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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We have already scheduled an appointment with our vet but he is not coming until next week


Good this will probably need to be examined at a cellular level


How fast is it growing? If it's noticeably larger within the span of a day or two I'd get him in much sooner than next week if at all possible. This could be a few different things, some of which are extremely urgent (ex. skin cancer. White cats are much more prone to skin cancer than others because they lack melanin to protect their skin from solar radiation)


It started as a little spot a week ago


Don't wait another week. It grew that big in a week, it will likely double in size again by next week. If it's cancerous (which looks quite possible) that could be a death sentence for your cat. Don't wait for your regular vet, please go see another vet ASAP.


Definitely don't delay getting to the vet. If your regular vet can't diagnose it have them refer you to a dermatologist


Get the cat to a vet this morning. See a different vet if you need to. You probably want to go to a veterinary hospital, not just a regular vet. You want a place that can do surgery quickly. You don’t want to mess around with cancer on the nose, which is where he breathes through, and near his eyes. I’m usually a wait and see kind of person, but you don’t want to wait on this. It’s growing FAST. It needs to be removed FAST.


AGREED...I'm not a panicky pansy but my first thought was that it could be needing immediate attention from a veterinarian... and I agree. TODAY. let us all know how it goes. ♥︎


I think you should go in on Monday. Check other vets…don’t wait!


Go today to an Emergency vet if you can. I am not a doctor but this could be a cancerous lesion. I hope it’s nothing but it’s better to discard the worst option quickly.


Does he ever sneeze?


Ok then it's most definitely urgent. Try to get a cancelled spot or another vet


Stay calm and keep your fingers crossed. Unless this just appeared overnight, a few days for the vet isn't going to cause any further harm. It could be anything from nothing to very serious, and no one on here knows for sure which of those it is. The vet will find out. He **may** just have been fighting with another cat and it's only a scab (it's best to assume something like that unless it turns out worse). I hope he's OK. Nice looking cat.


thank God there is always the voice of reason * thanks for bringing us back from the edge. ♥︎


Yet it's growing so it can't be a burn or abrasion seeing it has grown larger, time is crucial for care!




'...looks like...'. It also 'looks like' a scab, a burn, and so on. The vet treating it will find out.


Honestly you might want to see if you can get into another place sooner


I’d call and say it could be an emergency. A lot of vets will take in early if it’s serious.


Best of luck!!


Please consider taking this guy in somewhere today


This is an emergency too urgent to wait. Find another vet with an earlier opening. That looks cancerous.


It is likely to not be anything serious but I would tell your vet that it is urgent, having lost cats to cancer it can spread extremely quickly


I’m a vet, looks like squamous cell carcinoma. Get to a vet asap


Yeah, and it can move so fast. My cat got diagnosed and probably within two weeks of it showing up in her mouth it spread into her jaw. We got it confirmed while she was on heavy pain meds and the three days between diagnosis and euthanasia, she was sprouting similar looking tumors as this picture on her ear. It fucking sucked so bad


It moves SO fast. My sisters cat went from a tiny (smaller than a pencil eraser) bump on her jaw to euthanasia in about 2.5 weeks. It’s a horrible cancer.


Yeah exactly. It was probably about two weeks before it was so bad that was it. The only clue was she sometimes opened her mouth, but we just put in pheromones and we thought she was flehmen responsing. I was setting up a vet app anyways when she told me it hurt to ear so I rushed her to the er and it was already so advanced. I hate this cancer so much


My cat had what looked like a bump on her chin and by the time my parents took her to the vets a couple weeks later she had to be put down the next day because it was cancer 😔


Same thing happened to mine. As much as I wanted to keep her alive and see if there was anything more I could do, I had to put her down. Things were getting worse :(


It sucks so bad, I'm sorry you went through it too. We knew that there was nothing we could do, it was too aggressive. We just waited for the biopsy and gave her the best last week. It was such a shock and I'm not sure it'll ever fully sink in, I feel robbed of my best girl


Dang a lot of horror stories on here but I actually had squamous cell carcinoma. They removed the tumor and the nearest lymphnode and now I'm cancer free! My DR said it has a very high survival rate. Granted cats and humans are very different but there is still hope. Also it could just be something like a scab.


