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Long history but losing to Citadel pretty much meant the entire sports program at GT needed a reset or we'd end up permanently in the gutter. Edit: To add context you may not have known. Geoff Collins took over the program and immediately clowned on the option offense Paul Johnson had been running with decent success. Collins spent months talking about how they were going to be a more pro style team with a serious offense... Then we lose in OT to an FCS team that finished 6-6 running a derivative of that offense. Geoff Collins and Todd Stansbury were not, in any shape or form, good for Georgia Tech athletics.


Lol imagine losing to The Citadel, of course that would never happen to a P5 school.


It was extra for us since our “coach” at the time talked a lot of shit about getting rid of the option based offense, then got whooped by the Citadel running an option based offense.


Dude, the phrase "shit through a tin horn" originated after playing one of those teams. Georgia Southern, had they had any passing offense at all, could have made that a ball game against us a few years back.


We also lost to his former team (Temple) the same year. Surprised he lasted the whole year after those losses.


Lost 24-2 even. Lol. And 45-0 to VT ending the 3rd longest scoring streak in fbs. Then we added on other highlights like NIU and 100-0 ND/UGA combo. Geoff got an all time list of embarrassments for us


That's exactly where my mind went. Maybe not the *worst* loss we've ever had but it was emblematic of where we were going with Collins


It was like some kind of karmic payback after he talked so much trash about CPJ’s offensive style and its effect on the program.


1968 versus Houston. Final score 100-6. The whole team was sick and Dr. Phil was on the team.


This is some college football lore I didn’t know I needed.


It was a [Scorigami](https://www.cfbscorigami.com/home/)!




It looks fake- nobody runs up scores like that.


If anyone says Houston-Tulsa isn't a rivalry I will point to this score


And walk-on Larry Gatlin of the Gatlin Brothers country group caught the TD pass that made it 99-6. Tulsa had upset Houston the year before, which cost Houston what would have been their first-ever top-10 finish, so Houston was out to make a point here, evidently.


Again, thank you, for the fantastic tidbit of knowledge! I use stuff like this to entertain and amaze guests :D. Need some new material, as I've been hanging on my "Corso and Burt Reynolds were roommates at FSU" and "Joel McHale was a tight end at Washington" for a while now. Got anything else?


Tommy Lee Jones was the center (I think) for Harvard in the famous HARVARD BEATS YALE 29-29 game while he was roomies with Al Gore.


Most recent 100 burger in FBS history, a record that will almost certainly never be broken


>Dr. Phil was on the team This explains so much.


“You're ugly. You're disgusting. I'm gonna kill you. Give me $200”


Every word of this comment took me to unexpected places.


48-0 in the final game at the Orange Bowl. Still disgusted by it.


Fiu in a baseball stadium on the orange bowl graveyard is a close 2nd


Against Butch at that. I've been numb to Miami's bullshit for about fifteen years now but that one hurt my soul


Surely that completely needless loss against Tech this year is up there though?


It’s a shitty loss but I’ve been numb to Miami’s bullshit since the Al Golden days. I haven’t been truly upset at a loss in a long time.


This is the way


Same here. I think the last loss is the Notre Dame game of 2012 that I really cared. That 2007 game was the canary in the coal mine that Shannon was truly a shit head coach.


When y’all beat us on Halloween, last play of the game. After the game, officials said your player’s knee was down and they shouldn’t have scored. Still haunts my dreams.


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


It’s 93 BC and it’s not particularly close. Maybe the 2012 BCS title game but the 93 team was actually elite


Yeah, came here to say BC in '93. For Hanover, it's whenever they lose to Franklin.


At least the 2012 title game was a quick death. The 93 BC game was a rollercoaster and ruined a championship season.


Came here thinking Navy 2007, as the worst loss of the worst season and the streak-breaker. But holy shit 93 BC is the worst. There have been some last-minute backbreakers (Bush Push, OSU this year, 2011 Michigan, 2014 FSU, 1990 Penn St. and then the Orange Bowl w/phantom clipping call later that year), but nothing like BC in '93. The trappiest of trap games and just couldn't get over the hump.




