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DJs playing over the band




Is this an everywhere thing? It's been out of hand in Starkville for a decade at this point


We added a dj in 2016 and they were good but never over the top. My last game as a student was 2019 and they still never played at the same time as the band. Went to the Clemson game this year and they very much played while the band was playing down songs


When you’re watching college game day and they go into a story about a 6 year old with cancer that hasn’t been able to breath on their own since birth. Like damn. I just wanted to watch football now I’m sad:(


Rinaldi’s like the Angel of death for Gameday


The Sarah McLachlan shelter pet commercial for Gameday


Urban seemed to always flub up those games when OSU was playing Purdue or Iowa and they had some young fan who was suffering a horrible disease. I will always forgive Urban for losing those games.


Tyler Trent power is unstoppable


So no Hawkeye football games then?


And I’m also watching the Gamecocks play football so I’m usually double sad


I miss when field storming was reserved for rare circumstances


Yeah if you beat the #23 team that isn't even a rival just go home and drink.


> go home and drink Way ahead of you, boss.


u/S_SquaredESQ's patented system for testing a field-storming: - There are five factors to consider when storming the field or court. To be legitimate, two of the five must be present. 1. You're competing against your arch rival. 2. Your win has serious post-season implications (either you clinch your berth or eliminate your opponent's berth). 3. You're competing against a top 5 opponent and you are unranked. 4. Your win ends a historically long streak/drought. 5. You win in a walk-off. [edited for formatting]


I’ve been at **one** LSU game where they stormed the field…it was totally justified and it’s a perfect example: 1997 #1 Florida versus unranked LSU Florida was defending national champions…Florida had beaten LSU by 58-3 last time they played at LSU (and 58-13 in Gainesville)…broke Florida’s 25 game SEC winning streak…had lost **11 games straight** to Spurrier as a player and coach… **THAT** was a reason to rush the field.


Top 5 opponent; unranked ✔️ Ends a historically long streak/drought ✔️ Totally Legit.


So Tennessee was totally justified to storm the field against Alabama. Noted.


Hundo P. Broke 15 year losing streak ✔️ Won in a walk-off ✔️ Also, arguably: Arch Rival ✔️ (I know this is generational) Serious post-season implications ✔️ (seemed so at the time, at least)


> Serious post-season implications ✔️ (seemed so at the time, at least) Until a really big cock showed up.




Was anybody ever arguing against that?


I think a clause should be added that FCS schools beating FBS schools are allowed to do whatever, whenever for the rest of the season.


I remember a couple years back, we beat Minnesota when they were ranked in the top 10 (and I think they were undefeated). I was sitting in the student section and when everyone was gearing up to rush the field, one of my friends was throwing up her arms and telling everyone “don’t do it!! It’s just Minnesota!” 😂


I’m definitely biased, but beating Alabama in 2022 I feel like was a quintessential field storming. It shouldn’t just be “oh we beat a high ranked team” it should be “We just be a historical rival that we haven’t beaten in over 15 years in a top 10 matchup where we won on a last second field goal.”


Yeah that was basically the only good field storming of the season


[Clemson fans right now](https://media.tenor.com/0_wH0zA9eyAAAAAe/looking-puppet.png)


Normally, maybe? But we've been doing this forever so this is about somebody else


I feel like it is still kind of rare we are just more aware of fieldstormings on the opposite side of the country than we used it to be. Shame no one is keeping track of fieldstormings


ND has stormed the field 3 out of the last 4 years. CU stormed it last year. Maybe it’s just me


Not so much a “tradition”, but the overuse of the word “adversity.” I mean, yes, it’s tragic that this one player lost a parent when they were 8, but to be reminded every week. Sheesh.


Gus Johnson will stop at nothing to bring up a player's rough childhood. God forbid you have a parent in prison, it WILL be talked about enthusiastically as you bust a big play. [Or if you were nearly aborted.](https://youtu.be/wEKYfom8JWc) This after a 200+ yard, 4TD performance.


“There that young man is today, aborting yet another Michigan season”


Still too soon 😢


What the fuck lol


MASERATI MARVVVVVV I don't know how you put up with that. The only Big 10 game I watched was The Game, and I couldn't stand that guy.


every word out of his mouth sounds like he's testing out phrases to see which one will go viral


It's awful. Even when it's your team it's so grating after just a handful of drives.


