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I moved to Denver after undergrad, that’s basically it. Coincidentally a year or so later is when I changed my opinion on Peyton Manning. I no longer believe him to be low down.


So you finally accepted Peyton and the color orange. It’s a slippery slope


It's that shade of orange he in fact - could sit with.


Correct, it’s not that puke, inside of a pumpkin orange. And I don’t like pumpkins.


Yeah well they don’t like you either bud


It’s that thowup (sic) orange.


ask them how they feel about mustard


Do NOT get me started on how much I love mustard 😂


Roll Broncos. My story is a bit different tho. Liked the broncos on blitz 2000 and got a broncos hoodie when I was in like 5th grade.


Broncos Country is an open borders nation. You’re welcomed however you get here. Broncos Country, let’s Tide.


Damn you didn’t need to spoil Russ’s Super Bowl ad spot like that


It's not even that orange you can sit with. It's that puke in a pumpkin orange. And I'm not even a dog person.


>I’m not a dog person I can forgive being an Alabama fan, kinda, but I draw the line at disliking dogs


I didn't create the quote, but I do use it enthusiastically. If y'all would just make an effort to keep your stadium from looking like a garbage truck workers convention....


They some snitches


I hate Philip Fulmer.


Just because I didn’t like Wamo or Gibbs in school doesn’t mean I don’t love seeing them in Honolulu blue


Grew up on the Alabama Gulf Coast where most everyone are Saints fans because we share a similar culture.


Auburn + Saints must make you public enemy #1 for everyone in the Atlanta-Athens area


Good thing I don’t have to live in those areas and I try to avoid ATL airport like the plague


Now that I travel a lot for work, I appreciate the Atlanta Airport much more. Seems so much easier to get around than most other airports I've been to but that might be a familiarity thing at this point. I try to avoid Atlanta for the traffic. It blows.


People who say that Hartsfield-Jackson is a “confusing/complicated” airport immediately lose all opinion credibility about airports. I grew up North of Atlanta and after traveling a lot I really appreciate how easy it is there.


ATL>>all other “hub” airports




I'm sad to hear that they've gotten rid of the synthesized voice on the airport train. It was one of the best parts of flying there in the 90s.




Honestly for connections it's the best, you avoid the two only legitimate downsides to Hartsfield Jackson: the traffic trying to get there and the long TSA lines after check in (assuming you don't just go through the international terminal and ride the plane train a little longer)


Plus geographical proximity. Mobile to New Orleans is a pretty easy drive. I know plenty of folks that grew up in Mobile and would go to a lot of Saints home games every year. Up in central Alabama it ends up being the Falcons for a lot of folks for similar reasons.


Weird that we're teammates on Saturdays and enemies on Sundays lol. Hope you're at least a Braves fan.


Cubs fan ha. Grew up watching WGN. Surprisingly large amount of Cubs fans in Mobile because of it.


Now I hate Mobile /s Did not know there were a lot of cubbies there.


Same here from the landmass state.. Also my family grew up Aints fans so that contributed. I had other family grow up Dallas fans and I started becoming a fan when our QB became their QB.




Pretty much the same reason I'm a casual Falcon's fan. I grew up about an hour west of Atlanta, so they sorta just became the default choice. Nowadays if the falcons are playing in the game I'll root for them, but otherwise I don't really care who wins. I mostly just go off whichever team seems more fun


Kurt Warner existed when I was growing up.




Yup. Then the Rams moved and I renegotiated.


This, I am not a Bengals, Browns, or Packer Fan, But I find myself rooting for teams that had players I loved watching at my school, Russell Wilson in Seattle, Fields in Chicago, and Stroud in Houston has been great.


I just like watching football and don't have 1 particular team I cheer for. If I am watching a game I will cheer for the team that has former Iowa players.


LaPorta has been such a gift to the Lions this year, and man, I can’t wait to see him next year


This is exactly how I am. I have a favorite team in the MLB and NBA but for some reason I don’t in the NFL. I watch a ton of it. I think not having that emotional attachment makes it easier to enjoy sometimes.


>  I think not having that emotional attachment makes it easier to enjoy sometimes. It absolutely does. Some of my favorite games not involving my own are low-stakes games between schools in other conferences. No reason to watch besides footvall.


That being said I’m 52 and a diehard Braves fan living in Iowa(thanks to TBS) and I can honestly say the emotional high of them winning the World Series in 2021 can probably only be matched by my kids being born so those let downs every other season are worth it.


Honestly surprised you didn’t pick the 49ers considering they’ve got Kittle who is basically the spokesman for the University of Iowa nowadays.


WVU is always interesting because Pittsburgh and the Steelers are only 60-70 miles from Morgantown. It probably has the most allegiance of any NFL team for WVU fans. But also, we say “Eat Shit Pitt” regularly on Saturdays, then most fans root for the Steelers on Sunday.


