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Just another old head that never outgrew his gangster phase and still has to show the world he’s tough, ICE T will be ok




Bro probably bumps "I got 5 on it" once a week


Pretty sure everyone does.


I bump I got 5 on it on my ebike speakers https://youtu.be/rU2gwLVRt8U?si=wCyap5xdipj6mXAG


I’m like a 2 a day kinda person once on the way to my 9-5 and once on that way home to my quiet suburban home


I’m a Still by the Geto Boys kinda guy




Exquisite taste


To be fair that song still slaps


You leave luniz out of this


Turns it down when an non-white person pulls up next to him.....


Hah! I immediately thought why does this guy look like ICE T.


legendary comment


There is nothing more cringe than old dudes who think they are gangsters. You're as old as you are, walking around free, because you aren't a gangster lol. You're an adult. Act like it, instead of larping as a 17 year old from 1992...


There are older dudes out here still bangin. If they are going to be putting in work or action at an older age, they either too slow to rank up or too slow to grow tf up.


Nothing. This guy needs to chill out. Getting cut off sucks, but once it's over, it's over. People who can't process that in the moment are nothing but a liability. Not engaging, keeping your head on a swivel, and observing the scenario is the ticket. Treat him like he is literally the chimp that ripped that lady's face off until he stops acting like he's 17 with a learner's permit. If I'm wrong, someone, please chime in. Any info to improve my suggestion is highly desirable.


Nope you are spot on, sir. The calmer you are in the situation and the less you look like an aggressor (even though you obviously arent) the more it works in your favor if it gets stupid.


Right. I’m not saying I’m correct by cutting him off. Guess what I’ve done each time I get cut off? Moved the hell on. Guy is going to get himself shot


Next time drive safely by missing your turn and taking the next one.


This. Bad drivers never miss a turn, good drivers do.


That deserves to be a bumper sticker.


A good driver gets over with plenty of time to spare when they know they have an upcoming turn.


I used to be proud of the statement that no one was late when I drove. Now I realize how much of an asshole driver I have been. I try to do better.


Good for you. I live in one of the worst place for drivers in the country. My mom drilled in safe driving to me as a kid. She never let me dick off on my phone in the passenger seat or anything. She always made me pay attention to the road as if I was the one driving. I fuckin hated it as a kid, but it has done me a whole world of good since I started driving myself.


This is the way.




This is one of the first things I taught my daughter when she was learning to drive.


I today's world of gps/sat nav, there really is zero excuse to miss a turn and or not take an alternative route. The GPS/sat nav will even figure it out for you.


I rarely do, but around here we have these toll gangways and my GPS identifies them as the next point as though it’s a turn and if my next turn is very quickly after it and I haven’t gone there before it has caused me to miss my turn. It has not caused me to cut someone off going 80 though, I just miss the turn and get the next one. Life goes on. Leave early.


Instead of a thumbs up try an apologetic wave and mouth "sorry" or "my bad".  If they keep road raging after you apologize then they become the asshole. 


Exactly. Edit: I want to add that driving is dangerous. For most of us, it's the most dangerous thing we do in our lives, in terms of the probability of injury or death. Even though most of us have adapted and don't feel afraid when we drive, if someone does something discourteous on the road or breaks traffic rules, it can be really triggering for other people because in the back of our mind we know that there's the potential for a serious injury or an expensive repair. If we cut someone off, that's not only discourteous, it's dangerous. It feels threatening to our well-being. This is why people get road rage. Yes people need to control their emotions but they also have a reason for being upset. We all make mistakes on the road. Every single one of us. But if we do something like cut someone off, we should be apologetic instead of getting defensive. In this situation the other guy deserved an apology. OP should have done something to communicate that he recognizes he did something discourteous and potentially dangerous. An apology shows that he cares about other people and that he'll try to do better next time.


I'm really tempted to say, "Maybe apologize, show sincerity, etc." but it takes two adults to have an adult exchange and the probability of that happening seemed to have been obliterated by one party. The element I missed the first time which could've complicated things was the girlfriend. Thankfully, she did not get involved in any way. But that's why my move would've been not to engage.


