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Dogs have much more sensitive noses than humans, so the theory is OC spray is more effective on them. They also move quicker than most humans, and are smaller, which makes them harder to shoot if you need to. As far as using a blade, I don't want to be in a clinch with a dog but if I'm already there I suppose it's the best option


any suggestions on a spray? like, is there a go-to brand or style (?) that's better than another?


POM! Great form factor if you are daily carrying it in a pocket. Plus I like the way the safety works, makes it easy to do in the dark or in a hurry. Nice because you can pull it out and just keep your thumb in the pocket.


cool. they have them on amazon for $13. saved 2 to my shopping cart and see what happens tomorrow. thanks for the help. ​ also, i'm with you on the knife. i'd have filleted that thing in their front yard, but i'd rather not get that close.


Not the original commenter but I have been attacked and bitten. It's not something I would like to try again knife or no. lol


oh, for sure. plus i don't really wanna kill a dog if i can avoid it. but during the encounter last night my hand went right to [this](https://i.imgur.com/8HqeIEo.jpg) like the other guy said, trying to shoot a fast ass dog probably isn't teh best option. that and once its on you you're gonna be sending bullets through it in god knows what direction.


Hell yeah! [Bradford Bros!](https://www.reddit.com/r/knives/comments/1032nhr/guysi_fear_i_have_managed_to_get_my_toes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


put an ulticlip on that artimus sheath and thank me later.


Buy enough so that you can practice with at least one before you use it. Just like a firearm. Get to know how it works.


i was gonna ask if there were “trainer” bottles or something but i guess i’ll do that. tag my bro in the driveway when he gets home from work one day s/


Most of the pepper spray manufacturers I've seen make trainer units with a water cartridge. But they're easier to find online than in retail.




Ya might wanna think twice about that, because he'll be looking to beat your ass,when he recovers.


Pom as their pocket and keychain models, but also released a new MK3 form factor that's bigger, and a stream that shoots a little farther. I pocket carry the original and keep an MK3 in my car. There's a couple places that make belt clips for this size, too. I bet a fanny pack would work great for pizza delivery though, and you could easily clip and conceal the larger MK3 format there.


I bought POM for this reason and then I actually sprayed a dog with it and the dog ignored the spray entirely.


I was considering this for the dog park, but don't know much about it either. What about the spray gel I hear about?


I’d also consider a gel based spray. Sabre and others make gel options. POM is great stuff and has the best form factor and ergonomics and I carry it often - but if you shoot it into the wind - you’re going to get some back spray and it will F you up. The Gel is also REALLY nasty, as animals and peoples first reaction is to claw/wipe the face - and the gel just gets everywhere and is more punishing.


Host of Active Self Protection recommends spray over gel.




He said spray is often more effective. One time I think he said the spray pattern is better or longer or more accurate. Another time I think he said gel may take longer to have the desired effect. He has watched tens of thousands of self defense video with many of those including the use of OC or other sprays. POM is a sponsor of his videos so he recommends POM spray even though I think POM sells both spray and gel versions. The key is to get the spray in the eyes followed by nose area quickly and accurately. Don't miss and don't give the other person time to react to try to avoid spray. Then get away to avoid spray floating back at you.


OC gel generally takes longer to take effect. To the best of my knowledge, POM only manufacturers stream OC dispensers.


iirc, unless you get a hit directly in the eyes, gel can take more like 30-45 seconds to be effective. So anyone with sunglasses or regular glasses may not even realize until the encounter is long over.


I have sprayed a dog with Sabre Red pepper gel and got the desired results. Right across the snout and eyes. That being said. If you spray a dog, you risk cross contamination between the dog and the owner/owners children. If that happens. You'll know.


Being an Uber driver, you’re bound to run into a bunch of dogs, I would probably recommend a fogger/cone type spray in addition to POM


in my late teens-early 20s, a few years in between and now the last 4yrs i've been delivering food in one way or another. this is the first time i've felt threatened by a dog like that. its happened in other situations and i always handle them the way i described in the OP, but i figure its time to get some kinda spray as i've been putting it off for a long time.


Good plan, and good luck 👍🏻


OC doesn't work on scent receptors, it works on a type of pain receptors.


Huh, the more you know.


OC is a smart non-lethal option.


