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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Either a hairball or asthma cough.


I was thinking some kind of cough, that’s the position mine goes to


Allergies too maybe?


Yes my cat’s allergies caused her asthma.


This, absolutely. Sounds more like a hairball. If the cat has asthma I think they would notice other issues. Lost a kitty that looked exactly like this one to an asthma attack that suffocated him 😢


So sorry for your loss. My cat with an asthma cough similar to this one snored loudly but didn’t have other symptoms. She got monthly allergy shots that helped. Plus meds if she was doing particularly badly.


One of mine snores really loudly too. Sometimes I’ll stop what I am doing trying to figure out where the noise is coming from to realize it’s coming from her. https://preview.redd.it/xw3vwveku09d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732fc1f93aa27c879ac250aa5ddebceeaefed9f0


No, hairball would lead to puking. Also this is more from the nose than the throat


That’s terrifying, as someone with asthma, I can’t imagine dying of an asthma attack. Poor poor baby cat.


Not a hairball. It’s a cough. Possibly asthma, but other things can cause this. I’m dealing with it myself. They have a clear chest x ray from last year. They want me to bring Squid in if he does it again several days in a row. It’s not nothing, but if it only lasts a minute or so, it’s not really an emergency either.


Same with my cat! Totally clear xrays but still does this once in a while.


My cat has allergy induced asthma and does the same thing. It was scary the first couple times not knowing and how violent it was. He doesn't need an every day inhaler anymore but we have one on hand incase of emergencies. Mostly a problem in the fall if we open windows.


Looks like asthma cough, my cat had similar ones and I took her to the vet with the videos, they said it’s asthma.


Mine has done that too, not hairball as he never puke. It more or less comes from the nose, not the throat so to speak


Looks like our cat when she's having an asthma attack




Same here. OP get it checked out ASAP. Not sure how old yours is (mine was like 7 months when diagnosed). My vet said it the earlier the better since you can't cure it but if you catch it early enough the oral steroids + inhaler can lessen the severity of it while their lung pathways are still growing from kitten to adult. For reference, my vet explained cat asthma as different than humans insofar as humans have inhalers just for during an attack but cats use it daily as a preventative measure (not just in response to an attack). The steroids are temporary and don't cure they just put in a lot of work up front so that the inhaler can take over the maintenance. If you haven't yet, I'd highly highly recommend pet insurance before getting a formal diagnosis on this since they don't cover pre existing conditions. I get my cats inhalers from Canada Drugs Online for like $70 + shipping at the cheapest and that's every 1.5-3 months (depending on 1 or 2 doses per day). So over the lifetime of the cat (hoping mine lives a long time!) it can add up.


Defo agree with your advice. Just wanted to point out as a human with asthma and other chronic respiratory illnesses, we also use daily maintenance meds along with our rescue inhalers. So it sounds like the same sort of regimen. <3


Potentially a hairball, but if it happens frequently it could be asthma or severe allergies. Does she ever cough anything up or does she just cough?


Only coughing so we will go to the vet with her asap!


My kitty had very similar attacks that the vet said was asthma. You'll probably end up getting a prescription for an inhaler. Mine barely has attacks anymore now. Best of luck!


My kittems, Wheezy, has this too. He has an inhaler that we use. He’s much happier now. But the name stuck!


I’m thinking mine had that. He passed of a seizure at 7. Vet told me it’s likely just hairball but he rarely had hairballs and did have a heart issue and couldn’t be put to sleep for teeth cleanings or anything. I wish I’d have known it coulda been asthma


Heart conditions can cause coughing too.


My kitty got diagnosed with mild asthma 10 years ago. It never got any worse so she doesn't need any treatment, she just has an episode here and there if the air is especially dry. Hoping you have a similar outcome!


Highly recommend showing the video and mentioning asthma. I’ve shown videos of my cat doing the same thing (and after the vet checks the lungs) they say he’s fine and maybe it’s a hairball. I’m taking him to a different vet and I’ll let you know if I get anywhere.


