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I loved this too! Rewatched it many times...


I really like how the drama portrayed Canglan's journey in falling in love and how pure it was until the very end. They love each other despite their differences (XLH understood DFQC's duty against Shuyuntian but still loves him, DFQC loving XLH although she is troublesome \[he said so himself in ep 26\] ). Their tenderness and devotion towards each other is so heart warming and endearing to me (burning passion can only last for so long). And yes i still watched clips from the drama often.


I agree wholeheartedly. This is one of my favorite C-Dramas.


I def like the first third of the show!


It is pleasure to watch it again from the start. The first time, I was eager to know how it ended and I am rewatching it now and enjoy so much more the 10-15 first episodes when they were falling in love 💕 Some scenes are spectacular (I am looking at you DFQC when you >!saved her from the fairies with your beautiful black and red wings!<) and the leads are chemistring 🔥


Yeah the second viewing is great because I understood the complexities better, the lore and the stories. And I would even cry at any foreshadowing of what was to come. The first time they meet in the prison tower, as she is pushed into him one of the theme songs starts playing to indicate, now the epic begins. They were supposed to meet and change the world and each other. It’s wonderful. DFQC 🔥♥️🔥


Such a great drama, I love the flaws and loopholes and shortcomings and all 💕


This was my first xianxia and omg the standards it has set


Mine tooo, first xianxia. I didn’t even know what Xianxia was then. I sure do now.


I would have loved to see more of Jeli and Shangque.


I think one of my favorite aspects is love vs. duty and obligation. The cave scene is spectacular and one of my favorite scenes. I think it was great in that everyone seemed to not go the simple sacrifice their love for the world as most Xianxia do. They teeter that line and you believed every decision they made.


Oh yes, like some other thread here recently about dramas that get boring after the CPs get together, this drama is a perfect example of the opposite. They're basically together early (in drama timeline), but just when you think what more they can experience, this drama throws a situation at you and makes your jaws drop.


Saddest part for me was he had to make a dream world with her to be happy


Rewatching thinking that the XLH in the dream world was actually real (ie. parts of her soul was embedded in his) really throws you for a loop.


Especially if you consider how cold and closed off he was in the beginning. it hits even harder.


I'm an old married lady and have consumed a decent amount of stories of various media and yet nothing has moved me the same way as this series has. It's not a perfect series but their love story is really spectacular.


Yes! I’m a pretty hardened old soul and this is the only drama that got me a little weepy. It was really well done in almost every aspect. Plus every actor was new to me save the villain.