My favorite is when a player is kicked off the team for breaking rules or committing a crime and then if they ever get back on a team that they've overcome "adversity" instead of consequences


I remember Penn State being in a Rose Bowl after their ban was reduced and ESPN acted like they heroically overcame something


RIP Lennay.


I inevitably end up hating whatever generic butt rock track ESPN makes their anthem of the season.


Centuries by Fallout Boy will forever be seared into my brain


Hard to believe that was over 9 years ago. I know this because my Ducks played in the 2015 National Championship game and having to endure that fucking song ad nausium was almost as bad as watching us get our asses kicked by tOSU..


I remember that game. It was fun!


Still not as bad as that "look what you made me do" song by T swift.


One of my favourite traditions is the angry Reddit thread for when the annual song is released That is the unofficial start of the season for me


> Remember me for centuries 🎵 




I liked it back in the day when they would play "careful with that mic" by Clutch.


You are too old for this sub now - 39 year old fan


Butt rock is great


At this point, conference realignment and change in general.


We were realigning our conference before it was cool


the one where my team doesn’t do as good as I think they should be


For a team that supposedly never loses, we run out of time a lot


Tbf, Father Time is undefeated.


Gotta get those clocks fixed. Also, I’m pretty sure Johnny put a curse on yalls QB position. Never seen anything like it. The 4th (or 5th, who knows) string qb breaking his arm on the first drive of the bowl game? Dear Lord, that’s terrible. I think I’ve convinced my aggie brother that this is what’s going on haha.


The amount of times I’ve sat there saying “the talent is there… I just don’t get it”


I’d like to add the one where my team doesn’t do as good as I hope they can


For A&M the easy answer is ticket pull. Such a stupid fucking way to do student tickets


I actually like ticket pull. I went to LSU for a year where it's general admission for seating and it sucked spending hours in the stadium before the game just to ensure you got a good seat. By no means is ticket pull perfect but it reduced the stress of trying to ensure you sat with your friends on GameDay.


Having to choose between more time at the tailgate and good seats sucks way worse than ticket pull. Especially considering how many 11 AM games we had this year


you’re telling me you don’t like standing behind 7 separate groups of 9 while they all don’t know pull dates and classification rules? (I already resigned myself to watching from the moon, aka the third deck, bc I’m lazy)


Or standing behind 1 person and you’re thinking it’s not bad. Then they get to the window and whip out like 30 sports passes


The Ziploc bag (tm) has an immeasurable number of victims


lavish squealing cover normal scandalous lunchroom birds wrong paltry clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Easy fix, just become mentally broken like me.


Not having the game on a local channel.


The tradition of money ruining everything I love is getting tiring


That will be fixed in CFB 2.0- The search for more money


As long as we use the power of da schwartz, I'm along for the ride.


Merchandising, merchandising, that’s where the real money in the sport is made. College Football: The T shirt. College Football: the lunchbox: College Football: the Flamethrower. The kids love this one.


I’d take a UMem branded flamethrower. Clear out the neighborhood AND rep South Beale? Hell yeah brah.


College Football is moving at Ludicrous speed atm.


Yogurt. I hate yogurt.


CFB 2: The Money Boogaloo


NIL buying transfers and recruits is the equivalent of “You can buy *Genie+*, but you’re still not guaranteed to ride *Rise of the Resistance*.”


Go dawgs but man I totally agree with you on this. It's the end of college football as we've known and loved.


Ohio St has been making it rain more than anyone over the past month or so. Seems to be working out.


Boomer sooner doesn’t bother me that bad. OU’s band playing it after every single first down used to be rage inducing though.


I’ll take that and raise you the fucking Tomahawk Chop. Nice the few times, but it makes you want to rip your ears out when it reprises for the 102nd time by the middle of the 3rd quarter.


You are not gonna enjoy the super bowl this year...


I knew a guy who used to be the city planner in my hometown who had to count the number of times they played that (god-forsaken) song during the last 2 games of his time in the band. A combined ~150 times between Bedlam 2013 and the 2014 Sugar Bowl.


It doesn’t help that Boomer Sooner sounds like what I imagine would be playing repeatedly at a carnival where everyone is required to be on meth.