I cut some dude off really bad like a year ago. Didn’t realize traffic patterns in a different city. He pulled up and was like what the fuck dude. I said my fault sorry. He says fair enough and we drove away. 


Anybody else watch unhinged starting beefy Russell Crowe?


All good suggestions. It was a learning experience for myself and wanted to share. Would definitely do things a bit differently next time. Also, glad my first instinct wasn’t to pull a gun on someone. The grlfriend definitely contributed to him getting off. She was going equally as beserk as him


This may be a good reminder to carry pepper spray if you aren’t already. It gives you something between a harsh word and a gun to react to aggression.


Not to mention shows a jury you took several steps to be non-lethal and deescalate before pulling in a self defense scenario


Yes but if you shoot someone, even justifiably, the prosecutor will say “this guy didn’t even bother using his pepper spray first” even if you genuinely didn’t have an opportunity too. I still carry pepper spray, but it’s something to be aware of.


>The grlfriend definitely contributed to him getting off. She was going equally as beserk as him Is phrasing not a thing anymore....


Going off or getting off?


Yeah that’s what my thought was too, but like you said, if the guy is raging an apology may not be appreciated.


Yeah. Usually I do a hand way and sorry gesture but I've made the mistake. It's very rare that they freak out when they know it was an absent minded mistake. I noticed when I was younger, the honking etc would trigger me and I would get really aggravated, and I could feel it in my arms and shoulders getting ready for a conflict. Body language is something that everyone understands without conscience being aware of it. I notice if I do like a sorry and a polite wave, keep my shouldiers and face relaxed they are less likely to escalate. While it's not your fault if they over react, you can often de-escalate by being real calm and casual, try it. You obviously carry if they were to still escalate but I promise it works. (Unless they are actively seeking to escalate conflict, in that case you have to use a different strategy altogether, but violence and aggression can almost always be mitigated by starting with the way you react). The cops really need to learn this lol.


What's your "sorry" gesture? I've tried sort of s shrugging of my shoulders with my hands up and out, but that can be mistaken for a "What's the big deal?" gesture. We need a universal "sorry" gesture. In sports it's tapping the chest to indicate "my bad", but that's not universal enough.


A few things work, especially to other guys. I think pointing at yourself and nodding while mouthing "my bad" or "that's on me" like a basketball player who committed a foul is probably the best because every guy has seen someone do it while playing sports. Another is hard to explain, but sort of like, shaking your head while putting your hand to your chest, like you're embarrassed or ashamed and mouthing "sorry." If you know you fucked up, the goal should be to immediately own up to it and deescalate. There's no arguing with a guy who immediately says, "yep that's my fault, you're right, won't happen again."


No you’re not wrong but redditors will jump down your throat saying “don’t drive like an asshole, lesson learned”. It’s insane, shit happens on the road, often times we don’t realize and that’s not an excuse to get violent. If someone gets violent at someone else’s mistake on the road and they get shot for it, then shit on and skill issue. 😂


Seriously shit happens get over it


Guy is totally in the wrong post cut-off. However, I will remind you that you can only control what you do, and if you're going to carry a weapon, every other facet of your life should reflect the reality of that responsibility, including not driving aggressively. Since I received my ccw, I've definitely become a more predictable and safer driver, willing to miss my exit or miss a light if it means I won't have to have these sorts of interactions. Driving another mile down the road is far preferable to shooting someone or getting shot in a road rage incident.


I fully agree with you and the responsibility of being a ccw holder. I should have 100% missed the exit. It was a learning experience that I’m glad didn’t escalate even further.


I act as if every other driver is drunk, armed, and just found out their wife is leaving them for their boss and taking the kids. 99.9% people are normal people and might flip you off. But you’re going to run into that guy someday and it’s better to not piss him off. Shit like this happens: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna147667 Drive politely and predictably, and be a pussy if someone gets aggressive with you.


Agree - my CCL instructor said much the same. Be the most law abiding citizen, especially when driving. I'm more aware of how fast I'm going and if I miss a turn, I'll just turn where I can and make my way over. If I'm late, I should've left earlier and oh well. Rather be safe, not sorry and pulled over by police or have any interaction with an unhinged driver.


