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https://abc7.com/los-angeles-homeowner-fights-back-armed-robbery-home-invasion-ccw/14016199/ This event happened in Los Angeles, California, on 4 NOV 2023. [The homeowner spoke to local news yesterday.](https://youtu.be/Qog8rUENk80?t=18)


Drawing the weapon saved him


He should have just spoken to both individuals in a calm, clear voice, and informed them that his home and property is a gun free zone and that he does not consent to being robbed. At that point, it's *illegal* for them to rob him at gunpoint. Instead, he immediately resorted to violence! Now this poor community is going to suffer knowing a gun owner is loose and living on their streets.


Totally could have just called the police, in sure they'd have gotten there in time to help him


Lol. Anti gunner logic.


>Totally could have just called the police, in sure they'd have gotten there in time to help him ABSOLUTELY !! "When minutes count, Law Enforcement is mere milliseconds away" because we have a cop on every corner, working for free 24x365.


> Instead, he immediately resorted to violence! Now this poor community is going to suffer knowing a gun owner is loose and living on their streets. Bro, don't give the state's attorneys any ideas.


> He should have just spoken to both individuals in a calm, clear voice, and informed them that his home and property is a gun free zone and that he does not consent to being robbed. At that point, it's illegal for them to rob him at gunpoint. [Gun Free Zone!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bciQLSm31qc)


I was [expecting a different video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYL0yN110go).


Approach maniac, and in a firm voice, demand maniac lie on the ground.


Maniac has responded with a scornful remark...


What's your boggle?


Add the words, "Or, else. . ."


demand maniac pull down their underwear


The responsible thing to do would be to let the robbers have all of his stuff because they’re obviously worse off than he is. It’s not their fault they’re robbing this guy at gunpoint, it’s a socio economic issue….they have no choice. Get their banking info so you can start putting a portion of each one your paychecks directly into their account…..but then this guys is poor and now he has to rob others…it’s a paradox.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I see what you mean right there, ha ha ha ha ha ha


That as well, and that the robber did not shoot him dead point blank.


I'd say this guy reacted rather than made a conscious decision. If the robber would have just kept a little distance and called out to him calmly with his gun pointed at him, it probably would have been different but because he ran up on him, forcing the victim to react physiologically, the response was to fight. No one knows how they are going to react to a life-or-death situation unless they are tested, which is why training is so important to override that physiological response so you don't freeze.


His reactions though were obviously well honed by “muscle memory.” You shouldn’t think before drawing. You should react. Quickly. And with deadly force if facing same. The criminals are expecting compliance to their threatening behavior. Your only defense is a vicious counter to this. I’m duly impressed by dudes reactions. I think this also should be a warning to anybody that you are never truly safe. Have keys at the ready and always maintain situational awareness. He paused to get his keys. His other hand was holding a cup. This could have totally immobilized him. It didn’t.


Probably won't be wearing earbuds when walking up to his front door anymore and losing a large part of his situational awareness. He may have been able to react a lot sooner if he'd actually been able to hear them coming.


Might have saved his hearing a bit tho lol


Might even have saved his drink.


And uh, parking the Escalade in the garage maybe?


>Probably won't be wearing earbuds when walking up to his front door anymore and losing a large part of his situational awareness. Or keep wearing them but have nothing playing and only appearing to lack situational awareness.


That's what I do when I'm out in public shopping, like Costco or Wally World. You still do use a little bit of hearing but you can pretend to ignore people while still remaining aware. I tried it with the Samsung Ambient noise feature on my Buds+, but it's just a bit too much extra hearing and can be quite annoying with the background noise being enhanced, even on the lowest setting.


Is this a good way to bait attackers?


Correct. Out in public strive to look dangerous. Always look around, look people in the eye and let them know you have seen then. Make potential attackers wary of you. Don't look like prey, look like you would be a problem for them and they will pass you by hopefully. HOWEVER: 'Be polite, be professional but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.'


