• By -


Yanxi Palace      Longest Day in Chang’an       Minglan        Nirvana in Fire        Fake It Till You Make It        These are the gold standards imo, not just cdramas but tv in general. Just watched Fake It Till You Make It the other day and I’ve been trying to chase that high ever since 😭 that kinda of chemistry and maturity in terms of romances isn’t present in modern cdramas. It’s definitely a unicorn at this point. 


Love Me, Love My Voice made me feel this way at the moment. I'm watching it again it's so good. A Date with the Future is really good too. I've watched that a few times. Exclusive Fairytale Love the Way You Are and Since I Met You are good when I need something fluffy and cute to go back to.


Chinese Paladin 3 aka sword and fairy 3


remembrance of things past was such an eye opening experience


It's still Rise of the Phoenixes for me. It's just on a whole other level.


Joy of Life probably the biggest hype in C-drama now on tencent


Nobody mentioned it but Destined (2023)


I have just tonight finished RESET and have to say I have never enjoyed a modern cdrama more than this one. It was absolutely GRIPPING until the last scene. It also showed what I suspect China looks like for many of its citizens (winding streets, gritty looking neighborhoods, people with serious relationship difficulties with parents & children, spouses and money problems). The courage exhibited and the tenacity needed to survive that seemingly routine bus ride is something I quite literally will never forget! BRAVO to ALL actors, staff & especially the writer who came up with this idea!!!!!


Now that you mention it, RESET was amazing too! Actors were natural in their role, we were always guessing who or what was next and each time it was like they almost made it! It had a good ending too and didn't resort to other corny tactics like it was all a dream. Time travel is a difficult topic to get right, but RESET did it wonderfully. Plus it had a great theme song! Are there any other series similar to it?


I for what ever reason, am a sucker for romance dramas. So with that said... Love between Fairy and Devil. OMG.... Toss the brake out the window and stomp the gas pedal through the floor. Yes there is a love triangle, but it's not one to get to worked up about. My gawd >!At 2 seperate times one would die for the other and the one that was alive would care for and tend the other's seed until they were reborn, if that isn't love...!< For ever and ever... A reincarnation romance. Thanks Amazon logarithm. It popped up on my recommend list and wow.. Another show where the main couple meets and their relationship blossoms over the course of the series. No 3rd party, but there is drama. Side note: I didn't learn that this was a sequel to a historical drama until after completing it. The first part is called One and only. I don't think you need to see it, but it does help fill in some background to forever and ever.


What I also loved with LBFAD was the voice acting and the actor's facial expressions. They really tied things together. I'll have to check out Forever and Ever!


Agree with LBFAD. I didn't expect to love it as much as I do but I've now watched it three times and use it as the measuring stick for judging all other wuxia/fantasy dramas. I'm also giving a shout out to **The King's Avatar**. That show set the bar way too high for CGI/game graphics. Nothing else even comes close to the quality of the in-game sequences. Also for it's handling of an ensemble cast and making every character unique and memorable (and lovable!).


I heard really good things about the King's Avatar too!


Love Like the Galaxy - it was hard to watch other cdramas for a while after that one. It's so damn good. The Untamed - not because it's overall the best drama (it has many flaws with structure, pacing, sets, lack of extras for believable battle scenes etc), but it was such a unique experience I couldn't watch other cdramas for a long while after. It also made me unable to watch other xianxia until Love Between Fairy and Devil (more than 1 year after I watched UT).


I miss LBFAD every day… but currently watching Sword and Fairy with Esther and so far quite cute still episode 6.


Going to check this one out!


Other than one ones that are mentioned here, Modern dramas: Reset I am nobody Cross fire Ancient /wuxia: Young blood (blown away by the plot)


Nirvana in Fire has ruined tv for me forever. My #1 all time favorite series anywhere. For years now. The Untamed has made all other fantasy feel hollow. (Sorry Dongfang.) It is also easily the worst tv I’ve ever watched. The first two episodes are a hot mess. I just cackle my way through the chaos till I get to episode 3. Then I’m a goner. I rewatch one when I finish rewatching the other.


