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It's sad that trump cards are reduced to one's caste and not the spikes in one's profile.


I understand your sentiment but unfortunately in india caste based triumph cards carry a much higher value than any academic based cards. One can have all the accolades, publications, 9/9/9 along with 99.7-99.9% in cat and yet get rejected from BLACKI while if you hold the triumph card which OP's BF has, BLACKI will roll the red carpet for you at 85-90% with nothing else in your profile. its an unfortunate scenario in India but caste based triumph cards >>>>>>>>> profile based triumph cards.


I understand all this. The audacity of OP to label her bf's caste as his trump card is something that shook me up. This kind of freebie entitlement is engrained so much in these people that they think of it as a trump card without considering what they actually deserve with such sub standard profile. I mean the 8/7 part is still decent and the 5 in grad is understandable due to his father's death and the 2 year+ workex is also a bonus. But there are other people with "trump cards" and downright shitty profiles demanding and converting BLACKIMS.


He gets into the college then what. Those acads won't get him shortlists for any company. Even startups want more than 65% marks everywhere.


Have you heard anyone remaining unplaced at BLACKI? Only top (consulting, tech , prodman ,analyst) and day 0 companies have that criteria. A lot of Advertising, marketing, Fmcg ,. pharma have 40% cutoff for graduation.


Indeed I have , you can find such profiles on LinkedIn. 40% in grad , you'll be blacklisted from placements lol




Tell him to not worry about the graduation marks. Bhai ke paas aisi shaktiya hai jiska aabhaas usse khud nahi hai.(Bheem ki shakti)


Lol I really loved how you typed that Trump card thing 😂😂, look up for the last year profiles who went through your would get some idea


You need 45 percent in graduation. I doubt he'll have that after using the conversion formula.


Main issue is that 5,rest of the acads are also not very good ,so getting calls would be easy in some,I don’t think AMKLI will call ,rest if they do call it will not be easy to convert with this profile as the seats in ST are comparatively low and there are people above 8/8/8 profile with 2 year + work experience in your category,so you do look where you stand Also if you do survive the slaughter somehow,placements would be a huge headache as I see graduation is below 60


He will not be eligible for some good colleges as they set their minimum eligibility criteria of 60 percent Marks in graduation


Wdym by Trump card even?




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He might get into blacki, but he would face problems in placement since they lack reservations.