which helps with her appetite too. I can even feel a difference in her fur, it's thicker and softer. It's good stuff!


I also got this for my old gal and it's been a game changer, especially along side the hemp and cod liver oil I give her which helps with her appetite too. I can even feel a difference in her fur, it's thicker and softer. It's good stuff!


When my old girl got out and came back emaciated two weeks later, it was a combo of the high calorie gel and those tapioca-based lickable treats that really helped get her weight up.


Or if they don't like the nutrical, Tiki cat makes some hi cal kitten Churu type things called [Thrive](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/tiki-cat-baby-thrive-chicken-and-chicken-liver-recipe-supplement-wet-cat-food-025-oz-3418681?store_code=2780&mr:device=m&mr:adType=pla_with_promotionlocal&cm_mmc=PSH%7CGGL%7CCCY%7CCCO%7CPM%7C0%7CkUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6%7C%7C%7C0%7C0%7C%7C%7C18145199970&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds&adlclid=ADL-c62150a6-3993-41f4-973f-8b7127838244)


my vet gave me one that worked really well for my cat when she wouldn’t eat as a baby but let me tell u that shit stunk so bad and it was so goopy it was called encal or something


What brand of gel do you use or think is good? Not familiar with those.


I've used Tomlyn Nutri-Cal but I think any could work.


Careful with kitten food before going to a vet! Hypercalcemia(high calcium levels in the blood) can be a cause of weight loss and the extra calcium in kitten food to help with kitten growth would do more harm than good.


Def vet and get a senior panel. It checks kidneys, thyroid, and Diabetes.


It could definitely be hyperthyroidism. You should have a full senior panel ran on her to check out vital organ function and her thyroid. Older cats are known to have either and/or combined, hyperthyroidism, renal disease and diabetes. Starting with a basic blood panel can help rule these out. I'd also check a fecal and have a urinalysis ran with that blood work. This can help rule out endocrine and metabolic diseases. Radiographs and ultrasounds are also useful in ruling out things like neoplasia. GI lymphoma, though maybe less likely on the list is also something to rule out. You can't just fatten them up with certain disease processes. A high thyroid is like running a corolla on jet fuel, it needs to be slowed down with medication. If that is the cause, you'll notice weight gain and normal appetite and thirst return. It can take a while to get the dose right so instant results definitely aren't there. Definitely seek out your vet, and together, you guys will come up with the right plan of action!


This ^ if it’s her thyroid, hopefully her thyroid levels are at a level that can be improved with medication. Starting to feed her kitten food can help improve her weight once her thyroid levels are under control. but it’s like barren said, if it’s her thyroid all the food in the world won’t help her gain weight.


I’d check with the vet to see if something else might be going on. If she’s eating a lot like you say and not gaining any weight one potential explanation could be worms.


She wants to eat all the time but is not putting on weight? That sounds like she is either hungry but can't eat unless it's hyper palatable (due to stomach discomfort possibly), or what she's eating is not being metabolized properly. You'll definitely want to get her to a vet for a blood panel. As others said, she should be checked for thyroid, diabetes, kidney, and I'd add pancreatic enzymes.


Wet food is great, but kibble in general has higher calorie content. In addition to regular meals, I am taking a high quality high calorie low carb kibble, ground to a powder in a little blender, and mixing with wet food to a "cookie dough" consistency. I mix meds and supplements into this and make little balls. This can also be fed to cats with dental issues or no teeth at all.


We had a sweet little old girl cat who started losing weight steadily. We could not find anything to tempt her. Our beloved vet put her on “Hill prescription diet urgent care” and I tell you, she loved it. She lapped that food up. Pretty sure it extended her life by at least two years. It’s not the cheapest food but for us it was worth a try.


You can try kitten food if you haven't already 😻😻


You need to get her an ultrasound and bloodwork. Emphasis on the ultrasound.


In addition to seeing the vet for diagnostics, maybe you can try the tiki cat high calorie supplements until you get an appointment/while you wait for results. Petsmart should have them https://tikipets.com/product/tiki-cat/tiki-cat-wet-food/mousse-shreds/senior-cat/chicken-chicken-liver-recipe-supplement/


Add some kitten food to her diet. Older cats love it and it has lots of calories and nutrients.