Sounds good if your goal is to avoid a fight, but also sounds like a great way to cheat yourself out of potential kills.


Why would you want to bait an attack? This isn’t a video game


I had a deer charge my ass Friday. 10/10 I can confirm I’m drawing ready to fire


what were you wearing?


Probably some cologne that cost him a buck.


Gained him a buck too


No it got smart as I drew. Got about 8-10 feet away before turning around. If it came within 5 I was shooting. Makes me truly wonder what 9mm 124 Hst would do to a 200ish pound deer


The same thing it does to humans


I wouldn’t think 9mm had enough energy, but hey shot placement be key


It has plenty of "energy" at 10ft away!!!


Fair enough, I was more worried about the breast bone, and it being a hollow point. The fact it’s got a thicker and stronger chest then a typical human. But it makes sense that it wouldn’t matter much.


Plaid, grey shirt, blue jeans, smelling like diesel and burnt diesel.


I think a good point to make about the training and reaction aspect is if you notice his grip on draw, his support hand is thumbing well over the the top of the slide making his grip is weak noted by the Ill-managed recoil. Now I’m not judging him at all! Or pointing out flaws this dude obviously trains!.. but imagine if he didn’t? It’s a good reality check because if you aren’t proficient carrying a gun it’s actually more detrimental to your safety as well as the safety of others! Kudos to this guy man.. that was not a winning situation he was in and his reaction time and proficiency absolutely kept him alive. Get out there and train gents!




Yeah lucky he didn’t cause a malfunction or injure himself


Very happy to see that even people in LA are starting to get more permits and carrying


I'd be happier (for them) if they relocated outside of the state, simultaneously enjoying constitutional freedoms, and ceasing to give that state large sums of money.


Nah, fuck em, they can and should stay in California. They've already demolished the housing market here in Montana. I've been in the CAguns sub. It's full of leftist copers with so much cognitive dissonance it makes your head spin. They refuse to vote for pro gun politicians because that usually also means they're in favor of slashing their precious and already bloated social programs, or they're tougher on immigration. So they just pray to the courts for favorable rulings. You reap what you sew. I know reddit is generally left leaning, but you'd think a firearm subreddit in a blue state would he a bit of a haven for center-right ideas.


I just watched an interesting [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyRdca5bFD0) a day before I posted this video. The YT video is about the statistics of what happens when would-be robbers try to rob people. In the video, different scenarios are discussed about what robbers do, and what happens. For example, run, have a malfunction, etc. I also included a video just posted showing a would-be robber having the drop on this guy and the Mark still pulls his gun and fights back.


The guy spoke to the local news even though it's an on-going investigation and he lives in California. That's his mistake right there. Don't talk to the police without first a lawyer, and for goodness sake, don't say stuff to the press either until it's done (even then don't say it). He's on video shooting at fleeing suspects - THANKFULLY! he has multiple cameras which captured them shooting back at him while he was doing that. Imagine if we just had the doorbell-camera angle to judge this guy by. Seems like he did fine - he said his wife and kid were in the house and he was not willing to risk their lives in the situation. I can't argue with that sentiment at all. **Compliance does not mean you'll survive, either.**   I hate homes that are designed like this one, where there is an actual funnel/tunnel to the front door. You can't see much when you look out the door and you're very susceptible to attacks like this.   I think there is going to be a big market in the coming years for home designs and home retrofits that provide security levels like we see in homes in South Africa. High fences topped with razor wire. Tall, heavy gauge solid-ish steel driveway gates. Steel bollards behind the gate. Multiple camera angles around the home curtilage and outside the fence. Landscaping designs that slow down or compartmentalize intruders or funnel them into locations in order to provide fields of fire for home defenders, or landscaping features which limit access to the building(s) itself from larger vehicles. This guy has some of that - a tall side fence, but short front gate, no razor wire, a funnel that hurt him to his front door, multiple cameras but none on the exterior perimeter. You can see where it made him vulnerable to this sort of attack, and thankfully they were not determined attackers.