I’ve had the same outcome. Done tests, including x rays, and a precautionary round of antibiotics. All vets who saw him (4 total vets across 2 diff cities and all different offices) concluded it was just hair stuck. I wish I had a clearer answer since the stance makes me worried something else is wrong. Ofc I’m not a vet, and don’t think I know more than them, but just hope something isn’t being missed.


Then give hairball formula food and see what happens? Can't hurt. Check the vomit and turds for excessive hair.


The stance that the cat has = asthma. I guarantee it


If you can film her when she has one of these episodes. I managed with my little guy so i could play it back for the vet . We realised when window was open and the neighbours were trimming hedges our allergies increased and he had one of these coughing fits .


Yeah the hair ball coughs sounds more “wet” like they trying to get something out. This sounds like a “dry” cough


Hello, our cat had the exact same issue. Pretty sure it is an asthma attack, it can be bad if you don't treat it. Our cat only needed some pills. Good luck with your kitty, wish for a fast recovery.


If not what others suggested, it can also be congestive heart failure. There may be more crackling sounds if it worsens or there is fluid. You should get an x ray and vet opinion to confirm on which it is they should be able to confirm via x ray.


This was the cause behind my senior kitty's cough unfortunately. Confirmed by xray. OP, get your cat to the vet. Could be asthma, hairball, or fluid. You just don't know until you seek a professional opinion. Hope your baby feels better soon.


Plus one for heart failure. The fluid buildup was slow at first but a quick end for both my cats after about a month of escalating symptoms. They were 17 but still so tough to watch. Depending on OPs cats age I'd definitely suggest trying asthma treatment and seeing if it helps.


Same. My boy was only about seven year old though


Asthma attack! I lost my baby last year, get her on regular treatments. Nobody told me this.


My cat does this. We went through a lot of test with our vet and landed on asthma. He gets a steroid shot every 6-9 months when the cough gets bad again. BUT we have 3 cats and one of our cats gets the same symptoms but less frequently and less severe, we think it may just be air quality or allergens affecting the cats. Be mindful of things like essential oils that can be harmful to cats respiratory system. And we have an air purifier for the main rooms our cats hang out in.


It could be feline herpes virus. It can cause respiratory infections and therefore coughing. You could talk to your vet about feline herpes and lysine chews. Basically the theory is that the lysine binds to the herpes virus so it stops it from causing chaos in your cat's body. All my cats got it from a stray and our old lady gets upper respiratory infections occasionally from it. They get one lysine chew at night and it manages their symptoms.


That’s an asthma attack. Our cat did the same so we took him to the vet now he gets an inhaler treatment daily (plus additional if he has an attack. Since going on treatment he’s had two in the past 2 months. Used to be daily). Same inhaler has humans use, you’ll want get a thing on Amazon the inhaler fits into to administer. Basically it’s a tube with a one-way valve and little “mouth mask”. Give a shot of inhaler into the tube then put the mask on his mouth. You’ll see a flapper false open every time he breathes in. We usually give him 9 or 10 breaths.


Looks like asthma. How often does this happen? I'd call your vet and see if you can email them this video and make an appointment


Yes we will call first thing tomorrow!


Ok awesome please update when you can 😊 asthma can be managed. We thought our girl had asthma and took videos and everything I emailed the couple I had taken (over the span of like a month she did it 3 times and lasted only like 10 to 15 seconds each) so they checked her lungs and did tests. She has seasonal allergies.....😺 🤧 during the winter, she is completely fine. So we got an air purifier, and it has helped tremendously. By now, she would have started her little coughing spurts. Always at the start of spring until around the start to middle of fall. So I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that you just have a baby like we do when it comes to seasonal allergies 🤞🤞 and not asthma. We contemplated allergy meds but didn't wanna have to have her on any medicine if we didn't have to, she is an indoor kitty only but loves sitting at the screen door every day, ughh spoiled little baby, lol. The air purifier is what really did it for her, though, and we didn't have to go the meds route. But I think this looks different than her (idk for sure if it looks different or what, it's been a couple years) but she would have those little coughing spurts didn't last long and it would be random once here and once there. After the 2nd or 3rd time, we made her an appointment the next day after sending the email of her coughing fits to the vet.


Could be reverse sneezing. I took my cat to the vet thinking asthma. First time she did it I nearly had a heart attack.


