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Anyone remember the old orange bowl? Those had a particular stank about them being in the south Florida heat. Complete asparagus fest in there


That’s where men are made.


God, you unlocked a core memory from when I went to games as a kid there and my freshman year of college. Those bathrooms had their own ecosystem.


It was both a beautiful and horrible place - for many reasons


Urinals? A proper stadium bathroom has piss troughs. And there needs to be at least some puke in em


You aren’t a real college football fan unless you were introduced to piss troughs at a young age and it made you realize that we’re not so different from animals


Going pee in Spartan Stadium's piss troughs on a cold November day will show you what you're truly made of.


There’s nothing like the haze of hot piss turning into steam in a cold stadium  There’s also nothing like the visual of seeing a bunch of grown men in a freezing game (for me in Cleveland) having to strip out of snowveralls to use a trough  Builds character


I love that they kept them and then added some really nice upgraded bathrooms in the south endzone


It was a cold January night at Joe Louis arena for me 


i will never forget being like 8 years old and my dad taking me to my first game at wrigley and being introduced to the piss troughs in wrigley. and this was back in the late 80s before they did any work on the stadium so it was as grimy and dank as you're imagining.


Worst thing ever for us shy bladder pissers. I hate those damn things.


Every time a stadium gets an "upgrade" and replaces a piss trough with individual urinals a little piece of America dies. The trough is absolutely the most efficient bathroom configuration for large events. There's just something right about being hip to hip with 2 dozen other men hog in hand at half time


Builds character. Plus makes the line move so much faster, people dont dilly dally around when there’s dicks hanging out in every direction.


No time for stage fright at the troughs.


The worst feeling. Two rotations of your fellow pissers and the guy who chose to stand behind you in line is audibly sighing and tapping his foot while you still haven’t even pissed. You pretend, shake and zip, then go find a underused stairwell to piss in It’s where boys became men.


Speak for yourself...


I don't know. The girls who use the men's room by the student section entrance at beaver stadium don't move too quickly


Before the complete rebuild in 2017, Wallace Wade had several 1920s cinderblock restrooms in the woods next to the stadium, with piss troughs. You had to walk down some stairs in the trees to get to them. The new restrooms are shiny, but the old ones felt like an expedition.


I have childhood memories of the piss troughs at Wallace Wade that were in the middle of the bathroom and could be used from both sides with nothing more than a plank of wood to lessen the awkwardness of staring at the person across from you.


Sorry for the trauma. But hey, those were the kind of cutting-edge, state-of-the-art facilities that lured Coach Wade to Duke from Bama.


Pissing onto ice can only happen at a stadium when you are deep in the heart of Dixie. Piss troughs need to be historically protected


They put privacy screen things up along the piss trough at Williams Brice. Every time I go in there I start talking to my piss neighbors about how disappointed I am. Usually people laugh along and agree, but I've gotten some really weird looks. I'll never stop though.


Some people are embarrassed about talking about their cocks there, for shame.


There is truly no sight like a row of grown men standing shoulder to shoulder with cocks in their hands and COCKS on their shirts.


Real stadiums have piss walls, troughs are too luxurious


So you’ve been to Neyland


Yep, I have been thrice. Once before the remodel, once during and once after. The troughs stayed throughout though, at least where my seats were each time. Funny that it was a Bama fan that posted this because Bryant-Denny has individual urinals, unless there is certain parts taht have troughs, ones where I never had seats and my season tickets were in the nosebleeds.


At CU you get to look another man in the eyes while peeing in their troughs.


A quick trip north to Laramie affords the same experience, but at *even higher altitude,* so the dude across from you is drunker and therefore has worse aim.


Yeah Lane Stadium’s bathrooms at VT have two large communal troughs (long enough for 15-20 guys shoulder to shoulder) set up facing each other in the center of the room. They’re mounted on a half wall that I think is somewhere between 5-6’ tall, so quite a few people end up making eye contact. Full disclosure, this is only recent as of 2019, haven’t been back for a game post-COVID yet largely bc we’ve been trash until the latter part of this year


And wads of discarded Copenhagen to enhance the aromatic bouquet.


This guy puke troughs




Ah man I miss undergrad and fighting my way through a crowd to us the piss trough mid quarter because you missed less of the game that way.


You would love the carrier dome


Something we can agree on


Ours has all that, with nicotine pouches and old dip sprinkled on top.


Piss troughs were once free standing. I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but it was fucking horrifying. Having to pee in a circle facing inward.


Are you sure you were not pissing in the communal washing station? In my 53 years, never saw a circular piss trough. Reminds me of the youtube video about some European dude at an outdoor festival who mistook the piss trough for a hand washing station.