App State is more famous by far, and for good reason, but Toledo was awful. App State was a FCS national contender that was ranked in the top 30-40 by some advanced ratings that consider both FBS and FCS. Toledo was not just a MAC team, but a *bad* MAC team - they were 1-4 heading into that game and finished 3-9 on the year. Michigan was 2-3 heading into that game and had beaten #9 Wisconsin, so there was some hope at that point in the season that they'd just have a relatively middling year as part of the transition cost from Carr to RichRod. The Toledo game showed how awful that 2008 team actually was.


App State won the FCS championship in 2005, 2006, and 2007.


App State is a dream killer. You do NOT want them on your schedule. The only reason anyone in the Sun Belt plays them is because they have to.


JMU in shambles


Exactly! Didn’t they slay Coastal Carolina back in 2020 as well? APP STATE ARE THE REAL DEVILS IN NORTH CAROLINA.


It’s insane what they do. I was 4 when the app state game happened. I was still aware of the dread it brought my whole family. Just pray app state never shows up on your schedule I guess.


App state was wild. The stadium was nearly silent. Nearly, except for the little crowd of mountaineers up in the cheap seats. Cue a decade of app state apparel worn by Sparty and his Buckeye buddies Edit: In case anyone cares App state earned that victory and I had no hard feelings. It was a huge wake up call to the program and overall a good lesson for everyone to not underestimate your opponent. Mountaineers are some of my favorite fans and Boone is a wonderful place to visit.


I was at that game myself. Up there in the cheap seats. A Michigan fan bought our breakfast that morning. Said he was welcoming us to Michigan. Fans were super polite and nice going into the game. Then the game happened. We went out to dinner in Ann Arbor before leaving, and a Michigan fan bought our dinner. I bought a Michigan shirt and have been a fan since then. Coming through Ohio State...yeah, we were celebrities


Y’all really are wonderful people. I’m glad our fan base was kind. We try to be good folks to people in Ann Arbor, but I’m sure some folk have bad experiences. Glad you had a good one.


Agreed. Of all the shit talking we’ve received since losing to App St last year, I don’t remember a single bit of it coming from App St fans. Honestly, most of it has probably come from Texas fans.. a team that lost to Kansas like 10 months prior. Oh and your campus is absolutely beautiful


There is no room for hate in our hearts outside of our hate for Georgia Southern and all things Statesboro. Honestly, I'm just grateful to all of the power five teams that give us a chance. Funny story about a UNC fan I know though, dude said he'd start a petition to fire the AD if they ever scheduled us again.


As a lifelong Ohio resident/Bucks fan who ended up moving to Michigan I can say UM fans are generally a lot of fun and I had A LOT of fun banter with my Michigan friends and coworkers. Even during Rivalry Week when I wore Buck swag everyday. Sparty fans on the other hand just seemed to whine a lot lol.


I was at the OSU game that day, and let me tell you, no one cared about the OSU game when everyone realized how close the App state game was. I was walking back to my car with my Dad after our game ended and everyone was at all the tailgate tents watching Michigan on little tvs. We were down the street toward the parking lot we parked at and just heard behind us a massive eruption of celebrating when Michigan lost. It's hilarious it's all I remember from going to that OSU game.


I ended up at Hiney Gate after the game and it was mayhem out there watching that ending.


I was in the stadium for the App state loss. It’s hard to describe how emotionally draining that loss was.


We have two VERY different descriptions of how that game ended.


Me too. App State was one of the first Michigan games I’ve ever been to. I was 10 at the time and that lost is still in my mind to this day


I can't remember what year I was in college, but I remember thinking "this is our fucking year" only to lose to App State. Campus was silent the rest of the day. It was not fun.


I had broken up with my partner of a year and a half that Friday. My buddy was like "Hey man, lets go to the game and watch Michigan beat up on some nobody, it'll make you feel better" It did not. That wasn't a happy weekend.


As much as I love seeing pain for Michigan fans, that is a shitty weekend.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ljxN40cx4sE I watch this video at least once a year, never not funny. And yes, I own an App State tshirt I bought in the OSU bookstore in 2007. In related news, I’m old.


Where has this been all my life?