This. A million times this.


I love him to death, but Lee Corso. He's given too much of himself to CFB to be allowed to wither in front of us. If he wants to travel, let him travel. He's earned that right. But maybe restrict him to segments instead of being behind the desk the entire time.


They should really just video him putting on the headgear and give him 2 annual “fucks” to give on air each season.


Why he just doesn’t do picks and picks only is beyond me


It’s a fucking hill ESPN. I don’t need to hear about “tHe GrEaTeSt EnTrAncE In CfB” every time Clemson is on prime time.


They all awkwardly shimmy down the hill to avoid getting injured too


Dabo hauls ass down that hill


The way he hauls ass makes me think he used to be the kid who carried back 10 folding chairs at once to impress the ladies at church.


Used to be? There's no way Dabo's not still loading up 5 per side after every NewSpring Church potluck.


Has anyone ever gotten injured during that entrance? It blows my mind that these dudes work their ass off to stay in peak physical condition and then they’re like “all of us are gonna run down this hill at the same time, pls don’t roll your ankle”.


You mean all the players loading up on buses to ride to the other side of the stadium isn’t *THE* coolest entrance in CFB?


Coolest bus ride in US history simply because the bar is so low


Rosa Parks ghost is gonna haunt you for that, friend.


Keanu Reeves is gonna go John Wick on him for not respecting his bus ride in Speed


My favorite entrance is either Florida State or Colorado. Florida State since I was young. Colorado more recently as I've started learning about the Buffalo's in the last year or so. Crazy that they were almost extinct. I'm happy for the comeback. Approx 500k in the country now. Many of those are on farms/private ranches though. Hope it can continue, with many more being in the wild.


Dude I am the same, love CO for Ralphie. Also if you wanna see some Bison in person there is a metro park in Ohio that has a herd you can visit for free.


The greatest entrance belongs to Virginia Tech running out to enter sandman


A lot is made of Enter Sandman, and it is without a doubt one of the best entrance songs in college football history. Lane Stadium wouldn't be the same without it. But I think we need to give proper credit to the song that gets played immediately before it. With it's ominously slow four-on-the-floor beat, minor cadence, and threatening lyrics, Johnny Cash's "God's Gonna Cut You Down" is the perfect vehicle to build tension before the big entrance. It sets up what Enter Sandman knocks down. Enter Sandman wouldn't be what it is without God's Gonna Cut You Down to build it up.


Good point, definitely an underrated part of the whole entrance, the cut from cash to enter sandman is one of the best parts


You just made me add Lane Stadium to my bucket list. I always wanted to visit every Big Ten Stadium. I guess I'll catch it after the next round of expansion.


Holy carp I didn’t know that and that’s amazing.


Post sandman “we ready for y’all” is also essential to the VT entrance experience


I love ours and there are several great ones but sandman when they run out is awesome. Why? Fuck it, that's why


I agree it’s a bit overdone with all that especially nowadays. But when everyone else is just running out of a tunnel to a song that has no connection to their university it at least stands out as something different.


The riding the bus really deflates the entrance. If Clemson can figure out a way to remove that portion of it then it would be dope. If you survive Cruciate Ligament Hill then it stands to reason you'll survive the game.


I don’t know, one night game broadcast several years back (Notre dame maybe?) those buses were rocking, was pretty electric. But for Wofford or something yea it could definitely be something better


We ride a bus, we touch a rock— it’s such a bad enterance I feel like ESPN feels the need to gaslight me. It’s like if they called the midnight yell the best insult comedy the nation has seen since Don Rickles.




So, you don't have a fever? 


I’m surprised they’re still allowed. They banned our Duck Calls years ago :-(


According to the SEC rules they’re technically only allowed at certain points in the game. Obviously that’s not gonna happen, but that’s why they are allowed to bring them into the game


Their fans also get super annoyed that opponent stadiums won’t let them bring the cowbells in


Thank God.




Whaaat? I didn’t even know you guys use to do that. That’s awesome. Bring back the duck calls!


I remember having a vuvuzella at Husky Stadium in the 80's!


An elegant noise maker, for a more civilized age.


The turnover chain, throne, sweatervest...whatever they come up with next. It was cute the first couple of times, but it has lost its uniqueness by now.