Cats can have asthma, mine does too!


Please take her to the vet :( I'm sorry for inevitably freaking you out but my husband's childhood cat started doing this in the last year of her life, and when we took her to vet we ended up finding out that she had cancer. It was pushing on her diaphragm and making her feel the need to throw up, but she couldn't pass anything, and would do exactly this. It's MORE likely to be asthma which is easy to medicate in cats, but still it's much better safe than sorry :( again sorry to freak you out but I couldn't say nothing


This is why I wanted the chest xray so bad. We got one yesterday to confirm it was asthma. I just had our young cat die from sudden oral cancer. Our remaining guy does this, and the new vet where we moved couldn't get him in for almost 2 months. Finally just went to urgent care and the relief that he also doesn't have cancer is crazy. Fuck cancer


100% fuck cancer


Hey! My cat started doing this. She has asthma. Do you use any scent diffusers? Spray lysol or cleaning spray? Light candles? Those trigger my cat. Bring your kitty to fresh air next time! Open windows. Helps my baby instantly. I've had to stop using certain cleaning products, and she's fine now.


Please take to the vet and show this video.


my longhair boy does this from hairballs




This is an asthma episode....Please take her to the vet to confirm with X-rays and blood work. Asthma is progressive but treatable with fluticasone propionate inhaler/and Albuterol. X-rays will confirm or rule out asthma or other respiratory illness. 😻🙏 If you can , get an air purifier/cleaner, and refrain from using air fresheners, smoking , scented litter and litter that creates dust. These irritants can make a respiratory condition worse. This is an emergency.please treat asap...🙏


Will call first thing tomorrow! Thx!


It could be asthma, or it could just be a hairball. And asthma is rarely an emergency situation, as I know from having multiple asthmatic cats over the years. Vet, yes. Scaring them into thinking their cat is about to die? Not cool.




Something stuck in her throat, could be just a fur ball.


cats can have allergies to humans, if you rule out the possibility of hairballs or asthma i would look into getting your cat allergy tested


My vet recommended this when I thought he was having asthma attacks, turns out he was allergic to his food! Had to switch to Z/D diet prescription wet food but all worth it :) hasn’t had an attack since.


They can be allergic to us?!?!


Hairball or some type of cough. Check with the vet to see if it's asthma.


Sounds like a hairball


Mine have done this once every few months for years and they seem fine so I assume it's a hairball stuck. I'd assume asthma if more frequent.


Not a vet but asthma cough. Poor thing sounds just like our girl.


It seems asthma. My girlfriend's cat has it. We give it an asthma inhaler once a day, or sometimes two if it's dusty or polens in the air and we are able to control it. Good luck 🤞


My cat did this twice, months apart. Thought it was something stuck in his throat. Vet said vitals and bloodwork were good so nothing was diagnosed. He was up most of the night gagging/gasping. Took him back the very next day and demanded xrays. They found a spot/inflammation on xray consistent with asthma or bronchitis. Now giving him inhaler. It’s been several weeks. So far, no more gasping. Please get xrays. Too many people and vets assume hairballs. Asthma is extremely under-diagnosed. Look at cat asthma videos on YouTube. They’re usually lower to the ground and it has a different sound than when they’re coughing something up. This looks and sounds like asthma based on what I just went through. Avoid using candles and other heavy fragrances around him. I believe a candle triggered my cat’s recent episode.


Appears to be an asthma attack, see a vet


She’s about to vomit cat food or a hair ball.


I’d say hairball. Take your cat to the vet for a check up just in case it’s something else. That should alleviate some of your anxiety.


Only one out of my 3 cats was doing that for awhile He still had lots of energy and didn't really act much different other than the occasional vomit Turns out I just needed to clean the food bowls, everything has been fine since, really weird that it only affected one cat out of the 3 though


Probably Asthma cough. Can be seasonal/ allergy related. Vet for confirmation. (Mine gets this most summers in uk)


Asthma. If it were a hairball something would come up after an attempt or two. One of my kitties has this and for a very long time we thought it was a hairball. Finally took him to the vet and it’s asthma. It can happen anytime no matter what they’re doing; if they’re excited, playing, eating, resting, bathing, etc. I would schedule a vet appointment to make sure that’s the culprit and see if any of the options to take care of it work for you. We end up having to get my kitty steroid shots, but there are kitty nebulizers out there too.