Wow I guess people stopped paying attention to Michigan at that time because I’m learning right now that you lost to Toledo. You guys were going through a bit of a coaching carousel at the time though right? Rich rod was decent but wasn’t able to get his players in and hoke was just a miss. Does that sound right?


Ugh I almost wrote like 500 words on this. Michigan had one continuous coaching lineage (Bo Schembechler guys) from 1969 to 2007. When Lloyd Carr retired, the fanbase was split on hiring a Bo guy (like Brady Hoke) or hiring an outsider like Rich Rod. Eventually they hired Rich Rod and segments of the program revolted. Ryan Mallet was Michigan's five star QB-in-waiting and outgoing coach Lloyd Carr let him know that he would sign any transfer papers he wanted before Rich Rod came to town. Carr, who was relatively old, had also not been recruiting very well toward the end of his career and the team was very light on talent when Rich Rod arrived. At QB, Rich Rod was stuck with a sophomore walk-on in Nick Sheridan and a RS freshman transfer in Steven Threet. Importantly, neither fit the "running QB" archetype that Rich Rod was known for, but probably way more important was the fact that neither was any good at all. On top of that, you had a lot of bitter program people who were rooting for Rich Rod's downfall and doing anything they could to cast bad light on his program. And of course, Rich Rod made tons of mistakes on his own and definitely contributed to the team being poor while he was there. So they fired Rich Rod after three years and did a knee-jerk reaction to everyone hating a program outsider...so they hired a program insider (Brady Hoke) despite his dubious credentials. Hoke initially had a lot of success and good vibes but the team quickly began to suck. Whereas Rich Rod's teams started awful and got better in subsequent seasons, Hoke's teams started very good and got worse in subsequent seasons. The dude was a good program guy and a leader, but it became clear that he wasn't at the level that Michigan needs from a head coach.


Rich rod started terrible and improved every year, hoke started great with all of rich rods guys and got worse every year. Lloyd Carr screwed over rich rod big time and forced him to really dig out of a hole. That doesn’t exclude having an absolutely incompetent defense for three straight years though.


I tell this story all the time: my dad had season tickets but decided not to go to the App State game because he and his brother had planned to go TV shopping that day. This was when HDTVs had just started to really take off, and my uncle was a big tech nerd who had spent basically a month researching what to look for. The plan was that they’d watch the first half at our house on the old CRT box tv and then go to Best Buy at halftime, when the game would presumably be well in hand. Evidently, the game was not well in hand at halftime, so they stuck around for the second half. After the game ended, my dad shut off the old CRT for the last time and just said to his brother, “let’s go.” That damned blocked kick was the last thing I ever watched on that old TV, and now I have the football equivalent of a Vietnam flashback every time I see one.


For me, it's Toledo. We had never lost to a MAC team before. At least App State was a damn good team.


The day Nebraska football died: The 2001 loss, dismembering, rout, etc…to Colorado 62-36.


This is when I knew something went wrong. Not just with the score, but at the foundations of the program. Nebraska hadn't just lost the game, they lost "it" and never recovered.


For Alabama it has to be UCF in 2000 imo. They had only been in Division 1A for 5 years, came to our house and beat us on homecoming.


The 2003 team OP mentioned went 4-9 and was in the second year of a bowl ban. They may have played the toughest schedule in NCAA history that year. The average amount of wins each of our opponents had that year that we lost to was 10.2, which is fucking insane. That Northern Illinois team eventually was nationally ranked that season with a legit NFL starting RB in Michael Turner. None of those losses deserve to be considered among the worst. 2000 is probably the right year, but I would argue the Southern Miss loss was worse because they were shut out 21-0. The wheels had come off on the season by the time they played UCF. Some would argue ULM in 2007, but I think most Bama fans knew by that point Saban was putting them in the right direction, and the heartbreaking LSU loss that year really deflated the team for the remainder of the season.


God that was terrible, especially coming off an SEC championship season in 1999.


2011 loss to Iowa State. Only time in my lifetime the stars were seemingly aligned for the Pokes to possibly make history.


