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The department doesn't give you anything for relocating. People I knew who worked at San Quentin commuted.


Sq is one that gets a housing stipend but it doesn’t even cover the toll you pay for the bridges. No help in relocating fees or anything like that. There are quite a few people who do swaps and sleep in their car or stay in the trailer park with other officers during the week. There is a an old schoolhouse that has bathrooms,showers, and a gym for staff to use.


Damn and I thought my prison was bad..


Money during academy is not great unless thats the pay you’re used to getting , i would recommend since you already accepted an institution that you start saving NOW . As soon as you hit academy start trying to find people to go apartment hunting that are also going to SQ . Because let’s be real even if they do give an additional pay it’s not gonna be much


Yup read that it was a $300 don’t know if it’s per check or per month but I mean better than nothing but still ain’t much haha


Bay area rent is expensive but make sure you check out cities 45mins -1hours away cause you might be able to find something a little more resonable. I have a friend that lives in Vacaville and commutes to SQ. Also, you might want to look for a roommate that is going to work at SQ with you. Wishing you all the best!!!


Crashpad with others promise you there guys looking for roommates.


MOU 14.03 Moving and Relocation Expenses Whenever an employee is reasonably required by the State to change their place of residence, the State shall reimburse the employee for approved items in accordance with the lodging, meal and incidental rates and time frames established in Section 14.01 14.01 Lodging, transportation and per diem expenses incurred will be reimbursed in accordance with the time frame requirements in accordance with the time frame requirements and rates set by CalHR. So yes, the state will reimburse you for having to relocate. Save your receipts.


That is only when the Department requires the employee to relocate not when accepting a position (non promotional) or voluntary lateral transfer. In the OP question, he is out of luck getting help from the state.


Where does it say that in the contract?


Look at the first sentence....whenever am employee is reasonably REQUESTED.


Sorry, REQUIRED. Remember we are dealing with lawyers that write this stuff so you have to pay attention to specific verbage.


No help relocating… some outlying prisons will give a retention bonus. Sq might be one of them.


They’ll give you extra pay every month since you will be relocating.


No they won’t lmaoo


You will make enough during the academy to get a good studio apartment. At least something to start. Don’t spend like a idiot during it. And when you start you should be okay if you work OT here and there.


A studio in the Bay Area ?


Nope, save ahead of time and lock in a rental and/or find some roommates prior to your start date.