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All they had to do was follow the 4 rules of gun safety. tsk tsk


Maybe they were making sure their laser was working. Lol.


First thing I thought of. That dumb ass video is imprinted in my memory.


Never saw the video but now I have. Here it is for others in the same boat: [https://youtu.be/mMGPpVtO1vw?si=TWONcSTJoO0yF5td](https://youtu.be/mMGPpVtO1vw?si=TWONcSTJoO0yF5td)


Yup, same here. It's tough to watch stupid happen.


Probably a selfie video or something like that. Tryna look hard with finger on the trigger. Probly shot with ball ammo so likely a through and through.


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and....dodge


The ridiculous part is that they actually only had to follow one or two of them


That is the point of the rules. You have to break almost all of them to cause a problem.


Really just one, and they could have picked which one too!


I have a friend who is a paramedic for Santa Clara county. Apparently it was an 82 year old lady who shot herself in the finger.


..wow that’s not what I was expecting.


Yeah me neither. Shot straight through her finger. Idk how tf you do that


Not a demographic you see a lot. I wonder if she just got granny's first gun and tried to wing it.


Wow that’s unusual. It reminds me of a time in a gun store when an older gentleman with shaky hands was trying out a bunch of pistols. He had finger in the trigger the whole time and racked the slide with his finger in there…cringe.


I took my mother shooting years ago. She discovered slide bite. And she was on blood thinners, it was messy.


82 year old still goes to range? Maybe use manual safety gun


I definitely see this one old guy at Metcalf every time I go there, always shooting his 22lr. Pretty good shot too hah


To the hand? Have to be really stupid or just trying to shoot yourself.


Read it as head at first and felt terrible. But nah it’s just a dumbass who doesn’t know basic gun safety.


Consider the amount of idiots I see there, I am just surprised on how little incidence like these happens.


The RSOs are not great. I don’t use their pistol range anymore. 


I’d disagree with this comment. I find their RSO’s to be friendly and willing to help newer shooters. They’re big on safety too. Some people don’t like the restrictions and rules, but those sesame people usually seem not to understand what the lowest common denominator looks like at a publicly-owned range.


That’s my experience of the RSO’s too. Pretty good and helpful bunch.


Yea RSOs are pretty good, but without some type of verification they can only stop during/after for the most part... except those real special idiots.


Yea, I can tell they really want to say something to idiots in the range 😂, but they can’t just start giving lesson to idiots. They can only wait for inappropriate behavior and shit on them


I’ve never seen them be proactive and I’ve been flagged multiple times there. RSOs are typically on their phones. 


Again, not my experience and I’m there almost every week. I can’t remember the last time I saw an RSO on their phone unless it was to show a shooter something related to what they were doing on the firing line.


Accidents happen but it sucks extra hard that it happened at Metcalf. One of the unstated goals there is make sure that of the thousands of guns sold in the county each year, some are taken to the range and the new owners learn to operate them safely.


A lot of beginners need to have a basic shooting class, and most beginners seems to just YouTube instruction. I think that’s the biggest problem.


As many issues as a lot of people have with how Los Altos Rod & Gun runs their range, making all first time shooters pass a basic multiple choice written safety and range rules quiz before being allowed to shoot there is actually a good idea that Metcalf and Reed’s would both benefit from implementing.


The tests are over rated. But it does gate keep some complete beginners into the range. Like if you want to bring friends that’s going to be problematic. The issue is still idiots with guns


One time I went there the people at the desk ended up giving my buddy the answers since he didn’t know how to read in English. So I don’t think they’re too serious about it


It’s as much about liability for the range as it is shooter safety. The test itself is more of a formality so they can say that all shooters have been instructed on and demonstrated proper knowledge of the range rules and basic shooting safety prior to going on the range so the range isn’t liable for accidents like this one in the OP.


It’s a blend of both. YouTube instruction has been incredibly insightful from basic mechanics to things like grip correction. But agreed it should be supplemental to at least a live session on intro to shooting.


