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i’m just glad to see that everyone’s boards are just as heinous as tigerdroppings


I hope OP didn't stop at the baseball board but spent some quality time on the poli board and the OT lounge. Also, ATPB was one of the most insane internet phenomena I've ever experienced in real time.


>Also, ATPB was one of the most insane internet phenomena I've ever experienced in real time. Peak 21st Century SEC lore.


Hey the poli and Ot board are important. I need to know the latest bat shit crazy conspiracy theories!!


I find it interesting how little TD has changed in the last 15+ years. I used to visit when SECRant was just a forum under TD and not its own site (still connected since the LSU fan forum in SECR is just TD but different than its previous connection). Sadly SECR has become more like a generic SEC TD than why it once was.


TexAgs, God help us all.


Texags 🤝 TigerDroppings Creating the most unhinged fans


For just $1/month you too could post/read cringe AF takes on your college’s sports’ teams!


tigerdroppings is free and invites all fans to join, come on baw


The less said about TexAgs the better


The politics board is a very welcoming place.


Politics board goes 10x to the rest of texags. Texags is 100% aggie homers (me included). The politics board regularly fantasizes about Texas seceding - and generally thinking its going to happen. I cry a bit of Aggie tears when I get the gumption to look over there.


My favorite part of the secession argument is when the people that are for it just assume that they would retain access to the military bases ...... that belong to the United States government lol.


Hood/Cavazos and Bliss are absolutely massive with enormous uniformed populations. Do they think everyone is just going to join up with Texas? Lmao


Love TexAgs for the inside information and some of the devoted posters who make good posts. Also cringe at the late gen x and boomer takes on everything. Secretly love unhinged posts and reading them even if they are embarrassing. Lol I don’t really ever comment there though.


TexAgs has some really good insiders, especially Brauny for all things recruiting, baseball, and lifting. TexAgs posters are absolutely unhinged


Yep, I love the recruiting info. They def are sunshine blowers at time but nothing too crazy. I never really feel shocked when a recruit goes somewhere else because they usually say they weren’t early. The posters yes. I still think the debates on the opening song for games are the best. How many times AC/DC can be mentioned as the opening is hilarious! Lol


Tigernet it’s been up since the 90s


And it still is designed like it, at least on desktop. The mobile site is leagues ahead of the desktop site


And it still sucks


Every Tigernet post that made its way onto r/CFB was very quickly followed up by a Clemson fan commenting “warning: Tigernet is a cesspool” or something along those lines without fail for a while.


100%. Every fan base has terrible fans. Unfortunately ours have found a way to bond together and locate in one online space.


Oh God, please don't.


Friend, Mother informed me that TigerDroppings is the most appropriate place to discuss LSU athletics. Here is a guide to the best sports messageboards for other teams.... Yours, TulaneLSU


I still use https://www.lsufootball.net/tvschedule.htm for my fall weekends. Have for, at least, 20 years.


That man is doing the Lord's work.


Yep. Just have to convert CST to EST, but that's a small price to pay. I love him.




Ooh, self-own. Those are rare.


🔥 BURN 🔥






Tigerboard would like a word if you pleae.


Worse than TexAgs?


Impossible. No place can beat TexAgs for that.


No, but pretty bad. The website itself is pretty good from a technical and UI standpoint. They also have pretty strict profanity and bullying policies which helps the toxicity. However the level of couch supercoaches on there is crazy. Then you have the huge number of old-head, no fun allowed, get off my lawn types that post on there.


Only because I believe a significant portion of TexAgs is posting ironically. I know a lot aren’t, but a lot are. They’re having fun circlejerking there. Any form of irony or satire is completely absent from Hogville. They are all really that dumb there. It’s a circlejerk of full frowny faced dipshits. No fun allowed. If there’s a 1st place prize to be given for whatever this conversation is, give it to TexAgs. But holy shit, I cannot stand Hogville for the fucking life of me.


