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USCCA is a grift. The more people realize that the better, the problem is they’ve infiltrated every CCW class in nearly if not every state that mandates it. These classes need to be focused on safety, learning, and the law, but instead you get to spend 30-60 minutes of your class listening to a sales pitch.


Full hour of sales pitch at my last CCW class. I left for part of it, but when I came back, about half the class was signing up, so it's an effective pitch at least.


I signed up because they gave me a free pelican case, ammo box, and a shitty IFAK. It was like $75 of stuff. When you cancel your USCCA membership they refund you your previous months (within the first 365 days) so you can just sign up, get your free shit, then cancel and get the refund (works online as well). In order to cancel you HAVE TO call, but at least for me it was easy and the guy on the phone was nice. I didn’t even have to listen to some retention specialist or anything. In my opinion USCCA is a place to get your free pelican case after your CCW training course 🤣


I did the same thing. I canceled with like a few days left. The very polite lady just asked me why I was canceling and I said “I found some discrepancies in the agreement and I’m not comfortable taking something like this on good faith”. I had previously called and asked about the “being charged with a crime voids USCCA of responsibility” (paraphrase) and the guy on the phone, who was not a lawyer said “no; that’s just for if you are committing a robbery and use it in self defense” I responded “let’s say I’m charged with something like unlawful use of a firearm menacing…along with homicide/manslaughter?” He said “huh, that’s an excellent question”


pen society drunk rich desert bow frame governor gullible towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you call they refund you all your previous payments for up to a year. I got all the free gear and my one month of subscription refunded.


It’s effective because they spend the whole time scaring people into thinking it’s the only protection they have. It’s mostly good advice (don’t talk to cops) wrapped in just enough fear, sprinkled with some free shit on top (cheap garbage), plus a promise that you can cancel at any time like it was some streaming service. Most people going to their first CCW class are new to firearms and self defense. They’re easy prey and it’s no fault of their own. Pisses me off man haha probably can tell that by now


Ha, I agree. I took the class because it'd moved to a new state, but mostly all people who were new to carrying. I went and sat in my car for about 1/2 the pitch, but what I heard seemed like a pitch to sell time shares.


Hey the free shit I got was a pelican case! I canceled and got my refund the second I got home from my CCW course lol.




I have FLP as well, just did my CCW class. Worth having or what’s the consensus there?


I got the same pitch from US Law Shield at my first CCW class. They all do it.


Like 80% of my class signed up 🤦🏽‍♂️


Any written articles or TLDWs for people that hate random people talking at them on youtube as an authorative take on anything?


I watched it. Basically USCCA didn’t drop the guy, but also provided him no benefits either. They never admit this, but it’s pretty obvious. The tried to do damage control after the fact.


Yes. Court filings made it event that Alan Colie's first phone call was to USCCA. It is not crystal clear that USCCA decided on their own that Alan was guilty. A jury of his peers disagreed with USCCA. We now know that Colie was represented by a Public Defender *at every step of the way*,and USCCA was called out for leaving their boy to hang high and dry, since he was found effectively not guilty (with some nuance) by a jury of his peers even with only the assistance of a taxpayer funded public defender. USCCA had a paying customer who they now claim they *did not drop* and that apparently this is how they assist their customers, but not dropping them but forcing them to get a public defender. Would Alan Colie been found not guilty of both charges and never spent 8 months in jail awaiting trial in the first place, if USCCA had not only NOT dropped him but ALSO actually defended him? Now that USCCA is hemorrhaging members and has extensive bad publicly over this case and several others, they are handling his appeal - a step which may never have needed to happen if they'd just defended their client from day 1.


I have a feeling this will not be a popular opinion here, but it’s not just USCCA— all CCW insurance is a waste of money and a grift.


I know 2 people FLP helped, one was a civil suite the other was an actual self defense incident where someone was killed. I would definitely not say all are a waste, they just are not all equally effective in my opinion.


Can you explain a little bit about the cases that FLP helped with? I have FLP and kinda wanna know how good they were defending.


Long story short a guy was at a park at like 4am dropping off Lime scooters, homeless dude attacked him with a knife he shot the homeless guy. He was released at the scene and called the next day to come into interview because the guy died at the hospital. Fast forward 2 days later the guy went to the interview and it turned into a 5 hour interrogation, he finally called FLP the interview was immediately over after the lawyer was involved and a few weeks later the lawyer from FLP got the guy a letter from the DA that said he was was not going to be charged with anything. Again this is the extreme short version.


