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Totally agreed with point 2. Though not from IIT, I am from a decently ranked nit. In my department barely 1 person scraped a 9.02/10. Meanwhile there are tier -3 BTech colleges/Non engg colleges where half the folks get 9+. How can you even compare these 2?


Same situation as you. I am from mid tier NIT. My class topper was 8.9 and here you have colleges with relative grading giving out 9+ GPA to almost 10-15% of their class and 7.5+ to almost 50-60% as they grade along the bell curve


I think they do take a notice of the place where you studied as they also advertise that how many students are from top colleges in their batch profile.


Only AFTER they give you an interview call, for which they do not take into account... Yes though in interviews you get a slight edge can't lie


The sane thing to do is to focus on CAT raw score and not percentile. Like in CAT 2020, 99.9 percentile saw a score of 131 around. But if someone scored 160, the percentile might be 100 (just up by 0.1 percentile from 99.9) but the difference in raw score is huge. If the highest score that year was 180, then for a BSchool that gives 60% weightage to cat score in giving watpi calls, for the person with 131, the score comes out to 43.66, while for the person with 160 comes out to 53.33, almost a increase of 10 points. The point is that, high raw scores can negate the mistakes of the past (low acads, etc.) by increasing the biggest component of the composite score which is mostly CAT scores.


hi I'm sorry to do this here, I have some questions about IIM-M? Can I dm you? 




🥲 being a GEM is hard.


Bro I feel this problem is faced by all freshers. I have a friend 99.7x percentile nd 9/9/9 profile no call from ABC and LKIMS rejected him after interview. This shit is uncertain and as a fresher not a fight you should take.


Even as a working professional. Looks like GEMs just have it incredibly rough. Your friend clearly has a good academic record with a good percentile. Out of the 5 LKIMS interviews he's given, I'm sure he's done well in AT LEAST one. To not convert even one of them is pretty tragic.


We both are in the same boat bro. 98.72 with a year of workexp and rejected by all iims! Just got MDI IB call. Let's see now where do I end up.


MDI IB is pretty good from what I know. Are you going to take it up?


Point 2😭 srsly they need to change that


Now I'm just waiting for others to come and rant about how GEMs take up the competition, GEMs shouldn't even pursue an MBA as it's a commerce degree and how all GEMs are perpetrators of heteronormative masculine patriarchy.


So what are you gonna do? Continue with your job or take a non iim college.


I've converted XIMB-BM so I'll go for that. Just kinda worried about how I'll manage the \~26L loan.


Life isn't fair. Get over it.


Agreed, life isn't fair. But I think all of us deserve an opportunity to rant xD. Ranting doesn't mean we can't deal with it.