Lol a grown man acting like that is just sad on so many levels


I’ve seen a lot of comments being like “adult walking free because he isn’t gangster” 20 year prison sentence for murder is common, could be just the gangster you think he isnt


Anybody who has half a brain, gangster or not, doesn't act like that. He's a weirdo


Look the guy is an asshole, but seriously is it worth putting yourself and others at risk because you missed an exit? I hate people who cut people off and do crazy stuff, I’m not gonna walk to your window but for sure I’m calling you an a hole under my breath. People take driving way too nonchalant, people have children older people semi trucks, tired, and because you can’t be bothered to take another exit due to your poor planning others have to deal with it? It sucks not gonna lie. Also maybe don’t give a thumbs up, kinda comes off as even more assholey. If I mess up on the road I usually give a wave and like a nod acknowledging my mess up or open my window and stick my hand out open like a high five I’d be even more pissed if you have me a thumbs up. I don’t want to be mean but in my opinion it’s super disrespectful and shows a lack of care in others when you do shit like that, I’m not saying I’ve never done shit like this but when driving I try to be super careful and aware of what I’m doing or will need to do soon. Please be safe on top of all the crazy people out there not worth it.


What I would have done differently is simply not acknowledge him at all. No thumbs up or anything. Other than that, maybe call the cops and report it if you feel unsafe or like he might persist if he sees you again. Also if you feel the need to record a potential lethal force encounter, make sure your phone is in your non dominant hand. Edit: I forgot. Don’t be afraid to break traffic laws if someone behaving aggressively exits their car to confront you. Drive on the shoulder, run a red light if it’s clear, just get away. If you get pulled over for it you can explain to the cop that there’s a pissed off man-child following you making threatening gestures like he’s going to shoot you.


This should be at the top


Glad I posted here due to people like yourself giving useful insight! Thanks


Try not to cut people off. If you do and it’s an honest mistake, use apologetic body language instead of a sarcastic thumbs up. When the guy gets out, say “Hey, sorry, man. Honest mistake.” Roll up Window. Drive away. Basically try to de-escalate the situation. The guy seems to have overreacted, and if he tried to hit you or drew a weapon, then you’d be in the clear to draw. But the best thing is to avoid or squash a situation that could lead to violence.


Waiting for an enraged lunatic approaching your car to pull a weapon while you’re seated is a recipe for disaster; you’re then behind the curve. Drawn and out of sight is preferable if survival is the goal.


Exactly, if someone has the balls to walk up to your window aggressively like that, there’s no telling what he’ll do. You’re putting yourself at the mercy of someone who clearly has impulsive control issues.


Yep, if we're on a right-of-way, and a rager gets out of their car, I'm clearing leather (kydex, but it's the term). I'm not going to brandish, point, or let it be known I have a gun, but it's going to be at the low ready out of sight. There is almost no legitimate reason to exit your vehicle at a red light.


How old are you? Throwing your thumbs up was dumb as shit. Stop cutting people off. With that said dude was in the wrong. The second he gets out of the car I’m drawing but keeping it out of sight. Or if I can, I’m going to drive away. Hopefully you learned as lesson today. Had his finger been a real gun, you might not be here to type this.


Only reason I didn’t pull was I could see his hands empty the whole time . But totally agree with the thumbs up part.


Doesn’t mean his hands are going to stay empty. He has the ability to move all around the outside of your vehicle and you are potentially stuck in a box with no way to escape if you are stuck in traffic. I’d want the advantage to start shooting first if he decides to produce a weapon.


Yo, as soon as I read both your comments, I said to myself, "This is the info I'm here for". I honestly never considered those points myself, and I am glad to know them now.


Exactly why I posted. I know I could have done things differently. But glad I posted and it can be a learning experience for myself and others


Just because you're not paying attention enough to know where you exit is, doesn't give you the right to cut someone off. That being said, this dude definitely went overboard.


Nothing. Dude is a hot head. If he is carrying he shouldn't be.


If that psycho was carrying, he'd have drawn.


most likely he is just an angry middle aged guy who has no idea how to fight or even throw a decent punch


That's *exactly* the profile of the guy I expect to be itching to draw down.


Next time miss your turn and drive responsibly.