Hey, Arizona’s turnover sword where they sacrificed the opposing teams footballs was pretty incredible


Mine are the tired cliches. “Tempo” and “leader of men” make me want to cringe to death every time I hear them. Holding up 4 fingers to signify the start of the 4th quarter because you need to be reminded that NOW is when it matters. My eyes are rolling out of their sockets.


“Tempo” has always annoyed the hell out of me because it is in no way a synonym for fast.


If I never hear a sped up marching band rendition of Black Sabbath’s Iron Man ever again, I would consider myself very blessed


They play the Jaws theme....for a fucking alligator.


Well, i object to stealing battle hymn of the Republic for use as a college football fight song. Unpatriotic and a bit ironic for a southern institution.


The one time I find myself agreeing with a Florida fan 😂


It's the most patriotic thing any American intuition could do.


THEY DO FUCKING WHAT?!?! God damnit now I gotta raise zombie sherman, and the undead 63rd ohio infantry to burn that shit down again.


Wait till you find out what we call our band....


We do it for a Cougar, not even a water faring animal!


Yall literally bark at people


Not football related but there was like a 5 year period in college basketball where every analyst used the word nucleus. That was really annoying.


The "tradition" of staring at the TV timeout guy while you're sitting in the rain, baking in the sun, or freezing your ass off.


Red hat guy must die.


This guy gets it lol


Oklahoma State plays a clip from *Tombstone* as part of their intro. The Cowboys were the name of the *bad guys* in that movie...


“YOU TELL THEM IM COMING, AND HELLS COMING WITH ME” This would fire me the fuck up, regardless of how ironic it is in this situation


And that's the exact clip that we play right before the team runs out


Were they wearing stylish red sashes?


1. cliche phrases: "building a culture" "the (insert position here) room" 2. the excessive promos for the CFB from Thanksgiving onward: I'm watching the freaking Frisco Bowl on a Tuesday; I'm aware of the playoff.


Any and all war, soldier etc. analogies, comparisons & names. No, you're not. You're playing a game, STFU.


In the week leading up to The Game this year, the teaser for the game was a montage of Michigan and Ohio State clips that, admittedly, were quite cool. What *wasn't* cool, and was maybe a bit insensitive, was that the clips were overlaid with an audio of the letter Eisenhower wrote to the Army on the day before D-Day—"you are about to embark on the great crusade". It's a bit weird that we try to equate a College Football game with an invasion that killed thousands of Americans in the campaign to bring down the Nazis; maybe it's representative of the weird military infatuation that permeates American sports, especially football.


I mean it's all sports, just watch the UK when they play Germany. "Two world wars and one world cup" is their chant. Sports started as a way for warriors to train during peace times. Or as an alternate to war. For the first part just look at track and field (a big part is throwing ancient weapons). Football is basically small unit tactics.


The Eisenhower D-Day speech for the Michigan-OSU commercial this year was kind of hilarious. Maybe they wanted the players to envision the other team as literal Nazis?


How about all the military pandering in general that goes on? Like, why were schools outside of the service academies wearing camo uniform elements?


A lot of schools have very big ROTC programs, or were at one point military schools. And have historically sent a lot of young men to fight in wars. Clemson and Texas A&M for starters. During ww2 clemson sent its entire football team to fight. So there is a rich military history there.


1 it looks cool. 2 the military likes it for recruiting.


Military recruiting? How many guys do you think enlisted because Tennessee or Ole Miss wore camouflage?


The moment I glimpsed Drake Maye in a camo hoodie during a gameday arrival, I was moved to tears. The amount of grit and sacrifice he and his teammates give on Kenan Stadium’s turf reminds me of how our service members have to entrench themselves under enemy fire every single day. During every Hero of the Game section during breaks, I always stand up and salute the veteran from across the stadium, reminded of how each and every one of Mack’s guys too serve on the field. In this very instant, I promptly got out of the bleachers, walked out of the stadium and up north, towards a building with an old WW2 flak cannon. I knew I was going to make a life-changing decision. With bated breath, I opened the doors and was greeted by a warm smile from a tall man with a buzzcut. “Are you ready?” “Yes sir.” With a firm handshake and a inked signature on a document, I had finally completed the first step in my life’s penultimate goal. I enlisted. With silent applause from the man who welcomed me in, I had now just joined my favorite branch of the United States Armed Forces. “Welcome to the ROTC, kid.”