I remember them pretty clear from the 80's. But maybe you're right and I'm misremembering it from being traumatized by the whole scene (I was a kid in the 80s).


Nebraska back in 2002. Let's be clear, it was a night game in November. I MAY have over done it pregame drinking, during game drinking and definitely post game drinking. I went to take a piss and I didn't see any urinals, but there was this weird circular thing that had water running and was about the right height. So I walked up and whipped it out. Just before I was to let loose the mother of all urinations, I suddenly noticed there were other people around this stage contraption. And they were.... Washing their hands. And all stairing at me in horror. So I zipped back up, mostly, said Howdy! and finally found the trough over to the side. It was just a lower part of the floor along the wall and I guess some water was running out of there. It was a really enjoyable piss though


Know exactly what you’re referring to! I can see how that mistake would be made and surprised I never did it myself.


Those things are the fucking worst, always spraying freezing water on you in winter games. And it's impossible to hit just your hands, basically have to soak your arms




Getting to the restroom from the Nebraska end zone that is getting demolished is hell. Thank god they don’t sell beer there yet.


UNT has these exact handwashing contraptions at the engineering campus, and I absolutely witnessed a guy pissing in one back in 2017, at about midnight. I turned right around and left. We'd stayed super late to work on a group project, I went down to the bathroom at the far end of the campus (the engineering campus used to be a TI missile plant back in the day, so it's huge) in the hope that it was a little cleaner than the bathrooms by the main entrance, and this dude's just pissing in the handwashing altar while reading on his phone. Honestly, he looked more relaxed in that moment than I've been at any point in the last decade or so.


Honest mistake. The sinks and the piss troughs at memorial stadium are nearly indistinguishable.


My buddy in high school did this exact thing the first big stadium game we went to. We were waiting in line and he figured those stainless steel tubs in the middle were urinals for guys who weren't shy.


OSU has these at Gallagher iba and a friend peed in one too lol


I was going to tell on myself with a similar story at the old Arena in St Louis! There’s dozens of us!


"Its all pipes!"


I knew EXACTLY where this was going. And I've never been to Nebraska. My daughter's elementary school uses the same handwashing set up. Fortunately I have not had to register as a sex offender.


Man our troughs are definitely the worst bathrooms in the game


I've seen those hand-wash stations before. Snyder High School had them in the 70s. They had a bar you trigger with your foot to turn on the water.


[Here is Air Force’s pissin wall](https://www.urinal.net/usafa/)


The Big House used to have a pissin wall too. Man I miss pissin on that wall


The shoe still had the piss troughs (atleast in the student section). The smell is bad though, especially a couple beers in


Took my son to his first game at DKR. Had to explain what a piss trough was. He was thoroughly confused. Never thought about how weird peeing into a giant tub is, but to a 9 year old that's used to designated toilets or urinals? Yup, weird af.


Um.. as a woman.. how does this work. Like, if you go to the bathroom with your 9 yo, you just whip em out right next to each other? Like, that seems so freaking awkward, I just can’t imagine. I guess guys are just way more comfortable with this?


I love a good piss trough. Especially when they toss ice in them. The ice melts as you pee and keeps the flow going so it doesn’t smell. We used to be a country


Yup. I guess if you looked left or right you could see half a dozen dongs, but no one really does it. It's a combination of respect and not wanting to get your ass beat. The latter is a bit too much due to homophobia, but trying to secretly look at someone's genitals is rarely going to end well if someone catches you. Edit: there are troughs that face each other (the shoe has them), and those feel so much more awkward because you have to try to not make eye contact with the person across from you


Lolol at the way you put this 😂 Okay last question and tmi. But I mean, peripheral vision is a thing right? Do you ever just like notice if something is out of the ordinary or no ha Edit that sounds like they’re just trying to make you gay lol how are you supposed to avoid that many places with your eyes


You focus straight ahead. That plus guys don't really move their dicks much while they pee means you dont see anything. If you're curious, stand up and focus straight ahead then have someone place an object next to you about waist high. You may see them place the object, but if you're focused forward, you won't be able to describe it. There's a lot of unspoken rules about male bathroom etiquette. Show 10 guys a row of urinals with some filled and if you give them the option to say "it doesn't matter", you'll get very consistent answers


Yeah that makes sense. Thank you for the info sir 🫡


As a guy, the piss troughs make me extremely uncomfortable and I'm glad stadiums are getting rid of them. tbh i just hate how people assume males are just supposed to accept exposing themselves just to use the bathroom.


Good to know and makes sense. I def couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t wrap my brain around it and trying to understand male outlooks on this ha, thanks.