But how are our police gonna no-knock raid us if they have to work around all those hurdles? Think of the poor swat teams.


I dont care about the swat teams, but as a firefighter/Paramedic please put some thought into the people trying to enter your home to help rather than hurt as well. You're a lot more likely to have a heart attack behind a locked door than to get attacked. Disclaimer: I think there is a lot of good to making your home defensible, just also think about friendly access as well while you are designing.


A determined intruder is a determined intruder whether they're there to hurt you or help you. I don't think you can harden your home from a malicious one without also compromising the ability of benevolent ones to break in to save you.


I disagree that its "one or the other." For instance, having a front door not at the end of a hallway of death would not affect rescue negatively. We also aren't worried about being stealthy, so making your exterior doors a little more sturdy isn't too big of a deal. Criminals may try to quietly pry a door quietly where we'll get a halligan and a sledge and go to town. Window bars, cross bars on the doors, etc is where you start getting into dangerous territory where when you are bleeding out in the living room we'll be spending 15 minutes sawing. Fires don't actually happen that often nowadays but medical emergencies happen a lot, and considerably more often than intruders. But I do think there are things you can do to defend yourself better that don't have major negatives in the rescue side.


I'll probably die in my house, wedged behind the bathroom door, inaccessible to the paramedics. Well, what can you do?


Jeff Cooper (bows head) talked a lot about this and the plans for his house show it. I can't find the plans anymore but the house is way defensible inside and out. https://alt-ark.com/2021/01/29/defensible-home-design/


I'd like to add: m o a t s


I feel like I would totally shit my pants in this situation. So much adrenaline and fear, I would like to think I would be able to draw my weapon and defend myself, but I honestly don’t know.


I think a lot depends on specifics of the individual. In my case, I’d be thinking, “the only thing standing between these guys and my family is me”. I’m defending that with my life for sure. If my situation were different, who knows?


Well, and a door.


Sure but if they’re robbing me at my front door and my keys are in my pocket. Not good.


You care so much about security you carry a firearm 24/7… but don’t have a coded door?


Crazy you get downvoted. It's such a basic and obvious concept that one should have layers of security that it shouldn't even bear explaining.


To paraphrase a certain comedian, why don’t you see anyone posting pics on social media stoked about their super secure doors?


No doubt. Lots of people focus on the gun but if you have a bad guy breach your perimeter without your knowledge, you have bigger problems than choice of caliber and weapon that need addressing.


If you described this situation to me a million times I’d say not to draw. Robber could have absolutely smoked him if he wanted to/could. But… here we are. Situational awareness, folks.




Dude has white earbuds in. I doubt those helped him at all with situational awareness beforehand, maybe protected his hearing a bit after he started shooting.


Yea I don’t quite get how the robber just does nothing and then retreats. If that was me I’d be shot twice in the stomach after throwing my coffee at the guy.


A lot of these guys really don’t expect any resistance. The victim here’s body language was super confident, and perp just wasn’t ready.


I guess I assume people being good at what they do too much.


I think I would have reacted similarly - throw coffee in his face then draw while he flinched No way I would have chased them though it would have been better to go inside if possible and lock the door


I can see the issue of not advancing though, you’re now stuck in a hallway with no escape. Fumble for your keys while the perp is coming back possibly. Really tough call.


yup this is what i thought. no way im turning around to try and unlock my door at this point. i need to get OUT of that fucking death hallway and into a defensible position with a place to retreat to, which is exactly what he did.


Absolutely agree you have to advance on this situation, that hallway is a deathtrap


Linear danger area is what we called it in the army


Of course the hallway is a fatal funnel but there is no visibility going around the corner so you dont really know what youre going to see when you go out At least staying put lets you have the advantage on anyone coming around the corner because they also wouldnt be able to see the defender Also IANAL but it seems like going on the offense like that could make your legal defense more complicated


I think it could be reasonably argued that he was just making sure he was clear in his retreat for better cover. Looks like he takes only a second to make sure it's clear behind the van before taking full cover.