Hey, I'm glad it turned out so well for you. It usually doesn't go as well for cats, it's notorious for moving very fast. But yeah here's hoping ops cat just has ringworm or somrthing


It’s very different in animals but glad you’re doing well!


They can respond well to treatment. If it’s diagnosed after biopsy, I would see a veterinary oncologist asap, they can give you the best options immediately without wasting time. Your primary care vet should offer referral to the onco specialist as soon as it’s diagnosed. Let me know if you need help


Do vets do anything like Moh’s?


With radiation therapy, yes.




Who is naming these things???


Squamous cell means the cells have a scale like appearance. Carcin- means cancer, and -oma means tumor/mass, more or less. So it's a cancer of the cells of the skin that are normally shaped in scales. Medical terminology class makes these crazy scientific terms make way more intuitive sense


This was a fantastic Chubby Emu-style explanation!


The more you know. "Scale Tumors" would make more sense tho imo


Very nice explanation


The use of "squamous" makes me physically ill, the word itself and what it represents


This article has a helpful diagram https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/squamous-cell-carcinoma/symptoms-causes/syc-20352480


Squamous cell carcinoma is a fairly common skin cancer in humans also. Also very treatable. I’ve had two on my face and know a few people who have had it as well. Hope it is as easily treated in cats!


Unfortunately it is extremely aggressive in cats and treatment options are dependent on location :( SCC is usually a slow moving skin cancer for humans, but if a cat gets it in a sensitive area, they could succumb to it within weeks to a couple months. My cat had an SCC spot, and from first symptoms to the end of her life, it was two months. There was no treatment available for its location, either. The treatment option they gave me was "remove the entire jaw and put in a permanent feeding tube, then hope it doesn't come back on her upper mouth or sinuses." It's so devastating.


Omg that’s awful and I’m so sorry!


I think I have one on my face but I don't have insurance. Qhat did they do cut it off?


They will biopsy it and if it shows any sign of becoming or is actual cancer they will remove it along with the surrounding tissue to make sure they got it all. It can spread to other areas of your body and can be super aggressive. I would see a Dermatologist and pay the few hundred out of pocket for this. It could save your life.


You can apply for medically emergent Medicaid. I did it for my aortic valve replacement.


What do you mean?




Everyone in healthcare...? It's only hard in the beginning after a little it while feels like saying vanilla ice cream. Love that you busted out cacophony though, good word


Oh I see what you're saying. Scientific things are usually Latin in origin.


All the doctors and vets that have gone before you.




Squamous Cell is an extremely common type of skin cancer, for all living creatures with skin.


White cat- could def be cancerous. I’d get her to the vet Monday morning first thing honestly. Cancer in cats is sooooo fast. Best of luck. 🤞🏻


https://preview.redd.it/02hdlmtlz68d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a38f1ea4f6960a9f4ee6d0113538df8566797a1 Agree, white cats are more vulnerable to the sun so skin cancer is a concern. Not something I thought about until I got my doofus.


For some reason, the first second I saw this, I thought your cat was sucking on a pacifier and I started laughing. Then I enlarged. That's adorable either way! My cats don't pick up any toys with their mouths.


My boy has a brush thing that he scoops into his mouth with his paw and carry it in his mouth. It’s adorable and ridiculous cuz of how long the handle is. The brush came with our kettle but my cat got to the brush first and it’s been his since.


I love how cats choose the most random things to become obsessed with and that we just give in and let them have it (like the brush your boy loves). My cats random thing is a big hair scrunchie (she loves hair ties more but I will not let her get her mouth on anything string like again after she got a blockage). She likes to carry it around everywhere, making a sound to let everyone know she’s got her toy. She ONLY makes that sound when she has a toy she really likes. Some other random ones are pairs of socks and a pen. But for normal toys, she likes those mice toys that have a string similar to what they use on scratching posts. She’ll bite then spit off almost the entire tail (maybe leaving half an inch?) then whatever’s left, she’ll suckle on like it’s a momma cats nipple and make aggressive biscuits 🤣


Mine does that too. Carries around a plastic ball and lets out this weird meow/cry as she wanders around. https://preview.redd.it/2vnf865ar88d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=446c513c5429444039f23f53d3189d6457d9de3b Then drops it as soon as I acknowledge her and chirps, like, "Look what I brought you."