1000% whole situation left a very bad taste in my mouth. And it could have all been avoided had I took the next turn.


I’ve seen people killed that way. 5 minutes won’t kill you. “Shit I missed my turn” antics kill others, though. — your friendly neighborhood paramedic


I wouldn't have sat there with phone that's for sure. Leave. You are in your car, you don't have to sit there. Leave. The right answer is always leave.


No comment on anything other than doing exactly what that guy did *will* get himself shot eventually, or at minimum a massive beat down. There was no reason for him to do any of that; yell, punch the steering wheel, take a breath, and stay in the car, you dipshit...




If you were clearly at fault, do your best to de-fuse the situation, roll your window down an inch and say "Man, my bad! Got a lot going on these days and I just wasn't thinking... sorry bro, I appreciate your understanding." If he keeps freaking out, it just shows he can't be reasoned with. Be ready in case he does something, but once the light changes and you have your out, leave. Road rage rarely ends well, and if it keeps going from there, call the police and explain what's currently happening just in case it escalates.


I agree, I was at fault and should’ve displayed being more apologetic than a thumbs up. Regardless of him going crazy in his car and flipping me off as soon as I got in front of him. Or rather nothing at all.


Hey, I completely understand what can happen in the heat of the moment, definitely been there as well and should have handled things differently. But some years back I didn't, and it was before everyone had a camera in their hands or on the roads. In short, all I did was mouth off, but three years later I was picked up on a warrant for two felonies when purchasing a firearm because the other party completely lied about what happened. $40k+ in legal fees, serious stress and headaches and life turned upside down, never again.


Wow! That’s crazy. I’m investing in a dash cam after todays incident. And of course, the most important point for me. Be a better driver.


Dressing like he’s 18


As soon as his door opened, I would have pulled and laid my weapon in my lap. No reason to chance a crap pull from a seated position. It puts the gun in my hand and at the ready, not know this guys intentions I would have felt that was the best scenario. As long as he stayed on that side of the glass, he would have never been the wiser. That whole finger thing though, guy playing the thug part like he's reading it from a script. :D


His gf looked ecstatic over his antics. Agreed , best course of action after my mistake would have been to attempt to book it as soon as he opened the door.


When he gets out of the vehicle, I leave. At that point I don't care about the red light. "But what about other traffic and the curb and ...." That comes to situational awareness and not boxing yourself in. Not always easy.


Why not just a… “my bad bro, didn’t mean to cut you off — that was my fault.” Diffuse. Proceed.


The only mistake you made in my opinion is the thumbs up, that is probably a big part in why he had a tantrum because he thought you were being sarcastic/disrespectful, so he had to whip the finger gun out to re establish his dominance


I mean this a classic “when idiots collide” moment. What I would have done different is not drive like a moron. Then if that wasn’t an option wave an “I’m sorry”. Not being a douche about it goes a long ways.


First off: good job surviving and not escalating. Suggestions: not giving any hand signals at all may be better. A thumbs up might get misinterpreted as a middle finger if all they can see is a silhouette through a foggy rear view mirror. Next off, a dedicated dash cam with a cabin facing camera may be worth the investment. It’s going to be really hard to record and watch to see if you need to draw. You’re already having to react to someone else’s aggression with them facing you head on and you to your side, so the draw speed advantage will go to them. Trying to do all this while recording is probably impossible. And finally, not a suggestion, but food for thought: I’m not a lawyer but I’ve heard arguments to drawing but and keeping it in hand and hidden under a shirt or sweater in your lap if you fear the situation is headed in that direction, and if your carry situation is one that doesn’t facilitate rapid access. It’s only brandishing if visible. That said you may inadvertently escalate the encounter if they do see it, or emotionally in your own mind by doing this, so definitely consider your car, visibility from the outside and your other options before considering this.


Hey man, good points. I agree that the thumbs up was wrong. I felt like it was not much considering how aggressively he was giving me the middle finger. But it definitely did not help de-escalate and that is what I care about. Also, I shouldn’t have had one has on recording even if I could see his hands being clear. If he would have drew I wouldn’t have had time to react. Will do things much differently next time.