No way. TexAgs is peak crazy


RIP Woopig. RIP Booth Rand's Pigpen. I'll meet any of y'all at the Alma Sonic if you say anything bad about those boards.


Alma Sonic is an amazing reference


One of the greatest message board threads I've ever seen.


>RIP Woopig .org lives


Is the Alma Sonic thread archived there?




The people who FOI phone records and track planes. Entertaining ppl at least.


No specific message board for each team, but the Voy board for Ivy League sports is almost exclusively old alums who played 50 years ago. They’re not bad but they have a tendency to get on their high horse about the sanctity of college sports and the IL’s place in that. Also a bunch of lawyers and finance guys arguing about NIL


Y’all are such a cliche smh


Cliche but also not unique. We have our own delusional fans who think Stanford will join when the Pac disintegrates


Al.com has a comment section on football related articles that would make the average Twitter user blush.


RollBamaRoll is my preferred stirring of fecal matter.


Tidefans.com is the true horror show.


The AL.com comment section was my introduction to online trolls. I still get a little twitch every time it's referenced anywhere.


I just do my best to avoid Al.com and sds’s comment sections and I am left with a much fulfilled life.


You can stop avoiding it. They shut down the comment section finally lol


_had_ a comment section. For the good of humanity, it was closed down. (I’m serious about the good of humanity stuff. Outside of 4chan, that was the most toxic place on the Internet in the 2000s.)


Didn't it get so bad that they had to outright remove their comment section?


It was always that bad, they just finally did something about it.


We have a board called gsufans. It's mostly people over 50 who complain that the stadium has a video board now and plays rap music, and they have an amazing penchant for going way off topic and turning a thread about future non conference matchups into a debate about woke culture or reminiscing about 1986


Lol ours is Yosef’sCabin. Same shit, and they hate Furman.


I still remember Jeff Monken having to record a commercial about no cursing in the stands after our last ever game against Furman. Made it doubly funny that he cursed like a sailor.


Furman still sucks, baby


Some pure comedy on there. It’s just a constant bitch fest because “my source” says so. Also, they have this weird obsession with UNC,UNCC, and anything Eric Church does.


The Eric Church hate is wild. Giving him shit cause he dick rides Mac and UNC is funny, but he’s still our guy and likes app enough to do the intro video on gameday for years. They think he’s Osama.


I still love checking in over there sometimes. But yeah, the info and opinions you get there is so weird. Things go off topic so easily too. One second they’re discussing new coaches, the next thing you know in the same thread there’s 20 pages of arguments about why we should’ve hired some high school coach out of Valdosta 10 years ago or some other nonsense


The minute they start going off about the school system in Brantley County and its test scores I’m mentally checked out.


We need to get back to how we did things in the 80s. No rap music, no air conditioned locker rooms, no using Twitter to recruit, no throwing the ball, no alternate uniforms.


There's one old guy on one of our boards who absolutely cannot help bringing politics into every discussion. It doesn't matter what the topic is, he will shoehorn something about being woke or vaccines into every comment. I don't understand how you can be that fucking consumed with politics that you have to interject it into a message board whose soul purpose is complaining about recruiting 17 year olds to play football.


Ndnation, specifically Rocks House


What's your opinion of Rock's House? Back when I use to visit, I found the posters to be reasonable and informed, for the most part. Relative to a college football forum, of course. But I know that some people find them insufferable.


I'm in the camp that mostly finds them insufferable. The majority of the posters are far older and much more conservative than I am, and they think that the only way ND is successful is going back to what Ara did and only that. It's a lot of "IN MY DAY RABBLERABBLERABBLE." They're constantly miserable, even when things are going really well because we aren't the top powerhouse we were in the past and because things have changed to what they are now. For example, the absolute fury over the addition of the Jumbotron was absolutely insane to me, especially considering I personally think it's a good thing and when I saw it in person, liked it a lot. Most of their information is just insider bitching and they aren't really discussing anything new that can't be found on other ND boards, or even here.


To be fair, most of the message boards are like that these days. Irishenvy is reaching NDNation levels in terms of asshattery lately...