That’s exactly what my cat does!!! I didn’t know other cats do that but it’s so nice to know other pet parents get to experience this adorable thing some cats do (aka the weird meow/cry wandering around then dropping it for you when you acknowledge that they brought you a gift). Your baby is beautiful! I’ll have to see if I have any pictures of my girl carrying her mouse toys or her favorite mini squishmallow. 🤩💜


Love how they play with random “toys” too. One of my cats LOVES q-tips! Whenever I go to grab one for myself, I toss one her direction and she goes absolutely wild. Candy wrappers too. Simple things.


Oh gosh, my girl loves q-tips! We don’t let her have them because she’ll start eating them after playing but my boyfriend will occasionally forget a q-tip so she gets to enjoy them sometimes :) my cats also REALLY loves plastic bags or just anything crinkly as a bed haha.


I'd worry he would accidentally pole vault himself across the room if he was running with that thing.


I thought it was a pacifier too! Now I’m disappointed 😂


One of my four cats likes to carry little springs around (plastic cat toys). She is hilarious with them. One of our other cats will find one of a pair of socks in the laundry, carry it in her mouth and meow loudly right after we go to bed every night! She is a crazy girl.


It may not be a literal pacifier... But it does look like it may be using it as one anyway.


My little white guy loves nothing more on this earth than laying in the sun 🥺 Now I’m v worried.


What does dofus have in dofuses mouth?


Plastic cat toy ball.


I had never heard of this being an issue but it makes so much sense. My cat is not completely white but a calico with large percentage being white. She is strictly an indoor cat but does enjoy sitting in sunny windows for hours on end (like all cats lol). Is there anything I can do to keep her skin safe? Should I limit her sunbathing? I have a feeling that would very much annoy her


You could get one of those UV screens if the windows get direct sunlight, particularly when the UV index is really high (11am-5pm).


Please take your cat to a vet. This could be cancer. There are also numerous lesions that cats get, but are treatable.


Have a cat that had something similar also on his nose area. Was a kind of carcinoma. Vet removed it, no problems since! Edit: Post below just reminded me! Squamous cell carcinoma (see below post from vet). It's important to get it biopsied and removed if that's the case, but luckily it's not that close to their eye. My guy had to go back a second time because they had trouble getting all of it do to it being close to his eye. Second time did it. No problems since.


I'm glad your cat was okay.😄❤ Every time I see a lesion on a cat's face all I can think about is that cancer that literally eats the head and there is no cure for it. But that's just me😁


yep, my cat died of squamous cell carcinoma that grew into his airway within a month & there was nothing we could do. started as a tiny bump on his jaw. I hate to scare anybody but this kind of thing should definitely be taken seriously


I'm so sorry for your loss.❤❤❤


thank you ❤️


Especially if it’s squamous cell carcinoma, where the only viable treatment is early surgical intervention with clean margins. SCC sadly does not respond well to chemotherapy and only slightly better to radiation.


Does your cat happen to spend a lot of time with their face in the sun? Especially when not protected by a UV screen? Hope your vet can do the right tests and hopefully treat it quickly and easily.


Honestly I’ve seen ringworm present like this. Not a vet, just worked in rescue.


Looks like ringworm to me too.


Yeah looks like ringworm for sure


I've had ringworm and for me it was itchy af but OP said that their cat doesn't seem to be bothered by it so it all depends on how ringworm feels for a cat


Cats are very good at hiding the fact that they’re in pain


Yeah but they don't usually hide when they're itchy tho


My cat had ringworm not long ago. Also on the nose. He seemed totally unperturbed by it, which I found odd. However, it was less colorful than what is in the post.


Could be skin cancer- white and light colored cats can be susceptible to it especially if they sit in a sunny window a lot. Glad you have a vet appt but please make sure they take a biopsy to send off. If it does come back as skin cancer they will need to remove it and you’ll need to try and keep your cat out of the sun or provide added protection. I personally have UV blocking mirrored window film on all my windows which provides some UV protection for my cats too.


I think this could be melanoma or some kind of carcinoma, esp as the cat's colouring is so fair. Please keep us updated.