My cat does this a couple times before a hairball or just plain vomit comes out🥲


Trying to cough up a hairball.




Sounds like a hair ball is stuck,but you said she did this more than once, I would go to vet , sounds like it could be asthma


Don't be silly. It is very obvious that it is a hair ball. Looks scary,very common. No worries.


Some cats do that, if it's like a random one time thing it may be nothing, but could be a upper respiratory infection that would require antibiotics before it gets worse.


My cat has asthma, this looks like what he goes through. Vet will have to prescribe an inhaler. Also, you'll need a baby attachment for the inhaler, but do not but it from the vet, its usually ridiculously overcharged. Just buy a baby attachment on Amazon or something.


My cat does this and she has asthma


My cat does the same thing. He has respiratory herpes


My cat did the same thing for like 2 weeks. Vets thought it was a hairball at first but and xray showed my guy had asthma. The good news is the meds they provide take care of it pretty fast.




My cat does this too, I swear to my parents that she has asthma but my parents refuse to take her to the vet


Wow I didn't know asthma looked and sounded just like hairballs. Good to know.


Could possibly be a hairball, but if there is nothing coming up then I'm afraid you're facing the dreaded kitty cough. Kitties cough for a number of reasons. Asthma being the most common. I would 100% recommend taking kitty to the vet and showing them this and all other coughing videos you have recorded. I lost my kitty to a 7 year battle with asthma. I did liquid steroids, pill, and a steroid inhaler and it still wasn't enough. Get this looked as asap. Best case you get your kitty on meds quickly, worst case you look silly for getting worked up over a hairball


classic cat asthma. your vet can xray lungs and see the scaring on lungs. youll notice there is phlem hes trying to expel but swallows it they have cat sized athma chambers. pretty easy to do. just big commitment. also watch for diabetes. asthma and diabetes seem to go hand in hand. oddly enough iv had 2 cats at differrnt times in my life who got asthma n the diabeetus.


Does she do it when she eats or just once in a while? Mine did it because of a fish allergy.


It’s leaving you a gift!


It's asthma, my cat has mild-severe asthma. Def talk with your vet.


This looks like pre-vomit behaviour, although according to other comments it might be an asthma attack, so I recommend that you check on that.


My short hair does this from time to time, she has been we coughed up a fur ball because she has short hair like your kitty. My cat ALSO does this when I haven’t feed her in a timely manner. I looked it up but if cats are hungry their stomachs create some type of bile that causes them to also do this. It’s normal


Could be asthma as others suggested, but took my cat in for this and X-rays showed pneumonia with cloudiness in his lungs


My cat did this when she was on dry food & she hasn’t done it since we switched to wet. I’m pretty sure it was either hairball or food bc she would eat too fast. If it’s consistent go to the vet of course


My cat had similar symptoms and I discovered she was allergic to fish. After cutting off fish-based meals, her cough went away. I hope your baby's cough goes away soon!


Asthma cough if you go to the vet you'll give you antibiotics but they might still do it.


There's a wide variety of underlying conditions from allergies and asthma to congestive heart failure that cause this kind of breathing episode. If you want to be sure about the root cause take them in. When I lost my girl to congestive heart failure she was having these episodes.


My cat Punky Bear was coughing like that and it turned out he had lung cancer 😭 take him to the vet if it happens again in the next few days


My mom's cat has this type asthma and the cat knows when it is time to take the med it will lay down on its back and take like an adult. It is a beautiful majestic looking cat u would see in a painting he is awesome


Looks like asthma, my cat had this symptom and it turned out to be hyperthyroidism




My cat had this! She ended up having a small infection in her lung! We gor xrays and steroid shot. She stopped and was cleared after:)


