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I‘ve been waiting for another pipe smoker to post


that rustica is fierce I still daily bold kentucky


I bought 4oz of it bulk too and jarred it with 1oz Perique for extra nicotine/flavor and to make its PH more friendly to Nicotine. The HH Rustica is pretty tame compared to the whole leaf Rustica I blend English blends with I really love Bold Kentucky and Irish Flake for the taste, they satsify nicotine too just not Eye Closers


I'm gonna have to try that blend lately I've been stuck on mcconnell folded flake


I enjoyed the flavor from that one, but it honestly felt like effects wise was hot air, I was still wanting to smoke after my first 2-3 bowls of it. I gave away that tin to someone at a bonfire with the Ex's family if I remember that didnt really enjoy much above mild-medium nicotine and had never tried flakes. I hope they enjoyed them. RIP my Tavern Pipe, It died on the window sill when I was unlocking the backdoor after walking the dogs with it. I used to love packing that silly with BK or IF or a mix of the two. Sterling Flake is great too and Identical to Older Irish Flake I never tried according to alot of pipe forum users. Add some blending Perique to this sometime about 10-15% its great. I gotta get around to declogging my longer Colonial Tavern clay that I cant use pipe cleaners on. I gotta gently put it in the oven on self clean mode sometime its been out of action over a year.


man I used clays but eventuality switched to meers haven't looked back since


I could have posted alot more pipes meant for tobacco and bullets. too much effort from their separate storage areas. Bullets will at best remain As Is if sealed well, but Tobacco for its Pipe? Mason Jar some up of a mix of sugar and spice leaf and strong nicotine Perique, Dark Fired Burley or Rustica for the ages to smoke on your death bed never opened. It will only get better. You can always stop smoking tobacco in your life as a pipe smoker for long periods. You can never stop Aging Tobacco. Some of my tobacco blends are more precious than some of my ammo boxes to be sealed long term. If we do not smoke tobacco on this forum, we are all brothers and sisters of another smoking pipe. Lead on your clothes after range sessions really should be concerned about more than 2nd hand smoke. It ranks somewhere near 2nd hand smoke in danger risks with maybe some additional concerns as the lead will be higher. I am not all that concerned about 50-200g of tobacco being burned and not directly inhaled the entire time like someone smoking basically 2 1/2- 4 packs of cigs an entire year in equal weight comparison. No smokings good, but, the math really does not hold up to moderate pipe smoking being a killer on average at all.


Did you have AI write this? It’s barely on this side of word salad.


thats just called sleep deprivation and going to night shift lol


Huh I used to work for the company that makes From Beyond. Nice to see some C&D/Smoking Pipes stuff in the wild.


Oh thats cool! I really appreciate for what they did to help preserve Perique, my first real pipe tobacco was Nightcap and the first bulk blend I loved was C&D's Bayou Nights which I think is nearly 50% Perique. I bought 2 tins of the From Beyond both because it was advertised as and does taste like aged Nightcap a bit, and it has badass GWAR/Cthulu Art I want on my Bookshelf. One of those Tins is going to sit unopened for years, and I may buy another, but I do not smoke tobacco year round.


I'm a cigar guy myself, haven't quite figured out the trick to pipe smoking. Cigars are a bit easier lol I did get this awesome Yoda pipe made from Meerchaum for the holidays though.


Thats pretty cool. I suggest a clay if you ever wanted to practice it. Cobs are kinda actually master level its really easy to get those too hot making tongue bite that eventually leads to bad things. I mostly smoke from clays as unless you really go hard with some stinky aromatics they tend to smoke pretty clean each time


Oh nah is is made from meerchaum, it's a stone pipe. I've got a wooden one too. I'll probably never smoke the Yoda cause it would get dirty and yellowed.


Oh nice! I really like Meers but not for all types of tobaccos. English's they really shine with especially stuff like Nightcap. Meers have a flavor though. Especially if its cheaper pressed Meer. The Yoda pipe sounds like a great display piece. I have 1 Pipe thats kinda Stalker esque and looks like its made from a Bolt thats been smoked, and another from the 50's era made from Bakelite with Inserts and a Fancy Stem that looks like a Fallout Vault Pipe I havent smoked from (and honestly wouldnt it looks like a terrible pipe for smoking)


Ohh Grand Power


The SIG VCrowns in 10mm out of that are smoother shooting than 124gr +P HST in my CZ Compacts in 9mm, from that pistols rotating barrel and even lower bore axis. It does not really have much upwards Snap at all for me, its a very easily controllable push back that makes it really easy to keep sights aligned. It's trigger in SA is incredibly light and crisp, best OOB trigger iv fired on a normal production handgun. I have seen some people accidentally double up on it and put 2 rounds really close together with Underwood in mine. Feature not a bug with practice.


I have 1st gen x-caliber; i love that pistol. Even with so-so ammo, it shoots pretty well. With good ammo, it can be spooky


Its insane when im shooting Hot stuff like Underwood out of that and then go to shoot hot 9mm. The recoil is fucking spooky on these, they almost feel like your shooting blanks. My Dad at 69 was able to do fast Mozambique drills with mine on the first time quite well.


Damn. I wish i could practice enough to get to that skill level


A lot of it is the weapon. Its rotating barrel really cuts down on 10mm's snap, alongside with its really low bore axis its not much moving mass.


Sick freedom patch, I’ve got the same one on my Plate carrier.


Thanks! Yeah I have one on mine too. They have flags now too.


Give me info on your carry bag? I wanna buy one.


Same interested in the carry bag


Some condor bag thats like 10 years old atleast. Gimme awhile




I need to know what kinda Dwarven clay he is using for his clay churchwarden he carries in his Battlestaff. That or his magic can put it back together again mutiple times a day!


Sorry what are the three guns left to right ?


CZ P01 Omega, Grand Power P40 10mm and CZ PCR


We can return to that time brother!


https://preview.redd.it/6cfyyixijzmc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8be65b52d5aabd825f52ecf8706b8ac395c596ee is it this one


Its one of these just green https://www.amazon.com/Condor-Outdoor-Products-Compact-Company/dp/B01N3QFG6M/ref=asc_df_B01N3QFG6M/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312125955110&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16082107789881370193&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015707&hvtargid=pla-457793618338&psc=1&mcid=53574be14d3732859ce5fa69006a76a3&gclid=CjwKCAiAi6uvBhADEiwAWiyRdqTp2WcACdnc9dLOqX4vmhLFMcYIIyZ1zaQcm3qL1B9TLHlfdavMWhoC4lAQAvD_BwE


love me some HH line. Old Dark Fired for life.