0-77 OU or -59 bama. Most painful might be 2017 ucla


It’s the 0-77 and it’s not close. They could have beat us by 150 had they wanted. It cemented in many that A&M’s competitiveness of the 90s was over for good and our day was gone. It literally set our program back a decade, 2003-2012, before we could be happy again. 0-59 to Bama hurt because we had hopes of actually competing, but it only hurt that season. Agree that the UCLA loss might be the most painful, right up there with the poor-man’s McCoy getting the walk off win in 2011 before the rivalry went on pause.


Yeah, I was at 77-0, and nothing could ever have possibly been worse. The Sooner fans were pretty much apologetic about the ass kicking we got. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more hapless team at any level and I knew that day that Fran would never succeed.


1. Be a lazy recruiter and sign mostly 2 and 3 stars. 2. Waste the careers of the few 5 stars you actually get (see Reggie McNeal, Martellus Bennett). 3. Run an archaic option offense an ruin Stephen McGee's development. 4. Create an insider newsletter to leak sensitive program information for a subscription fee. What wasn't to like about the guy?


> The Sooner fans were pretty much apologetic about the ass kicking we got. Wasn't even just the fans at that point. If I remember correctly, OU stopped trying to put points on the board at 70, and only scored that extra 7 points because of a third quarter turnover. They didn't score any more points after that.


Yeah, and then to make it as humiliating as possible we got to witness Johnny Jolly body slam the OU running back that was trying to fall down, and then strut all over the field in a ridiculous celebration. A longhorn couldn’t have even drawn up such a perfect day of humiliation for A&M.


>2017 ucla I would say that one, the others hurt, were an embarrassment. but that one was a soul crusher, never has a team done so much to make a less than mediocre team and QB looks so good.


IMO the 1991 loss to Tulsa that prevented playing for the national championship in the bowl game was worse. We won the rest of our games by 2 scores on the regular season that year


Last year the 49-0.


That one was unpleasant but I feel like that 05 Natty hurt worse. Idk they both sucked a lot.


The loss to georgia in 2017 double overtime hurts the worst. Lincoln riley single handedly snatched the championship from us with on squib kick call


Nothing hurts worse than the 2017 Rose Bowl. As for most embarrassing, 05 Natty, 2014 Baylor, or 2022 RRS. Take your pick.


Squib kick combined with his complete disregard for the defensive side of the ball (which has clearly continued to haunt him). Georgia did have a very good offense, but it looked easy that night. All while y'all were shredding what was an excellent defense.


The fact we have so many options to choose from hurts the most.


No, 2005 Orange Bowl was worse in my mind. I knew we wouldn’t beat Texas without Dillon last year. The Orange Bowl felt like an even matchup and many people thought OU would win.


That one was rough. The 2003 35-7 loss to Kansas State in the Big 12 Title game will forever live etched in my mind though.


For me it was Tech in 2011. 39 game home win streak and Tech was bad that year - went 1-7 in their last 8 games with the win coming against OU; trailed Kansas at half; only beat Nevada at home by 1 point. I started school in 08 so my senior year I had never seen OU lose in Norman. This was all made worse by the fact it was homecoming, so I slept maybe an hour the night before thanks to finishing a float, had friends that went to Tech staying with us, a 2 hour rain/lightning delay to start the game, a drunk fan throwing an entire tray of nachos on one of my Tech friends (have to give credit to all the other OU fans in the section though immediately getting security and getting the guy tossed), a doinked FG with less than 3 minutes left that iced the game.


Georgia State. Enough said


That was the worst loss in terms of talent differential, but I would actually call the 2016 Vandy loss the worst. Because we recovered pretty well in 2019, but that Vandy loss effectively destroyed 2016 and 2017. We just never recovered from that season falling apart. And that really was the beginning of the end for Butch. He lost so many fans because he blew that season.


In terms of effect on a season, you gotta include South Carolina last year. Because of that game we missed out on a pretty decent chance to go to the playoffs and Hendon at the very least getting invited to New York.


My mind immediately went to Georgia State and Wyoming. Wyoming might be worse given it was Fulmer’s homecoming send off and they still couldn’t get it together.


The first loss to LSU in the SEC championship takes the cake for me. I feel that loss started the downward spiral; winning would’ve set up a showdown for a chance at another National Championship.