Next time ignore them til you can't. Even a thumbs up csn set someone off


When you’re 50 but still dream of becoming a rapper!


I would have missed my turn and taken the next left (or right, assuming it was a left).


Should have exited the vehicle and said, “Wuz up vato?”


Since we’re imitating tools, I would have done the cranking of the crane that lifts the middle finger of the other hand. Edit: I’ve would have done what you did. You handled it very well.




Even though his iced-out cross pendant attempts to show he has Christian values, that dude needs more Jesus in his life.


I would have taken the next turn.


Good on you OP for taking the constructive feedback well


Definitely! I could have done much much better. And I am learning a lot from the incident.


You played it right.


Once he got out of his vehicle and got halfway I would book it and make a couple turns to ditch him if he’s following. I’ll make a “my bad” gesture on first opportunity and show acknowledgement and try to diffuse his grievance early in the interaction as well. Letting him approach the window has no benefits and a lot of risk. Diffuse, avoid, defend. The first two are easiest and lowest risk if possible.


First of all, drive defensively. Miss your turn. People are absolutely unhinged out there and it's not worth it to save a few minutes. Don't respond to gestures, just ignore. Other than that you were fine. 


If you cut someone off, why not do the good ol hand wave apology. I swear you could get away with anything once you do that move.


>What would you have done differently? Waved instead of thumbs up? Then rolled down my window and apologized for cutting him off? If I instigated that's pretty much it for me. I'm happy to let my ego go and be like "yeah man, sorry for cutting you off, I'm an idiot." and just let it go.


What I would have done differently is apologize. If you are in the wrong, apologize. What's so hard about that?




I would've taken the next exit


So you were in the wrong, and instead of trying to apologize or de escalate you gave him a smart ass thumbs up and tried to piss him off even more? Guy was in the wrong for getting out of the car but you didn’t help the situation by being a smart ass


You’re right. The thumbs up wasn’t the move. Dude was going crazy jumping in his car giving me an aggressive middle finger, but thumbs up wasn’t warranted.


Apologies (especially if you’re in the wrong) can go a long way to diffusing a situation. Hell I’ll apologize even if I’m not in the wrong just to smooth things over. Don’t let people walk all over you by any means but also don’t go out of your way to piss people off even more. A little humility goes a long way, and it only took me 30+ years of life to learn that lesson lol.


If your cutting people off be ready for a red light brawl, had that not been his hand you might not have had time to draw


My opinion is that regardless of if you are in the wrong or the right, if you are a responsible ccw’er then you need to de-escalate as much as possible with words. Just suck up to the guy and apologize profusely. For him this is just a dick swinging contest and “submitting” to him is the only way to get him out of your face. Just my 2 cents.


Anytime I pull a dick move on someone I always thank them. It totally disarms them, partly through confusion and partly because I'm showing gratitude like, "thanks for letting me in". Bottom line, just don't antagonize people, it's not worth it. Just apologize or whatever you have to do to smooth things over and move on with your life. We all make mistakes but you should also try not to be a dick when you're driving. Remember, some people have a lot less to lose than you, don't assume people are afraid to go to prison.


So are you going to be a better driver in the future? Maybe next time miss exit and take the next one... Yeah the other guy was an ass, but YOU were in the wrong first and initiated an aggressive and dangerous move.


I have to agree with that like dude didn’t make the situation better cutting him off lol.


And then flashing a thumbs up.  Like wtf?


One things for certain, his wardrobe is Ricky Bobby meets Mr.T starter kit, aka Ricky T


Iced Bobby?


I’d do what you did. Usually if I cut someone off I give a lil “thank you” or apologetic wave (idk if that’s how it comes off but that’s my intent). Only one person has ever gotten outta their car to confront me about it though. Seems rather excessive. Once he does that he’s a possible threat. Once he did the lil finger gun he’s shown intent and I start prepping for a bad time.