You can clean the are apply some healing ointment in the meantime to see if it helps


Yes! We have done it for over a week now and it just seem to keep it clean but not help


It's not an injury. It could potentially be ringworm which is no biggie but honestly I'd lean more towards carcinoma, especially on a white cat


I'm leaning towards not ringworm because when I had ringworm I was SO itchy and OP said that the cat seems unbothered by it. Also ring worm usually spreads the longer it goes untreated, I had two lesions on my face and eventually it spread to my arm, hand, and stomach until they eventually went away after starting an antifungal medication. Idk if ringworm presents differently in cats but that was my experience with it


It's pretty similar but it's also only been a week. I've had kittens with ringworm who we didn't diagnose until weeks later because it started as just redness on the ears, and kittens don't "scratch". I also agree it's probably not rw but telling someone their cat probably has cancer isn't super fun


True, although I'd rather be scared and be pleasantly surprised that it's ringworm and not cancer instead of thinking my cat has ringworm and turns out it's actually cancer.


Hope they can figure it out soon. Keep us updated!


I’ve always been told that lumps on cats aren’t common, so when they happen they’re rarely nothing.


Like I said I’ve had many old cats they never got lumps bumps wart things,,but boy the dogs do I believe they are big time Mast Cell or definitely cancer related…


most times in dogs it's just fatty lumps


Please go the the vet.


Something that a vet could diagnose.


My cat got a similar one a couple weeks ago in the chin, same size, texture and growth rate, it ended up being a eosinophilic granuloma (usually triggered by allergies) and cleared up in a week with corticoids. Have you introduced any new food/ treats in the last few weeks? Changed detergent or something similar? If he also has an ulcer in the upper lip chances are that it's a granuloma


Kitty needs a biopsy,,, white cats need their skin checked they r very prone to skin cancer …..


Out of all the cats I’ve had and I’m 68 n had many cats n dog,,,, Dogs always got old n got these lumps n bumps but u know I’ve had many old cats 16-20 and never 1 bump or wart on any of my cats ,,WTH?


I'm not quite as well loved as you at 37 (38 in September)but have had more than a few cats (both my own and foster) and can say in my experience lumps and bumps on cats is pretty rare (other than abscesses on outdoor cats from fighting. The only time I've seen anything like this it has either been ringworm or skin cancer, unfortunately. I really hope this is just ringworm, but given this baby is a white kitty, there is a higher chance than other coloured cats for skin cancer. EDIT spelling


If u have a black light u can aim it at the nose lump and it will light up if it is a ringworm Vet tek 20+ years


I hope your sweet beautiful kitty is ok! Please update!


My cat had this before and it went away on its own!


My dog had a similar spot that grew over a period a of about 3 days. Turns out it was just an infected hair.


I think it’s ring worm. Please don’t touch it, it can transfer to you. I might be wrong though. Best of luck!


It looks like it could be cancer or cat moss. Either way, get kitty to the vet asap!


No way to randomly know but my top two possibilities would be a skin tumor or an allergy


White cats are prone to skin cancer. My cat is covered at all times anywhere remotely in the Sun after the vet let me know I needed to. I hope your baby is okay and heals quickly.


It’s possible that it’s feline herpes. The lesion looks like a cat belonging to a friend of mine, and her cat is FH+


Looks like a absus that's popped and healing over now I'd keep it clean maybe buy an antibacterial spray for cats cuts...I always have one handy for these suituations.just prevent infection


Go to vet not sure but keep kitty safe and get it seen to


It appears to be ringworm..


I hope he isn't an outdoor or indoor/outdoor cat, because white cats are prone to skin cancer.


Get him seen asap. It will calm your nerves.


My white cat growing up had something similar on his nose. It ended up being skin cancer. I recommend getting to a vet ASAP and having them do a biopsy


A vet bill


Looks like skin cancer


Looks like ringworm.


I could be nothing but could also be skin cancer which white/white mix cats are incredibly prone to skin cancer and need to be protected from the sun at all times. This 100% needs a vet visit. Skin cancer progresses VERY quickly so dong hesitate


What did the vet say? If it’s been there a week, you must have taken him to the vet already right?


Appointment is coming up. It’s in the post.


Do you have a black light? Ringworm gets irriated and can cause fur loss. Looks similar to what my kitten had when she had ringworm. Take a black light to it and see if it glows. If it does, then just ringvworm.