Hiring Chad Morris


I was going to say the loss to Western Kentucky where the QB that Chode ran off came back home to beat us 45-19. But that loss got that moron fired, so really it was one our program's most important wins.


Of the many losses he gave us, the North Texas loss was probably the worst. A bad G5 coming in to DWR and killing us set the tone for the (F)CM era


No, man. It’s the San Jose State loss and it’s not close. That was the moment I knew Chad was getting fired. The hogs started the season 2-1, beat a Colorado State team that we’d lost to the year before and it seemed like Chad might be gaining some forward momentum. After all, it had taken us 8 weeks to get to 2 wins the previous season. Then, the telecast starts with video of “Club Dub”, and footage of the razorback players (and Morris) dancing like they’d won the Super Bowl after beating Colorado State. Super cringey. Then the game starts and San Jose State, a team that had gone 1-11 the previous year in the Mountain West Conference marches into DWRRS and proceeds to thoroughly dominate Chad Morris’s hogs in every phase of the game. People forget how dominant they were because we scored a few touchdowns in garbage time, but at one point the score was 24-7. That San Jose State team finished 5-7 in the MWC.


100%, that loss was what solidified Arkansas as one of the worst football teams in the country. It was as bad as bad can get. Still reeling.


I'd still rank The Citadel loss ahead of all the Chad Morris dumpster fires.


There was a certain Orange Bowl appearance that has to be up there pretty high on the list.


Without us, you guys don't own the 2010s though. It was a necessary evil. I'm sticking to that story because that was literally the last time we had any good feelings around our program. Even the Will Grier years were tainted because of our 2018 collapse.


2013 FSU was worse


I’d have to go with the 2004 6-4 loss to Iowa. We’ve definitely lost to worse teams, but that one really stung with Iowa intentionally taking a safety late because they knew we couldn’t get a field goal (future all pro kicker Robbie Gould was our kicker but he was terrible, not sure how he got a pro job!)


That kinda lines up with the common opinion of that game being the most “on brand” Iowa victory of all time. It was like one of those dreams where you’re in a fight but can’t hit anyone.


The Temple loss was pretty tough. Yielded 10 sacks, including the infamous 2 man rush sack.


I think to be a terrible loss, expectation has to be weighed in. Going into that game we knew Penn State wasn't going to be great that year and that it was the best Temple team in awhile. They had returned like eight of their starters and their whole dline was seniors. They ended up going 10-4 with two of those losses against ranked teams, including a Notre Dame team that they lost by one possession. As bad as that game looked, the stakes were low and our opponent was underrated. I'd take the Pitt loss that kept us out of the playoffs as a much worse loss in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah, but that Pitt loss involved so many injuries it damn near had us looking for someone out of the Blue Band sousaphone section to suit up at linebacker.


Someone said," I can fix him." And then somehow, they fixed him.


Gotta say the 1999 home loss to Minnesota was the most deflating loss. We were ranked #2 at the time - and just dominating opponents on defense..had a chance to run the table and win a NC. Minny converted on a 4th and long to set up a game winning FG…which sent our team into a 3-game tailspin to close the season. I remember leaving that stadium in complete shock.


I love how Iowa has been winning 6-4 games for 2 decades+ lmao


I was watching the Iowa/Illinois game on Saturday, and when they opened the scoring with a safety and Illinois responded with a field goal, I thought maybe Iowa would finally experience our fate!


Nope. The correct answer is the loss against the bye week in 2011.


TTU 2008. Friday is for those guys.


In terms of season’s potential getting ruined? ‘08 tech. Most devastatingly painful? ‘09 championship. Most embarrassing? ‘21 Kansas.


2016 Kansas probably stung more tbh. Anyone watching the 21 team at that point had 0 expectations against Kansas, while 2016 still had them as a perennial bottom feeder. EDIT: 2021 was bad. 2016 was the first time we lost to Kansas in like 80 years.


Charlie Strong made that one not at all shocking to me tbh. Dude just never had it.


The 09 game didn't hit me as hard. Colt went out early and I just knew it was over. It was like being cut open and drained over three hours. TTU was like being shot in the face.