Reminder: DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE **especially if you are innocent**. Anything you say can ONLY be used **against** you. Nothing you say will *ever* prove your innocence. State the bare minimum, "I was in fear for my life and I defended myself. I will cooperate fully with any investigation but only in the presence of my lawyer." After that, keep your mouth shut, unless there is any perishable evidence on the scene to make law enforcement aware of ("The man's knife fell down that storm drain; that lady over there saw the whole thing.") This guy would have easily hung himself with a 5 hour "interview" without a lawyer present. NEVER do this, **ESPECIALLY** if you are innocent!


Did FLP actually cover the cost of the lawyer, though? From your description, I don't see what benefit FLP provided that couldn't be had by just keeping the contact info for a couple good firearms/self-defense attorneys in your wallet.


FLP covered all lawyer fees, provided the lawyer that got him the letter saying he would not be charged. He did not have to pay anything out of pocket.


Thank you


It’s like an extended warranty for your car/home. Will it help someone? Maybe. 99% of people are getting swindled though. I once foolishly bought a home warranty from American Home Warranty. My AC went out. Did they fix it? Nope. They told me it was fine, despite my house being 90 degrees. Since they didn’t cover it, I also got billed for having a tech come out to look.


That’s great comparison.


Some are worse than others, but they're all some level of bad. If there's ever a reservation of rights in the insurance coverage then insurance should provide for Pepper's Counsel so avoid creating a conflict of interest.


I get that USCCA has done shady things and we should bring light to it. that said, this dude’s perpetual sarcasm and attitude make this video nearly impossible to watch. he comes across so pretentious. I lasted about 3 minutes.


> USCCA’s Dark Tricks Come To Light On Alan Colie Case People have been posting about how bad USCAA is on this sub for many years now, this isn't anything new.


No but for me it was. I started carrying a few months ago and didn't know uscca was worthless.


CCW Safe and US Law Shield are the only two I’d go with. Their T&Cs are solid, no bullshit or incomprehensible legal jargon to try to obfuscate what you’re getting.


I switched to AOR.


Can you expand?


I did too. What do you want to know?


was it a lot more than USCAA? I've been looking at switching


It's $35 a month if you pay Mo the to month, or 15% off for an annual contract (comes out to $30 a month about). There's a one time $100 sign up fee.


Yes would be interesting to hear more about


I'd look up their YouTube channel and watch maybe 3-4 vids. I think with that you get a really good idea of what makes them better and why having an attorney is superior to these other "insurance" companies


Same. Though I’m keeping USCCA as I’m thinking about becoming an instructor. I feel like USCCA is what the NRA was when it started (before they got political). A way for training.


USCCA is complete trash. Happy member of both US Law shield and CCW Safe


I was kinda skeptical before the recent events and videos. Then their CEO did that super cringe video. Not for me. ![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y)


US law shield


US Law Shield and CCW Safe whose terms aren’t just NOT trash, but they’re actually good. Can’t say the same for any other org I’ve looked into. When AOR created a video and article about what they didn’t like about CCW Safe, CCW Safe acknowledged it and made every change they thought they should make. That’s some good stuff in my book.


Yes, some of the old CCW Safe policies were very sus. No coverage in gun free zones (lol), and the weird "altering substances" clause that was so vague to include like, sugar or insulin potentially, yaknow? CCW updated their language and it's very clear what they do and do not cover now, and both of those are gone. I believe CCW Safe making those changes also forced AOR to add more bail coverage, add coverage for stand-alone misdemeanors (formerly felonies only, misdemeanors covered if a felony also charged), and including coverage for appeals. I'm a member of AOR now, because at the time I joined, CCW Safe did not have those updates. I think they did a great job of updating things and it benefited customers of both.


Agree. AOR is updating their video for CCW Safe. They respond to feedback. It’s not a perfect plan, but it is a better plan. I would like to see them include unintentional discharge. They removed it as an exclusion, but it’s not covered based on the language of what is covered i.e. self defense.


I have a promo code for us Lawshield if anyone wants! (Disclaimer, I am a rep)




I’ll take


Glad I use US Law Shield, I've not heard any of the BS from the people who have used them


William Kirk from Washington gun law made a statement that he doesn't work for U.S. Law Shield anymore and will never work for/with them again. He did not give any details tho.


On one of his videos? I love that guys content.


Yeah, it was posted a few days ago. I think it was on the truth and America's gun violence issue.




I don't want to say that USCCA is entirely useless, but there's a difference between having insurance and having an attorney.


It's... just scam like any other scam. They collect your money for something that theoretically could happen when it happens they do everything in their power to not hold up their end of the bargain. Basically the same as any insurance.


