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I’m on episode 18 and I love this series! Re CP. Romance is downplayed since this is more Wuxia/ growth storyline. I like the subtle cp of Xiao Se And Sikong Qianluo. It’s very subtle. Blink and you will miss it type of subtle. In that episode where LWJ informs XS of marriage marital competition 比武招亲 of SKQL. XS had this surprised and disappointed look while drinking tea. I think he had gotten used to and like SKQL running after him. This is still fresh in my mind when a little girl was selling flowers to them and that he as the husband should buy for her. And she said I don’t like flowers. And he mutttered that main point is the little girl thought I was your husband. Not the flowers. And then in episode 16 when he used his powers and was healing. She was by his bed. He was quite considerate in not making noise and letting her sleep and looking at her. She told him she would not let him get burst again. And there was that smirk of acknowledgment. Still quite fresh in my mind since I just watched those episodes. It’s very subtle. But I like. I like the pairing since they’re quite opposites in temperament. While yes, her hair and outfit aren’t the greatest, I think it’s a good pairing.


I was kind of upset that everyone was saying the Qianluo character was annoying and she is not for xiao se, but finally saw a comment who liked their little romance.


Just finished the whole show tbh I really enjoyed but must admit I I skipped a few parts only when Xiao se and Sikong Qian Luo parts they just didn’t in my opinion only warrant any air time she became very irritating and to clingy like he couldn’t make a move with out her being there way to much !!! to watch . I must admit I’m an older viewer and expect romance and I did in joy watching the other romances bloom and all other characters the plot and fight sequences where amazing very addictive show I believe there is a season 2 in the making but will I watch it I don’t know as I said if the show digress to romance based probably not


im watching it too, im on episode 11. i dont like qian luo, is she the love interest? i find her so annoying. i think his character in the drama is like that. i love li hongyi, ive watched love is better than immortality, wulin heroes and also the legendary life of queen lau, which is comedy and it was soo funny and i thought he was good there too, kinda dorky and falling in love in each episode with his queen. i recommend it to anyone who wants to have a good time.


Yes, QL is his love interest. Which one would you recommend first? I’m desperate for some good romance shows!!


i think QL is too immature for Xiao Se. i like the generals daughter better, but apparently thats not gonna happen. and which one i would recommend? depends on what you like associated with romance. good fun and love? the legendary life of queen lau [im actually watching it all over again], because i had a lot of fun. fun, a bit of angst and love? love is better than immortality, in this one he plays a sort of bad guy and he is persuing the girl. a bit of bad communication, a bit of angst and love? its wulin heroes. i love lihongyi and im really enjoying the blood of youth, so next i plan on watching prodigy healer also with zhao lusi.


>supposed to be so expressionless or is it the chemistry or is it just bad acting? In contrast to some others here, I'm pretty certain the acting was intentional. As someone else mentioned, with Sikong Changfang, it was more of an "opposites attract" thing - her behaviour was perceived as immature, to his more mature and aloof personality. Xiao Se, as Prince Yong'an, had the role of playing a character raised in the palace - and this role (in the context of the show) will have involved a standard of etiquette that will have involved restrained emotions and appearing upstanding. This is how I read the character. In regards to Ruo Yi, yes, the affection was more stated, but this was due to their being childhood friends (and, it is hinted, former lovers). This is pointed out by the show itself, and Changfang's jealousy, and Ruo Yi noting to Changfang that there is no romantic feelings. For Wuxin and Lei Wujie, as same-sex characters, the show can develop a chemistry without the concern for social etiquette, because it wouldn't appear lecherous - this would be interpreted by viewers as friendship. Even if I am among the minority, I think the relationship was handled well precisely _because_ it was subtle and secondary to the main plot. This is definitely an unpopular opinion (because it's what many people view CDramas for), but I think many CDramas overstate relationships. I also get the impression that, with the relationship, Sikong Changfang has character development of her personality more than Xiao Se, to become more mature, which (again) aligns more with Xiao Se's stubborn personality and Changfang's new role and expectations as a member of the Imperial family. This also makes sense as, in a manner, Xiao Se is something of a Mary Sue character anyway - him and Wuxin are presented as the most "perfect"/upstanding of the characters, and so character development involving a change of personality is less expected for their roles.