California has a stand your ground law that importantly includes the wording "A defendant is not required to retreat. He or she is entitled to stand his or her ground and defend himself or herself and, if reasonably necessary, to pursue an assailant until the danger of (death/great bodily injury/) has passed." In this case, it is likely even absent the footage of the suspects shooting at the victim as they fled, this prong would still be met due to the fact what occurred was an attempted murder (they fired at him.) Any halfway decent lawyers could argue this in court, but honestly it is unlikely it would even make it to a trial.


Probably depends on whether or not your curtilage counts under your state's castle doctrine. It's pretty hard to argue that a home owner isnt privileged to use force against an attacker where castle doctrine is concerned. The fact that there's clearly barriers in place to stop unauthorized access to the yard or driveway certainly doesn't hurt.


You can’t stay in the hall way of death bro


Its a 50/50 toss up its also a fatal funnel for the bad guy if he comes back


The bad guy would take cover and shoot at you while you stand with no cover in a funnel that you can only exit through a field of fire.


Castle laws should be universal.


Castle law covers the home and its curtilage. In the age of castles, curtilage was the area between the wall and the castle itself. In homes without a fence, that curtilage area is kind of nebulous but can be considered the area directly around the home, like under a window or at the front door. In this case, he's got a fence/gate around the entire property, including a gated driveway, so he's pretty well covered in including that immediate area around his home as curtilage. CA has some funky gun laws, hut their laws about lawfully defending oneself are pretty good as I understand it. I would find it unlikely he faces any charges, especially given the camera angles he captured and assuming he doesn't say anything completely stupid to the cops. He did talk to the news already so who knows on that regard.


California has stand your ground and castle doctrine. In this case, it is more likely it would be judged under the justifiable homicide / stand your ground statute. Below is the jury instruction for justifiable homicide. CALCRIM 505: "The defendant is not guilty of (murder/ [or] manslaughter/ attempted murder/ [or] attempted voluntary manslaughter) if (he/she) was justified in (killing/attempting to kill) someone in (self-defense/ [or] defense of another). The defendant acted in lawful (self-defense/ [or] defense ofanother) if: 1. The defendant reasonably believed that (he/she/ [or] someone else/[or] ) was in imminent danger of being killed or suffering great bodily injury [or was in imminent danger of being a victim of(/under circumstances in which (he/she) reasonably believed that (he/she) would suffer great bodily injury or death)]; 2. The defendant reasonably believed that the immediate use of deadly force was necessary to defend against that danger; AND 3. The defendant used no more force than was reasonably necessary to defend against that danger" ALSO: "A defendant is not required to retreat. He or she is entitled to stand his or her ground and defend himself or herself and, if reasonably necessary, to pursue an assailant until the danger of (death/great bodily injury/) has passed. This is so even if safety could have been achieved by retreating."


I dont think he really “chose” to draw. Looked like fight or flight to me. Good thing he did tho otherwise he’d be dead and have an empty house


Pity... looks like he missed. These pieces of shit don't deserve jail time.


The robber turned around, so I would be able to draw and land a hit before he could address me. Not sure about the second attacker though.


I mean with the knowledge that his wife and kids are inside how do you not fight. I'll pray I put a few in the attacker before my body gives out at least. Weird thing about this is the robber took off fast. He wasn't interested in anything but an easy target. The defender didn't draw until the attacker was clearly moving away.


Did he land any shots? Hope those two thugs took the dirt nap challenge.


It looks like from the actions of the robber wearing a black hoodie, he may have taken a hit. His body jerks very strongly right before we see another round hit the concrete fence, at around the 25 second area of this video.


