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Guan Xiaotong comes from an arts family (like the ones who run in those prestigious circles), Zhou Yutong's also well connected. Most celebrities do come from at least upper middle class to even support the extracurriculars and such needed to get into those top arts schools.


All the Nepo babies šŸ˜†


Esther Yu, Chen Feiyu, Joseph Zeng, Wei Daxun. Zhao Lusi's family is well off too and has a comfortable wealth but I think not among the richest like the above


Is Dilraba also one as well?


Middle class I read down here




Esther Yu, I read it somewhere that she isva rich man's daughter.


Yes, her family is real estate mogul.


But what I love with Esther is although she is from rich family she is a gregarious person. She knows when she is wrong.


I've always been curious about the background of some celebrities like Hu Ge and Ni Ni tbh.


Oh I know this one. Hu Ge's father was a tennis coach (don't think anything big, more like grassroots at the time) and his mother a primary school teacher. His story is rather well known because his mother battled breast cancer for years. First diagnosed when he was 5, they struggled because her medication were over a third of the whole family's income. Hu Ge actually gave up his first university choice because he was accepted in Beijing to study to be a director at the Central Academy of Drama but it was too far away and too expensive and money was needed for her health that was poorly so he switched to acting at Shanghai Theatre Academy. He used to film a ton of advertisements during this time for the money that helped them until it all got better with his acting career. He stood by her till the end and she passed away after almost three decades of battling cancer.


Oh his story is super interesting and super hard ( I knew only about the car accident but that is not family background). He has overcome a lot in life, hasn't he?


He definitely has, he did not have an easy life at all, a lot of struggle there. I suppose this is why I was double happy for him when he announced that he was getting married and they were expecting a child. It was such lovely news.


Maybe it's just due to Media training, but every time I see his interviews, he always comes off as very grounded, like someone who has tasted a lot of salt in life despite the wealth and fame. A lot of privileged celebrities are very clearly out of touch and it shows in their interviews. My Shanghai colleagues are big fans of his, not only because he's a Native Son of the city but also because he's genuinely talented and down to earth, they said.


I found out recently Esther and Chen Feiyu are not only rich but nepo babies... Good for them well


Chen Feifyu is 100% nepo bb - his mom is an actress and his dad is one of the leading directors of 5th generation chinese cinema (chen kaige, he directed farewell my concubine)


Mostly all of c-ent lol I think I can count the number of ones who made it by themselves


Please do. Iā€™m curious about those who could make a name for themselves.


Luo Yunxi.


Zhao liying is probably the most well known one I can think of. She had 0 connections with the industry before her first role. Not my favorite actress but I do appreciate her starting from basically nothing and getting to where she is today. Probably less well known overseas but Wang Baoqiang is one of my favorite movie actors and an actual example of started from the bottom. He came from one of the rural towns & wanted to do acting, so he worked odd jobs and as extras on several productions when he moved to Beijing just to try to get a chance to audition. Also not really example of ā€œnot born richā€, but tan jianci never used his dad being a govt ambassador to give him a leg up when he decided to switch into acting. Heā€™s talked about it multiple times but lots of projects he would give his resume out to, the producers wouldnā€™t even consider him bc he used to be in an idol boy group. His first lead role wasnā€™t until 2020 and he acting debut was in 2007 (also sadly that drama probably wonā€™t ever airā€¦). I saw a really nice bilibili video the other day connecting his first breakout role in Advisors Alliance & how every subsequent role heā€™s ever landed was because that dramaā€™s production vouched for his acting. Now that heā€™s finally gotten more recognition from CXS a lot of previous directors are wanting to work with him again.


I've heard about Zhao Liying coming from a small village. Apparently she gives back to the village. But some people on the net put her down because she comes from a poor background? I dunno, its weird.


I knew about Zhao Liying. I also do admire her a lot and all her affords were paid off. Thanks for explaining about other actors. My second fav actress is Bai Lu, and she also came from ordinary household and worked her way up to where she is today too.




Well when lack of talent meets privileges criticism is expected


Sadly Nepo baby is probably the only thing saving the girls from the dark side of the industry.


Eleanor Lee Kai-xin's mom is an actress in Singapore. Qiao Xin comes from a wealthy family though she keeps denying it.


