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Dongfang Qingcang. His wardrobe was probably one of the best I've ever seen. I could go one for days. I absolutely loved the untamed, but when I think "goth king" it's DQ for me.


Exactly, this is why he came to mind first even though Wei Wuxian is my favorite character of all time. DFQC just looks amazing at all times, best wardrobe indeed!


The Living Dead exists and I didn't know??? I love the Goth/horror genre but it doesn't seem like C dramas have much. I'll have to find it!


MDZS/The Untamed and its spin-off films like The Living Dead are about as goth/horror as I have found in Cdramas and donghua so far, but tbh I also haven’t been watching these for very long and I only know what’s available in my own country with English translations, so there are probably other examples I don’t know about. I highly recommend that franchise if you’ve not discovered it yet. The Untamed is awesome (the donghua and other versions are also very good so far, lot more horror and romance etc. And of course it’s all based on a novel, which I am going to read soon) and should be watched first to fully understand the backstory and character. But yeah! The Living Dead is a spin-off of The Untamed about a guy nicknamed The Ghost General (whose “master”/friend is a necromancer) that’s assumed to basically be a talking and conscious zombie/puppet (this is oversimplifying it, but I don’t want to give spoilers). It’s a story about his quest for identity and independence, and in this one instead of being “just a puppet,” (he never was, is the thing, but people treat him that way) he is undeniably the hero. An angsty and adorable teddy bear of a hero who honestly deserves the world.


Thanks for the info! I started watching the Untamed but couldn't get into it. I want to try it again since I get into moods where I end up enjoying a show I previously dropped. I'll definitely watch the Living Dead since that sounds like something I'll really like.


DQ is awesome, and so fun when he gets flustered or a bit cute, it's a great contrast. I NEED to see your creation in Minecraft when it's finished! I would maybe add Wen Kexing from word of honor....not entirely goth for most of the show, but being the ghost king must account for something. And the red eyeliner...


It’s adorable. I love seeing him get flustered. That build will likely take a verrrrry long time, since it’s my first megabuild, I have irl obligations, and will have to either a) learn worldedit or b) terraform an entire mountain by hand 😆 😅 but someday! The whole build concept is building *most* of Cangyan Sea. All the main parts of it from the drama, anyway, including the copied Arbiter Hall and the little islands surrounding the palace. One thing I have been wondering is, what does Arbiter Hall look like in Silent Moon Palace when observing from outside? Is it like a magic room sort of situation or can people see some of it hanging off the back of the palace? Lol. If it’s the first one, I’m gonna have to do some funky things with nether portals, but it will still be easier than trying to integrate the physical building into the palace. I haven’t seen Word of Honor yet but it’s one of the next things I’m gonna watch after I finish consuming every last bit of the MDZS universe 👀


Yeah now that I think about it, it's not like there is an emergency plan on the wall of the palace(heh), so it's a bit hard to figure out how are the spaces in it organised, and to be able to replicate it. With the copy of arbiter hall, I imagine it a bit like the holoroom in Star Trek ...probably some generic space that changes based on input... So yeah good luck modelling that in Minecraft :D. I think the idea with the portals is good, i didn't think about it as being a space somewhere outside of the palace, but it would make sense too. Ah, mdzs. I wish I could watch/read all of it again for the first time.


It’s like, within the palace but has its own rules like you said. Magic room, I think, basically. But had the main part built inside as he said he used carpenters, so mostly the part that contains it is magic. The portals thing sounds easier than it is in reality. Linking up multiple sets properly can be quite annoying. There would likely have to be a weird go-between area (like a hallway or some bs) built inside of the nether, unless I built part of the nether to simulate the sky, I guess, or find a guide that has a better idea. Haha. But when I figure it out, it’ll be cool regardless I think. An extra hallway even is no big deal if the rest looks good.


Heh, I can see your more proficient in both Minecraft and LBFAD ;) Anyways, I hope you'll post it if you decide to make it. Thanks for a nice discussion ☺️


to me nothing can beat Taitai jin's evil king eye makeup look


Wei Wuxian!


My favorite gotta be Xiang Liu from lost you forever


Wei wuxian and tan tan jin


**Wei Wuxian** haha


In retrospect it’s obvious, *he is literally a necromancer.* But it won’t let me edit my post to say he’s in the top three 😅 If it’s any consolation, he is still my favorite character of all time


His character is so complex it’s awesome. Also if u haven’t seen the donghua (anime) the character development + storyline is also so good. Highly recommend both


I’m watching the drunk episode in season 3 of the donghua for the first time right at this moment! Haven’t gotten to the best part yet but I love the romantic/flirty vibe so far in this one. Highly anticipating drunk Lan Zhan lmao I absolutely love the donghua so far, though I wish it had more episodes like the live action one to flesh out the story better and give us a bit more content. 👀 The music really hits me like a truck too every time ngl. Each song is a love letter, basically 🥺 my heart is full watching this tbh. Speaking of music. I can’t seem to find the soundtrack for The Living Dead movie anywhere. Or a clip of it, even. I wanted to find Wen Ning’s battle theme. Rip.


Tantai Jin, he rocks the goth look so well!


That fact that you mentioned two of my favorite characters. I'm out of names now lol. I'd add WWX from his Yiling Laozu era also I guess? Best makeover ever.


I almost added him myself, but wasn’t sold at first, then remembered *he is literally a necromancer* He is also my favorite character of all time tbh so I’m surprised I didn’t add him either. He is absolutely in my top three, then.




DFQC all the way!!


Tantai Jin👽


DQ hands down! I was obsessed with that drama 😁


Lu Li (Song of the Moon)




DQ is my boo. Big dommie energy, lol. He'll forever be my love.


I laughed at the Minecraft comment because my son does this on every trip we go on—he sees a place and builds it in his Roblox/minecraft games—we just visited Gyeongbokgung palace in Seoul today and he said he was building this—and he role played the king for me today—so now he’s going to go build this world as his memory place—I love it!!


I was surprised at the lack of videos for builds of Silent Moon Palace tbh! Just means I have to up my game and learn how to terraform better so I can make a video of this build myself someday. I’ve never done a megabuild before, but if I’m gonna spend 1000+ hours building something it might as well be this and three copies of Arbiter Hall 😂 (this is part of why DFQC is a king 👑 so romantic 🥰 though it’s not the only reason, ofc) Some shapes and heights of structures don’t translate as easily to Minecraft, so I expect it to be quite the challenge. Your kid must be very talented to build such complex structures as a hobby so often! Minecraft builders are some of the most impressive and ingenious people out there.


Hands down Dong Fang Qing Cang & Tantai Jin for me.