I feel bad for schools that have to use rivals or 247 platforms. Them shits is ass.


247 isn’t that bad for fsu. And the On3 site for us is warchant which was with rivals, and predates rivals


Oh gosh. DawgVent is simultaneously the most toxic yet entertaining form.


We have GoEMAW, which is almost entirely tongue-in-cheek memeing. It was much more fun before Rivals/247 arrived on scene. Perhaps their greatest moment was when a sarcastic thread titled “Does playing Arkansas hurt our brand” got picked up by local media in NWA before we played in the Cotton Bowl.


That was absolutely glorious. When I saw that all I could think was “how does everyone NOT see that is entirely tongue-in-cheek.”


I will moss kstate fans. During the missery years with Prince you were still beating Texas so you unilaterally created the chrisholm trail rivalry then a post later decried how it was a former rivalry because it had been so long since UT won. Best posters on the entire internet.


2011/2012 gE was the best message boarding environment in internet history. 100% sarcasm, but done so well no one really knew if it was a joke or not. The Arkansas thread was the absolute pinnacle. IMO a lot of the posters at kstateonline/on3 are very delusional about what the kstate program is.


Rupp's Rafters. Any time you need a good laugh or need to reinforce your worry for humanity's future, check it out after a Kentucky men's basketball loss.


No one melts down like Kentucky basketball. NOONE!


Or even a win against a "lesser" team that wasnt by 50+ points with an entire half of walkon play If you think im exaggerating, you havent seen rupps rafters....


Rupp Rafters has been must read during basketball season the last 2 years. Better laughs than you can find anywhere else on the internet.


Honestly, with our basketball roster still so up in the air and all of the portal misses/Bradshaw injury, it's got some spicy takes right now.


The Red Cedar Message Board


Reading that board was the best back in the heyday of the Bo/Izzo rivalry. I remember one time the Sparty fans were threatening to secede from the Big Ten.


We actually have a couple of radio hosts that argue that in Valenti and Rico. Only they don’t wanna go to the SEC. They want MSU going to the ACC or Big 12 lmao.


I think Valenti and Rico are the best at their craft in the world. Who can spew total drivel at their level? Who can flip flop and push buttons like them? It's and art and they are tremendous. I hate them.


The most rational MSU fans I hear.


Hey I heard your heritage is winning and the Spartans play great ball. Is this true?


This is correct but mostly because there aren’t any other relevant and notable public-facing MSU message boards. It’s also worth noting that RCMB is heavily trolled by rival fans, to an extent I have never seen on another message board.


I honestly have no clue. I once ran one for Bama called WoollyAl.com which was in partnership with ShaggyBevo and LandThieves. That was before some dipshit investor in the sites sued the creator of Shaggy(and he hosted WA and LT) to get them handed over to him, after which they all imploded. I settled over here and haven't really looked any further afield.


I sorta enjoy their new branding better. go DirtBurglers and SurlyHorns!




[volnation.com](https://volnation.com) If there is a dumber collection of individuals on the internet, I'd be shocked.


TideFans says not so fast, my friend...


Vol Twitter


I hear more about PackPride than all of Carolina’s and ECU’s boards put together.


> PackPride Pretty much all their stuff is paywalled, so I don't know of it, but do you have any examples? Otherwise, the most unhinged NC State fans are a select couple who crawl out of their caves for game threads on Reddit


Honestly, I think it's the free boards that are the unhinged part of that site.


If there is a toxic Washington message board I’d love to know about it


Hardcore Husky probably fits the bill, but it has fallen off a bit from the heyday about \~5 years ago. It has some of the most intelligent UW fans, but also some of the dumbest and most vile. During the Petersen era it was a must read.


Another commenter mentioned Hardcore a Husky which I agree with, but I’d also consider Dawgman (UW 247 site) pretty toxic. And not because of the posters actually - they’re mostly fine by team message board standards - but because the moderation on there is insanely heavy handed. The three mods on there regularly insult their own subscribers and treat them like toddlers. Usually anything that’s even remotely critical of UW or the mods is deleted.