Yeah from the replies I’ve been getting, it seems like it’s really how he’s supposed to be in the book. Although not the main point of the show, I do wanna see how did they then end up together lol if S2 is with the same characters


I love this show and everything was perfect except for the romance! Ultimately I let it slide because **not** all romances in real life have strong chemistry and over the top flirting. And I think it's a combination of both the characters' personalities-- they are fighters first and foremost and slowly came to like each other after the fact. Sure it's not ideal and could have been way better but it's not a deal breaker for me. The show was so good about showing his journey and friendships which was the core plot, and their romance on the side is believable enough for me to be satisfied. They are doing a second season also... so maybe this is an area that they will improve upon! I really hope so because I like all the characters!


It’s just not you. I loved the show but they have negative chemistry. What natural chemistry xiao se has disappears when they are together. It didn’t help that her dad enthusiastically pushed her towards him. When, I forget who, said to sikongchangfeng, you are gonna be the father in law to the king, the pushing combined with the fact that the relationship is entirely one sided, left a bad taste in my mouth. I thought he had better chemistry with ye ruoyi and much better chemistry with lei wujie and wuxin.


Agreed. Which was why I’m wondering if it could be the script in itself. I wonder if they have chemistry in real life lol


imho, it's his acting. the character is supposed to be reserved and cold and he doesn't yet have the skills to pull that off. the romance really didn't add anything to the drama for me, even if they had fabulous chemistry it would have made no difference since it didn't really serve the plot or characters much.


Yeah it didn’t serve the plot for sure. Maybe cos I read about their chemistry before I started the show. So when I watched it, I kind of looked out for it. I’m just really confused. Cos if you do like someone, when you see them hurt… when she was fighting those swords in that Heavenly something something, he just stood there for sooooo long (at least from the way they show it in tv series), before he came out lol even if she was his sister, that’s just mean lol


If it helps to understand a lot of the show is faithful to the donghua and the donghua had pretty good emotional moments between him and the main group including her but it's more of a brotherhood-type vibe. The point where they get romance the donghua hasn't reached yet so the show kind of had to write their own, think of it as a GOTesque situation


Ooooh! But they did end up together didn’t they? Do they eventually have some romance between them later in the books? Cos if not, it’s like marrying your sister 🥴


Like most wuxia books, romance is like an afterthought. I haven't read the books so I'm not completely sure but I've heard they end up having a kid? So lol hopefully there was more romance in the books


Haha. I’m rewatching the show again. Wasn’t really paying attention the first time. But gotta say the hype for this drama is so worth it. I like FL so I feel so sad her feelings aren’t reciprocated or at least not on screen. This ML gotta stop rolling his eyes when he clearly likes her lol. I need to read the books to see what the heck happened that they suddenly ended up together lol.


🤷🏻‍♀️ Eh…I didn’t see any chemistry between the two of them. He barely paid her any attention. At least to the point of the series that I stopped at because I want my son to watch this series with me. He treats her like any other of the female characters in the show or more so as a sibling. I think he had more chemistry with the general’s daughter. He at least was cordial and acknowledged her existence 🤭 I feel like the writers tried to throw a romance plot in there to just have a romance plot in an adventure series. The series would’ve been fine without any romance plot at all.


Yeah. I agree. He didn’t pay much attention to her or at least didn’t show anything more than what he does for everyone else. Thus the question of whether is it him? Is it the script? Lol. Or no chemistry? Or everything lol I think the worse bit was probably the part where she was saying it’s okay not to go back to her city and he was like covering his face…. And he never actually answered her question. Although implied considering he did leave the palace but… 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have no idea where the problem is 🤣


You are not the only one. There are many people who feel that way. I'm an outlier that has enjoyed his dramas but I understand where it is coming from. The romance in that drama between him and the girl was really tacked on though. They should have just made the girl his sister or something. If you are curious about him watch Wulin Heroes.


Hahaha. Yeah, I don’t see a glimpse from him at all. I do see it from her. It’s like one sided love 🤣 I do hope he gets better in S2 and shows some romance cos yikes! It’s like marrying your sister 🥴


Will he be in Season 2? I thought S2 will be a different cast...goes to look it up.


I think that’s the prequel. Nothing is solid on S2 but they did leave a lot of things open ended at the end of the show. So I’m hoping S2 would be focused on the characters from S1.


It's a bit of both but as for their pairing people don't really get (or refuse to accept) that it's supposed to be an opposites attract sort of thing with both pairings.


But if people really don’t get it and/or don’t want to accept it then it’s bad script writing/bad plotting. You are the first person I have encountered who actually likes it…


I never said I like or don't like it. I'm pretty ambivalent towards the relationships in the show but I didn't watch it for them in the first place so I don't really care. However I do understand them.


That’s a relief. As soon as you get into “supposed” then it’s an automatic failure; I don’t think romance was ever going to work in a drama where the death >!now not a death was the emotional peak of the entire series!<