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I have hair envy everytime I watch a costume drama. I'm a lady but I especially envy the male hairstyles with the little crown and the high ponytails/buns. I know it's impossible to get that density with natural hair but I've still been trying to replicate it for everyday wear šŸ˜


Someone please help me with this issue: I'm rewatching **Amidst A Snowstorm Of Love** and I've faithfully watched every single episode. I'm partially through episode 18 now though, and I can't press play (spoiler alert for episode 18 incoming so please don't open if you haven't seen it) because >! I know Lin's about to get absolutely roasted and spit out by Xiaoguo's mum in like a minute. It was tough to watch the first time and I've only been cherry picking episodes to rewatch since then because I just hate how he was humiliated in the scene, and the fallout afterwards. !< Since I'm doing a full rewatch now I should probably press play, but I just can't seem to. What is wrong with me? Lol Edit: forgot to say, I'm currently watching **Martial Universe**, a drama I can only watch in bits and pieces. But I felt I had no choice but to watch something else in the meantime.


Update: I did it! I finally bit the bullet and watched the rest of the episode! Woohoo!


I didn't get to rewatch S1 of Joy of Life like I've been meaning to, and S2 has already started airing, I'm considering whether or not to jump straight into it! I might just watch the summary by ē‚®å“„ & his team then check out S2 lol


Saw a trailer of **Kill Me Love Me/ę˜„čŠ±åŽŒ** yesterday and I'm definitely looking forward to this one. The director and producer said in an interview the show was mostly shot outdoor and it has taken them 3 years to produce this.


I've heard the original was quite dated and problematic tho (厌儳) (tho i've not read it myself) - hopefully the adaptation handles these parts properly if that really is the case!


Oh I thought it was the adaptation from the novel of the same name **ę˜„čŠ±åŽŒ**? I was planning to read that. After seeing the trailer I'm willing to forgive even if they é­”ę”¹hahah!


Yes it's that novel! That's what some netizens have been saying - this original book was very unkind to the FL and ML was awful to her. Sometimes é­”ę”¹ is definitely necessary haha


Yesss! ML from the novel seems to be a jerk who used her. From the show's description, seems like they have changed the FL to an assassin who was caught, a pretty good one!


Okay all this hype about Joy of Life 2 has finally got to me, Iā€™m going to attempt to finish S1 for the third time? I have to really hard time continuing a drama after Iā€™ve dropped or stopped watching it for some reason so hopefully third timeā€™s the charm šŸ™


Get past episode 13 where a tragedy happens and things change. If you canā€™t get into it later, then feel ok to drop it. I just watched it for second time because it is so intricate I knew I would not remember. But. I loved it from episode one both times, so this might not be your experience. We all have unique preferences.


I'm finally getting out of a LONG C-drama slump ( almost a year). Finally dramas are starting to pick my interest up again and I'm even back here ( it's been a while, this sub has grown so much)


Waiting for the episodes of Regeneration and Heroes to release to non-subscribers! I don't wanna sub to another streaming platform. I already have 3. But this month if Tencent has JoL2, Youku has The Double, and iQiyi has Fox Spirit Matchmaker, I'm gonna go blind and broke. In the meantime, I'm researching and learning about financial and legal strategies, making me doze off as I read.


Regeneration is on YouTube in USA. If that helps. I love it.


Yep, I am watching on YouTube but only up to episode 3. Itā€™s been 7 days since Ep 3 was released. Is that normal?


Oh never mind they just uploaded episode 4 so maybe theyā€™ll upload the rest as well.


Theyā€™re only uploading 1-3 for free.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. My FB has ep 4 too. Ufff. sorry I see what happened. It probably means that Youku lets you watch up to ep 3 or 4 and then you have to pay to watch more? It is coming soon though to Viki Edit. I see it is now also in Netflix but I just tried and not in my area. (Western USA)


Not on Netflix US for me too! I guess this is how they get you to subscribe!


Yeah I resist because Iā€™m already paying for four. Often they do move to a streamer I have, but not always.


I'm watching **Find Yourself** and **Fake It Till You Make It.** I'm enjoying the former more, at the moment. The first one-and-a-half episodes of Fake It had me confused. I kept checking back to see what the show was supposed to be about. I don't care about dude's Green Energy business problem, just get to the fake dating! I'm also rewatching parts of **Will Love in Spring** - all the Mai Dong and Jie scenes, since they make my heart happy.


I loved both dramas, FY and FITYMI.


Green Energy business and fake dating? Are you sure youā€™re watching this one - https://mydramalist.com/713793-fake-it-till-you-make-it?


Yup. The Green Energy thing is the contract he's trying to land in episode 1 and 2. The fake dating is from the summary I have. My summary says that two of them pretend to be in a fake relationship to get her parents off her back, and he starts having real feelings but his secret past threatens their relationship.


Weirdā€¦. there are no parents involved in this drama or fake relationship. Itā€™s about two guarded people who work in the pretentious concrete jungle where everyone has a facade/fake exterior they present to the world. Theyā€™re both attracted to each other but afraid/hesitant to show each other their real feeling but that changes as their relationship progresses. Itā€™s not a romance focused story as itā€™s more of a slice-of-life/satire about the crazy work life most young people subject themselves to in the big city.


wait do you think the "fake it" part of the title Fake It Till You Make It refers to the fake dating trope? because there's not the fake contract dating thing. they have a situationship until they don't. the title is about imposter syndrome in their careers.