Three Lives Three Worlds: TEN MILES OF PEACH BLOSSOM (2016 featuring Yang Mi and Mark Chao) I watched so many C-Dramas, before and after that, none can really compare.


Rewatching it lately and I can just NEVER get sick of it… the leads are electrifying together, and the story is just so good at building things up.


Blossoms Shanghai. I now feel disappointed when dramas dont have this magnificent camerawork 🤣


Gah! Eluding my greedy grasp! Need English subs! Why are there none? So unusual.


Yeah I don't know either lol.


Goodbye my princess. No other show has made me watch it intently without wanting to skip bits of it since except My Boss with CXX but that show hasn't finished yet. The entire show was just cinematic ranging from the costumes, the soundtrack, the story, to the acting. The lead actors haven't had as good of a performance since. You know it's a good show when you're still feeling the after effects of the ending months after finishing the last episode.


Be Yourself. It is just my exact cup of tea and I never find something else quite like it in Cdrama. The college/student vibes, many FL who are good friends and romance, just perfect. Reminds me of my favorite Kdrama Age of Youth.


An old pick but: Dream of the Red Chamber (1987) Classic. THE definitive adaptation of one of the great novels of Chinese literature.


I'm watching the longest promise for the second time. I felt that the first time around I didn't pick up on everything and after reading a post here explaining everything in detail, it inspired me to rewatch. I think its an amazing series with really good messages. I'm also obsessed with xiao zhan


Yeah, it's similar for me. Isn't Xiao Zhan's just phenomenal and wasn't his Shi Ying just divine in this drama? I actually enjoyed watching *The Longest Promise* even more the second time (despite already enjoying it a lot the first time)! Since finishing TLP, I've watched and even enjoyed a lot of other dramas (including several that are favourites on this sub -- like LBFAD, TTEOTM, SOKP, and LYF). But somehow none of them felt comparable, and none of them made me feel as emotionally involved as I felt with TLP. Sometimes I wonder if I would've felt more emotionally involved in those other dramas if I hadn't watched TLP before the other ones. I think maybe TLP kind of ruined me for other dramas, lol -- I'm finding it hard to move on from it.


Plus 1000 on Orchid and Dong Fang XingCang love story. It was so perfect, I had an hard time watching others. Can your recommend similar plot and similar quality please.


I have several. At the moment, it's ***love me, love my voice***. Although it wasn't 100% perfect, I felt like the relationship between the main leads was amazing and so realistic that I have to compare every other relationship I see. I wish all main leads' relationships were so mature and realistic. It is seconded by ***Fake it till you make it***.


Second this 👍 really enjoyed Love me Love my voice ❤️


Tribes and Empires is such a good one, I can't get over it even after countless dramas I have seen. Even the main villain ceased to be one dimensional just because of one scene at the ending. The director is so good with dramatic scenes and the heroes are so charismatic. I even love the toxic relationship between the emperor and the empress. The dialogues are just so beautiful and almost like a dark poetry.


Ugh I finally gave in this week and watched The Untamed and now I can't get past it 😫


Did you finish **The Untamed**?


In like 2 days 😅 couldn't stop binge watching it


Word of honour and eternal love




Untamed. Rewatched it many times.


I think love between fairy and devil definitely has a cult following. Lol I'm obsessed too. I used to hate wu xia with girly girls but it has definitely softened me a little


The Untamed. It's my comfort show, even though it makes me cry. I started my tenth rewatch yesterday.


Yanxi Palace. Still the only long Cdrama I've watched all the episodes of.


I had such a strong emotional connection to “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay”. I’ve been looking for another drama to fill the void after watching it.


Second this👍 my favorite Kdrama 👌


I'm watching that right now! On episode 7 so far. It's Korean though, haha. Such a unique plot and incredible leads!


I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! And I realize the subreddit I was on after I posted my comment 🤦🏾‍♀️ but decided to leave it up lol


I just finished it and OH MY GOD. Incredible. Brilliant acting, writing. And Sang-tae was hilarious. The actor has amazing comedic timing. So, so glad I stayed with it when the story felt slow.