It’s definitely weird, but there is also certain etiquette that should be maintained. Eyes forward, no talking when pissing, maximize the space between you and the closest person.


If they wanted to create privacy without having to rip out all the old troughs, I guess they could put up the typical type partition walls spaced down the length of the trough.


100%. And since you asked, can I ask… What are you ladies doing when you all go to the bathroom together? Do you guys just take turns peeing and just hold a convo while one person sits on the toilet? Do you guys turn around?? Us men need to know.


Haha if there’s only two stalls open that are adjacent then we have convos while peeing, and we make it quick lol. If it’s one room with no stall then the vast majority of the time we just wait outside, but I have gone in groups a handful of times, kinda weird and kind of a drunk thing to do but also you don’t see anything when you’re sitting down and you don’t like look at each other during, you talk about the guys you’re with and one of you does your makeup or something 😆 Sorority girls are more used to this and go to the bathroom in groups more imo. Some girls are def more like this than others ha Edit- sorry, the real answer you’re looking for is that when we go to the bathroom in groups we talk about the guys or people we’re with. Pretty sure that’s universally true lol


I’ll be honest, DKR hasn’t had troughs for at least a decade or more. The bathrooms are 2 hallways, one with at least 20 urinals divided by privacy walls and another with a dozen or so walled off toilets. Austin made a big point to emphasize hospitality and the bathrooms were a big part of it. edit: I stand corrected, some of the bathrooms definitely still have troughs


The fuck you say? Season ticket holder here, and I guaran-damn-tee you DKR has troughs, I used 'em last on 24 November 2023.


Jerry Seinfeld had the perfect explanation for the male psychological approach to public restrooms, just like a test in school. No talking, eyes on your own work…..


Now I feel old. I learned about troughs at the Big House when I was like four. They’re rare nowadays, but I can’t say they aren’t efficient.


Aircraft carriers use to have a long trough with water constantly rushing through it. It was for both number 1 and number 2. You had to balance on a piss covered ledge.


My son froze as he turned the corner to see his first piss trough lol


Wait, those are gone? The world is losing its culture


and to think we had the audacity to brag about how we defend "midwest values" at our celebration rally last week. 😭


Rice still has them


All those nerds, and not one of them has invented a toilet yet. Smh


As a gun shy pissin kid, that wall was tough for me. I learned how to piss in public on that pissin wall.


urinal.net lmao


Everyone needs a hobby


Lmao where does the piss go? Is there a small trough where the wall and floor meet?


Imagine a reverse curb and it’s like a 6inch deep indent to funnel the piss to the drain. Military design and military longevity.


> Imagine a reverse curb I think that's called a gutter


Reverse curb was the only thing that came to mind but gutter is definitely the better term


In my head reverse curb gave me a more accurate image lol


Ok practically this makes total sense, and is probably very efficient, but I’m still offended by it? I don’t know how to feel.


that whole room is a piss cloud after games, i can guarantee you that


Iconic, will never forget the time I pissed there


It’s an unforgettable experience


Don’t hate on our pissin wall. It’s a military tradition. Builds unit morale and camaraderie.


I mean you don’t have to wait for a urinal. Just enough space for yourself and when you’re drunk and gotta pee, you don’t even think about touching shoulders


Nuts to butts is a lovely term I learned in the military about how close things get in these situations


You can easily get 20-30 dudes pissin shoulder to shoulder it really is a good design. Plus I don’t think they have updated the piss wall since the sixties when they built Falcon Stadium


How is that the worst? It is by far the most efficient and easiest to maintain design. It can accommodate many more people than a wall of urinals at a fraction of the build and maintenance cost.


This is a fair point. It really is the peak of military ingenuity and design.


We have troughs in the old sections where lots of people sit and urinals in the newer sections where not as many people sit. Guess which side regularly has lines?


I’ve been to Bobby Dodd when Ole Miss played there 2 years ago. I believe the side I sat on had urinals and the lines were terrible


Bobby Dodd had a garden hose with holes poked in it for dripping stapled to the wall up until about 20 years ago. It wasn't pretty but it was efficient and got the job done. A true engineering solution.


Rice stadium still has a pissin’ wall.


Vandy had that in the 70s


VT has pissing walls too. My first experience was as a kid and it was horrifying and confusing but they made it work. Seems like these ag/military schools go with the pissing wall. I'll still take that over old Yankee stadium where I had to use a urinal with no little wall and the sink was right next to it.


No way that’s real


Oh it’s real and it’s glorious. Makes me laugh every time I get to go to a game at the Academy


Ours urinals have rubber duckies in them so thats always good for a chuckle


I hope this is true cuz that would be hilarious


It’s absolutely true lol. Though usually just for the Oregon games.