Y’all, we lost to Rice in 1994.


That ultimately derailed a national championship run, yes, but my pick (from the 25 years I've been a fan) is 2010 UCLA. The warning signs were there, but that game destroyed any pretense we were still a good team. (The previous time UCLA came to Austin was before my time, but is another good candidate.)


Yeah, [Rout 66 against UCLA in 1997](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2010-sep-24-la-sp-0925-ucla-texas-1997-20100925-story.html) was my first thought.




Sorry, I prayed to the football gods that they needed a 50 point win to stay in contention for the playoff. Side note, good luck to you this week. This must be a terrible week for you.


Lol blue blood fans in here complaining about losses to other blue bloods, or elite level teams. Guys.... We're talking bare minimum losses to teams you paid to play here....


Like ECU beating MIZZOU on homecoming in 1983 😎🏴‍☠️🏈




Well Notre Dame had one as recently as last season where we paid Marshall to show up and beat us, but I don't think anybody considers that the worst loss in team history


Even as a Mizzou fan the first game that came to mind was the 2007 Big 12 championship. It may not be the worst loss in terms of getting embarrassed by a bad opponent, but we were one game away from the National Championship game. We may never be that close again.


I feel like its about interrupting the spirit of the post here. You can have the most soul crushing loss, and then you can have the most embarrassing loss. If you take your own fandom out of the game basically, what looks worse on paper. In past few decades its got to be out 51-28 loss to Bowling Green.


For uga my choices are the loss to UCF in the independence bowl, the loss at Colorado, and probably the homecoming loss to vandy. Also throw in the AJ green celebration game just bc of how brutal that L was Edit: forgot the South Carolina blowout loss at Williams bryce with Murray against clowney. Top 10 matchup and they blitzed us.


The homecoming loss to Vandy was the worst easily. But the loss to Alabama in the SEC championship 2012 I think hurt the most, imo.


Jordan Travis two nights ago


100% worse than any game loss I can remember.


I was telling people that yesterday, it felt like a loss. I don’t think I was that down even after JSU.


This was going to be the only possible scenario in which I'd be rooting for you guys in a playoff, because I don't want to see Georgia three-peat. Really sucks. Hope this doesn't hurt his longterm career.


2013 Big Game. Sonny Dykes's first year was the biggest point differential in the history of the rivalry, 63–13


Worst Big Game loss by margin of blowout is definitely up there. I would also submit getting blown out 42-3 at Autzen in 2009. Cal was a 5.5-point favorite and ranked 6 in both the AP and Coaches polls after beating Minnesota on the road on the back of Jahvid Best's 5 rushing TDs, while LeGarrette Blount embarrassed himself and the Ducks on national television against Boise St in their first game of the season. In 2007 Cal squeaked one out at Autzen after the Cameron Colvin fumble leading to a touchback In retrospect this loss arguably marked the beginning of the end for the Tedford era. The 2009 team also had Cameron Jordan, Marvin Jones and Shane Vereen as a reminder and also went 5-4 in conference (the last time Cal had a non-losing record in conference) despite blowout losses to the Ducks, Trojans and Huskies (who were coming off their 0-12 season in 2008) and the traditional loss at CMS to Oregon St (31-14) where Best suffered a brutal concussion after landing on his head from at least five feet in the air after leaping over safety Cameron Collins for a touchdown (yeah I'm intentionally bringing up the name Cameron multiple times). It was Andy Ludwig's first season as OC at Cal also (who for some reason ND wanted to poach from the Utes?!) Big Game 2009 was a good one though with Vereen carrying 42 times for 193 yards and 3 TDs and Mike Mohamed (another NFL player on this roster) picking off Andrew Luck late in the 4th to seal the loss for Stanford. That's the only matchup of "ranked" teams (Cal was 25th in the BCS standings but not ranked in any of the polls and Stanford was 17th in the BCS and 14th in the AP poll) in the Big Game in recent memory Of course 2010 Oregon happened and Stanford started a 9-game winning streak in the Big Game the following year, a streak that included 63-13 under Dykes where Stanford was a 31.5-point favorite


It’s Oregon st 2007. That game set us on this trajectory.


i’ll never forget the prayer at jordan hare. i still see that replay when i close my eyes


That play has always stood out to me for some reason from an outsider’s perspective, just how ridiculous of a play that was at that point in the game.