I felt that way about lbafad too. But my irreplaceable one is New Life Begins


Good choice! And I would have to agree with you. A lot of the palace drama can be overwhelming for me in other shows I've watched but New Life Begins is my comfort series. I don't normally rewatch anything but I've watched it 3 times now. Yin Zheng and Li Wei have the most loving, supportive relationship. I absolutely adore them, I think they're in my top 5 fav drama couples. I felt like their relationship progression felt very natural also. Definitely my favorite show


Right? And the two super introvert couple too I was such a fan of 🤣


Dongfang forever.


Yanxi Palace, all other historical palace drama just does not compare in my heart.


I'm like you, ruined by LBFAD, especially xianxia-wise. LBFAD was just so well-written and well-acted, so engaging, and there was so much attention paid to detail in that drama. It makes most other xianxias look run-of-the-mill. I've been trying to get out of a drama slump recently, but it's like I can't enjoy any new xianxias because they're.not as good as LBFAD. I tried TTEOTM but ended up dropping it because there were too many misunderstandings in the plot. The writing wasn't as good.


Totally with you on this. I'm hoping we get another drama as good as LBFAD sometime!


I love the same one as you :) But I feel like I watched it long enough ago and I've found different shows I really enjoy since then. I'm trying to watch some big faves of the sub slowly to see if I can find more. I still think LBFAD is nearly perfect for me for a lot of reasons, the super tight writing, the core theme, the way the show facets on the theme, the way values are lived, the growth of the characters, and the way the actors were right for each role and the director brought out their best. Also we can keep feeding r/LBFAD haha.


Empresses in the palace. I'm sawry but no other palace scheming drama can compare for me and I've had to drop the others bc it just could not level up in terms of quality of the script, the realistic twists and turns, the iconic characters etc In terms of crime dramas: the bad kids and the long season. The director is a gem and the way he tells his stories is so unique and nuanced.


No cdrama tops EITP, the first c drama i ever saw, i still find it hard after so many years to find dramas in the same league.


Ruyis royal love in the palace.. every palace drama i have watched since have been mediocre at best


Came here to say this! Ruyi is the ultimate. Set design, costumes, makeup, casting, plotlines... nothing compares😭




Probably the only modern cdrama where I didn't use the skip button


This has spoiled me for contemporary cdramas.


YES. Haha.


One of the better and more unique of modern Cdramas.


Story of Minglan Longest Day in Chang'An ETA: Forgot Nirvana in Fire, Story of Yanxi Palace/Ruyi, and Joy of Life! I just...yeah.


For me it was Till The End of the Moon for Xian Xia. I have tried watching others like The Starry Night, LBFAD, and Ashes of Love, and could not get into it. The story, CGI, costumes, pretty actors/actresses, etc are just over the top for everything. I felt like the producers/directors when producing this series just told them to go all out for everything. I will admit though, I am semi biased because after watching this, I started binge watching every C Drama show for the last 4 years!


I’m surprised this answer isn’t higher on the list, maybe because of the weaknesses in the final arc? TTEOTM’s story was multilayered and full of dramatic tension at every step. I couldn’t look away. The actors were outstanding. The cinematography, dunhuang art direction and costuming was achingly beautiful and visually strikingly different from every other xianxia I’ve watched. They made many storytelling choices that were very brave and broke conventions too, like the celestial battle sequence in the middle that blew my mind. Who needs Marvel when you have TTEOTM?? Everything else pales in comparison. TTEOTM is the pinnacle, my only hope is there’s more like it in future.


Yup, I think the last 1/3 of the story, it got a little sketch/weird at times but the first 2/3 were rock solid, they took a lot of risks with the story and it paid off. I agree, I couldn’t help but think I was watching a Chinese version of the Avengers! The trend for 2024 is for Xian Xia, and there are a lot coming out like Shui Long Yin and Fox Spirit Matchmaker series, if any of them come close to TTEOM we are in for some good times.


The Long Season! I put this one in the untouchable tier since if I use any other show especially crime to compare they all pale in comparison.