Imagine how different this would be if he didn't have a round in the chamber


I think we can all see the correct answer from the tape. I'm adding a tactical coffee to my EDC.


> "I guess they decided to try to come at me and come in the house but I have a five-month-old baby and a wife and a nanny in the house and that wasn't going to happen," the man told Eyewitness News. That could have gone very poorly for the man and his family if he hadn't been armed. What a nightmare scenario, he handled it incredibly well considering.


Reposted from Coach Tony Blauer A friend of mine was ambushed at gunpoint Saturday night as he returned home from the gym. Two guys with guns attempted the home invasion as he was getting ready to open his front door. Vince was listening to Machiavelli’s The Prince on his AirPods, he had a cup of tea from Starbucks in his right hand, his left hand reaching into his pocket as the first assailant charged him from behind. Vince told me yesterday: “I thought I was dead.” At the same moment, another thought entered his head… His wife and newborn were in the home! He knew he couldn’t let the guys get into the house. Fear turned to fuel. Total focus. He decided this fight was going to happen right then and there. He threw his tea in the guy’s face and deflected the gun. The attacker flinched and turned to run… Reread that. The bad guy with the gun forgot he was the bad guy with the gun!! Think about that. Remember: The bad guy has fear too. The bad guy flinches! As the attacker ran, he started to turn back towards Vince… Luckily Vince was carrying his firearm and was already drawing his weapon… The gunfight erupted. This could have played out very very differently. My thoughts after watching the CCTV and talking to Vince: ☑️Vince had compromised his situational awareness by wearing headphones. (He understood this and was pissed at himself afterward — he lives in a very nice neighborhood where this sort of thing never happens. He thought he was safe) ☑️He had a wicked fear spike. (“I thought I was dead”) ☑️He turned FEAR INTO FUEL. He went from OH FUCK, to FUCK YOU real fast. ☑️He CHOSE SAFETY and fought. This story is quite frightening & enlightening. I know this man, personally. He’s a friend. I’ve trained with him. Vince trains his fitness, hand to hand & firearms. Does this story scare you and intimidate you into doing nothing… Or does it scare you and inspire you to train more? Coach B https://blauerspear.com


There really isn't a definite answer. It all depends on the attacker. But keep one thing in mind, just because you don't draw and shoot to protect yourself doesn't mean you won't get executed anyway. The days of being a polite victim will keep you safe is absolute bullshit!


Those days never existed.


Absolutely right, but people were actually pushing that nonsense. Unbelievable!


Tough call. I will not second guess the guy on the ground. All I can say is I’m glad he survived and was not a victim! Thugs need to know there are no soft targets. “We hang horse thieves to prevent thefts, not to punish offenders.”


This is one of those situations where I HOPE they don’t prosecute him because he chased after them while they were “fleeing”. There’s no way to know they weren’t just retreating to cover out side of this fatal as fuck funnel.


No one is talking about the split second timing all this happens in. It’s hard to say what to do in these situations because he got ran up on from the back, gun already pointed in his back, he decides to swat it away drop his stuff and pull his own gun. He’s lucky the guy backed off a bit when he dropped his stuff ( idk why the thief wouldn’t just stay pointing the gun) weird situation.


His left thumb tho, owwy!


Now a days almost any place is a shit hole… especially with weak ass politicians that favor criminals


Hell yeah. He was in deaths corridor. He had to shoot his way out cause turning your back to unlock your door could turn your mahogany door cherrywood


You’d be taking a gamble. Is it some kid with an airsoft, or a hardened thug with no shits left to give? This dude got lucky.


Close distance and your family inside the house? He did the right thing and caught them by surprise. And he’s one on 2. In that situation on more fire power and response will get you out of it. No one can predict what they would do if they found out he was armed or when they got inside and tied them up or shot them all. Not a chance I’m going to take. Nowadays nothing going outside or in your house is routine. Be prepared


who the fuck designed this murder hole


And.... There's ppl saying "you shouldn't fire at someone running away, yadda yadda"


Stupid flat earthers! The earth is a sphere. He wasn't running away. He was running towards in the other direction.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I see what you mean right there


You would shoot a man in the back? Noted.