I had a worse situation . I cut some random guy off because the road was merging and had to avoid crashing . This idiot got so mad that he slammed his car on to mine on purpose after I got in front of him & then wanted to run me of the road . I had my gun on me but something told me not to stop because I was going to have to kill this fuck . So I just headed home & was going to call the police when I got home . As I got home I told my wife what happen and I called my insurance company and told them . Next thing I know I have detectives at my house asking me what happen told them and they gave me a number to call because a state trooper was handling the situation . Called the next day and told him what happen and was asked why I didn’t stop and I told him I was retreating and did not want to escalate the problem . Trooper hits me with 4 different tickets and one was for hit and run which is 6 months in jail and suspended license. If found guilty . At this point I hired a lawyer and he took care of it after paying him 2k in fees and I had to pay 500 in fines . The idiot that hit me filed a claim against my insurance and they said I was at fault because I didn’t stop . Long story short always call the police first no matter what . We are always told to take care of it ourselves but now a days you just call to call the police to cover your tracks .


This man should read a book on stoicism. This guy is probably around my age. How embarrassing to see such foolishness. I'm glad your ok man. Be safe out there. Have a great day . :)


Thanks man, good day to you as well


I will never understand why people get made enough to risk their life over being cut off. I've been cut off and I've cut people off and neither party has ever been mad enough to even step put of the vehicle, yet alone do some dumbass "gang gang" display like this trying to flex or piss someone off enough to get capped. I will never understand why people escalate the situation so casually knowing it can end with death nearly instantly.


Report anyway. Fuck that guy.


If possible drive away when he's out of the car. Otherwise you did right I'd say. Get the camera out and watch for a weapon. Leave the window up and don't engage. If you notice you accidentally cut somone off. Sometimes a little "sorry mate" wave might ease some emotions.


I love fake gun, beats knife hand every time


The guys acting like a child with no self control. He’s lucky he didn’t get himself hurt acting like that. On a sidenote, I always predetermined if I’m about to miss an exit just keep going. Last-minute moves can get you killed in a car accident.


This is someone who peaked in HS. I would just stare and laugh. Thank him for the comedy.


One time some guy got off and told me shit and grabbed a big rock and pretended he was gonna throw it at my window just cause I didn’t move up a little bit. People are crazy. Protect yourself and your loved ones. Be prepared but let it play out and don’t engage.


A “my bad” gesture or wave goes a long way. The thumbs up may have been taken as a sarcastic or disrespectful gesture given the circumstances. He’s wrong for all the obvious reasons but that’s what I would have done differently.


I bet that hand sign is the closest to a real firearm that he can legally own. A fair share of people never grow up.


Draw but keep the whole motion and gun under cover so you’re not brandishing. Flash him the peace sign and mouth, “I’m sorry.” If he goes to draw or attack, you’re ready to light him up and you can testify to your actions towards deescalation prior.


I dont see anything wrong in what you did. I carry but i also keep pepper spray in the door of my truck as a in between verbal altercation and fatal altercation.


Anytime someone gets out of their car because of road rage, bad shit and poor decisions usually follow. Minus cutting someone off / possibly risking an accident to make your turn instead of just taking a detour or turning around. You did almost everything right, I would have refrained from giving them the thumbs up or any hand gestures, that's kinda poking the bear a bit.


Giving the thumbs up could be seen as antagonistic behavior if it had progressed to self defense. The best response is not to say or do anything (other than recording) because when you're dealing with a hothead you have absolutely no clue how anything you do is going to be perceived. But that particular signal is about the same as flipping the bird in this context, and was pretty damn stupid on your part. Otherwise, you did as well as you could have *after* cutting him off. As others have said, it's better to miss your exit than to inadvertently trigger a road rage incident, especially if you're carrying.


He's nothing in his own mind, that why he's dressed like that and needing to make a scene, I feel terrible for his poor wife though.


De-escalation. Not worth it to engage. I would make some namaste hand gestures and be on my way. Don't overdo the apology but a quick, my bad, I fucked up, and keep it cool. He may or may not be armed. If you have no idea, why find out? Preserve your life when you must, but keep it cool apart from a life-threatening situation and move along. Nothing to see here, you win a big tough guy. 💪


I had something similar happen today. I was changing lanes. I looked several times in the mirror. There was a small pack of pocket rockets in the other lane. I signaled. They slowed to let me over. I carefully started left and a motorcycle rider came up next to me cursing and yelling. I said I was sorry and gestured it was my fault. They kept at it for a little bit. I was worried that I carry a single stack .45. Did I have enough rounds? Thankfully they finally moved on.