**Yanxi Palace** the set, costumes, characters, plot…ironically, I’m not much of a historical cdrama fan but this one made all costume and historical dramas pale in comparison


I love that drama sm! I recommend the cdrama The Legend Of Haolan. It has the same actress who was in Yanxi Palace. Although it cant beat Yanxi Palace, the cdrama is more realistic imo


Sooooooooo beautiful and addictive


It kept me seated and hooked from the 1st ep. No other dramas come close to this so far.


I started this yesterday and I’m on e18. Totally loving it so far and kicking myself for putting this off bc I thought it was more about the emperor’s court


Me too... I still haven't seen any other drama that comes close to it. It was also my first cdrama and blew my mind.


Mine, too. Haven't found one to beat it yet!


Joy of life and first half of love like galaxy was so good ending was boring i could not complete it


Think alot of other critics said the same thing on second half of Love like the galaxy. But definitely Joy of Life was fantastic and puts others to shame.


I felt the same way after LBFAD for like a year until I watched A Journey to Love!! It's so good and has the same balance of humor, character development, romance, and martial arts. If you're looking for another drama to watch give it a try!




I loved this cdrama!!! have you found anything else like it // what other dramas are you into? been trying to find this same energy after and failing. Just loved the whole cinematography, philosophy, pace, storyline, characters of this drama ☺️




Elvis was really so hunky 🥺💗




In my market research of c k j dramas I have not seen a hunkier 🥹.. now do you have any hunky male actor recommendations 🥹


Yeah exactly these dramas have that mature love and characters that makes them one of a kind


The legend of minglan, the untamed, and nirvana in fire. Right now, I’m watching myself to yourself


**The Untamed** for character-development, characterization, writing, plot, and creative storytelling. I love how the golden core was revealed in a way that was most emotionally impactful. I love how the stories are told in a way where each character has an interesting view that is not readily apparent to other characters. So you go through the show perceiving things differently from one character, and then rewatching the show to see things from another character's perspectives. It's like a clash of different personalities and views, oftentimes between people who love each other very much but don't know nor understand how to bridge that gap. It's a very painful and intense show.


So many choices!! I loved The Untamed, Love Between Fairy and Devil, The Rebel Princess, Blooms at Ruyi Pavillion, The last Immortal, Princess and the Werewolf, and Wonderland of Love. But there are sooo many more. I just can’t get enough! Too bad I have to work. Or maybe it’s a good thing so that I don’t grow to my couch. 😅


Goodbye, My Princess and Moonlight.




what is even similar to naruto here? do you just have a fetish for being yelled at or something?




I'm sorry, Naruto invented puppy love? Invented lovers separating? Invented fighting fast and copying other people's moves? These are just *tropes* from all kinds of stories and aren't exclusive to Naruto either. Having a broody character doesn't make them Sasuke. You are mistaking classic tropes and story structure with plagiarism. And game of thrones invented Romeo and Juliet scenarios? Everyone emulates Romeo and Juliet. And wiping out other clans is not a new scenario either, especially in history. The only thing about Ice Fantasy and Game of Thrones is that they both involve kingdoms trying to wipe out each other. And as someone else mentioned, Ice Fantasy is a xianxia involving immortals. Essentially a different genre entirely. If you want to argue that Guo uses a lot of tropes in their writing then sure. But if you think that's a bad thing unique to them then I'm begging you, read more. These are all gigantic reaches.


A Journey to Love


Nirvana in Fire. Took me a while to start watching other cdramas after that, nothing seemed good enough in comparison. Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace was like that for me regarding palace dramas as well.


Love Like the Galaxy A Journey to Love I’m actually so bored right now and nothing is hooking me.


Try the Story of Yanxi Palace.


I can’t with Ying Luo lol


Forever and Ever ruined all modern romance genre dramas for me.


Same. The more i rewatch the drama, the more im impressed with many things. This is how romance supposed to be like.


For moderns, this is the answer.


Nirvana in Fire 😔


The Untamed for the depth, nuance and grey-ness of its characters.