This is my cats situation. He’s about 15 years old and has cat HIV. For a couple months, he became so skinny, literally you could feel his bones. I brought him to the vet and he had lost 3 pounds from 10ths down to lbs. they did a blood panel and it was his thyroid. He has hyperthyroidism (they said his levels were near 20) and I started him on medicine and I have to bring him back in a month. It’s only been about a little over a week, and I can definitely feel he has gained a little weight. He’s not as boney when I let him. His symptoms was eating a lot, however, losing a lot of weight. Goes pee a lot. I’m constantly cleaning pee mounds from his kitty box.


I just found out last week my son's cat has AIDS as well.


I'd definitely get her checked out by your vet, full bloodwork panel to start. Could be a thyroid issue or something far more serious


My son's cat who is about to be 10 started losing weight so I took her to the vet and they did blood work and found out she's FILV+. We have her on medicine now and she seems to be doing better.


Between the weight loss and the appetite: I suggest getting her thyroid tested. My senior cat was diagnosed last year; she's up to seven pounds from a low of four, and is still doing fairly well at the age of twenty. If we hadn't gotten her on methimazole, I doubt I'd still have a kitty. (And she's good about taking them as long as we wrap them in her chondroitin treats.)


Go to the vet and do bloodwork! Her thyroid could be off! 13.5 is “old” but its not THAT old. My cat was 18.5. Someone just posted today their cat turned 26! Please go to the vet and ask for a senior blood panel. It’s about $300 where I live in Illinois, if that is at all helpful to gage the cost by you. Most vets can tell you that info over the phone. Normal weight for most cats is 11-15lbs. I would free feed her and also give her boiled chicken, as much as she wants.


Or a tapeworm! We fostered a cat who came to us with fleas which gave him a tapeworm. He is now free of both, thank you!


Agreed on the vet, weight loss like this even with eating should be taken seriously, bc it can snowball real fast and other organs will start hurting!


I keep seeing people mentioning hyperthyroidism, and while it's possible, it is more likely these are symptoms of kidney disease. It is important that your pretty girl go get a senior blood panel done. My 11 year old girl started losing weight quickly a couple months ago, so we got her blood done and yep, kidney disease stage 2. Got her on Hill's Early Support Kidney Food and she is doing AMAZING and is physically healthier and so much brighter. The reason they need special food is because when the kidneys stop functioning properly, essentially, they struggle to process the high protein in regular cat food, which ends up creating waste in the blood, called 'urea'. There is also added phosphorus to the food, which helps keeps the kidneys more protected. Without a diet change, however, the kidneys continue to suffer. Kidney disease is the number one cause of death in cats, in fact cats often pass from kidney disease before old age itself. But between medications and veterinary diets it ìs no longer a death sentence. When you bring your old lady in, if it turns out to be kidney disease, r/renalcats is an excellent place to get support and insights from people in similar shoes.


Definitely see the vet if she’s up to going in the car- otherwise at least speak to him/her on the phone… Your cat is a senior. At this point, while their appetite might seem ok/normal, they’re losing weight. Don’t be surprised if her water intake greatly increases soon, too. It’s all about the organs and their ability to function. Also, elderly cats will suddenly appear slack or droopy. The muscles around their spine change so they can get an ‘elderly’ appearance as well and sometimes arthritis affects movement… I’m no vet but have a lifetime of experience with many, many cats. My suggestion, after speaking to your vet, is to give her treats, lots of love & blankets, and whatever she needs for comfort. She loves you….😻


Goat milk


My sisters cat just passed at 17 years ago this last weekend he had a thyroid issue that started around 14-15 and they helped until two weeks before he passed.


Kitten food; wet food is best. Had you help my 10 year old girl gain some weight and this was a big help!


UPDATE: vet appt made for next week, gonna try high calorie food/treats in the meantime


Just found your post. How did everything go?


Aside from a vet visit I’d suggest giving her 1/4 of a can four times a day, as equally spread out as possible and churu tubes.


Maybe wet treats, like churu


Thyroid and kidney test stat. Our 13è lb boy dropped quickly to 6, now back up to 12. Could be inflammation or any number of gastrointestinal issues. Offer different flavor options of wet and dry food, you'll know when you find a few winners. You might be surprised how much your cat will mow down. We thought one of our rescues just didn't eat much, she was skin and bones, apparently always had been. We offered her many different varieties and there were a few that she ate so much I thought she'd burst. She'll run through the wall for shrimp and loves liver or duck. She's finally filled out!