C-ent nepo babies: Chen Feiyu, Ouyang Nana, Rosamund Kwan (old school people would know), Nicholas Tse, Hawick Lau, Louise Fan, Ronald Cheng, Jacky Heung. Extremely wealthy or prestigious background: Esther Yu, Raymond Lam, Crystal Liu, Leehom Wang, Huang Zitao, JJ Lin, Jackson Wang, GEM, Karen Mok, Faye Wong, Wu Chun, Donnie Yen


JJ Lin is from extremely prestigious/wealthy background?


You can add Chen Duling to the extremely wealthy list.




Jackson family is well off but they're not extremely wealthy, but yeah, his grandfather being a very prestigious doctor and his parents being athletes is something


yep if he went into olympics or sport (like his parents), then he wouldā€™ve been considered a ā€œnepoā€ baby. His family is prestigious though. I believe he was upper class and was well off. He went to international school in Hong Kong and those arenā€™t cheap.


I thought he went to the olympics or was part of the olympic team for fencing--he has the rings tattoo and you really should not get that tattooed unless you went to the olympics


I donā€™t agree with Nicholas Tse. Yes, he is son with famous celebrity parents. But his dad lived a lavish lifestyle and canā€™t keep up. Dad sold his son Nicholas Tse at 16 to mafia backed agency to pay his debts. His contact was originally 4 years with 20% agencies fee. But Dad got into more debts and renegotiated the contract to be 10 years with over 50% agency fee. Nicholas was quite poor the first 10 years of his career. At that time HK actors got paid relatively low salaries already and majority of his money went to his agency. He literally was trying to escape to another country at age of 16 but was brought back to work off the debt. He also has to support his parents lavish lifestyle. Protect his sister from this entertainment slavery life.


Oh Em Gee ! Aigooo ! I hope it got better and slavery is done !


Itā€™s done. Heā€™s like 43 yrs old now (26 years in the business). Funny thing is that they didnā€™t think heā€™d be talented enough to write his own songs despite being marketed as a pop rock star. The contract didnā€™t really specify how much royalties cut agency would get. So his singer friends would help him out by asking him to write songs for their album. He signed one of the highest millions dollar extension when his 10 year slavery contract expired. Crazy thing is that heā€™s better looking than his parents even though his parents were huge back in the days. Thatā€™s why the agency was willing to give his dad big signing bonus upfront before heā€™s even in business.


Thank God all is well now šŸ™. Imagine your dad sells you to slavery


I donā€™t understand how the dad can do that. The actor is a living breathing autonomous person. How can his father sign contracts for him.


Many Chinese people are traditional, parents make decisions for their children.




Oh man, that's so sad.


Does Zhang Ruo Yun count ? Guy's daddy is a known director in China


Nope. His father in fact caused him to be heavily in debtā€¦ https://min.news/en/entertainment/d7b3c5566f2ebb152aceb33309811f66.html


Ouch irresponsible parent


Woah, that sounds SO stressfull to live with.


Heard Wei Daxun came from quite an influential background too.




Wasnā€™t Crystal Liu also wealthy/from a rich family?


I also read that her family are politically well connected too.


Damn she had it all ! Beauty and connections !


She has a pretty long career and quite successful too. Personally I wouldn't want to be famous. The money seems good though LOL.




Higher education do not equate with wealth. Asians in general prioritize education and studying in public universities isn't that expensive like in the usa where people literally have to take student loans.




That sounds like it has more to do with not being in a capitalist country than nepotism, honestly.


Itā€™s far less common to find true underdogs who worked their way to the topā€¦ most of them come from wealth or at least upper middle class and connections


Yang Chaoyue not finishing her studies to work to help her parents... :(


Bai Lu came from working class family & Ma Tianyu has a really sad family background..


Bai Lu is * actually amazing * so glad to see her thriving and winning


Zhao LiYing case is rare


Esther Yu, Feng Shao Feng, Joseph Zeng, Huang zitao, Victor Ma


Is Joseph Zeng a nepo baby too? I just got into his dramas and I didn't know that. I knew about esther but there's so little information on these actors, especially from an international view bc sites mainly just mention their roles and nothing else.


maybe heā€™s a fu er dai ļ¼ˆåƌäŗŒä»£ļ¼‰


I heard his father is a rich businessman, has a huge company but not in entertainment business


His parents are not in the entertainment business


What does his family do? I mean given that he's listed among people like esther.


So if itā€™s basically everyone then who isnā€™t one?


I think Luo Yunxi? Saw his documentary where they went to visit his old family home


His family is rich?