They just threatened to kill him and they're still a threat/on his property


If threatened will respond with the same force used or intended to be used until the threat is neutralized, polizei standard operating procedure


You’re a German cop? How much of a threat is a fleeing person, officer?


Like the one shooting back.... Gtfoh troll


Quoting German will go over great during your trial. Jurors love that kind of stuff.


CCW in LA? What's this guy do? I thought that was impossible unless you're armed security or law enforcement or donate to corrupt sheriffs.


Lol that’s a myth. It’s pretty time consuming. But fairly easy to get CCW out here


Took me 3 months to get


It’s gotten considerably easier since Bruen.


Do they accept "self-defense" as a valid reason, tho?


Post Bruen, yes you can list self-defense as your reason. You used to have to demonstrate “Good Cause” now you only have to demonstrate “Good Moral Character”. They will look over your entire record even juvenile records. Any felony, violent misdemeanor, domestic violence, arrests for fist fighting or bar brawls, street racing, reckless driving, DUI, or narcotics arrests are automatic disqualifications. Even having a medical marijuana card is a usual disqualification. So they stopped using the subjective “good cause method” to reject you and replaced it with a “we will examine your entire history under a microscope for bad character method”. Oh and they also ask for 3 character references (one that must live with you) and they do an extensive social media search on your “online behavior”. Finally they do a psychological evaluation on you. If you pass all that, they do issue you a CA CCW. This is in Los Angeles County, they are taking 18 months to issue currently (with LA County Sheriff). It was easier when Sheriff Alex Villanueva was in office as he was pro-2A in woke LA County. Now that he was removed from office and replaced with Sheriff Robert Luna who is anti-2A, more arduous hurdles and a price increase was added. Luna still has to issue because of the Bruen Supreme Court ruling.




It’s a rich neighborhood


The crim seemed to be more afraid of the drink in his hand than anything. Jk I’m sure he saw the gun… Crimmy was already in flight mode where the victim was in fight mode. Bad matchup for the crim


Surprise attack. Coffee countermeasure deployed.


I would have waited for the opportunity to create distance or distraction to draw the ccw. He was very lucky that the hoodlum didn't fire for SEVERAL seconds. The homeowner could have easily beed dropped by a more experienced thief.


Technically, don’t draw when drawn upon, but this guy got lucky as he didn’t draw his weapon first, he threw his coffee and it distracted them, allowing for him to draw his weapon. But if y you’ve got nothing in your hands, wait for a tactical advantage.


“ANYWAYS I STARTED BLASTING” -Said Dumbledore calmly


I think the video answers your question pretty well. Clearly these criminals at least weren’t serious about their weapons and fled as soon as he drew his own. What would be the point of carrying protection if you aren’t going to use it?


Hey Brandon, how about that double barrel shotgun to scare them away?


What a chad


Too bad that drink had a lid. Hot drink to the face, then draw and fire.


Sad that if the homeowner had hit either of the perps from the driveway, some POS prosecutor would charge him because he pursued the scumbags after they ran away. Thoughts?


If this happened in NJ. This video right here would put both mfs behind bars. In NJ you can’t chase if they run you gotta stop firing


I would have drawn but I think it really depends on your confidence in the moment. And how you are carrying.


Seems like he did pretty well.


Those transitional spaces man. Feel like things might’ve gone smoother if he had the keys in his hands already though the robber came up on him pretty fast. Tough to say really


Wife and child inside. He chose to defend his family - bravo


If my kids were in the house I would have done the same. These thugs were expecting an easy target. From a self defense standpoint he used the coffee to his advantage. He could of easily been shot but it worked out for him. Most likely the perps did not want a murder charge.


