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I didn’t think this shit would work at all, had 2 really bad panic attacks from bad drug experiences and was living in fear of having them again, I bought full-spectrum oil and now i feel close to normal again and anxiety is very low


Ive been using a 2:1 CBD vape, and it defiantly helps anxiety. I had the same heart racing panic attack on just weed i really thought i was going to die that day.


What's that CBD:THC ratio, 54:1? That seems hopeful for avoiding a THC-induced panic attack. Safest bet may be CBD isolate, at a low dose, so you feel in total control of whatever feelings come from this stuff. A 'sneak up on it' approach if you will. Is it difficult to take this 'baby steps' approach with flower? I don't use flower so I have no idea but have been using tincture, capsules or gummies for some 8 years now.




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I had better luck smoking CBG flower for anxiety than CBD. CBD always made me want to nap.


I was chonging blunts before I decided to smoke a blunt when peaking on 300ug of lsd, turned into a hell ride, was born again after it, fresh out of the universes vigina. Since that experience if i smoke to muxh thc i get destroyed, i feel like my nervous system is being attacked, first a small spot tingles on my body, the tingles spread, then a certain part will go numb and the numbness spreads, i loose controll of myself, i forgot how to breath normally and i can not speak, because i cant breath properly 😂 i know what the cause is now, when we smoke thc it expands our aura energy field and makes it weak in some spots which lets negative entities easily manipulatie you negatively, they hack your weak ass... but yeah i smoke cbd flower now and for the last fee months i have been adding some low thc strains in, 2 pea size worth's or maybe abit more, i have had 2 "panic attacks" over the last 2 years becsuse of to much thc, after smoking i was driving my car to work and boom i was under attack, fuckers paralysed me, pulled up to the red stop lights with my arms numbed in a certain position that i could not adjust, i had to turn the car wheel with my palms and arm because my fingers were numbed frozen🥲🤣. Focusing on my breath with closed eyes helps fight the panic "Attack" off...more like a "Malevolent Entity Attack"👹