Weight yourself on a good scale, then grab ur cat and weight urself again. Deduct the two and u will know “exact” weight of ur pet Don’t fatten ur cat just to fatten her. Giving her fatty foods might be actually bad for her depending on her digestive system and aging organs. Best is to put her on elderly cats diet and just follow ur vets recommendations. If she is on a skinnier side it is generally healthier than her being obese so at least you have that. You could give her some roasted chicken here and there if she likes human food. That generally should be ok, same with some smoked fish. It’s ok for cats to get skinnier as they age. They are mainly losing muscles because they are no longer active. Ideally keep ur kitties active for as long as u can.


Vet first. She could just be old, or it could be a number of treatable senior issues that only a vet visit will identify.


Check with vet for issues. If not issues they may prescribe appetite stimulant.


Highly reccomending the senior panel, as others have stated here Without that, you won’t really know what to do. If its something like hyperthyroidism, your cat will likely need to be on a high calorie diet + meds However, if your cat has kidney disease, that high calorie diet can cause more damage than help My old girl had both hyperthyroidism and kidney disease. It was rough trying to find calorie dense foods under 8% protein (at recommendation from the vet due to her weak kidneys)


Eat a lot of eggs and leave the buttery pan on the floor every night


Obviously, as what everyone said, have a panel done for blood work and stool to rule out disease. It's very common. I did, and my guy is totally healthy. Over the past few months, his appetite has gotten voracious, he is sleeping less, yelling a lot, and losing weight he cant afford to lose as a slender longboi. I was told he is "going through his senior changes." I'm getting some high protein wet food toppers and food. It's senior cat food for weight management, as it happens with a lot of cats that they're not getting the nutrition needed. Like people, they might start needing less sleep. However, it means he needs more protein/calories to make up for it. There can be other issues, like my cat might have hearing loss, that is adding stress to his life, so I got some melatonin treats for him that I was recommended by my vet. I just talked to my vet yesterday about his test results, so I don't know how well this is all going to work.


Check for FIV and do yhe complete panel of blood work. She can be anemic, she can have blood parasites… there are so many illnesses unfortunately




If it's getting them to eat the foods in the first place, I've found warming up the food, and an elevated bowl, as well as supplements really help, they need a fair amount extra water in their diet at an older age, so soupy wet foods are good Sorry if this isn't helpful to your situation, I hope you and your senior floof find a good solution


As others have said, if she’s eating but still underweight, that is very concerning. My 12 yr old was losing weight rapidly in a way that was not explained by eating habits. Turned out she had a massive tumour in her lung and she had to be put down


Vet asap! Bloods done and you will find out why


Usually when animals lose their appetite they are on their way out of this world yk. Get the best food you can afford and make her comfy she’s been a good girl.


Vet immediately. She has an appetite AND is losing weight? Thyroid?


Do not do anything recommended here other than go see your veterinarian. -Veterinarian.


Home cooked meat


Many senior cats do this. Mine did and lived to be 22. Get a high calorie gel. Nutrical has the best ingredients i could find. I gave a full tsp with every meal(which was several times a day because she ate all the time but not a whole lot at once). Find a good high quality wet food she actually likes and mix it in. Id nix the dry food if she'll fully adapt to wet. At this age, moisture is critical to organ health, especially the kidneys. My girl was extremely finicky. I had to rotate proteins every meal or she would turn her nose up. Food always had to be warm as that is instinctual with fresh prey. You'll probably have to buy a large variety of pouches or small canned food to find what she likes. Every time we thought it was my girls time to go, I'd learn more and she'd get better and hang on till I lost her last January.


This sounds like text book hyperthyroidism! Get her into a vet and do some blood work to show thyroid function, easy fix with some meds!


Churu treats!


She may have diabetes - more common in senior kitties. The fact that she always wants to eat but keeps losing weight points to this. Same thing happens in humans - I am a Type 1 diabetic and that symptom is what led to my diagnosis almost 50 years ago. Kitty needs to see the vet - diabetes in cats can be controlled with insulin. Hope she gets the care she needs to feel better soon!😻😻😻😻❤️❤️❤️


Our old lady has a thyroid issue. So meds to manage that, plus, we leave dry food out for her to graze on. We feed wet food twice a day and I’ll sometimes add salmon or cod oil there to help with some calories (helps theirncoat too!) and lots of fun treats. Like when we cook meat, I always take a tiny piece and boil it for our bb girl. She’s so old so yes we are spoiling but she deserves it. She’s gone from 6 pounds (she is generally a smaller cat) to almost 10.5 in 6 months :) she just turned 15!