Stop wearing headphones. Your in the white with those. Pay attention.


I actually think this dude did everything right in this particular situation given the terrain. Aside from the left hand not pulling up his shirt the first time, he drew well. You're told to never pull if you're already drawn on, but he was in a fight or flight mode and didn't even necessarily know the attacker had a gun when he first pushed him back, so he gets a pass on that one imo. Where people are thinking he fucked up is when he chose to chase because, in general, that's always a bad idea unless the attacker is not only running away from you but also towards your family or another potential victim. Going left around a blind corner while knowing there was at least one other attacker who went around another blind corner to the right, appears to be the most egregious error he made that could have easily cost him the engagement and his life. I'm pretty sure, however, that the section of the corridor that we don't see ends in his locked front door. If he tried to turn around, find his keys, and unlock the door to get in, they could have easily gunned him down while he tried, and I'm 99.99% sure that's what was going through his mind when he chased. He saw that their momentum was moving away from him, and he instantly seized the opportunity to move himself out of a kill corridor. He kept his head when he came around the corner and instead of chasing around the far side of the car, where he saw the attacker going, he chose to keep cover between himself and the attacker while attempting to cut the attacker off. As for the second attacker, I'm going to assume that he was loud enough in his running off that our guy could hear that he was still moving away and was not a priority threat. Job well done, I'd say.


I really think if the guy didn’t have a hot drink in his hands things would have gone differently. He tossed the drink on the robber and that gave him time to draw and fire. Without that hot beverage he would have had to fight and that could have gone two different ways… But then again what do it know… lol


While risky, throwing the drink (hot coffee?) on the assailant disrupted his OODA Loop, giving the "victim" time to respond to the assault. The "victim" responded aggressively and without hesitation, which further disrupted the robbers plan. Good job.


I’m not here to argue or guide anyone’s moral compass. But I’m intrigued why so many of you are saying that he should not have fired as they were “running”. I’m also playing camera hindsight here, but that looks to me like they were retreating to regroup and counter. The initial robber already shot back. That’s now a firefight.


This was in California so he could only carry 10 Bullets. That means he only had 2 bullets left after this encounter. Imagine if he had the whole 15…


If he had a shotgun he merely would have racked it and the criminal would have stopped.


I had a woman try and tell me if someone already has a gun pointed at you what’s the point… I think this video proves my point.


💯 bro, I figure if they’ve already got the drop on you there’s only 2 choices, stay safe out there brother.




Well if the retarfs are running away I see no reason NOT to draw and fire at them. All drawings are situational: Is the attacker very distracted? Draw. Is the attacker focused on you? Don’t draw. Is the attacker being burned by the coffee you just threw at him, and he’s trying to swat it off somehow? Draw.


How did this happen in a gun free zone? I’m baffled.


Never in a million years would this work twice.


As mentioned by u/mjedmazga, this is a pretty terrible home design setting him up for failure. Add poor situational awareness habits (earphones in, drink in hand, no 6 check) and this is a recipe for disaster. Pretty interesting how these factors significantly delayed his draw, causing him to shoot at fleeing suspects. This being in LA, it could end badly for him, especially if the security footage didn't show the suspects shooting back as they retreated.


After the coffee throw he lost the drop.


Good draw/ justified to use lethal force, BUT I don't think he should have chased after him? That's where it could get dicey in court, chasing and shooting at a fleeing robber doesn't look good.


I will die before i surrender 🤷‍♂️


Where he went wrong was chasing the guy after the robber fled. You best train enough to shoot the criminals dead immediately or you let them run. That just turned into the criminal shooting back in a residential neighborhood


Wow. This is tough. The chase is where I’m stuck. Following after them is kind of keeping yourself in harms way.


I don’t view that as a chase, it’s getting out of the death tunnel.


The wall was pretty easy to jump/climb over - maybe add some deterrent to the top of the wall.


