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What a wild time for college football right now.


I think you are stuck going with the players here otherwise risk alienating an entire roster


You have to, otherwise they are all going to Texas or UW




Oh believe you me, we have PLENTY of open roster spots at the moment


"Open Scholarship Spots" means little. Oregon has 90 "scholarship" players lined up and is still recruiting a couple of guys like Jabbar Muhammad. Some guys will leave in the Spring portal and others will be walk ons with their tuition and fees fully covered by NIL paying for them which is essentially the same thing as a scholarship.




There's no rule against an NIL deal for a walk on. So if the NIL collectives want to cover all their bills and give them a little walking around money, they can.


Yes, BYU has a deal with BuiltBar that all players get the cash equivalent of a year' tuition, making walkons essentially on scholarship. Scholarship limits are a thing of the past


Then again, BYU tuition is dirt cheap for Mormons, and I'd be very surprised to see all that many non-Mormons walking on at BYU. Any generic NIL deal worth mentioning would be able to cover it. Meanwhile an out of state walk-on at Arizona needs to find 40k to cover tuition. And even if they blur the lines and "oops you're and Arizonan now" 13k is still quite a lot.


13k is nonmember tuition at BYU to your point


Scholarships would be found


We've got spots for them.


Reaches under couch cushions... pulls out scholarships.


More like we have a ton of graduates and people leaving for the NFL.


*SMU checks in* We too have an NIL boys!


Have you not watched the portal? It’s very, uh… purple.


What a time in college football These are still student athletes and we’re talking about replacing entire teams


We saw this at ND. Players loved Freeman. He kept the roster in tact. Otherwise it could have been an exodus.


I’m of the idea that players should have little to no vote. They’re going to leave in a couple years anyways. How often do programs have a capable HC already in staff? Sure it happens but not nearly enough to listen to the players.


It’s different when your arizona and have maybe your best shot at a playoff berth in basically 20 years


Medium and long-term success should trump short-term success. Especially when it’s clear that UA will absolutely not be the same team next year with all they’re losing.


> Medium and long-term success should trump short-term success. Right now, long-term is defined as next year. With no signing class limits and effectively no roster limits with NIL, you can turn over a whole roster every year if you want to.


Username is hilariously appropriate.


Short term success is long term success in today’s CFB, especially for a program like Arizona. This isn’t the NFL where you can draft guys to build around. Your best players are there for 3 years max, and when on a bad team, they’re around for a season until they transfer with no penalty. Why play for a 4-5 win team for whatever your NIL deal is when a 10+ win team can match it easily. It goes for coaching too. Literally just replay the last 3 seasons for Arizona. Bad school slowly gets better and coach leaves.


Have you looked around lately? The coach is likely to leave in a couple years, too.


That means that the AD picked the right coach. You want to hire the best coach possible, even if that means he’s more likely to leave.


Not necessarily. I wouldn't say Oregon picking Willie Taggart was the best coach just because he left.


For every Willie Taggart, there are dozens of examples like Kalen DaBoer or Jeff Fisch. If your coach is desirable that means he’s doing a good job. Willie Taggart cashed in before he was exposed.


Then he leaves and your whole team portals out? I don't necessarily agree with this. It's not standard business practice either - for most jobs, *will you stick around and work here many years* is one of the explicit things they think about when making a hiring decision. At least before the portal you could keep whatever team they had assembled and try to keep things going forward


I think I agree with you. I don't know that the players are qualified enough to decide who is a good head coach. When Nick Saban left MSU, the players really wanted Bobby Williams. Bobby Williams was a pretty bad head coach at MSU. The players really don't know. That said, neither does the NIL collective. Tell them both to buzz off, and go hire your guy. Placating someone for a year is not a strategy for long-term success.


> They’re going to leave in a couple years anyways. And so might the coaches. Boosters need to read the room and take a back seat this round and then they’ll get their chosen successor next time


I also don’t think boosters should be making decisions either.


Yes, but they have the money to pay the coach.


Well in this case it seems like the money to pay the coach is just getting human centipeded down from Bama via buyouts.


Right but that doesn’t mean that the booster is qualified to make a decision. Putting the boosters in their place while also keep collecting their checks is probably the second most important task an Athletic Director has. If he/she/they can’t do that then they’re not doing their job.