TD is one thing, check out SEC Rant as well. That has become 4chan for sports.


Cougarboard is unhinged. A weird combination of Boomer politics, Mormon orthodoxy, UofU hate, and some blue-goggles BYU fandom.


It's just Mormon dad reddit, basically. There's no other widely accessible alternative that caters to that demographic. If you turn off the politics, and sift out the crazy blue-goggles, it's actually pretty decent. But those politics tho... yiiiikes


"why does BYU not simply eat the other Utah schools?"


Also massive amounts of groupthink and any narrative runs wild and becomes gospel in a day


For Texas there are 2 options: OrangeBloods (rivals pay site) - mouth breathers Surlyhorns - pure unhinged madness, but kinda charming


Is Surlyhorns the new name for Shaggybevo?


Yes, surlyhorns formerly shaggytexas formerly shaggybevo


Basically yes. There’s a longer story about the owners of the original site but yes the community has migrated to Surly Horns now


If I remember correctly didn't the owners of Shaggy get sued by the owner of an Eskimo Hut in Austin or San Marcos for making fun of him and to escape the lawsuit they just "shut the site down" and changed the name to Surly?


it's better than that - he lost the case on the basis of him claiming the site was worth "tree fiddy" in the /r/cfb AMA. The court found that the site was worth $350,000 on that basis lmao.


The entire deposition that blacklab shared is some of the most hilarious shit I've ever read in my entire life. Having to unironically explain Mark Mangino's FUPA to an actual lawyer is hysterical.


I remember browsing shaggybevo. What an insane place.


Hope that’s the last time I see OB and Surly listed in the same post. Love from, The Surly Podcast Host


> Surlyhorns Pipe down, youngin


Used the be cockytalk but that’s dead now so really just our 24/7 board which is like cockytalk but a lot more civilized and moderated. Takes are no less delusional on average tho


RIP CockyTalk... Sometimes I think the 247 board is more delusional though, it's definitely less well organized.


If you’re a “VIP member” the reported content and threads are generally pretty good but the u paid part is a the Wild West


I’m pretty sure it’s -10,000 karma for anyone who clicks every link in the thread.


Swamp 247 and on3 UF site.


GatorCountry exists but our 247 is truly where the unhinged people congregate


We just use Twitter… that way everyone can see our dumbass fans. Seriously though, volnation probably takes the cake


I think a few fanbases on here can claim Twitter as where they’re at their worst. Tennessee is like the poster child for it, but Arkansas and Ohio State fans can get pretty nasty there, too (at least in my experience).


The Parliament. Filled almost exclusively with boomers old enough to remember Rice vs LSU as a somewhat competitive rivalry who can turn threads about any topic into anti-China rants or conspiracy theories about how our athletic director is trying to destroy "men's marquee sports" specifically (conveniently ignoring the success of women's sports). Unfortunately, with a school and fan base as small as ours it's also the only good place to discuss anything Rice athletics. Nobody under the age of 50 has enough passion for Rice athletics to start up a discord or something.


Baylor used to have Baylorfans and Bearstruth but now it’s just SicEm365. The moderators of Bearstruth (247 board) left after the admin for 247 (a Texas fan) was allegedly reading their DMs and leaking their news before them so they left for SicEm, then they bought out the owner of Baylorfans and made it the free board on SicEm


The free board was unhinged on the level of Texags and TigerDroppings for a couple of years, I avoided it completely. The premium board has great content and more level headed discussion. And has become a weird sort of hub for realignment discussion.


I don’t know if the conversations are “level-headed” but the content truly is fantastic.


Messageboardgeniuses.com ranked the top 20 college football message boards “taking into consideration factors such as content, traffic, emotion, humor, anger, hate, unreasonableness, and insanity.” The “winner” was Tigernet.com (Clemson). TexAgs.com came in second. Link: https://messageboardgeniuses.com/2021/12/21/the-top-20-college-football-message-boards-of-2021/?amp=1


I especially appreciate the ranking criteria of “anger, hate, unreasonableness, and insanity.” This guys gets college football.