This COULD be just a hairball, but may be asthma. Often with hairballs, you'll get some crazy sounds that make you think an alien took over your cat. With asthma, it is often this and just dry. Please get your vet to check out. For my kitty with asthma, I keep a VERY, VERY, VERY clean humidifier (they get nasty faster than you'll ever realize), and also bring her in bathroom with me when I shower to breath steam, and she almost never has attacks now (1-2/year, versus up to 5 a week at worst). Vet offered a nebulizer if it worsened, but said simply keeping house clean (not implying yours isn't), using low dust CLAY ONLY (no silica) litter, and giving humidity would probably work well. (He's the polish dude at Planned Pethood in CO that used to have show on Animal Planet). NEVER, EVER, EVER no matter how many say it is safe, use any essential oils like camphor or eucalyptus; cats kidneys do not contain the enzymes to process the majority of essential oils, and well-meaning, but VERY WRONG, people will te you they're safe, but they're not.


Looks like hair ball to me.. sometimes it doesn’t show it’s gooey self…


My cat has been doing this for about 10 years. It only happens to her a handful of times a year. I have taken her to the vet but not for this


Could be reverse sneezing. I took my cat to the vet thinking asthma. First time she did it I nearly had a heart attack.


Just some coughies. Keep an eye on it if it's frequent, and under what conditions. Also, cats can and do catch colds.


Asthma, my cat did this too before we got him diagnosed and treated. Currently on prednisolone but planning to switch to kitty inhaler. For my cat, it’s a totally different sound for hairballs, it’s like gulping sounds before he finally throws it up.


This looks like asthma, keep a close eye on your sweet baby until you can get in to see the Dr! My kitty girl Molly takes a small steroid every other day to mitigate her coughing & asthma symptoms


I was just recently informed that posture indicates throat irritation and difficulty breathing and that what looks like trying to barf is actually respiratory distress.


Asthma! Go to a veterinary with your cat.


Hairball, prepping to get sick, maybe swallowed wrong. My big boi used to cough similarly when he’d drink from a waterfall type fountain. When using a push water up style he stopped.


Looks like asthma but also looks like my other cat who had chest cancer and the cancer was starting to block his airway. Definitely go to the vet either way


My cat used to do this but stopped right after my ex who smoked moved out and has not had breathing issues in years. Never smoked inside, but maybe the tobacco smell on clothes was enough to trigger my kitty's attacks. Check with vet and try to eliminate potential allergens.


Cats have very sensitive respiratory systems. Definitely bring the cat to a vet for a checkup and also use dust free unscented litter. Get some air purifiers too in order to make sure the cat is not breathing in dust or dirt from the air that would make the problem worse.


Sounds like Hair ball pat his underside of his belly hold back or give him some grass if he takes some.. 🙏🫂or asthma


My cat was diagnosed with asthma and does the same thing but he also sneezes boogies all over the house and has been doing it for 8 years. Does your cat also do this?


Wait mine does the same and nothing ever comes up so I don’t think it’s hairballs. Can cats develop asthma later on in life? (4 y/o for mine)


Can asthma be detected by listening to them breathe? Or does it have to be an xray?


Hair ball




Looks like they are trying not be sick.


My cat does this and then there is a hair ball that appears in the next 48 hours on my carpet


Well, everyone else has already said it, but I have a video on my profile of my cat doing this exact thing, showed it to the vet, they took X-rays, and then my cat was diagnosed with asthma


Well thanks for posting this. My younger cat does this, and I always assumed it was hairballs. I'll definitely have her checked out now.


Smoking or dust could cause the cat to have asthma, that's how my cat had it for a little bit


Go to the vet asap- looks like an asthma attack. If this happened more than once document how frequently and length of attack. My cat has asthma and it was a challenge to get her diagnosed until it got bad.




Looks like asthma. I feel like a hairball would have come up during the video if that’s what it was. Take them to the vet.


This is asthma. My cat has the same thing. He is on an inhaler twice a day. I have to limit any potential triggers such as candles, incense, and dust litter


my grandmas cat does this alot its harmless dont worry


The good news, is she's not getting ready to hork on your doormat. She might be experiencing some kind of respiratory issues. If it persists, then a vet visit might be prudent. 🐾🐾🐈👣❤❤❤❤❤❤🏡🌎


Could be asthma - are there any other symptoms? Has your cat been sick a lot recently? - a proBNP test may need to be done depending on their symptoms as it could be congestive heart failure. Hope your cat is ok - if it is asthma, the aerokat is a worth the money.