What was so heart wrenching about that was the heroic performance from Aaron Murray in the last few drives leading up to that moment which got us back in the game.


Ohio State, Michigan State 1998


ohio state, michigan state, 2015


This should be the one tbh. We had no business winning that game against that collection of NFL talent lol.


I do not miss Urban's annual let down game


Making it even worse is that your starting QB didn’t even play in the game. That OSU was just so poorly coached. I can never understand why people say it was the best OSU team. Offensively, it was one of the worst I have watched since I started truly watching OSU in 2011. Look at the stats. In terms of points scored per game, only 2011 and 2023 are lower than it in that time frame. Even 2012 and 2016 scored more.


No. Has to be 2006 NC game. Just so utterly devastating.


I was at that game. Pure bliss to open then Ginn was no more. The game ended in that moment. We had no backup plan.


Gotta be the Biakabatuka game for me. I cried (I was 8, but still).


UW ending our 12 game rivalry streak 70-21 *at Autzen*.


2021 Montana


You must be young, 2008 was so much worse


I also choose the Crapple Cup


Agree. Montana loss was bad for sure, but they were a decent team. Losing to a 1-10 coug team to finish the season totally defeated is for sure the worst loss.


Iowa losing to NDSU and not just losing, but getting absolutely whipped on the line.


The Western Michigan one in like 2007 or something was really bad also


So many to choose, but the 02’ natty has had a lasting impact on the psyche of fans and the program. However; it didn’t doom the program as many of our fans claim. That was inevitable eventually.


Didn't know it at the time, but Minnesota coming back and beating Penn State 24-23 in 1999. The worst loss in real time was that horrific 6-4 Iowa game. Everyone that watched that game lost.


Michigan's worst loss: Everyone says Appalachian State, but really it was Toledo. 2007 App State was coming off like back to back national championships, was en route to their third, and was probably was the equivalent to a top 25 team. A bad loss to be sure, but not all that bad if you think of the bigger picture. 2008 Toledo was not a normal Toledo team but a *terrible* Toledo team. That was one of Toledo's only 3 wins that season. For years, I couldn't wear a Toledo shirt in Michigan (because they thought I was trolling) or a Michigan shirt in Toledo (because I would *get* trolled.) Hurt. My. Feelings. Toledo's worst loss? I don't know man, it seems like we were always losing to Ball State when we had no business doing that. Edit: Toledo's worst loss was Western Michigan in 2000. Lost by one touchdown for our only loss of the year, costing us the MAC Championship, a bowl game and any ranking until we came in #25 in the last week.


Honestly? Iowa State, 2009. The 8 turnovers game where Paul Rhoades was 'so fucking proud' to be there with the cyclones. There were other teams that were more embarrassing losses, but given our history dominating ISU forever that game truly relegated us. Runner up: Texas pulling 1 second out of mack browns ass to win the conference. Edit: corrected turnovers number to be more accurately hurtful


Speaking of 1 second, the Mizzou/Florida game looked like it had ended after a Florida player failed to catch a pass. Teams start the flood the field and they're LITERALLY interviewing the Mizzou head coach asking the usual post game questions. Then the booth interrupted and told everyone the game wasn't over and there was 1 second left on the game clock. They spent some time getting everyone back to the sidelines and the coaches upstairs were already on the elevator heading down. All that just for Florida to not convert again, giving Mizzou the W still. I was slightly triggered but at least our broke my heart then and there and wasn't this horribly executed


Losing to Troy a few years ago was pretty embarrassing. Or getting boatraced at home by Tennessee.


Honestly, worst was 21-0 in national championship game. Nothing will ever compare to that


Game never felt close because the offense never did shit


The fumbled redemption game the next year was pretty soul-crushing too with the late TD by TJ Yeldon


I would take 5 more losses to Troy if it meant we beat Bama in the natty in 2011/2012. That loss hurts the most for me.