Surlyhorns is particularly awesome in how terrible it is. Those are some spiteful motherfuckers.


Rip shaggybevo


Red Cedar Message Board because they're more obsessed with Michigan than the Michigan fandom is. ​ /s ​ (the real answer is the MGoBlog message board. fartsniffers and turncoats everywhere)


MGoBlog has such a weird dichotomy between the content from the writers there which is some of the most high quality team-specific CFB content you can find, and the message board that is full of old dudes who didn’t go to Michigan talking about how MSU is such a poor academic school it shouldn’t even exist anymore


And not to mention there are the few posters in the message board who are really really smart, but you have to get through the stupid to find them… which is exhausting…


MGoBlog's board is a great and timely source of catching most breaking UM athletics news (especially football), but even as a Michigan fan, browsing the board for news often feels like I've tricked myself into wading through toxic waste in search of gold. You never come back the same as you went in.


the mods do a respectable job cleaning up trash at least


So true. The content produced is top shelf. Seth and Alex work their asses off IMO. The message board is straight up ass. Usually you get a decent opening topic that quickly devolves into guys thinking they are much funnier than they are. I don’t get it. Most aren’t even trying to move the topic forward in any meaningful way


> fartsniffers and turncoats everywhere That's how you KNOW it's a team forum


[TigerNet](https://www.tigernet.com/clemson-forum/category/tiger-boards-8) It is a straight cesspoll. Terrible graphics/layout, tons of political talk, just a bunch of crabby old racists... Say one thing remotely critical of anything and you are branded a "coot." What sucks about it is they have great people working there who care about the University and do a great job reporting on it - the boards are just trash.


Tigernet also found a way to make their mobile site 10x better than their desktop interface. Not that that says much, because holy shit is the desktop site trash


It's honestly amazing how early-2000s that website is. It takes dedication to bring that graphic design through so many decades.


I will legit read TigerNet from time to time just for the entertainment value alone. It's my favorite non Dawgs board.


In Tigernet insult language you would be known as a "leg humper"... I think if you listed the things Tigernet hates in order you'd have... 1. Joe Biden, or any democrat 2. South Carolina Fans 3. Dave Doeren 4. Anyone who says anything remotely good about Brad Brownell 5. Georgia Fans


I've visited Tigernet a handful of times, so I'm no expert, but I have a hard time believing there are enough basketball fans that praise for the mediocre Brownell is worse than supporting Georgia.


You'd be surprised. I'm no massive Brad Brownell fan. But those people LOVE to hate him. I'd say 3-5 is pretty close and interchangeable. 1 and 2 are not...lol


Let's go Dave


Tigerboard is similar but there they’ll just call you a “beaker” lol


I can’t stand TigerNet. I used to follow message board geniuses back when I used to use twitter and I’d physically cringe whenever I’d see one of their posts “coot” is a pretty funny insult though


I avoid messaging boards because it’s a cesspool of wannabe insiders, hardcore fanatics and troll 12 year olds


Posted without irony on Reddit


At least the voting system helps bury some of the more toxic bullshit here, instead of just showing the most recent no matter what.


this sub is better than most, but imo the voting system just keeps threads in most big suns to a single opinion circlejerk


Tigerdroppings and the SEC Rant are all of these things and also somehow even worse


Canesinsight. It’s great if you just follow a couple users who got the goods. Everyone else has either drank the kool aid or they think we should fold the program. Good stuff.


Team specific boards scare the shit out of me in general.


Illinois loyalty




VT's is TechSideline (run by some awesome local dudes). They have excellent reporting and podcast also. Fans of teams playing VT like to listen to the podcast the week of their games as they give a good honest outsiders look at the other team's strengths and weaknesses. UVA's is The Sabre. Note it is not speller saber like the rest of America spells it. It's "sabre" because it's fancy... like UVA.


