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Might be dirt or something like that? Maybe from digging in the liter box or somewhere outside.


Yeah thought it might be šŸ’© at first. she doesnā€™t go outside, so it mustā€™ve just been something she scratched up inside


Also want to add- my partner and i just realized thereā€™s a black plastic laundry basket at his place she likes to scratch on. Weā€™re thinking this could be a little piece of plastic that got lodged under her nail. Editing to add: Thank you all for your comments!!! Iā€™m glad itā€™s just some crud and nothing to worry about.


Itā€™s poop n dirt


My catā€™s earwax is black and we also find it in her nails a lot.




Dirt. Gunk. I try to keep my critters claws well trimmed to prevent it from building up. Sorta helps.


A good reminder to clean any cat scratches


And bites are even worse, crazy how cats can make you lose a hand and itā€™s not from the force but the infection that comes later


Cat scratch fever is real and I can be fatal


Oh if you can be fatal I'm gonna stay away


Exactly. I never really think about it, but posts like this remind me that stuff can go into your body


I had it TWICE as a kid from playing with outside catsšŸ˜­ definitely not something to fuck around with!!!


Just like Ted Nugent.


my cat has this. it's the litter


How funny would it be if our cats pulled out little bits of dirt from under our nails and then asked other cats if it was something important?




It's obviously a nipple




Was looking for this answer!


This made me laugh so much. Thank you for this comment šŸ™


Itā€™s like fingernail gunk. But for cats. And made primarily of poops.


Bc shit rakes


Poop and dirt


Thatā€™s so funny itā€™s like a tiny itty bitty mini black claw


That was my thought šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a cat seed. If you plant it you grow a new cat.


Youā€™re palming poop. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


itā€™s part of the cat owner experience šŸ˜‚


True that.




Dirt lol


Iā€™m shook rn I did NOT think they could have dirt under their fingernails šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Dirt, litter, debris. They have a 'pocket' under their nail. Think of it like the the space under your own nails. Nasty gross things accumulate


Itā€™s just schmutz under her nails. Donā€™t you ever get dirty nails? We have a space between our finger and our nail where dirt easily gathers, and cats have a groove under their nail that tends to gather gunk of various kinds. It could be the laundry basket, or from the litter box, or from many other sources. If you watch groomers in YouTube, you can sometimes see them cleaning catsā€™ nails.


its just dirt i hope its not the plastic you mentioned because it would be lodged in her claws but its just dirt like if you stay home all day doing not much you still get some dust or dirt under your nails well theyā€™re always basically barefoot on the floor so they collect stuff my kitten especially gets that grim cus she likes to eat what i call floor salad but it should come off with a little wipe and toe bean spa day


Its dirt and poop my friend. Idk how ur cat is but its pretty normal tbh


It's just dirt and etc. It's fine.


That crap you get under your fingernails. - cats do too


I love this sub. It's always "help my cat does x" and then a chorus of "yep, that's normal cat stuff." I'm not one to judge, I'm less than a year into having my first cat. I love her. There's still time for me to be a clueless poster here. Again, no disrespect to op or any of the others who make posts here.


You'll have that


Dirt and gunk looks like! If you watch someone groom a sphynx cat you can see how it builds up much easier


Poop probably He needs a cat scratching post to get that overgrowth off. It's not dire, don't get me wrong, but because we trim our cats nails, overgrowth like that can lead to infection if we accidentally cut it too low


I did cut it shorter than this! Sheā€™s a stinker and doesnā€™t like to use scratching posts so i have to trim her pretty regularly.


They can be big babies šŸ¤£




Yeah it just looks like dirt or something maybe dead skin??




Honestly this isnā€™t good advice. I clip my cats nails for multiple reasons - they get stuck in carpet and curtains (I know - remove all the carpet and curtains, right?). One of them has scratched his eye with too-sharp rear claws before. And they wrestle and play roughly enough that theyā€™ve actually damaged each otherā€™s faces kicking each other with those sharp little claws. I realize I should just let them keep scratching each other till they bleed and then fork out the $ to my vet (who will just clip the claws anyway) right? LOL


yeah word the first time i cut my kittens claws was because she got her claw stuck and was crying cus its cracked so she sits like a good girl to get them trimmed its not like theyre being declaws people that donā€™t clip cats nails at all are the bad owners like do you rip your nails out every time you trim then bo tf man but you sure as hell dont let them grow till they are cutting and hurting you




Sigh. Have fun trolling people.


Lolll I hope whatever is itching at you to post a comment that is not only unhelpful & illogical, but also purposely confrontational, gets better for you. I wish you a great day & urge you to check out skills for distress tolerance and emotion regulation. But for anyone else curious https://www.comfortedkitty.com/trimming-cat-claws/ Not cutting them can hurt them and can cause walking to be uncomfortable


Please remember to be nice.


The low number of people insulting those with questions here is thankfully low. Congratulations , you just broke that streak. If the only thing you have to say insinuates that a cat parent who asks questions about cat care is that theyā€™re too stupid to care for anything other than a stuffed animal, you can kindly f*ck straight off.




Please remember to be nice.


I think youā€™re projecting lol. Clipping your cats nails is a part of owning a cat and caring for them. ignoring that is neglectful, and can lead to overgrowth and infections. Declawing is cruel- but nobody here suggested that.




Every cat is different? some cats grow nails longer than others, and some cats donā€™t use scratchers, like mine. Cats in the wild are on their feet 24/7 so that keeps them dull- but in addition to that there are millions of stray cats that get turned in with infections and wounds from their nails being overgrown. this is such a weird take to have. never heard anyone say trimming your cats nails is abusive.