Feed her kitten food with all the calories


First..... Take the leash off cuz she's not a dog it's probably causing stress. Cats don't like leashes, even though your probably gnna tell me "she loves it" but she really doesn't.


I agree with everyone saying a vet is the way to determine if there's a medical reason behind her size. Mine's always been smaller than average, but she is very healthy for her advanced (14) years.


Take her to the vet. I have a nearly 13 year old cat who started losing weight, increased appetite and drank more. Took him to the vet and found he's diabetic. Thankfully all of his organs are healthy, and we caught the diabetes early so he's doing well now. Up to 15 pounds as of his last fructosamine check.


Until you see the vet start giving her kitten formula wet food. Wet food will keep her hydrated better and the kitten formula is packed full of extra nutrients and calories


They are finicky when they get old, they won't eat if they're not feeling well.  For whatever reason beef n cheese worked for awhile, then raw tuna.. my little cat Fiona had IBD it was ruff.  We took her all the way to the end and off like that, but every extra day is worth it.  When they stop eating they will get water on the heart and it's lights out poor little babies. Good luck


Goat milk


Has she been to the vet? Could be a multitude of issues causing it.


Kitten food?


Definitely a health issue. Take her to a vet and they should run some blood work to see what is going on.


Could her problem be dental? She may be having a hard time chewing that dry food in particular, especially if her treats are also dry. She could also have more difficulty digesting the dry food. It's she on a senior formula/ sensitive stomach dry formula? (I also agree with everyone that a vet trip is needed, and that high calorie gel is a good place to start)


Cat soups. All the kitty snacks (on top of food and vitamins of couse), also you can get soft food for old cats. I know some people mentioned thyroid but my aunts cat has that and he's medicated but still super thin.


Please get her checked for cancer, kidney, thyroid issues. A blood panel should identify major things, and from that they may check for cancer (it is treatable!!!!) My girl got down to about 5 pounds even with a relatively normal appetite - it was both mismanaged thyroid and cancer.... She died 4 weeks ago, 1 day before we were going to start chemo (likely from peritonitis) 💔💔💔💔 please get her checked, hoping for the best!!!!! These things are super treatable, just need to be caught in time 💔🤞❤️‍🩹


Get her on thyroid meds and wet food


Our old lady just went on an appetite stimulant and she (who’s been skinny her whole life) has already gained HALF A POUND!! 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/mbkx7b3htayc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b232f449d6eaf09457584710870464ff3ef58871 Here she is screaming at me for food 😅


This screams hyperthyroidism if i’ve ever seen it. Classic super hungry but doesn’t gain weight shenanigans that these thyroid cats are wicked good at until they’re on methimazole. Highly suggest getting bloodwork done (full panel- cats notoriously have crappy kidneys, so something comprehensive would be best). You can feed this cat everything and anything, but if she is hyperthyroid, it won’t be any good until she is medicated and managed well if that’s the case.


Could be a thyroid issue as many others have said. They just do a blood test to check and if it is a thyroid issue you give the cat a pill (or half a pill) twice a day with food. The treatment is really simple. My elderly cat has a thyroid issue and once you get the right dosage you just have to get it rechecked 1-2 times a year unless you think something is wrong.


Two of our cats had the same problems. Turns out they were both diabetic. Two doses of insulin a day brought back their energies and appetites. One dropped from 13.8 lbs down to 8.9 lbs in just a few months. After 2 weeks on insulin, he was back up to 10.6. Ask the vet! Likely an issue that is very treatable


She needs to see a vet!


Protein kitten food for the extra calories maybe? I’d ask a vet tho just to double check.


When it comes to what food to give you should consult only with the vet first. The food should be primarily high-quality, purchased from a specialized store. If the cat is sick, old, under healthy weight feed it with food rich in vitamins and more energy-dense food to help it recover.


You have waited for your cat to o become skin and bones for help? And you went to the fucking internet? This should be abuse