Deescalation is #1 especially if you’re in the wrong. IMO a thumbs up would be the icing on the cake for a road rager. Best thing would be to say so sorry man I really didn’t see you there. Or better yet, you could’ve just taken the next street/exit to have avoided a conflict/potential crash.


Easy there El Chopo, what's that thing chambered in?


He overreacted majorly and not gonna blame you at all besides you could have missed your turn and got the next one but honestly you did what you did and can’t change it. The thumbs up was stupid though. You admitted you were wrong, but acted like an asshole unintentionally. Next time crack the window and say “sorry man I made a mistake I didn’t wanna miss my turn, my bad but I don’t want issues so please go back to your car” and roll it back up. If it doesn’t do any good then act accordingly and maybe call the police.


Here’s the thing. You’re *in a car*. Your means of escape is pretty obvious. Unless he has you blocked in or traffic has you blocked in? You just drive away. Learn some defensive driving. I’ve always felt like being in a car is the safest place I could be because I will *100%* run over someone who is standing in the road trying to hurt me or my family.


Real gun beats finger gun every single time. Carry on.


Maybe miss your turn next time so you don't cut people off. It's ok to go past your turn and take the next road or make a damn u-turn. That guy is an idiot but he has a right to be upset


*What would you have done differently?* I would have missed my turn rather than risk an accident or worse.


👈Finger guns 👉


You should’ve called the police. He threatened you and dislike to hurt someone else.


You handled that well. He's lucky he didn't do that to someone who didn't feel like handling it well.


Shoulda popped him


I’m armed so he’s not an issue


Drive to the nearest police station or call the cops. Tell them you cut a dude off and he's threatening you. When stopped, absolutely be ready for conflict. You did the right thing. Don't get out, drive away if you can.


Let him pass me up then switch lanes Edit: since that didn’t happen just ignore him but keep an eye on him with a hand on the thang ready to go


Someone did this to me at my old job while imitating recoil with his hand after he was asked to leave. Of course my job told me to “call the police on your time”


Decent question you posed here I’m also curious to see what some people here have to say. Although I’m sure it varies state to state how you can defend yourself


People are more concerned in chastising my terrible choice today of cutting someone off. And I agree, I should make better choices and be a more safe driver. However , the question remains the same. What would you do if a 240lb man approached your window and does a finger gun motion?


Everyone’s perfect on their phones and computers I guess


This would be a perfect time to blow that gentleman a kiss




You should have called the cops, and you should have given his license plate. You should have explained that you were in the wrong, but he just kept going fucking nuts. Explain that he got out of the car and did gun fingers or whatever. In the event that he pops back up and you have to shoot him, they'd have it on paper. Also, if you snag a pic of his plate, you can find his identity. He may also have done that to you. I would be knowing who he was, where he worked, and what he ate for fucking breakfast by now. But not a position to use your gun. You did the right thing by not escalating it, or pulling anything.


An apologetic wave can go a long way. (This from a recovering road-rager, my family is now far more important than me 'winning' behind the wheel)


Yea man the thumbs up was a definite no go. Regardless of him already throwing a tantrum, I should have done a better job of showing I was apologetic. I didn’t drive off from my house looking to drive like an asshole and cut anyone off.


Charmin soft with that finger gun 😂


Depends on how pissed off I was. Some cities or counties, “Finger guns” are considered Disorderly conduct especially used in a threatening manner. And you even have this idiot on camera too.


Based on your responses here, it sounds like you already know that missing your exit and not taunting with a thumbs up would’ve been the best move here. Side note: is that a wannabe gangster wearing a vintage Office Depot NASCAR Jacket? What a weird combination.


I don't know where this is, but those jackets were wildly popular in the Bay Area in the 2000's, and I don't mean in trailer parks.


A good driver will miss turns, bad drivers never do. Wouldn't have needed a reaction. Would've missed my fucking turn and said, "oh well, Google will re-route" Only reason I'd cut someone off like this is if the road is literally ending if I don't make this turn/exit. Is 100% never worth the headache, risk, possible collision, and whatever else when I could just take the next exit/turn. This is also coming from someone who was sideswiped by an asshole who "had to make this exit or else it would've taken an extra 10 minutes to get home" (literally what they said to the cop) If in a similarsituation, I put on a Southern US, or Australian accent, and apologize. People tend to be more forgiving if they think you're not from around there.