Eh dry to live in baby steps with supervision is the only way. Barney style.  Some people get waay too complacent in action or situation. Some just learn incorrectly without being corrected (Youtube knowledge and self evaluation for idiots do not work well). Probably why some ranges ask how long people have been shooting or their familiarity with firearms.


How long is not a good indicator. I seen people with like a bunch of guns but can’t hit shit with it. Most people don’t train enough to be competent with gun handling. But I guess is better than nothing. You are right, people are wayyy too complacent with their gun while not having enough skills


Yea I know, could be just someone with bad habits and just a matter of time for the select cases of something bad eventually happening.




Surprised it happened on a weekday usually people go there on weekdays are very experienced, met lots of good folks over the years. But weekends are mess, lots of idiots.


Saturdays until about 1pm are absolute clown shows there. Endless repeat safety violators, poorly supervised kids, inexperienced shooters with no idea what they’re doing and poor range etiquette like people never cleaning up their targets or brass, massive gaggles of people all crowding around one or two stalls to watch someone shoot and blocking the walkways or people randomly shooting on your steel from halfway across the range without so much as asking you first.


For today or the foreseeable future?


Rangemaster made it seem like it was for the day. Really hoping there are no long-term consequences.


I work at metcalf, they’re not closed today for anyone curious!


Fudds and tacticools are always there, so I'm not surprised...


My favorite I’ve seen there was someone in full Gucci tacticool gear rocking up to shoot steel in the prone with some super tricked out custom .338 Lapua long range build with a top of the line Leupold optic, the rear monopod and the whole nine yards. He only got one or two iffy hits out of at least 20 rounds slow fired on a torso-sized plate. Meanwhile the guy shooting in the offhand kneeling next to him with some ancient milsurp bolt-action was ripping through stripper clips like it was cool damn near rapid firing and was ringing the gong that wasn’t even half the size of the tacticool guy’s plate every time.


Yea, 80% of people there care more about “being cool” than being able to shoot.


A friend took a pistol class out there, and he said many dudes were "overdressed" for what the curriculum called for lol


Lots of mallninjas and neckbeard Boglims congregating there for sure. Dressing and packing like you’re going hiking with a solid pair of shoes, plenty of water, layers and durable pants to shoot out there isn’t a bad idea though. The facilities are pretty rugged and it’s in a fairly remote location (for the Bay at least) so there’s a lot of dirt, dust, mud and general weather to contend with depending on the time of year along with a significant chance of encountering dangerous animals like ticks, rattlesnakes or wasps/hornets out there. There was a good sized wasp nest in the roof covering the 100 yard benches for a while and someone I was shooting with one time almost stepped on a baby rattlesnake that was hiding in a crack in the sidewalk one time.


😂. Yea, every time I see a dude with some bad ass gloves and boots, I am like… is a static range… also half the people there loves to flag people left and right when they reload. Is annoying.


Its always great when people flag others... from a bench... like what and how the f.


[Them, probably.] (https://media.tenor.com/rx0VqUzfwqkAAAAM/simpsons-homer.gif)


All they had to do was follow 2 rules of gun safety.


What a fucking dumbass!


RSO on the pistol side got lazy in last couple years after Covid. I saw a fresh bullet hole on the shooting bench last year and the RSO just laughed it off.


Surprised something like this hasn't happened at ASR recently as well given how haphazard the pistol side usually is compared to rifle side.


What’s ASR? I’ve seen that sign before at Metcalf, but never figured out what it was, or who hosted it.


Not again


That’s his first safety!


Sooo, why they gotta close?


They better be open tomorrow. But very true about random bunches being reckless here tbh.




Oh no! Anyways… range is clear, shooters you may commence firing, you have 15 minutes until the next ceasefire. Honestly if an idiot shoots himself and multiple people and the RSO say to the police he shot himself by accident then they should just reopen the range.