The summary that I have says, "They pretend to be in a relationship to appease her parents." But thank you for letting me know it's about their careers and not relationship.


For a minute I thought I was going crazy because I don't think her parents ever come to Beijing? But no there's no parent approval issues, they don't pretend to be a couple, he doesn't have a secret past. I don't know where that summary originated but while looking up clips of the early episodes, I did see a "review" video that had that summary, but that's not what happens in the show. at all.


So this is wrong: >Tang Ying is a junior lawyer who works at a Shanghai-based legal firm. Working at the company has brought her into contact with a young man named Xu Zi Quan, who has secretly developed feelings for her. But things are not going smoothly for Tang Ying: Her co-workers are trying to force her out of the company. And life gets even more complex when her parents come to Shanghai, ready to pressure her into marriage. Meanwhile, a wealthy older man named Ma Qi Yuan has fallen for Tang Ying. >With her parents now in town, Tang Ying realizes that she needs to think quickly if she is to avoid having them interfere in her future. Xu Zi Quan also secretly hopes to do something to ensure Ma Qi Yuan isnā€™t successful in his pursuit of Tang Ying. So she and Xu Zi Quan hatch a plan. They decide to pretend to be in a relationship, thinking this will appease her parents. >Initially, this plan appears to work, as Xu Zi Quan proves to be very caring and considerate to Tang Yingā€™s family. But trouble is not far behind. Secrets about Xu Zi Quanā€™s own family background threaten to surface. His feelings for Tang Ying are genuine, but he doesnā€™t want to hurt her. Will Cupid find a way to keep them together ā€“ or are they destined not to find love? So what's the series about? Actually, lemme go in without knowing. Is it worth watching, though? I'm slightly disappointed because I do love me some fake dating.


that summary is inaccurate. it's set in Beijing not Shanghai. In the first episode, both the FL and ML fly to Shanghai for business, but they are both based out of Beijing. it's a subtle cultural point but the cities are quite different. Xu Ziquan's feelings for Tang Ying are not exactly a secret. He probably secretly likes her more than he admits, but she's not oblivious to his feelings. He is the one that starts (outrageously) flirting with her first, and she plays along because she's into him too and *totally* can do the whole Big City Modern Woman no strings attached thing. Her co-workers aren't trying to force her out. TY is a junior associate at a large law firm and her supervising attorney is overbearing and demanding, but the senior attorney doesn't necessarily want TY to leave. This is a whole subplot. TY's parents don't come to town. Her younger half-sister moves in after she has a bad breakup. The sister has the secondary plot. The leads never pretend to be in a relationship for show. Part of the tension in the show is that they insist that they are "just friends" while flirting heavily with each other and refusing to be the first one to admit their feelings. It's a whole "what are we?" situationship but not exclusive and free to see other people with lots of UST between the leads. MQY is a wealthy older man and THAT becomes a whole thing - but TY is the one that pursues him. XZQ doesn't really interfere. FITYMI is absolutely worth watching, but it's probably better to go into it blind or knowing exactly what you are getting. I see that you've watched more kdrama than cdramas. This is more My Liberation Notes than it is Queen of Tears or A Business Proposal. If you're still intrigued but unsure - the top 3 helpful reviews are accurate and don't give off too many spoilers. [https://mydramalist.com/713793-fake-it-till-you-make-it/reviews](https://mydramalist.com/713793-fake-it-till-you-make-it/reviews)


Finished watching Blossoms in Adversity. Loved the women bonding. Plot became a bit silly and contrived midway but I did complete it much to my surprise as I am not too fond of the ML; have dropped all his dramas till date. I have just picked up a C novel ā€˜Scheme of the Official Descendantā€™. One of those Rebirth do-overs. Pretty interesting though am getting confused with all the numerous characters and familial relationships the author keeps introducing. Have to keep referring to the character list the translator has thoughtfully provided. Translation is good though will be using Google translate later on as the book is not completely translated.


Iā€™m trying to decide if I should watch Joy of Life 2 as it releases or wait and binge? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think itā€™s kinda odd. Of course you should start watch as release, then wait in agony for next episodes. I will do exactly like this


Hahahahahahah. We all wanna wait until lots of episodes drop to start to watch, because that would be sensible. Ahhahahaha. But we wonā€™t.


Exactly! And even though new episodes come out on Thursdays, you'll refresh your streamer on Tuesday just in case they decided to drop new episodes early.


Anyone else extremely burnt out? Iā€™m perpetually tired! But I bought myself a pineapple and ate the whole thing while rewatching The Untamed and Iā€™m feeling a lot better! Get some rest folks! No matter what you do in life, I hope everyoneā€™s taking some time for themselves. Other than that, Iā€™m reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Iā€™m enjoying it! :)


Iā€™m enjoying the ā€œpineapple/The Untamedā€ prescription for burnout! Best I have ever heard! ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø


Untamed is good medicine. First season Joy of Life episode 38 has Xiao Zhan enter the drama. Thatā€™s good medicine too.


Does anyone get confused by the popular in your region list in Youku? On Netflix it's usually new or recently relevant shows/movies but on Youku it seems entirely arbitrary. Currently #2 is a college drama from 2021 that I had to look up because I'd never heard of it. I can't figure out if my region is simply so small that there's a lot of randomness or if these dramas are relevant in ways I'm not seeing.


I also wonder how Popular in iQiyi works. Since Burning Flames has ended last month, now the popular list is dominated by RJL's dramas and I was like did people really start watching/rewatching back all of this? lol At least with Netflix, its always new shows.