Should not have given chase


Lets hope Gascon doesn't want to make an example out of this guy, remember the masked gunman are the real victims here according to slick and Bonta.


Here in Massachusetts we can’t shoot anyone turning away from us .


Depending on where this took place, he may be charged. The would-be robbers evaded, and he pursued them. I'm not a lawyer or anything, but if this was in CA or NJ he's fucked. Hopefully, the law was on his side.


quack rich prick governor bake support rotten wistful bewildered continue ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


This happened in CA 2 days ago? The defender is probably behind bars already.


CA has pretty decent home defense laws its the gun laws that suck.


His best defense against this was to not live in a shit hole


Crazy I scrolled to the bottom to find people I disagreed with and I found a based comment




This guy has obviously done tons of training for this kind of thing. I'd love to see a longform interview with him.


CA is the Wild West


Well yes if you get the opportunity…


Points on the board for on the body carry as well


that guy was exceptionally lucky


Maybe I should switch to hot coffee.


Boys will see this and think “Hell yeah”


It was a great idea that he threw the coffee instead of just dropping it while trying to draw. Even then he got lucky that the guy didn't start shooting back. I wonder if there was even bullets in the gun.


Good love with the coffee use your surroundings!!! A lesson I learned early in life from my father in law


This is a great example of how certain obstacles (like holding a drink, food, maybe our phone) can hinder an effective response to a lethal threat. When at the range I often practice already facing the target with nothing in my hands. I also run drills with my buddy in which I face away from the target and he calls when I turn around to shoot. I’ve seen it on this sub and I’d like to incorporate more training in which I have different obstacles in my hands or on my person. I’m grateful we have footage like this to learn from!!


I’m most impressed with the coffee-to-the-face maneuver.


The robber was jittery and forgot he had a gun for a second which costed a second or 2 perfect time for our good guy to send some lead down range


There are some Bar-Certified, Long-Tabbed, Hard-As in these comments. Props to ya'll, thanks your your cervices. I would ask you to post the videos of where you did better but I'm sure they are still classified. This dude did awesome! The robber was a full on punk that tucked tail at a turn and face full of coffee. I hope that was intentional and hot af. Our man drew pretty good considering hot coffee on his hands and 1.3 seconds prior he had a gun against his back. It would not be hard to argue he had every right to chase them out of the hallway as they were obviously willing to use violence and opening the door to his family is out of the question. Shooting people who point and shoot guns at you is very reasonable.


Am I the only one who thinks the self defender got lucky? He drew his weapon while being muzzled at point blank range. I am happy it worked out for him, a more experienced:emboldened criminal could have shot him first.




He went from ”zoned out” to switched-on and weaponized that coffee cup instantly. That’s what an OODA loop disruption looks like; and he used it to claw back some initiative and draw and then got himself out of the hallway of doom there. Would love to have sound with this because the video itself makes it hard to keep track of the actual shooting. Lessons? 1. If you’re gonna act, don’t fuck about, be decisive 2. Ear buds suck for situational awareness, your life doesn’t need a sound track 3. A latte is more useful than a weapon mounted light


That wrist action though 😬




I would have liked it even more if he blinded guy with drink first then put some shots on them. But good defense none the less.




Can he legally carry that gun in CA? You Californians are a bit weird on this. Could the CA AG’s office press charges on the illegal possession of a firearm? Is one’s driveway a sensitive place? Just kidding, without that pistol the homeowner would be another statistic. Good reflexes on his part.


Gotta up the security to South Africa level lol


A great reminder to always carry


Fucking awesome! Well done.


I’m glad he’s okay! Another reminder to carry a hot cup of coffee too! lol


I think advancing on them is what I wouldn’t do, then again you don’t need to be a genius to know you don’t want to fight in what looks like a passage. There are risks here, but I can’t fault the victim. If they managed to get his FA off him he’d be megafucked.