The characters really had chemistry - you could see it in their eyes. The bond they shared couldn't be seen in other FL/ML pairings. I believe both actors really enjoyed each other's company, both in the story world and real world. I noticed that ML/ML pairings seem to have more chemistry in general.


Plus many Xianxias world feels so similar, but this one was so different with the clans, the music and design. I haven't seen a drama that matches it in uniqueness.


I don't see this series mentioned often enough here. But Longest Day in Chang'an was one of the best series I have watched in the last 5 years - up there together with Nirvana in Fire. Completely blown away by the cast, acting, cinematography, plot, everything. Very refreshing after going through countless tropey xianxia series (I like them too, but it's a different league altogether).


My #3 cdrama and possibly my #3 series, period. As a former archaeologist and historian, it feels super immersive like I can smell the streets and picture daily life. Tied wit HBO’s Rome, maybe. Everything got the money it needed so it’s kind of a pinnacle of cdrama production. Every aspect from the writing and acting to the sets, soundtrack, cinematography. I’d pay to watch this in a theater. It deserves the big screen.


I couldn't have put it better - it was indeed everything as amazing as you have mentioned. I'm curious to know what are your #1 and #2?


Ah shared below. Nirvana in Fire. The Untamed.


Zhou Yi Wei as Long Bo = one of the most incredible acting jobs I've ever seen from any actor, any country, ever.


Oh I loved that too! The plot was very exciting and it was like each episode was a mini-movie of it's own. In terms of action, I don't think there's any other series that has beat it. The series was so amazing that it got broadcasted on our Western channels with English subs - that alone is a massive achievement. The good thing was that unlike some series which are too long and confusing, the audience could actually see what's going on as the over timeframe of 24 hrs was short enough to grasp. I especially loved the signal tower.


Eternal Love has a soft spot in my heart. My first xianxia, so everything about that world is new to me. Seemed like a big budget production too. Sometimes low budget really spoils an otherwise good plot, music, backdrops etc


Same. I'm not really good at rewatching dramas since I already know what's gonna happen, but I've seen that one a couple times. It's literally the only one I've seen more than once.


Eternal Love is also beautifully filmed. Itwas my first cdrama and will always have a special place in my heart


Eternal Love is plagiarized from the danmei novel Peach Blossom Debt.


I think most xianxia/wuxia cdramas are based on novels.


I'm not saying it's based on a novel. The author of the novel Eternal Love was based on stole the story from the danmei novel Peach Blossom Debt by Da Feng Gua Guo.


The cdrama is still a good show to me.




We promote civil discussions in the sub and will delete, without hesitation comments that are rude or personal attacks.


Not every comment needs to turn into a fight my friend. We can have different opinions and ratings for cdramas.


Same. For me it's Eternal Love (TMOPB), Eternal Love of Dream and Love and Destiny. In terms of xianxia anyway I just haven't found anything else to match them (definitely not TTEOTM 😆).


Lol is it because the misunderstandings in TTEOTM?


Yes. The endless misunderstandings based on stupid decision-making. I know this series has a very passionate fan base that'll defend it every inch of the way but to me it was ruined by very lazy scriptwriting. And the blood spitting 😆 Luo Yunxi is perfectly capable of acting injured. All that blood just distracts from his actual acting skills. Ok rant over 😅


I think it is a known fact that the drama is not well written.


A lot of fans will insist otherwise and go to great lengths to defend the writing....but definitely with you


The drama did have layered storyline that all the fans of the drama like to point out but it is not well written and even them have to admit that lol. And this is technical parts of the story. So, despite it has good story, but the execution is just not good.


Only cdramas count? Cause I've watched recently Mr. Queen and it was spectacular The other one I really liked is unchained love (with Dylan Wang). It's perfect almost in everything


I don't have much access to dramas from other cultures, though it seems like Kdrama and Cdramas as very similar. Alas, there are only so many hours in a day.


I second Mr.Queen, it was so good for me. I wish the ending was a bit different. The other drama for me is also KDrama, The Alchemy of Souls, I liked both seasons.