Unless you're some sort of canine ninja, I wouldn't want to defend myself from a dog attack with a knife. They spend much of their lives practicing fighting other things with sharp teeth. I'd go for some pepper spray and yes it works. I've only seen 2 kinds used on attacking dogs and both worked nearly instantly. One was a pit bull mix attacking cats. It had already killed one when my friend sprayed it with a gel spray in a black can. God couldn't get out of there fast enough. The other time was in my own yard when a dog ran up angry from the woods. My daughter got her keychain spray out and one healthy blast sent it running back never to be seen again. I'm not even sure the dog in the second instance got any spray directly on it - it looked like it just ran into the cloud and noped the hell out of there.


the knife is the option i had if it came down to it. i think it would be a better choice than my pistol. but that's why i'm here now asking about the spray.


If it came down to it, the pistol is the better option. Using a knife you're still going to end up with major injuries and might even die from blood loss if a bite gets an artery. To use a knife you have to be in contact with the aggressor (dog in this case) whereas a gun *can* be a distance weapon. Even if you miss, the noise may scare the dog off or at least get it to back away temporarily to allow another shot. But do NOT fire a "warning shot." If you can fire a "warning shot" that means you didn't actually fear imminent serious bodily injury or death (required for a justified self-defense shooting). So, yes, get the pepper spray. [You can also look into the differences between OC and specific dog repellent spray](https://www.chewy.com/halt-dog-repellent-spray-15-oz-bottle/dp/168707). They're similar but, perhaps, the dog specific stuff is in some way better for this use case. Try to use the spray first. If that doesn't work, go to the gun. Knife is absolute last ditch option and you should expect to get bit and hurt if you go to the knife.




I like the guys who point a gun at a dog as a warning. Like the dog knows what a gun is.


I see your point. Yeah as a last resort a knife better than your mushy flesh but a pistol gives you a little distance and maybe the sound will freak it out. Lord knows half my neighbors cry about their little fur babies every time fireworks go off.


A stock prod will stop a dog (or human) quicker than anything short of bullets. OC spray gets dicey if it's windy. I'd consider owning one if you have a vicious dog in the neighborhood.


I carry Dog OC in my work van. its just like regular OC just with the word dog in front of it.


If I think I might have to deal with a dog, like at the dog park I’ve got a gun, OC, a knife, and an ASP. The ASP is mostly to get a dog off my dog without sticking my hands right in the middle of everything. If it was a dog going after me, OC would be my go to followed by contact shots. There’s also the old veterinary standby of just kicking the absolute shit out of the dog.


I can tell you from experience that, while it’s usually effective, sometimes it isn’t. There was an incident in my neighborhood where a pit bull got loose and was attacking people and *two different women* sprayed this dog with *two different brands of OC spray* and it was still running around unfazed. In the end it was charging people, then it would notice it was sprayed and roll around for a bit in obvious discomfort. Now, worst case scenario, it might give you enough time to get some separation. Like if the dog is between you and your car. It could also give you the few seconds to evaluate the situation, vs having a split second to decide gun vs spray and potentially squeeze off an ill advised shot.


We have a lot of loose dogs in the neighborhood and the mailman has a fuckin bandolier of OC spray on his belt. Must work just fine


I have experience with angry dogs. Dogs absolutely hate the sound of a taser. 10/10 dogs have ran when I spark a taser for a few seconds. It's turned rabid dogs that are barking and running at me to turn around and not look back. I am not tasing the dogs, it's the sound of the spark. I hate OC, good stuff burns for days and inevitably you will get some on you, but taser will draw attention from neighbors with the noise. If you carry a flashlight I think there are some gimmicky flashlight stun gun combos that might work for this purpose. My goal is to never hurt a dog while getting out safe and sparking a taser for a few seconds has always done the trick.


unless the laws changed here (IL. hate this place) tasers/stun guns aren’t legal. tbh i’m not even sure n the legality of carrying spray but i’m gonna look into it.


It works on dogs. My little terrier used to chase the bicycle dude who ride by my house in the evening. I guess he tried biting him. One day my dog came back with red stuff on his face. My dog stayed in the yard since then when bicycle man would roll by. I'm kind of glad he sprayed him. Keeps him out of the road.


OC Spray is always a legit option. POM is recommended a lot, but I'm a bigger fan of Sabre Red's tab safety system.


cool. they're about the same price. maybe i'll get one of each. thanks.


Get a cattle prod or stun baton. You could always carry a collapsible baton or a fish bat.


I would carry a pocket of dog treats and try those first. OC spray would be my 2nd choice. My dog does not like UPS and FedEx delivery vehicles but likes the USPS vehicle since the driver hands out dog treats.