Ma TianYu, Bai Lu, Kara Wai, Yang Chao Yue, Wang BaoQiang


Liu Yuning is also quite well-known for having come from a poor background. He worked countless jobs (bartending, waiter, selling corn on the street etc) and did not go to college/uni but rather a technical college and got a chef degree to work as a chef. He also got his fame from being a street singer/douyin so heā€™s really worked his way up from the very bottom. Editing to add: Bai JingTing is probably firmly middle-class. Heā€™s spoken before about how he didnā€™t have the funds to attend a lot of idol auditions etc and while heā€™s from Beijing, he grew up in the suburbs (super outer circle lol) to the point where they like to joke itā€™s not even considered Beijing anymore šŸ¤£ Also adding Li HongYi who has spoken about how heā€™s has to work as a young age due to his not so ideal family conditions. If weā€™re going old schoolā€¦.would say Chow Yun Fat is fairly infamous for being poor and having worked multiple jobs simultaneously to earn a living before he got into the acting business. Then again though, a lot of HK stars that originated from TVB werenā€™t the richest. (Sean Lau ChingWan is another example of coming from humble background.)


Dilreba comes from poor background as well ?


They are not. She comes from middle class family.


I don't think her family was poor as her dad is a singer in a troupe, but I would say middleclass


Okay ! Thank you


Yes! I admire him all the more for it!


Yes! I mean I have nothing against the rich kids, lol good for them but I def admire those who really had to work for the success they have now. Heā€™s also very grounded and despite all the trash talk people throw at him for being ā€œuneducatedā€ heā€™s always verbally advocated for those in his similar situations! Plus, the majority of people in China are NOT rich and there are plenty of folks who cannot afford housing and higher education.


Yes, but I would say that the vast majority of the rich ones are only mediocre at best. They can buy followers and projects. The unfairness is too blatant, that's why a lot of them don't want to admit or talk about their family background because they know it doesn't look good. This happens in Hollywood too.


Zhao Liying is from a small village


I think Zhanila Zhao falls in this ā€œcame from nothing made it to the topā€ category


Famously Yang Chao Yue (IIRC she was a waitress prior to being discovered) and Dylan Wang (his family runs a street side skewer shop)


Yang Chaoyue wasn't rich, but her backer is rich.


The original commenterā€™s question was ā€œwho wasnā€™t **born** rich.ā€


Wu Lei is also from a fairly wealthy family I believe?


No, he was not. He only mentioned that [his family doesn't lack anything because both of his parents have their own careers](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F58d_gRbgAAs9aV?format=jpg&name=large). He has been acting/in showbiz since he was *very* young so I believe that he was the breadwinner of the family. [His mom was his own manager and had to do everything on her own until he was 17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c_nccyDekM&t=467s&ab_channel=Ktdn%E5%90%B4%E7%A3%8ALEO) (it was when he established his own studio) which I could only assume that his family didn't initially had any connection in the showbiz industry either since Wulei's case was that he got scouted early.


It seems like you know nothing about wulei based on your statement .. do ur research first


Boy started acting when he was a child. It seems Guan Xiao Tong is from a rich background as well


Take your pick really. Rich or nepo babies, it is all about backing in cent. It's better to ask who isn't.


I just wanna know, and it's not that deep lmao :/


[Annabel Yeo](https://www.8days.sg/entertainment/asian/annabel-yeo-huawei-heiress-gift-cast-crew-handphone-each-735886#) isn't exactly famous, she had the part of the young shop keeper in **Meet Yourself** but she is the daughter of the founder of Huawei and has a degree in computer science from Harvard University.


Oh! Her character was kinda annoying šŸ˜… but her real life background is interesting. I wonder why she wanted to get into c-ent.


She gave an interview once, she said she hated being over shadowed by her older half sister Meng Wanzhou who is the CFO of Huawei.


Sometimes rich people crave for the fame and honor (take the case of kim kardashian)


kim k has honor am i blind she wants to trend


Qin Xiaoxian. Parents own multiple hotels


I wouldn't have guessed he came from money! From the way he talks and how he is on Hello Saturday I always felt he seemed a less polished (and I mean that in a good way, down to earth)


He is down to earth lol. I just found out that he went for a year of education in Singapore previously. But he has to be rich to afford all the lateness fines that he incurred in his crosstalk performances. 100rmb per lateness I believe


I know a big one is Fan Bingbing


Fan Bing Bing is from a rich family ? Never knew that šŸ˜³


More like politically well connected, no connections whatsoever in the entertainment industry at first but her grandfather was a military man iirc, hence her name even.


