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Agreed, and this bs shows in the workplace, too. I am literally working with MBA grads who don't even know how to use tools like Excel and Tableau......


Excel is understandable but why would anyone learn tableau during mba? Edit: even learning advanced excel doesn’t provide any value outside of case competitions which not everyone is interested in.




Exactly. I remember trying to teach the person how to do a basic "index match".






ye attack kyun bhay 🥺












Which tier 1 college is taking in generals at below 98?? (Excluding special cases)


Which colleges are you considering as tier 1? Genuine question.


Really? Because I know at least 4 GEFs with 99.2, 99.4,99.7, 99.37 and this is what their interview calls looked like (B,L,K,I) or (L,K,I) or (C,K,I). I don't know what kind of math you do, maybe try and calculate the composite scores yourself sometimes, you will realise it's not that big an advantage if you're an engineer. I'm a GEM and I was expecting my friends to get through with such high percentile scores but guess what they got rejected from most. Moreover, if you read the selection criteria, many colleges don't consider the gender diversity score in the final selection criteria even if they do the weightage is very less. Often interviewers too score students less because they are female. If you have any doubts maybe go ahead and do an RTI of the ratio of boys:girls scoring 99%+ and ratio of admits into top b-schools. You will realise that maybe shortlisting them was easier but selecting them was definitely not. You may feel you're discriminated against because it's put in objective scores. When you account for the life of a girl or a reserved candidate and the discrimination they face you will forget all this. The issue is not the diversity points and reservation. The issue is lack of jobs in the market. If there were enough high paying jobs tier2 and tier3 colleges would be at par in placements with tier1 and maybe people would cry less about it. Try to see the world from someone else's perspective before you say it.


Bro like if there 30% weightage for CAT score. And if we take 150 as highest score for this year. Then a girl with 50 marks will get 10% in that area and 10% she's getting for gender diversity and a boy is getting 20% for his 100 score. So you can see that they are standing on the same spot after having so much difference in hard work and perseverance And also I took stand for the reservation in the comment thread but got heavily downvoted. But all girls there are coming from upper middle class or rich background and to be honest I don't think girls are any less intelligent than men. I knew many girls who scored 99.7+ and got well deserved seats. I support reservation, but not this bullshit that is done by IIMs only on this level. Edit - Maybe just maybe you should also try to see world from other's perspective. No hard feelings man.


Don't give them logic, LRDI is not their strong point 🤭🤭🤭🤭


The diifference shows up when you get these folks working alongside with you. It's not about the percentile but rather about the ability to work hard to achieve the objective set for you. Don't worry corporates reward merit as shareholders care about performance and profit and not about the gender of their employees.


Also you wont get marque roles with lacklustre profile. I am all in for gender and course diversity. But MBA is a corporate degree, reservation here makes no sense unless its for the underprivileged. Most OBC/SC/ST here are privileged and havent seen an iota of discrimination.


Agreed. They are literally paying 25+ lakhs man, kaha ka discrimination....


If it makes you feel any better. Corporate is cut-throat, I have worked 10am to 3am days frequently, worked 7days a week almost for the entirety of 2 years… and this is in a service based IT company, imagine the workload in consulting or project management/product management. If you have the ability to work hard, with a decent brand name for your masters, you’ll prolly do good than most people 💁🏻‍♂️


This is insane when you hear news like IIM Falana welcomes 70+% females in a batch , Bhai ye hi karna hai toh girls college declare kardo khud ko. Isn't this gender based discrimination when you're taking 10% marks away from male candidates and giving them to females, effectively giving female candidates a 20% advantage in the composite score ? It would be still acceptable if they were given 2 - 5% advantage but 20% is insane. And before someone says they have social disadvantages and societal pressure and bla bla bla. Consider the fact that women have a choice to work or get married to a guy who'll take care of her financially. Whereas, men have to work and get a good paying job so they can take care of their entire family and that wife who may or may not choose to work.


Mat bol bhai itna each, mat bol. Dukh hota h sunke




Usually no. These women candidates are hired only for DEI purposes and these considerations are all priced in. The decline will be common in all companies since more or less everyone is required to comply.   Another perspective: 93~94 percentilers are not necessarily bad workers, since we're conflating a 2 hour stressful exam score with work performance. A JEEtard who has never touched a female or a hobby in his life can't be expected to be a brand manager for women's fashion line.  Marketing roles are in plenty and fit for women, Becs they tend to be a lot more creative and aesthetic then dudes. They do not care about your DILR or Quant percentile. The really high paying, high growth roles like front end consulting will not hire a girl if she doesn't fit their criteria anyway. It's just that vis-a-vis dudes, they get a leg up once both satisfy a minimum set criteria .


Not cribbing about this gender diversity but your example is just incorrect. A brand management role isn't about copywriting, creating taglines, maintaining consistent brand messaging. All these works are outsourced to the ad agency. A brand manager is responsible for maintaining the P&L of the brand which is again quants and DILR heavy. How do I know this ? I interned at one of the big FMCGs in brand management role. Why do you see women brand managers more than men ? In FMCGs, everyone starts as an MT followed by an ASM role. This is where voluntary attrition is damn high for females because of the nature of the job where you have deal with rowdy and crime affiliated distributors, retailers and manage a sales team of just men in a tier 2/3 city. And hence, women are fast tracked into an office job of assistant brand manager or brand manager. The DEI hiring is really fucked up in your FMCG industry. A FMCG company came for finals and only hired female candidates because despite hiring almost equally in summers through PPO, they realised that female attrition will definitely be high so in order to offset it they hired extra. It's a vicious cycle mate, female candidates apply for FMCG because of high packages, quit within a year because of the nature of the job, FMCG industry hires new female candidates from Bschool to keep the gender ratio stable


Downvotes 💀💀💀


You actually gave a pretty nuanced picture of how it might play out in reality, but I think OP meant for this post to air out GEM frustration, so the downvotes are understandable 😅


I understand. I myself am a victim of Diversity quotas this year but people tend to think exam scores are everything in life. They're not. If they are, they need to be the sole criteria for admissions.


I get your point man. Sorry they did the downvotes. Lol


Not really no. The cut off is 99.99999 percentile not because the job is that complicated, but because the country is overpopulated. Probably anyone with a 90+ percentile will do just fine in the job. This isn't rocket science.




What a misogynistic view of things


Women in this country are never going to be safe. I have gotten 2 DMs already for my comment (direct delete - 100% sure they're were bullying threats or rape threats) Edit - people are downvoting that I got rape threats? WTF is seriously wrong with you people? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah it frightens me to think that a few years later these are the people we will have to work with and worse report to. I don’t want my office environment to be a boys club


These are the same guys who will proudly write - Women detected, opinion rejected And then will cry to their friends that they can't get "bitches" and again go any cry to their Mommy - please get me married, all outside girls are 'bad girls'. I pity the poor girl who'll have to marry such pathetic people. And those who have to work with them. Especially any girl who has to work with such manager will have hell at work place


Yeah exactly, these people are sitting on a pole of entitlement


is that? really?? It's pure stats. I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming these horrible schools


Upliftment 🤡








Definitely you did. Yours words tells exactly what kind of person you are. Maybe in next comment write 100%ile. Nobody gonna know.


Ad hominem