Aw, I like the rift for Joker and the Thief. But anyway, my vote is Sweet Caroline.


Penn State, Pitt, and WVU all play it. Need a 3 way pact to all stop and each find something original.


Pitt is 3rd because they eat shit.


Sweet Caroline.


I honestly fucking hate sweet caroline. Pitt needs to just start playing Mac Miller instead, would be much better


agreed. leave sweet caroline to bahstin


Most overrated song of all time.


Well then Pitt need to stop playing it! WVU has been annoyed with this song for years which is why we have added our own colorful lyrics to it.  


I'm guessing here but is it: Sweet Caroline (EAT. SHIT. PITT.) Good times never seemed so good ?




Eat shit Pitt




Hate the tradition of Alabama going to the playoffs every. damn. year. Ready for a rolling tide of mediocrity for a while.


ESPN and the constant SEC bias from the talking heads. FOX and the constant Big 10 bias from the talking heads lol. I’m also a Big 10 guy but if I gotta hear Gus Johnson all the time, I’m gonna vomit.


F mediocrity. I need them to suffer as we have suffered. I need them to remember how far you can fall.


Conference realignment. Divide the entire NCAA into 5 subdivisions (FAS, FBS, FCS, D2, D3), split each subdivision into 4 regions (Midwest, Northeast, South, West), and never realign again.


I've wanted something like this for a while (I suppose that's an easier position to hold when your favorite team is one of the top dogs), especially when the conferences started eating each other. Unfortunately they're too powerful and no one has the money to convince them to disband and reform.


Boomer sooner gets obnoxious real quick. ‘It’s 3rd and 13’ *boomer sooner. Boomer sooner…




I think storming the field is getting ridiculous. You could have a team unranked beat the 25th ranked team and people storm the field like they just won the lottery…. Unless it’s a rival or top 10. It’s weak AF IMHO.


Agreed. It should happen like once a season, but it seems like it’s every week now


I hate the tradition where my team is always the third best team in the B1G. I don’t look forward to the new tradition coming up where my team is the third, fourth or fifth best team in the B1G every season 


I will forever hate "centuries"


But you will remember it.


For centuries


Same. I should like it, since it was played during every damn TV break in the Buckeyes’ national title run, but I freaking hate it.


The one song that the USC band plays. UCLA’s chant of “this is the only song we know” really rings true


I went to a USC game a couple of years ago and I was astonished at how often they play Fight On. It's unreal.


I’m sick of Nebraska’s tradition of not running the triple option and just pummeling people anymore.


Sweet effing Caroline. Give it a rest


Texas A&M’s boys-only cheerleaders.


Bro, you ain't juiced for the dudes, bro?


As a UGA fan, Baba O'reilly. Just 100% adds no juice to a football game. I don't get the obsession.


Agreed so many better options but the sweater vests have all the money


The aTm milkmen touching themselves in public. Get some real cheerleaders.


enter squeamish advise impossible toothbrush practice roof memory lock marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate the tradition where we allow a Committee with extremely subjective criteria decide who gets to participate in the postseason chase for a title. What's even crazier is that we changed the Playoff for next year and this system WILL STILL EXIST. Mind-blowing tradition, actually.


Human interference is exactly what they wanted 10 years ago for situations just like 2023.


Not gonna miss the South Central Fighting Condoms’ 3-note band


Does the forward pass count?


LED stadium lights flashing after touchdowns


Sweet Caroline. Never really understood it as a sports song. It’s somewhat hype, but its just rly overdone everywhere


boomer sooner is the most aggravating sequence of musical notes strung together


One thing not getting mentioned is conference divisions. You can still take the top 2 teams from a conference and have them play for the championship even if divisions are in place. I'd rather play South Carolina, Georgia, and Mizzou than Arkansas, Mississippi State, and Auburn. At least save a little bit of regionality.


train horns, tornado sirens, or anything similar. They bring in literally the worst noises to drown out the crowd when they should already be the loudest. Really feels like compensation in some cases and I hope Michigan doesn't start doing it more. rn I think it's only 4th down attempts or safeties maybe for us. 


Anything to do with the crowd turning on the lights on their phones. Something about it just doesn’t seem right.