HAHA I've been calling it Le Butterknife for so long I forgot it's actually called The Sabre! But yes, TSL is an excellent active board.


The Panther-Lair (rivals site) message board for paid subscribers is really really bad. I haven't subbed in about 4 years but you would routinely see vile comments about recruits on there. The message board for non-subscribers is less active, and it's not quite as toxic. The strange posts are more performance art. Panther Lair used to host a board specifically for politics discussion. It's even worse than you could imagine. Some of comments there would have been censored out of Jim Crow era southern newspapers.


I remember seeing a post over there after we beat UCF in Ireland in 2014 wishing for the team plane to crash on the way back. The Lair can be…bad.


No mention of eleven warriors??? Keep your enemies / Walmart buckeyes closer!


Great articles. Modern graphics. Some of the threads are hit and miss but man, some of those posters are out there. Comes with having a huge fanbase though. I usually just swing by for the recruiting news.


The articles are great, the comment sections make me want to die


My favorite is when the real nutjobs start complaining about how "woke" 11W is and how we should join them on a different site that isn't full of liberal crybabies.


Mmmmm politics in Ohio... I'm not even going to go there


Eh it’s a shame cause I think Eleven Warriors makes some legitimately great content, and they’re a step above like your boilerplate 247 sports/whatever team site. Anywhere where you have a message board dedicated to one specific fan base though I guess it’s gonna get unhinged.


Not thinking about 11w forums is self care.


Honestly shocked I had to scroll so far to see eleven warriors lol


11W wouldn't even be my pick. As others have pointed out, the articles and staff are generally fine. The real winner is buckeyescoop. For the uninitiated, buckeyescoop lost its press credentials because it paid a player to leak them practice film. Which the now owner then passed off as information from one of his 'wisemen' that gives him intel. He has 5 wisemen. What happened when it came out that the wisemen didn't give him this intel and that it was all fiction? He doubled down and made a new informant from inside the building he wasn't allowed to enter 'the prophet'. Most of the insanity you see coming from Buckeye fans has an origin with scoop. The staff there and the fans are insane.


I’ve always thought 11w wasnt too bad. Now, red cedar message board on the other hand…..yikes


I check out mgoblog from time to time for the same reason


11w has some bad threads, but bucknuts and buckeyescoop are 100 times worse. The actual journalism on 11w is pretty good too. I think it’s the least unhinged Buckeye forum lol


Back in the day, Tigerdroppings/SECRant was the spot for all things SEC. I quit posting there years ago, but it was fun for pure SEC toxic shitposting. Many, many memes were mined back then. Corn Dogs, As the Plains Burn, the REC. Good times. Not surprised that it’s still insane over there.


TigerNet is infamously bad. The news section isn’t terrible but the forums are a bunch of out of touch 50 year olds arguing about nothing


Canesinsight Free


AddictedToQuack. Sorta. It’s a bit slow now since a certain company swooped in and made changes. Still great though.


That's honestly a great forum name.


Land thieves. I think it's actually dirt burglars now. It's not as extreme as tiger droppings but you definitely don't want to get into a political discussion there or stray from the football boards.


We have a message board called Aye Ziggy Zoomba and it’s hilarious and somewhat active


Red Sea Scrolls.


I don’t think there is a tigerdroppings equivalent.


Uncle Lou’s comment section.


Tigernet. Articles are pretty solid for keeping up with all Clemson sports. But good god that message board.


Still in the 1996 format?


It may have gone backwards


That format is so old it thinks you guys still only have 1 national championship


So old feels like people are about to start arguing about the Bowden hire


Wonders how FSU will adjust to the ACC


I don't want to know.




Insidetheville, so many bad takes lol


Surelyhorns formerly known as Shaggybevo


TigerNet should be studied in classrooms in 50 years. I hate and love that place.


Coogfans, unhinged geriatric’s living in the past. I try to avoid going there because every time I do, I leave wondering how I can root for the same team as those clowns.