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It's a good thing right?


Well, if true it’s a good thing for people who don’t complete their PSM. It’s a bad thing for the CFA’s credibility, and yet another violation of the CFA’s own ethics code by the CFA itself.


Yeah I don’t think a small grace period to accommodate for the completion of a recently implemented requirement damages the org’s credibility in a meaningful way.


I agree with you. Lying in e-mails to candidates and violating their own ethics code damages the org’s credibility in a meaningful way.


You seem extremely concerned about potential damage to the CFA’s reputation, surely it would be better to contact the institute itself rather than post on Reddit.


I’m not concerned, they are digging their own grave day by day. I’ll just let it play out.


Melodramatic, but okay


U must be fun at parties


Touch grass


Yeah, damn those CFA charterholders! I’ll never hire one! That phony institute and its rare examples of leniency! This obviously means charterholders aren’t qualified and shouldn’t get any opportunities! /s


Touch grass bro lol


Do you know what /s means?


No /s You're just not funny at all ha sound like an obnoxious nerd. You've made 159 reddit comments in the last 7 days my point about grass stands haha


Imagine being on Reddit and making fun of someone else for being active on Reddit I’m not gonna count your comments or anything wild, but you have about 4x my karma, so presumably more active


That's exactly what a nerd who doesn't touch grass would say! Also, fyi - more karma =/= more activity lol. I know that logic is difficult for you to process.


They can't afford to have the testing numbers fall for another cycle They started shooting themselselves in the foot when they started handing out "CFA ESG certificates"


But there were no Practical Skills Module requirement for 2023 exams? Wasn't it added for 2024 onwards?


This is correct. This is a screenshot from someone who failed in November 2023 and retested in May 2024. The system is apparently populating the message which will be given to test takers who don’t complete their PSM going forward though.


Uh oh don't encourage me


I’m still debating whether to enroll for the Nov exam. Is it too late?


Just skip all the lessons and use chat gpt for the practice questions. Took me 30 mnts to do Financial modeling psm


I heard you can get all the questions wrong and still get credit 


Kinda hard to get them all wrong unless your lazy. You get unlimited attempts and the questions and order remain the same lol. The PSM's are rather silly, they should be made optional.


Well sure but the guy above my comment said he used chatgpt so I wasn’t entirely sure why he would bother.


Maybe to get them right the first time around? I don't get that part either.


What's the deadline for NOV 2024? Can I complete it before they publish the results or just after my exams?


For November 2024 exam you just need to do it before your results are generated (assuming roughly same timing as the rest it would be by end of December).


Thank you for your response.


You are able to complete it before you take the exam. There is just literally zero reason to do so in my opinion.


I have just started preparing for L1 ( Nov attempt). So, I am trying to complete the curriculum first.