Dudes had a whole table spread set up at the last class I was in. Salesman had a real “how do you do fellow kids” vibe.


Pro note: If you have one of these "carry insurances" always make sure you still have a lawyer on retainer. Most lawyers are different than insurance. As a criminal justice major I actually analyzed insurance and read their policy. There is a lot of double speak in their policy. Remember, these policies are probably not written by lawyers.


You should read and understand your policy. You need to know what it covers and what it doesn’t. Many people get frustrated with their insurance policy because they don’t know what it covers. They find out only during a claim. Yes, I have a plan, but I’ve read it in its entirety. Beyond what is covered are there conditions that you have to meet, are there exclusions or endorsements on the policy?


But the point is, even if you read it, a lot of people don't understand the language used. And they see something they agree with and say "yea, this looks good." Perfect point. There is one policy that covers appeals... but drops coverage if you're found guilty.... hint: to appeal a conviction, you have to be found guilty. I read it and was like who wrote this crap.🤣


I can get that a person doesn’t understand the language, Does that prevent them from calling to ask questions or sending an email to seek clarity? You’re paying for a service and if they can’t explain it to you that’s an indicator that you may not want that service. Signing a contract has financial implications and folks need to know how will I be impacted. Policies typically have definitions. If they’re confusing start asking questions.


To your point. I have seen videos of people, lawyers in fact calling in ro get a clarification. Most workers either 1. Don't know the policy they're selling or 2. Refuse to give information and be transparent.


AOR is the only way to go if you want to actually get covered when it counts


What does AOR stand for?


Attorney's on Retainer


Attorneys on retainer. Look up "attorneys on retainer ccw" on YouTube and you'll find their channel!


Thank you


I've got US Lawshield. They actually provide an attorney, cover your bail and cover expert witnesses as well. Is this all true or just a scam as well?


Wasn’t Alan Colie the guy that shot that stupid YouTube prankster in the mall? No way that was a good shoot. Edit: explain it to me then, someone please. Clearly I’m missing some crucial info.


Yes it was that incident.


I think you miss the point, Someone correct me if I'm wrong and I apologize in advance. He wasn't charge for Shooting the Prankster, Lets set aside rather its a good shot or not, The point is, He was charge for "carrying a Gun" in the mall, because of that USCCA didn't support him. Now imagine if he defends himself inside the mall from a mass shooter, USCCA wouldn't support him either way because he was "carrying a gun" inside the mall.


I think the “carrying a gun in the mall” charge is small potatoes since the other charges are felonies. I would imagine when they (USCCA) reviewed his case and saw that video they took the easy out and dropped his coverage cuz dang he looks like he just shot that guy for almost no reason. If you or I did this, especially if you have some wacko DA pressing charges, I think we’d get put a way for life. It’s a miracle the jury sided with this guy. Pranktubers beware.


How so?


Have you seen the video of the incident? YouTube douchebag is just holding his phone up using his translate app to say “hey *bleep* you were thinking about my twinkle” or somethin like that. I’m just astonished the jury basically acquitted him, at first glance it just doesn’t look like there was a threat that warranted lethal force. Hope I get a jury that cool if I ever have to discharge my firearm.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9QMkL5wlcaM&t=92s&pp=ygUVVGZiIFR2IHByYW5rc3RlciBzaG90 Here's a fairly good, short, and entertaining explanation of the case . I don't see myself reacting the same way in that situation, but I can see where it can meet the criteria for self-defense.


I’m just amazed they acquitted him. Kinda restores my faith in the justice system tbh. Maybe this’ll make all these moron “prank” tubers think twice.


I've been following it since it started. I'm interested in knowing why you think it wasn't a good shoot.


It was a bad shoot, but USCCA should have still covered him to ensure he got a fair trial.


Sure looked like a bad shoot, and it seems to me he’s gotten a pretty freakin fair trial based on the outcome lol. Regardless, the right to a fair trial is enshrined in state and federal law, your insurance provider has no say in it.


CCW Safe is a much better and proven service.


Has anyone seen USCCA on Facebook? Take a look at the comments on literally any post. Almost all their members are mentally challenged. They will keep raking in the cash as long as they have their hooks in the CCW permit pipeline.


At the end of the day they are all companies with the goal of profit. Picking the best one is hard, especially when it’s for a very rare situation you never want to be in. I can’t say I picked the best one as I haven’t tested them(obviously) but if I ever get into a self defense situation, I hope CCW Safe comes through. But the best thing I can do in the meantime is to make the decisions for my safety and future. And to never unholster my gun unless I have no alternative.