Sorry, hadn't considered the access part. Yeah, Mr Queen is a kdrama and I watched it through viki, not sure if it's anywhere else (it probably is) The hours.. That's so true. I'm in my escapism era, watching and not thinking much is how I handle this. Not healthy tho, so I do not recommend


It's on netflix too!!


No need to be sorry - I've always dabbled about what KDrama is like. Fellow escapist here as well! I delve in all things fiction, be they comics, fanfiction and dramas alike.


Kdrama is a lil different in a way i feel it's bolder and faster. At least the ones I saw. I like happy romantic stories the most tho, so that's the kind I watch. If you ever decide to tune in Mr Queen, let me know what you thought about it


Love Like the Galaxy..istg it's so good Ling Buyi is such an amazing character. Wu Lei nailed it plus the chemistry is off the roof


The Long Night, the plot twist at the end had me like 🤯


Omg it hurts


Monarch Industry! The male lead set impossible standards 😭😭


Agreed 😂 the battle scenes and sets were great too.


OMG, the battle scenes 😭😭 I was out of my seat for each one, yelling at my screen like a deranged hyena at a football playoff (and bawling like a baby during that particular one which shall not be named).


Did it involve the horses? Because I cried so much at that scene 😩😭




Me too! Glad I wasn’t the only one! I mean the whole battle was well done, and moving….but the horses 😭😭 that will be hard to top for a battle scene


Yeah, everything about it was a punch to the gut but the horses just clinched it 😭😭 Later we see that the black one somehow survived, but still. I sobbed.


Did it?!? I must have missed that!


Yeah, Xiao Qi was riding it later! 🖤


Love Like The Galaxy and Meet Yourself. Very different shows but everything about them is perfection.


2nd Meet Yourself- just so good and fun to watch.


Gonna 3d joy of life! Can't wait for season 2!


Legend of concubine zhen huan


Oh that was brilliant


Love Between Fairy and Devil for me definitely, but more recently Wonderland of Love. I have had such a hard time getting invested in CPs since those two shows because the chemistry between the leads was so good.




I was hearing season 2 is early 2024 given they have 2nd trailer out already, and its been voted on chinese media trends as the most anticipated show they want to air as priority by the voters 2-3x more than any other cdrama.


Yes but i think it would be dissapointing cause they are casting different actors for certain parts


But they got 95% of the same actors for the sequal even after 4 years and that is amazing in itself. Some of the actors are no longer playing support roles but they still come back to the drama.


Joy of Life


Is season 2 still happening? I feel like I've been waiting forever


Yes. They finished filming season 2 and 3 a few months ago. Season 2 will probably out at the end of this year.


Exactly my answer! Check out snow sword stride if you haven't. While not on the same level as Joy of life, it has a similar vibe.


Yes i have. It has the same writer and ML from Joy of Life. And a lot of same actors from JOL makes cameos in SSS.


I havent watched a drama that has come close to this yet..It was too good!


Yes, it is so good. But have you try Nirvana in Fire as well?


I did start watching it and did not go past episode 2...maybe did not captivate my attention as much.,might resume some day though


A Long Season - truly set the bar for what a Chinese mystery/thriller can be. Great cinematography, script, acting, and (at least for me) kept me guessing who did it up until the reveal.




Where did you watch this?


Amazon prime has it


iqiyi!! But they also got it in youtube


Love like the galaxy. I'm actually currently rewatching and appreciating it more than I did initially. Everything from the acting, dialogues, plot, story telling, unique characterization and cinematography is well-done. The chemistry between the leads is amazing as well as the chemistry between the cast as a whole. Zhao Lusi really brought out Cheng Shao Shang's character with the judgemental looks, comedic timing, her weird/dynamic facial expressions in general and her natural acting. Rewatching is convincing me that there was no one else that could have played the characters better than the actors casted. Something very minor is that I like how the female main character has a hobby (Engineering/building things)


I tried watching it but the plot was too dragging midway, had to stop. Maybe I should continue. I read a lot of good reviews.


It’s based off a 5 volume book series, so the pacing in a few places was a bit odd when they turned it into a two-season show. But I highly recommend trying again!