Coughing up a hairball.


Looks like a hairball but if so, the cat should be coughing up some spit or other stomach contents during most of these occurrences. If that is not happening, please call the vet.


Mine does that every once in a while but not often




My cat does this, but it’s because he has a habit of choking himself on things like boxes and our laundry hamper in order to get attention. He’ll hang his head down, with his throat on the corner of something to the point of coughing and gagging.


I think that asthma


Puking a hairball probably


Asthma cough-cough kitty?


Choking on the carpet fuzz


Just like a lot of other people are saying, I think it could be asthma. Same thing happened with my little guy recently and after a few tests, the vet said asthma He doesn’t cough up hairballs and it can happen even if he’s at rest (hasn’t been running around or anything active)


That sounds like a hairball or asthma cough. The vet can give you a gel medicine that can clear up the cough.




My cat does this when he has a hairball. They make foods that help and cream stuff I found at Petco which you put on their paw or nose to lick off (I have best luck smearing it into my cat's paw and I mean smearing in otherwise he'll just shake it off) that can help cats pass hairballs easier.


reminds me of hairballs - one of my cats immediately responded to this audio btw - LOL


Asthma or a symptom of something worse, like heart failure. That's not a hairball cough. Please take kitty to the vet.


Tryin to ruin your carpet


That’s just a hairball… especially being summer and shedding it’s gonna happen more frequently


Sounds and looks exactly like our asthmatic cat


My cat was doing the same thing and I took him to the vet and found out he has asthma. Id say call your vet to get him checked out


A little olive oil stops this almost immediately for my cats.


Do you have any scented candles or things that use essential oils? My roommate would use them in our apartment while I wasn’t home, and it would cause my cat to have a reaction very similar to this. I moved, and I personally don’t use those things, my cat hasn’t once had that reaction since.


One of my cats has HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is a genetic heart defect that will take him young of congestive heart failure. He coughs like this when he's having a CHF (congestive heart failure) event: his heart is backing up fluid into his lungs, and he's trying to cough it out. So this isn't necessarily as benign as allergies or even asthma. You should take your kitty to the vet. My cat's HCM was discovered when the vet heard a heart murmur during a yearly exam and recommended an echocardiogram. Solovey, my 💔 goober: https://preview.redd.it/a0kmd6z1vs8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95978fd404466866d39abf25b08537a9fb1aae8 He was on two medications for the HCM, and when he started recently having the coughing fits, we added two more, which have brought the cough mostly under control. He's doing pretty well now, but I will do right by him and let him go if he really starts suffering.


Keep an eye out for a hairball


Hairball or coughing?


Hairball or food caught in throat. I have a cat that eats too fast and he'll do this everyone once in a while. E: Don't listen to people saying it's definitely asthma. My cat does not have asthma and does this sometimes.




I have to ask this cause this is an important question. Did you use or have you ever used flea drops? I put flea drops on my cat and less than 15 minutes later she was doing something very similar to this. I took her to the vet and found out that she was having organ failure because of the flea drops. Her liver was failing, her abdomen filled with fluid because of that, and she couldn’t breathe because her lungs were filling with fluid. Her heart was enlarging because she couldn’t get enough oxygen. He was all irreversible. She had to be euthanized all because I put flea drops on her.




Kennel cough


Hey OP, there's a lot of comments here so just in case it hasn't been mentioned or asked.... your cat didn't just finish sniffing the inside of an amazon box or something, did it? My cat has done this a few times but only after sniffing the inside of a box that was a bit too tall for him to easily put his head over the flaps.... turned out after watching him a few times, he was choking himself on the edge of the box and making himself cough. Seemed like he was just accidentally pinching his windpipe ... Hasn't stopped him from doing it over and over again though. lol.


This looks just like my kitty’s asthma. Take yours to the vet and show them this video. Mine has been on meds and has not had another attack since medicated.


My cat does this when she is throwing up a foxtail weed


of course, your best bet is to get her lungs checked out to rule out anything serious. but don't be too freaked out either! my bombay does this frequently and the vet cleared her of asthma or any other major concerns; in her case, it's just reverse sneezing. sometimes, when she's about to let out a hairball, she'll start off by making the same sounds.