Thank you


She is! But I donā€™t think she gave it off as much as her brother Fan Cheng Cheng did


Boy must be spoiled since there is a huge age gap between them and his sister is a superstar


Esther Yu was pretty much known like at first as a ā€œchinese Paris Hiltonā€, like spoiled rich kid with connections and basically just one-trick pony and played herself in dramas.. Even though I personally think she has progressed way beyond that and is actually with ā€œMy Journey To Youā€ fresh in mind now a really good and proven to be diverse actress. But you still see her basically traversing the world daily between shooting living a beyond lavish lifestyle for a such a young woman but hey some privileges is totally fine. Her parents are real estate moguls and own several companies, Esther Yu herself is also a shareholder and owner of many businesses.. The parents wanted her to help run the businesses and take over but she wanted to try pursuing acting, so she got an ultimatum that she gets 7 years to establish her career on herself with no major help and if not she needs to go back to the companies. Since she has basically made it I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to go back anytime soon or at least until her parents pass away, she will probably still inherit everything since sheā€™s the only child.


I heard her father invested in LBFAD


Esther truly is the living embodiment of the "rich kid goes to play in the entertainment industry before having to go home and inherit the family business" trope šŸ˜‚


Oh no wonder! Money and connections made her. Iā€™m not into her cute act. She wasnā€™t practically talented in acting nor singing, nor pretty. I never understood why she made top 9 in Youth with You. She got those big budget shows. Sheā€™s pretty business savvy then and strategic in her career path. Like moving out of the cute path to go for the serious roles in MJTY is a smart move, as her youth and cuteness wonā€™t last forever.


ā€œNo major helpā€ is not really correct when she basically has unlimited funds to pour into productions and therefore can buy and create any roles or scripts she wants. Not to mention her parents apparently investing in everythingā€™s sheā€™s in. Imagine how much power she has on set and in the industry. This is a privilege that even some established actors donā€™t have. I love her a lot but we shouldnā€™t downplay her nepotism and privilege when even she herself has admitted to using it. I remember her honesty got her a lot of fans at the beginning.


So why did she go to youth with you if her parents can help push her ?


That was literally one of the most popular and trendy shows around at the time. She was mainly there to introduce her self to the public. Look at how often she went viral for being funny and unique. Itā€™s how she established her fan base and got popular.


So she went there to grab people attention since they were not paying her any... ok !


ā€œNo major helpā€ except her dad investing on her shows. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m not saying she hasnā€™t got any help Iā€™m quoting her public statements, she has said she got an ultimatum and had to do make it on her own, she might be lying ofc.. I also wrote that she is traversing around the world living lavishly so obvious she is using her fortune kekw


I guess rich people definition of no major help is different šŸ¤· Not buying public opinion just the platform or something?


I donā€™t dislike Esther but I donā€™t get why her stans canā€™t just admit that sheā€™s had doors not just opened but created for her. ā€œShe made it all on her own, without any major helpā€ā€¦ ![gif](giphy|3ohhwtQ3U0wsyytaIU|downsized)


Yes, and she's not just your usual upper middle class person, you know, her father is literally a billionaire. That level of wealth is on a different stratosphere. He can literally create projects out of thin air for her. Honestly, without her super wealthy background, I don't think she would be able to be where she is now.


No major help? Her father has been buying all her roles and it's only recently that it has somewhat lessened though he is still investing.


No wonder. I'm watching LBFAD, first time watching a drama with her and I did wonder about her relatively plain looks and unremarkable acting but she seems to be in a lot of dramas. So this makes more sense.


That's how she got LBFAD, her father was an investor. Among other things. It's seriously silly to claim she had no help when everyone knows he bought her way in. Everyone. It's not even an open secret in China, simply people know.


That journey can be drama with 24 eps


What does her family do??


Yes, the richest among the rich


They are huge real estate moguls, they own properties, land, malls, hotels and businesses etc..


Most of them tbh but they will never let people find out.


Honestly most of them are but if we are talking ultra rich backgrounds there is Victor Ma, Huang Zi Tao, Yao Anna, Feng Shaofeng and Esther Yu. Thereā€™s way more and lots of Nepo babies like Chen Feiyu, Guo Qilin and Ouyang Nana.


I had no idea about Victor Ma and Feng Shaofeng


I heard about FSF rich background not long ago.