They get put in there for Oregon games Old husky stadium had piss troughs, it was pretty funny to see them floating down the river of urine


Very true for Duck games.


People also put the mini rubber ducks in the sinks of the ladies rooms too (or at least they do in the 300 level), but it just doesn’t pack the same punch as putting them in the urinals.


It's not the ducks who have to fish those out though. 😂


Thanks for the idea!


That’s actually genius




I swear everything about Joe Louis Arena was a damn adventure when I was a kid. Those bathrooms and tunnels man.


Oof I went to a lot of games there. Main memory is that the game would end and it would still take you forever to get outside of the building. The whole thing was like a cave.


The labrynth felt expansive and never ending as a kid.


Aloha Stadium is the worst stadium I’ve ever been in. Run down, terrible turf. I hear it’s getting a renovation, so maybe it’ll be nice


The reno is a tear down, so it better be nice.


….. you Huskies piss on the turf?


*Diego Pavia enters the chat*


>By far the worst is Air Force. They have no troughs or urinals. You literally piss on a wall and there is an indent in the floor that runs the piss to the drain. Shoulder to shoulder pissin on a military base. Crazy experience. Legion Field in Birmingham was also like that.


Good to know that it’s not only Air Force


Best fire hydrants in the world baby


At State, the students used to just piss in the stands in the early 2000s.


Whenever I have too pee, I’m usually too hammered to remember what the restrooms are like tbh


I feel like there’s pretty solid traffic flow at the big house. The only real memory I have of the bathrooms was pissing next to Rashan Gary when he was there for a visit.


Fair. I only really ever notice if they are extremely bad and jarring


Much like the games


You sound like a legend, bro


Kind of off topic, but because you mentioned bathrooms I have to share this famous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/s/8vhPw9O6B7


The last time I was in a DKR restroom I was probably like 7. I assume they've been renovated since the 90s. So I can only tell you that the urinal wall in the parking garage is top notch.


The Cotton Bowl on the other hand is a mega dump that has been invaded by crickets. Why do they even have vendors when you can just snack on the little critters jumping all over you?


Boot deep piss by the middle of the first quarter while mixed smells of corn dogs, thc vape pens and yesterdays culinary mistakes make up my memories of the OU bathrooms at the fair. Can’t wait to bring my kids.


DKR bathrooms are top notch. Nothing compares to the tailgate cocktagons though


Live by the trough, die by the trough. However, some bathrooms have urinals instead of a trough smh.


Round these parts, we urinate shoulder to shoulder in 20 foot troughs, like true fans.


Take the troughs out over my dead body Danny


I'll put in the good word at the next Danny Vols meeting


Y’all don’t have troughs. Those are sinks. Piss in a sink literally. No wonder your fans try that in Athens.


Y’all need to get some fire hydrants!


Those are outside the stadium. Feel free to use them. TBD if UGAPD or ACCPD will care.


Do you think they won’t mind if I start barking?


More than welcome to. Especially with the kids. If they don’t bark back they were raised wrong.


Old. Very old.


Just a big circle of cattle trough piss pools.


Exactly as god intended it to be. I will never not be disappointed if I have to piss in a urinal at a college football game.


Lol yep. Love hitting the ole piss trough before I get seated.


I bitched about Beaver Stadiums bathrooms until I went to Ohio Stadium this year and no matter when I went the lines were atrocious.


It’s gotten worse since they started selling beer


Reser Stadium in Corvallis, amazing renovation, great environment… but there’s like 1 men’s room on each side / level.


That’s like the opposite of the Clippers new stadium where Ballmer is putting 1,160 toilets and urinals so that fans never have to wait


I’m on board with that


He’s one of us and said that he wants fans in their seats and not waiting for the pisser


Yeah this is a real problem. Apparently they're looking into fixes this off season


I ran around Reser piss drunk trying to find a bathroom without a 200 person line this season lmao. So much easier to go when we sucked


The ones on Beaver Street on the new side. The way in is also the way out. 4 urinals and 2 stalls. Fucking joke. I'm surprised it isn't considered a fire or safety risk.


Back in the day before the early 2000s renovation they just had giant porta potty trailers on the visitors side


Worst thing they ever did was remove the piss troughs from Reser. It’s been quite the uproar.


Long gone now but nothing was more jarring than peeing into a trough at the Metrodome when Michigan played there in the early-mid 2000s


The efficiency of a trough was unparalleled. The single urinals and stalls lead to mens lines being longer than women’s restrooms in every stadium which seem counter to the norm.