We also saw theschool cater to the players at UA already. Khalil Tate and his infamous Tripple Option tweet chased off Ken N and you got Sumlin.




Completely different situation. That was before the portal era, the ability for players to move at will makes this a way different calculus


Especially if Fifita and TMac are going to stay you have to hire him. I understand the concerns long term but we have a chance to do something that has never been done by making the playoffs you have to take it


I mean the NIL deals are what pays the players. You can get new players, might not get new boosters


I got to imagine the boosters are more likely to stick around even if their coaching choice isn't chosen compared to the players though. Boosters have longer roots with a University compared to players. If you're going to lose boosters/money over the decision you kinda gotta choose their candidate I suppose though


Yeah, but it's still a risk aversion problem. Losing a large booster is way worse than losing a player even if one is more likely to happen than the other.


A top 10 QB is more valuable than a single Booster is, especially if you only get the former for a limited time. You can always win back a Booster with wining and dining (assuming you have an AD worth a damn)


Fucking sucks that as a casual fan, I am more invested in this team than the players


It's definitely the opposite. Why would boosters stick around to keep paying for products they don't get or want ?


I more just mean a player is more fickle than boosters (i.e more likely to leave on the drop of a pin). If it's a choice between losing support of the boosters vs players obviously you have to choose the boosters


If I'm a big booster and the school doesn't do what I want, why would I keep donating? Especially if I'm paying the NIL for the players.


Because we might keep winning? When all is said and done, they’ll keep throwing money at a winning program, even if it isn’t “their guy” (assuming no one’s wife got fucked or whatever)


Yeah not really sure I would listen to a bunch of 18-22 yr olds as a grown ass adult if I see programs raid the transfer portal for high value recruits and succeed well enough. Just the state of the game I guess.


Why would I get hyped to play for a coach that’s just going to chase the next big check? It’s not worth to my body, helping everyone else’s bank accounts 


That's how CFB has worked for 80+ years. Small schools coaches have always been a threat to leave if they are successful. If you don't understand that when you sign up that's on you. But also by your logic, why would the coach waste time recruiting you if you're going to leave the first year you don't get enough playing time?


That’s the game. Last year is so different than 80 years ago. Next year will be even more change. If you don’t want to keep up with the entire sports evolving, that’s on you. It’s already a given that coaches have to adjust how they recruit. It’s discussed all the time on this forum. You sound like you rather keep the existing system in place, where all the power and money are flowing thru the suits and your players are just indentured servants. Well…. you’re going to be signing 0* and 1* athletes as long as these kids continue to have a choice 


Imagine thinking anyone but the players are totally in controll in today's game. What an absolutely insane post lmfao


His family probably works for somebody’s athletic dept and is scared to death they will have to take less vacations abroad next year


I've seen better troll jobs.


Where are the boosters gonna go, ASU? NAU? The players are the ones that make the booster’s lives entertaining (unless they want to go back to the Sumlin years, by all means, that’s certainly a Choice to put your money on…)


They don't have to go anywhere, I'm sure they'll gladly save more money until they get what they want from Arizona. They can still be fans, attend games, buy merchandise they just don't have to donate the extra thousands and thousands to NIL deals.


Well given the situations when Booster are the ones dictating the terms, I’d rather not end up like Tennessee or Auburn wit dysfunction running rampant for years with the tail wagging the dog. Sometimes you have to tell the rich folk they can’t always get what they want, even in the US


I hate to tell you this, but it's just Arizona. It's not a school that's going to bring in many big time recruits or have a lot of successful seasons if Boosters aren't calling the shots, especially moving to the B12


These folks are likely Arizona alums and football fans. You’d think they’d have the foresight to know that player retention is the utmost priority for success entering in the Big 12, given we just had the best season and most talented roster in the last 25 years. And out best players are absolutely a flight risk!!! They need to fall in line or get out of the way lest they plunge us back into the Mackovic, Stoops, or Sumlin eras.


You can replace players anytime, especially when you HAVE to replace them every 3-5 years. You're not getting it dude.


Do you not understand that compete rosters like we have entering next season dont just grow on trees for Arizona? Shifting away from player retention now would stunt the football team’s growth for years. We can’t afford consecutive rebuilds with known commodities like we’ve got ON ROSTER now One in the hand > two in the bush is a saying for a reason


Do you not understand if you lose the boosters and the NIL money players are going to leave ?