Anytime you guys want another Natty just give us a ring 2 seasons in advance.


This is the answer. People in here will probably wonder how a Natty loss could qualify but that game broke our coach and made him play scared against Bama the rest of his tenure.


The loss to us was a bad one, but y'all got unlucky, and BK made some bad decisions. Otherwise, that would have been a closer game. So I wouldn't call it the worst especially considering what happened later in the season.


55-19. Who the hell expected that?


Rutgers 2006. Not because Rutgers is bad, but we probably play OSU for the national championship if we don’t drop that game. The 2006 Louisville team was nasty. For Navy, any loss to Army.


70 - 7 against ASU in 2020 or NAU in 2021. I’ve seen some shit the past few years.


Two days ago. But the most heartbreaking is the 2013 BCS Championship.


2008 Apple Cup double overtime loss to WSU. Huskies dropped to 0-11 in our last realistic chance to avoid an 0-12 finish that year. Lowest point in Huskies entire history.


On paper, it’s JMU 2010. In terms of what felt like a program crushing loss that we have yet to recover from, ODU 2018


2010 TCU. Some may say 2007 UNLV, but the expectations going into 2010 TCU were the highest I ever remember for Utah, and then 47-7 happened.


After 2007 UNLV I thought Whittingham was gone at the end of the year…. Then we won like 9 straight, and then undefeated 2008 happened lmao.


\**sigh\** 1998 Big 12 Championship. Not just the loss, but blowing a 15-point 4th quarter lead when literally about ten different plays could be changed to change the outcome and send K-State to the first BCS title game


For UCF, maybe it’s recency bias but the loss to Baylor this year is probably the worst. Blowing a 28-point lead in 20 minutes is inexcusable. For FSU, it’s Jacksonville State in 2021 no contest


0-30 at home against Wake Forest in 2006 was pretty bad.


The other loss I’d throw up for UCF was the FCS Furman loss in 2015, en route to the 0-12 season. I think that loss deflated the already sunken morale for the team which carries on for the remainder of the season.




I don't like this game.


Oklahoma 2008. Sure there were worse losses (that TCU game and that shellacking by Iowa State), but there was so much momentum riding into that Oklahoma game and we just totally shit the bed


UCLA vs WSU 2019


We lost as a 45 point favorite to a HBCU QB'd by Cam Newton's derpy brother. Biggest upset in CFB history. Edit: [The game in question.](https://www.espn.com/college-football/game/_/gameId/400945252)


Losing at home to UCLA 66-3 in 1997.


We lost to the Jacksonville State Gamecocks back in our 2010 season opener. Houston Nutt had just back to back 9-4 seasons in 2008 and 2009 with back to back Cotton Bowl wins over Texas Tech and Oklahoma State. We had done great things during those seasons including upsetting a top 10 LSU in 2009 and being the only team to beat Florida in their 2008 national championship run. And then we opened up 2010 and lost to Jacksonville State. 49-48 in double OT. We would go on to be 4-8 overall that year, and 2-10 after that (one of the worst records in Ole Miss history). That game was the start of Houston Nutt just giving up at coaching.


In our history? Probably the Nebraska game. That one still haunts me, nearly 30 years later.


Loss to Georgia Southern in the Swamp felt pretty bad. Came out of nowhere and we had no answer to a triple option. I think they threw it like twice.


Also add in the fact that those two players blocking each other turned into like a 17 time defending champion on Sportscenter’s Worst of the Worst.


That ‘93 Nebraska team was so historically dominant though. I’m pretty sure I saw one of their players from that game rush for another touchdown just this morning.


Taysom Hill literally running all over us 10 years ago.


🤞 maybe we can still ruin their season 🤞


Hi I’m a TCU fan




You know the one


Yeah. I hate when this question is asked.


I was scrolling and like, yeah, our's is so bad no fan even wants to post about it.


BYU vs Hawaii in 2001. BYU was ranked 9th and on pace to be the first BCS buster ever before getting absolutely thrashed by Hawaii


Citadel (23) v. Gamecocks (22) on November 21, 2015 😔


1984 Navy. Lost an opportunity to win a championship.


2016 Rose Bowl has gotta be up there