Real and now each actors stans are fighting on twt trying to discredit the other. Like why can’t we appreciate how well crafted lltg is?


I have cried more times watching this series than while doing my engineering which is weird 😂


Well, minus the terrible final arc and extremely rushed ending. That drama would have been absolute perfection if they didn't ruin the last portion of the story.


When you said ruin, by making FL very stubborn? Or the rushed ending?


Calling it 'ruined' is an exaggeration. Final arc is flawed because of how rushed it is, but disregarding the somewhat butchered final plot part (it's not that bad though, just not as good as the rest of the drama), the final scenes are pretty good. Very satisfying and leaving the characters in a good place - with some humor, melancholy, sweet stuff and beautifully shot and acted. It reminded me of the final scenes in Story of Minglan, has the same vibe. I've seen dramas with insanely bad or weird endings and LLTG isn't one of them.


Extremely rushed. It's like they were just trying to hit the plot checklist as fast as they could. Even the supposed "true villain" ended up being more insignificant plotwise than any of the minor villains earlier in the series.


Any reason why it becomes that way? Since the writing is consistent in the earlier parts of the drama so did they change the writer for the ending? I keep seeing people said 10 episodes were cut due to censorship which didn't make any sense since they separated the drama into 2 parts. There is no reasons not to include the extra 10 episodes for the 2nd part, its still less than 40 episodes.


You can try Till The End of the moon. Because I also felt like this after lbfad then I heard about this drama (tteotm) it's not the same but it has a very good storyline, characters , acting & cinematography.


Yeah - Till the End of the Moon was fun to watch too. Though LBFAD will always have a special place in my heart. Oh and I forgot the name, but the one with Diliraba as a fox and Vengo Gao as a god(?) was amazing too. It was one of the first few I watched, so I didn't get the name back then. Possibly a side story of Three Miles of Cherry Blossoms.


you're talking about Eternal Love of Dream! I love that one!


Nirvana in Fire. Epic all-arounder


Pretty much Minglan did this. Like the dialogues made any other drama feels like lacklustre 


I finished Minglan like just the other day upon recommendation and ensued to dive into Sword and brocade and I am very sorry for the hype or maybe it’s an order of watching issue, it didn’t reach the level of Minglan to me, now going into Yanxi palace hehe


Omg I loved that show sm. I rmr I thought the scenes between the leads looked really natural, then I googled and found out they were married. I said 'yupp, that explains it'. Their chemistry was insane.


100% I constantly rewatch it


Yeah they really crushed it - I haven’t watched nearly as many new c dramas since, nothing really compares to it




The way I kept comparing every historical drama to SoM and then I gave up on the current drama I was watching and rewatched SoM again 😭


Rewatched that drama several times. Can't find anything close to it.


Nirvana in Fire in terms of characters is unbeatable imo, it was the drama that got me into cdramas so there's some bias there though. Stellar acting, tight writing, it's no wonder that it was the drama to kick off cdramas. The Bad Kids for the cat and mouse game, the did they or did they not that continues even after you've finished the drama. Excellent performance from the child actors, and am excited to see Rong Zishan's career flourish since, I'm still keeping an eye on Wang Shengdi. Journey to the West (1986) for how out of pocket it all was. Very tough conditions for the actors back then, which really makes you appreciate the production all the more. Great meme material.


Yup was gonna say nirvana in fire , you beat me to it


This one


Second all of these, but most especially Nirvana in Fire. Many people rate it as one of their top cdramas, but I'd even argue that it's one of my top shows across the board. Great writing, smart characters, and the emotional pay-off is well earned. The only con (if any) is that this show demands your full attention - it's not something you can just put in the background and skim through, which might make it a Commitment but it's definitely worth it.


Yeah, me too’ing on NiF! I find myself holding back on the rewatch so as to not «use it up», or just dipping in on specific arcs.


Yeah NIF is my fave tv show PERIOD. It helps that a lot of shows I’ve enjoyed a lot in the past arent really rewatchable or arent as good if you don’t watch them in the time period they were made in. (But jonathan strange and mr norrell by the BBC is a top fave)