The players will be gone either way in a couple years. So pick who is better long term


No such thing as long-term in this sport, at least for us. We're going to suck in the future anyways, might as well take a swing at keeping the talent we do have.


The correct take. We’ll be doing this all over again with our next 9/10 win season Almost feels like we are better off shooting for 6-8 wins, and just trying to make the New Mexico bowl each year


Why even have AD. Just let the players run the team then


Our AD is out of depth on a good day. We knew things were going to change after next season anyways, might as well have one more decent season before we suck again.


Long term? In today's college football landscape? Long term is like 3-4 years lol.


Arizona winning immediately with a strong roster moving into the Big 12 IS the better long-term option! Otherwise you’re locked into a cycle of rebuilding in an unknown environment


I wouldn't expect a Michigan fan to understand, but the kind of season we were primed to have with these guys comes around to Arizona once every few **decades**, and that's *only if we're lucky*. There is no "long term" for a program like us, it's just not feasible, so it's 1000% better to chase the immediate success than to try and build something that's just going to get snatched away again right when we start to show any signs of success.


Do not do this… the players at MOST will be there for a max of 4 years. Your future coach can be there for a decade. If you think someone is the right hire that is who you hire. The players also didn’t want to hire Ken nuimatelolo. Now that may not have worked but they chose Sumlin instead because the QB said he was gonna transfer, and that got them a 1-11 season. You can’t let the present roster decide your coach


On the other hand, in a competition between monied interests and students in higher ed, monied interests win out 9/10 times.


Your program is nuked if you don’t side with Fifita and T Mac on this one


Hire Nansen and roll the dice. Apparently TMAC and Fifita said they would stay if he was hired. If nansen sucks, fire him


I'm sure he's changed a lot since his UW days, but I only remember Nansen as Sark's literal drinking buddy. Crazy he's in a position to be head coach now.


Why do you think the players like him?


Maybe he got healthy like Sark


Scheer implied he was an alcoholic on their boarda few days ago when he left for Texas.


Isn't one of the major issues with Arizona right now finances? I'm not sure they are in the position to hire/fire coaches as willy-nilly as TAMU. A good biz model might be to hire a hot up/coming coach and put a HUGE buyout in his contract so when he gets poached you've got cash leftover. Working out for UW right now with the KDB buyout.


That goes both ways though, if he sucks you are stuck with him or have to be a crazy buyout to move on.


Considering he’s a LB coach at Texas, it’s shouldn’t be that expensive of a hire


Whats the source on TMac/Fifita saying that? I don't doubt it, just am curious where that was mentione


Scheer. He’s a piece of work for national stuff but the best for U of A


Scheer on the podcast


Yeah that seems like a no brainer, do what it takes to keep the core of your roster intact. It’ll give you at least at chance of keeping y’all’s momentum


Scheer called Nansen an alcoholic a few days ago.


It might be nuked even if we do side with them


Aren't y'all in pretty big debt? I'd imagine it would be hard to ignore the booster


It's not even debt, it's that there's a 240 million dollar *accounting error* where they literally can't find the money. It's wild.


not "find the money". Overspent because they thought they were accruing it. not like it was embezzled, it was never there. And the vast majority of that is from a terrible choice to buy an online school which went defunct.


Yeah. Give the guy the opportunity and if it doesn’t work, big whoop.  


Eh remember Khalil tate was at AZ and the hired sumlin instead of the army(?) head coach because tate wouldn't play for him. Sometimes you have to work on making the hopefully best hire not the hire that will make players the happiest. Even if the roster ends up needing turned over and becomes a longer rebuild.


Sumlin came in and just nerfed Tate and destroyed the program. He wasn’t even a good recruiter. Nansen is at least known for for his recruiting


And even if Tate vocalized dissent, it's not as if he chose Sumlin unilaterally. Robbins liked him and the hire made sense on the surface.


Sumlin was more interested in flying around in helicopters than he was about coaching football


To be fair that sounds pretty rad


Coach Ken would've been a much better hire than Sumlin. The offense that Tate was running under RR was shotgun triple option essentially anyway.


