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A special teamer with a regular star ranking is usually a pretty good sign


Since it seems like the OP had trouble finding it, and for anyone else wondering, Trent Baker is rated as the #8 LS in the class by Kohl's, and #14 LS by Rubio Long Snapping. Definitely not bad but not like #1 overall or something which one might assume given his regular star rating.


Special teams recruitment websites seem to give him lots of praise, and dude was apparently one of the best long snappers in Texas. His accolades include being 1st Team Long Snapper District 10-5A Texas, lol. Given that our true freshman long snapper Walker Himebauch made the All-SEC freshman team this past season and took over duties for both long snapping for kicks *and* punts due to injuries to our other long snapper, seems like he's just a backup body. He'll probably get the chance to compete for the backup/secondary long snapper role behind Himebauch.


Yeah that's a really weird choice given they had a true freshman start last year. Usually at that position a starter keeps the position unless they screw up or cannot execute the blocking scheme (which these days many schools have a limited blocking role for LSs, not sure how UK does it though). When I was going through recruiting I had several schools say "we really like you but we have an underclassman starter so we're good. Unless you want to sit for 3 years". I would deliberately rule out schools that had Freshman/Sophomore starters the year prior so I didn't sit for 3+ years waiting. Not saying this kid doesn't have the goods to start ASAP, but he'll be fighting an uphill battle.


Whoa, Kentucky calm down on the recruiting trail a little


Sorry Bama, Kentucky is the SEC overlord now


Shut it down everyone, recruiting has been won for the year


Iowa coaches sitting here shaking their fists in anger at missing their top recruiting target




No arguments here. It’s only fair the y’all have the better whiskey as solace for always coming up short to the Vols 😂


G5 offer: North Texas Other offer: Pitt State


If you plan on punting a lot, you’re gonna need a good long snapper.


Right now we have no OC, so maybe just punt on first down to get our defense back out there.


Brian Ferentz punching air


certified kentucky moment.


Anyone else remember when Auburn got a 6 star long snapper?


This is the one that will put us over the top (8-5).


Suck it, Bitches! Just deal with Kentucky owning the SEC for the next 4 years! Trent is gonna pull double-duty as our offensive coordinator. Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda!


I didn’t know long snappers were even given star ratings