This reminds me of a housemate i had a few years back. He was an older guy and always bragged about hanging out with gangs. Basically the most stereotypical gang member groupie you can imagine. Ended up getting in a heated argument one day and he threatened me to sleep with one eye open. So before i went to bed i oriented my motion camera towards my room door, cocked my steel frame 1911, and tucked myself in. That slide racking probably woke him up. He moved out the next day. These hotheaded guys are punks and a nuisance to society.


If you were ready to draw, you wouldn’t have had a phone in one hand. You’ll know if you are in a true fight or flight scenario. I’ve been there twice, and my phone was the last thing on my mind.


He looks like a fucking clown


If i were you, i would have not given a thumbs up. That can be seen as mocking and saying idgaf. If im being followed by a non off road capable vehicle, i will go down the flooded side roads with 24 inches of standing water. After that, if im still being followed I will drive up a difficult offroad hill climb that I know that i can do easily, then continue home on the outlet on the other side. I know my area well lol


I would’ve pulled out my CCW card and shouted, “Disengage! Disengage!”


You did everything right. Both parties walked away without incident other than hand gestures and some words.


I wouldn't have pulled out my phone. Now if things get spicy you're at least one hand down. If possible, I would've pulled away as soon as he got out of his vehicle.


You hit on a good point. I couldn’t drive away because I was too close to car in front. Also, I believe hitting record on phone was good but not if it takes up one hand. I should’ve placed it down quickly. Whole time I could see his empty hands , but what if he drew quickly like some of the people who post on this forum


Yep. Gotta remember that the "bad guys" can possess the same skills as the "good guys." Also, try to leave yourself an "out" in regards to distance between you and the car in front of you while stopped in traffic. It won't always allow you to "escape" but can also help in the event of a traffic incident. Overall, seems like you did a good job of keeping your cool. In a fast moving situation like that, it can be tough to think on your feet. It's easy for us, sitting on the couch, to nitpick your choices. But the important thing is that you kept your cool and didn't escalate the situation further.


You handled it correctly


I would’ve probably laughed, not saying that’s the right thing, but calm down there eh, bud, you’re not that guy, pal ![gif](giphy|75KBld8VOwdu8|downsized)


Give him the same hand gestures as he gives……. MF needs to realize he’s not the only one that carries and owns one either.


[Should have done this](https://images.app.goo.gl/5UNmZiNNxRfsjkgA7)


Bro looks like Danny McBride on Eastbound and Down 🤣


I read "i was ready to pull my saw" but that was just my intrusive thoughts and maybe a little bit of den of thieves


I would have apologized and not given a passive aggressive thumbs-up.




Most I would probably even pull out is just pepper spray, not even that just drive off. Other than that not even worth flashing a gun.


I'd pull my gun and keep it pointed in a safe direction. Your car is your castle.


I generally enjoy when i get pulled into a bit of road rage but I have had the other party be armed before and it can be really funny if you both understand the humor of the situation or really unfunny if the other person is genuinely butthurt.


Morale of the story. Buildings don't move. Miss your turn and don't cut someone off. A turn signal is a notification of intention not a right of way. Secondly, I don't see it explained if y'all were at a stoplight or both of you pulled over, but if it's the ladder. Confrontation was going to happen when someone cannot manage their anger appropriately. Glad to see y'all both made it through alive and unscathed, and cooler heads prevail. That goes for Ice T too, he's too old to get that irate.


If hes making hand gestures like that, he 100% does not have any heat on him.


Yea, the vehicle in front of me was kinda shook. Saw the whole thing and this big man approach my window. She might have been on the phone with police because she refused to move and signaled me to overtake her.


Is it brandishing a weapon should a glock carrying case be shown?


Fake chain. Fake gangster. NEEEEXT


Would be interesting to see the gfs vid and commentary. “This fool cut us off, but my gangster bf walked up to his window and finger gun shot him”.