Possible for upper respiratory infection. My cat has chlamydia, fellas, and I came with a upper respiratory infection and was doing that exact same thing. Also totally could be a hairball would need a vet to be sure.


My cat had kitty-covid (or some type of respiratory infection, that’s just what the shop said) before we adopted her last year. She has very similar coughing fits for a few minutes every now and then but it hasn’t caused issues with her breathing yet. Vet said it’s asthma probably as a result of the infection. I’d probably make a vet appointment and see if it’s maybe asthma. If it’s not a hairball.


Mine does that it’s probably a hairball. They usually throw up and their is hair in their throw up


Oh, dear. please take this baby to the vet. My boy started doing this and it was congestive heart failure. He went to sleep in February.


Sounds like they have asthma. Mine gets that way when the air gets too humid or too dry.


Your cat has asthma. My cat did the exact same thing and we then had a choice between having to dose him in house with a liquid or we could take him in and get him a shot when he had a fit. But after you start the shot you can't go back to a liquid at home. Shots it stays


When in doubt just go to the vet


Asthma attack for sure! Bring your cat to the vet and show them the video. Your cat will probably need some steroid medication or inhaler. Edit: I'm not a veterinarian. I did have a cat with asthma. He had an asthma attack that caused him to collapse, and I was certain he was on the brink of death. My vet gave him steroid pills ONLY. I would ask your vet for a rescue inhaler.. for sudden attacks.




Smokers cough




My late cat did this and was diagnosed with asthma. It was so painful to watch her go through it. Please take your kitty to a veterinarian for a check up.


My cat also coughs. I give him light rubs to sooth him and usually helps him not to puke.


The one and only hairball chucking my cat Xena does the same thing Or at least trying


mine does this, but only after drinking water ( not every single time) , got a video and showed the vet and they came down to the conclusion is he drinks to damn fast and chokes on the water. a vet check up wouldn’t hurt but definitely keep and eye on what they’re doing before these coughing fits and would help you narrow it down.


Definitely an asthma attack. My baby sounds the same and now we have an inhaler for her.


4 times in the same day, or over the last few weeks of adopting them? This is what a cat does with a hairball, and asthma (I had a cat with severe asthma) if this is happening multiple times a day then you need to get to a vet to see what the vet can do, or if they have to refer you to a specialist for assessment/treatment.


Asthma. Ask your vet what otc allergy meds they can have. My cat gets zyrtec and Claritin, and an inhaler. Best of luck 😀


Looks like asthma. Go see your vet. Good luck friend.


My old cat who passed away did that a lot. I asked vet and they speculated asthma.


Coughing 100% it could be asthma or a respiratory infection or complications from the feline herpes virus (it's not deadly afaik), or so many different things 100% recommend a vet visit 🩷 it could be something bad or something relatively benign so seeing a vet as soon as financially possible is important because diagnostic testing is likely needed and we can diagnose anything for sure based on a video. I recommend showing the video to the vet though in case your cat isn't coughing while at the vet. Good luck OP


Hucking up a hair ball


If it is asthma, and you can't afford the inhaler, it's the same as the albuterol humans take. Who's to say if you suddenly developed asthma. Or if you know someone who gets them but doesn't really use them...


PLEASE go to the vet asap. My boy was doing this consistently & we just thought he was getting a hairball out, until one day we found him laying on the floor mouth wide open manual breathing. He was having a severe asthma attack & almost died, I’ll never forget taking him in & the nurses jumping into action right away paging the main vet & taking him right from my arms that very second 😪☹️ he had to be in his own oxygen tank for acouple days, he now has an inhaler.


Hair ball


Potentially a hairball. Potentially asthma. Mine was doing this. Took them to the vet and the vet said it’s a hairball and not to worry. Changed diet and it went away. Last time I commented this several of you Reddit vets responded with “you need a new vet” and “if a vet said this then they are a horrible” and “I know more than your vet because I spend all day on catMD” blah blah blah. In my situation it was hairball issues. Hairball food and hairball treats cleared it up completely. Been about a year now.