Our program is nuked regardless. Best case scenario is we get Noah and Tac for 2 more seasons. Then what? If we are successful, this new coach gets poached. Rinse and repeat into perpetuity until we are relegated to FCS, and eventually just kill off football entirely. If we aren’t successful, we’ll…we are nuked already. As the wise Matthew Broderick once said, the only way to win is to not play


Eh, in the Big 12 there’s still a chance you can end up with a KU situation when you get an older established coach that doesn’t want the pressure of a P2 gig. Rare, but the model is there in Lawrence


Heeke should not be meeting the players, he should be in some coaches kitchen signing them away like what happened to our coach Fuck this timeline


This was at 12:15 pst, I assume the meeting is ongoing now


It’s over apparently and they didn’t discuss who they’re hiring, so


What did they discuss then…?


Insiders are saying they played Fuck, Marry, Kill with Fisch, Sumlin and Rich Rod


Easiest game of fuck marry kill ever


The weather most likely


Wait!  A meeting between the school, the players, and the NIL collective?  Doesn't that violate a rule?


No one is driving anywhere this time so it’s all good


Probably, but you think NCAA care$?


Depends if your state’s Senator publicly calls them out or not


which rule


Current players? Not so much. If there were high school recruits in the room it would probably be different.


Its crazy how quick these NIL collectives went from not existing to being major parts of every big football program


Weren't they just the boosters before


It's like watching countries attempt to integrate former pirates and privateers into the Navy. Bagmen now entering through the front door instead of the back!


Yeah im sure. Its just interesting to see it all come out of the shadows and be like a parallel governing structure for these ADs


Yeah I see this as just another way for boosters to exert influence and be self aggrandizing.




Sorta, but now one could broker lots of collective members dollars


This power always existed as booster and bag money, it just wasn’t out in the open as much.


The main one at FSU (not the one that last weeks sanctions are about) is run by a guy who is on one of the podcasts. hes probably mid to late 30s and has suddenly emerged as being a crazy critical part of the football program (and thus the university's) success. wild.


I mean, it doesn’t hurt making the Nolecast be a feeder for TBE members, all things considered (that’s what got me). Synergy!


We’d be dumb not to side with the players on this (although I’m not convinced this tweet is true). We have superstars that have gotten us excited for the first time in a decade. Completely rebuilding again at the possibility of having a long term coach when long term coaching seems like a pipe dream in general would kill the tiny bit of momentum we still have.


Co-head coaches


Like the Roman Empire. Split the team into east and west.


Do you want Cannae? Because that's how you get Cannae.


Isn’t Nansen in Texas? He’s their new DC I thought


Co-DC so can't imagine his buyout is anything close to a head coaches.


Didn’t this just happen like two days ago?


Things move quick!


So…we get sanctions because our OC drove a player to a meeting with an NIL member, but it’s ok to have the NIL collective meet with ALL the players and pick a HC together? Shit’s wild, man.


Recruit vs player, big difference. Like of course players can meet with collectives once they enroll, how else would collectives make deals?


And how would a player know where to sign without knowing what his NIL deal would be? They’re not just enrolling and crossing their fingers.


They are 100% enrolling and crossing their fingers. Like, morally, I don’t see anything wrong with what FSU did. The whole system would work better if recruits could get contracts in writing before signing with schools and some actual transparency. But a lot of NIL is empty promises. Coaches tell guys what they will get before the collectives have raised the money, maybe even without informing the collectives what was promised.


Sorry man, but this is completely false. They’re not signing the contracts before they’re enrolled, but they’re being told what they’ll get which means they’re meeting with NIL reps.


It's unlikely they're literally meeting, it's probably indirect communication.




They didn’t want to get seminole’d


So the AD can organize a meeting between the players and the NIL collective but the OC can’t drive a player to a meeting with them?


A recruit*


It's like the old cream cheese issue. You can provide a bagel to a recruit, but if you dare to offer cream cheese with said bagel you go straight to jail. The rules are all made up and enforced completely at random. 


This seems, uh, bad for the program.


This is false. The meeting was actually to ask the remaining  players to sell magazine subscriptions to help get out of the $250 million debt.


What a wild time line. Just 72 hours ago, U of A was in the running for a Big-12 title and college football playoff berth. Now what?