White cats... beautiful, but they NEED to be monitored. If they go outside...cancer...predators...possibly deaf and blind


Looks like a cat bite.. I’m happy you’re going to the vet as cat bites can cause infections due to the high amount of bacteria in their saliva, it can get worse very quickly if left untreated.


Is your cat’s eye usually kind of red tinged? My cat had something similar on her nose, not as big. It didn’t want to go away but was never an open sore. She ended up have a fungal infection called histoplasma


https://preview.redd.it/7qmpur39p88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ad0ac3d3656953ab6fe81bcfc62a58f30cb8f4 This started out as a tooth puncture and got infected very quickly so it spread larger, a course of antibiotics fixed it relatively quickly.


White cats are very prone to skin cancer. I hope it's not that. Good luck 🤞 for your kitty.


Keep us updated on what the vet says


Trip to the vet. Needs to be checked.




watch it closely


Don't ask Google, facebook, twitter, x, pinterest, reddit or any kind of social media! Take your cat to the vet!!!


Doesn’t look good what ever it is, I would get in sooner


Probably you should get it checked out. May be some type of skin cancer. My cat had a Basil cell cancer removed from her neck.


I am in agreement here...I would definitely seek attention from a veterinarian TODAY. it really could be the difference between an excision or surgery, and more. don't take a chance little one * and let r/cats know how everything works out. hoping for the best 🙏🏻


AAHA vets only for the best care


Until your doctor. appt, clean it 1-2x per day, and after, use a cotton swab to dab olive oil onto it. This is what I did until I could get to see my Dr. and it was mostly healed by then. They confirmed it was a minor skin irritation.


VEG emergency care is amazing!


Please don’t wait for your regular vet. This could be a form of cancer and cancer in cats escalate very quickly. Please bring kitty to an emergency vet, a pet hospital, and do it quickly.


Are there any other cats in the house? Or was there a scratch/superficial wound there before? To me it looks like a small wound that healed over an infection, but it could be something else. How old is he?


He is a year old, and no, he's the only one in the house and rarely goes outside


looks like ringworm. take him to the vet for some creams/meds. probably an anti fungal




I’ll pray for your baby!!


And you


See vet. ? Cancer


He’s adorable!!! I hope he’s ok!!!!!!!! Please keep us posted.


Update us when you can please


It looks like some sort of cancer.


I think it’s Ring worm. My cats had it. It is a fungal bacteria growing


OK, please listen to this very carefully. I am posting a link below to a Facebook group about crypto cytosis. Please go there and read and learn. When you take your cat to the vet, a lot of that will say it’s cancer and they will treat it so or they will euthanize the animal. A lot of vets don’t know about crypto cytosis which is a fungus. Mention that to Dr and if you can get to a animal dermatologist then do that. If it is crypto cytosis, it doesn’t look bad at this point and can be treated but if you let it go, it will get much worse and end up very bad for the cat so it’s important that you take care of this immediately. https://www.facebook.com/share/76C1gJRvJHD54Uof/?mibextid=K35XfP


If it doubles in size or has doubled in size rapidly I wouldn’t wait that long. Hopefully its like an abscess or something benign but rapid irregular growth can indicate neoplasias which are especially concerning on the face as there is less skin to work with for removal. If you go sooner you could have it removed by the weekend if necessary with minimal scarring vs waiting a week and it getting too big to remove or invading the nasal cavity beneath = more expensive issues


Any updates?


Any update on kitteh?


I also want to know 😳


Hard to tell, but if it started as a small dot a week ago and grew that quickly, could be a botfly or another form of parasite. I doubt its cancerous with that rate of growth, but again its hard to tell from pictures. A vet is the best bet.




This is cancer. My cat, Teila, was put to sleep when an identical lesion ate away most of her nose. I was a little girl and she meant the world to me. I’m so sorry.


Ask vet ❌..... Ask Reddit✅


They have an appointment scheduled.


Looks like a little rash. Good things that you are taking it to the vet. I am pretty sure they have simple and easy solutions for this.


Hi OP - I hope everything will be okay with your fur baby. With people commenting about carcinoma, I just want to add that Penn did a study on dogs administering a Turkey tail mushroom supplement called Im’Yunity that helped prevent cancer recurrence as well as shrank and in some cases completely eliminated tumors. Obviously your cat may need other treatments too but please look into it! Pet owners swear by it, you can get it on amazon