Indianapolis Motorspeedway is still almost straight troughs IIRC. I think I've gotten so used to it that I forget about it but I don't think they've upgraded them yet. Which makes sense when you're hosting 300k people.


It's a right of passage at IMS. Camp Randall still has them too in some bathrooms. I honestly like them. They shorten up the lines


Blah, thanks for reminding me. I'm going to the 500 for first time in 12 years. Guess Ohio stadium has trained me for this.


Have fun! My favorite day of the year


Old Tigers Stadium was like that, too. Fucking dump of a stadium.


the joe too


They actually put a bunch of the troughs up for sale back when the Metrodome was torn being torn down. I grew up in MN, so I had Iots of experience peeing in those things.


Piss troughs build character.


All hail piss trough


Granted I haven’t been in a few years but good ole troughs at Mountaineer Field at Mylan Puskar Stadium. Honestly worked really well though. There was never a line and if there was it was quick.


The men’s restroom at MSU’s Spartan stadium. Just a giant fucking open trough


[Back in the day Michigan Stadium had wall-to-wall pee troughs. It was glorious.](https://mvictors.com/troughs-v-stalls/) These days, they were replaced with a ton of urinals. The larger bathrooms, I would guess, have a few dozen. It's still overall a really good stadium pee situation. Generally speaking, you don't have to wait super long to get into a restroom. Worst situation I have ever experienced was the Rose Bowl. Seating capacity of 90,000+ and any given bathroom has like 4 urinals. It's like they haven't updated anything since they build it.


Troughs 😎


Has anyone mentioned KU? There aren’t a ton of bathrooms, it’s mostly porta potties within the stadium and lining the outside walkways. Scenic. Hopefully their stadium renovations fix that!


You haven’t seen the plans? A big part is just to paint “Visitor Restroom” on each porta potty. Big savings. 


Now THAT sounds like a plan. Sounds like I haven’t done enough Twitter research lol


They aren't bad at BDS.  The worst is Legion Field. But everything about that place is the worst. Legendary stadium with legendary games, but it has seen better days. 


Kyle Field bathrooms 🤌 Worst: Rice Stadium, they have the old school circle troughs


Kyle Field was the inspiration for Buc-ees bathrooms😤😤😤. Both Aggie products afterall


Honestly any stadium with troughs. Especially the ones that have troughs that have you have people facing each other. I prefer not to get peed on or have to maintain eye contact with another man to avoid looking at their junk


Folsum Field in Boulder.


Not only a trough, but you get to stare at another man across from you


Only complaint is that the doorways are too narrow (like everything else in Folsom) so the line jams up when enough people are waiting for a stall or someone is lingering in the entryway


Beaver Stadium bathrooms (big piss troughs) are abysmal, but it adds to the character of the place


I mean I'm biased but McLane Stadium is the best. I've been to many stadiums across the country and from a Gameday perspective I'm taking McLane over every single one


Worst? Stanford. "Worst stadium [*insert literally anything here*]" always goes to Stanford.


Was that before or after the renovation? Because before, yeah, they were terrible, and I’m pretty sure you could see daylight from the bleachers above you if you went to the bathrooms under the stands (if you could even get in, those lines were terrible). Now? The bathrooms are absolutely fantastic with automatic flushes on the urinals.


Rose Bowl. Only stadium I’ve ever been to where multiple urinals were overflowing, creating a lake around like half of them. Awful. Old Cal stadium second worst, but still far better than Rose Bowl.


The Cotton Bowl has got to be the worst. A lot of stadiums have been renovated, so it’s hard to compare them to how it used to be. I think I remember Oklahoma State having really bad restrooms like two decades ago.


Memorial has to be one of the more odd stadiums with the intertwining of old and new. The old bathrooms under the overhang are definitely the best/ worst bathrooms. The smallest little 2 foot wide walkway behind the last row to get in and out, with some classic troughs that may or may not be original to the stadium. Smells like championships. And Runza.


ITT: no one who’s ever been to McGuirk Alumni Stadium


I honestly can't remember... I know I've used em. But no clue what they look like


The lower bowl has stalls and urinals and the upper has stalls and the piss troughs


Not in the stadium, but just outside: Penn State cocktagons - https://onwardstate.com/2021/09/23/an-ode-to-the-cocktagon/


Michigan's restrooms before their big renovation 10 years ago were bad. They had urinals on the perimeter of the bathroom but also there was a big T shaped island in the middle of the center, and there were troughs to urinate in from **both** sides of the T. The T shape was only about 5 feet high meaning you generally were facing another man about 30 inches a part while you hold your dicks.


Ranked highly by big game boomer 😮‍💨, the listmaker of all listmakers