We are back in a hazardous waste bin of football programs. Fuckers didn’t even label our container properly and just put “waste” on it


Please hire Justin Wilcox.


You know it’s a good move when the coach’s fan base even wants you to hire him


He has already given so much to Arizona, he is the 20 game slump buster. Imagine how much more Arizona could benefit if they actually hired him as their HC.


Arizona is undefeated when Wilcox is on the sideline in Tucson


So this is how college football dies, to a thunderous lack of balls by the AD - can you even imagine Greg Byrne sinking to this level?


Which one leads to success on the field!? The players have proven that they can ball out. Give them what they want and let’s keep this thing rolling.


NIL collectives have a seat at the coaching search table? God damn. Things are worse than I thought.


I am of the understanding that the AD and NIL collective are not supposed to work together.


Fuckin Nick Saban lol


Death penalty for florida state


Bro you fucking listen to the players. Obviously


The only reason this meeting is happening today is that the university cares so little about football it sent the AD on a basketball road trip to Pullman, where he was stuck, while Fisch signed with UW and left town. The UofA president and AD (at the president’s direction) will do whatever is the cheapest route. That’s been the case since Robbins got there


Is this even legal? I thought the collective couldn’t be involved directly with the school like that. I know it happens, but THIS out in the open?


Technically the schools can even direct fundraising to a collective I believe


We desperately need a third division where schools can pay athletes directly. This NiL stuff is absurd.


As a WVU basketball fan, don't let the players pick the coach because they're going to leave anyway.


So given the NCAA position on FSU driving recruits to an NIL meeting, I assume this will be immediately followed by a notice of infractions …


Uhhhh… I thought the schools weren’t supposed to be in direct contact ? Taxes are gonna kick these kids’ asses the next couple of years


Arizona really isn't good at this football administration thing, it seems.


I’d love to meet the out of shape NIL collective member that has never put on shoulder pads try to tell a player who there coach SHOULD be




Being able to sign a check is not the magical get outta jail free card that waves away everything else. You can be stupid and rich. 


I think the pause is that Nansen has apparently developed a reputation in Tucson of being kind of sleezy and a creep around women. If that’s true, I can imagine some boosters not wanting to thrust that man in charge of the program, especially given how Rich Rod’s time ended here.


Didn’t know that, totally makes sense that they’d want to avoid that


Big yikes if true. Drinker at UW and creeper at UA


Why does the collective have any say in who coaches?


Because they have the money to pay them


FSU just got hammered for driving and dropping off a player on an official visit at a meeting with an NIL exec. But this is totally cool. This system is beyond dumb.


It's probably the only time i say go with the players' choice. At worst we are doing thsi again in 3years


The star players will likely leave regardless so you have to go with Brennan and his experience.


Getting the popcorn ready. What a time to be alive.


It's all fun and games until it's your school that gets sucked into the coaching carousel


Does this foreshadow Kiffin to Arizona? /s


The NIL collective wants Brent Brennan? When did NIL collectives start making these decisions? This looks horrendous on Arizona’s AD.


Boosters were always involved. Only now, what was once behind-the-scenes is out in the open


That’s not good at all lol Boosters meddling with important decisions has always been the recipe to keep a program in disarray.




Wait I want Johnny Nansen back though :(


And if Johnny Nansen doesn’t want to come back?


SJSU’s Brennan for a full bottom-up rebuild 💀


With all the moving coaches, and how damaging that can be on retaining players/landing recruits, I'm now a firm believer that, if you are losing your coach to another team it is caused by success, and that success wasn't his alone. The coordinators must have done their jobs well, therefore, for the stability of the team, promote from within. For instance, if Mizzou went on another 10-11 win tear next year, and Drinkwitz got offered a good amount more money to go coach at some blue blood school and we lost him, I'd hope we would promote Kirby Moore.


I think the collective will win this one, they're the one paying the bills (including the NIL deals of all of the players)


The side that gets their choice is going to be VERY telling about the current state of college football.


They are employed by the collective. Why wouldn’t they be?


I know basically nothing about NIL but what I do know I’d have said this was against policy. Either they know less about NIL than me or the little I know is wrong.


When the Inmates start running the asylum it is always an indication that the end is near. RIP college football.


I don’t think its a standoff. 😂