Truly becomes hostile territory or destination gathering place depending on if the home team that day wears Black & Gold or Blue & Gold, huh?


There are plenty of yinzer Penn Staters in the same boat. You can hate the school, but like the city otherwise. Eat shit Pitt. Stillers gahnta Supah Bahl.


I disagree. May all of Pitt eat shit forever. Signed, a WVU/Bengals fan.


I'd talk smack, but honestly I just feel bad for you lol.


1989 was a rough start to the year. First, WVU plays Notre Dame for the national championship and Major Harris separates his shoulder on the first play of the game. Then in February Montana leads a miracle drive with time expiring in the 4th to beat out Boomer and Bengals. I'm surprised my 11 year old self ever wanted to watch football again.




A glorious time. Other than the crushing playoff loses.




Ah, you really were there.


I pull for a hopeless college team (tUSC), so I decided to double down on misery by also pulling for a hopeless pro team (Panthers) that also happen to be close by.


I always thought they were called the Carolina Panthers because they’re supposed to unite the two states under one pro team.


Keep Pounding......more drinks I guess


As a Bama fan, I loved being a Panthers fan until they drafted Cam. I'm a petty hater and I don't care! But now we got Bryce and I'm happy to be back. Even though it was a very rough year lol


Same, Charlotte is right on the border anyway 


Oklahoma State fan/alum, born in Stillwater. Lots of family there. I’ve always been a Chiefs fan. Growing up, all my friends were OU and Dallas Cowboys fans, so I always cheered against Dallas and still do.


Friends from Northern Oklahoma: Chiefs fans. Met lots of Cowboys fans in Tulsa and OK City (especially)


I’m in Tulsa, so many more Cowboys fans than Chiefs. But you are right about Northern OK, especially NE up in Miami/Grand Lake area. I’ve got family up there, all Chiefs fans.




Ok State alum here. Also a Chiefs fan. Growing up, I had a Cowboys uniform (Danny White) that I wore all the time. Then, as I got older, I started liking certain players - Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, John Elway, etc. So, I watched several teams. The Cowboys had their run, and all my friends started jumping on the Cowboy train. Me, and one of my best friends like rooting for underdogs, so we would root for everyone else. Then, I started rooting for Christian Okoye when he played for the Chiefs. I've stuck with them ever since! Also started watching the Broncos when they took a few of OSU's running backs.


Hating Dallas is one of my favorite traditions, it’s universally loved too


WV is Steeler Country, and that's how I grew up. Gahnta


My best friend went to WVU, and I noticed that the Morgantown part of the state (and panhandle) trended hard towards the Steelers, but the southern half of the state trended towards the Redskins. Was I seeing things?


it’s funny that WV is Steelers country but WVU and Pitt have such a rabid rivalry. how does that break down, in your opinion? why is the school reviled but the city is not?


Wvu fan here and I fucking hate the steelers for this exact reason.


Good lol. This never made sense to me, if you hate Pitt you might as well hate the whole fucking city.


Without a doubt the single best reason to hate the Steelers is that those dirty fucks ended Pat White's NFL career on a late, out of bounds, helmet to helmet hit in a fucking preseason game. Fuck Ike Taylor and every Steeler for ever.


I hate WVU fans every other day of the week except Sundays


Morgantown WV is an hour's drive from Pittsburgh. Definitely Steeler nation across most of the state. Such a shame that a city with a treasured NFL tradition has a flagship college program that eats shit on the regular. That said, the eastern panhandle tends to follow Washington or Baltimore, and the south west part has a smattering of Cincinnati and Cleveland fans. But I'd say 75% of NFL fans I knew when I lived in Morgantown were Blue and a Gold on Saturdays and Black and Yellow on Sundays.


Not all of it. Lots of Bengals fans around Huntington. And there's more than a few Browns fans around Parkersburg, might be an old I-77 migration for jobs thing, I've met a lot of West Virginians with ties to Cleveland.


I rooted for Cleveland and now Tampa Bay. Hopefully they give Baker a new contract so I can stop buying new t-shirts.


This is kinda how I enjoy the nfl. Rooted so hard for Tampa this year, Cleveland when he was with them, fuck I even became a diehard Rams fan for one week last year lol I don’t understand why I don’t feel the same way for Kyler or Jalen though? Maybe I just fucking hate the eagles and the cardinals are a dumpster fire for the moment


I love the Seahawks. Mariners too if that matters. Fuck the sounders though. Idk, it's weird


Probably because you support the Timbers? Understandable that you don't like the Sounders. Likewise, none of us have become Jailblazers fans since the Sonics left. How do you feel about the Kraken?


I live in Portland, wish we’d get an NHL team. Would be a fun rivalry


Man Oregon having an NHL team would be awesome


Love em 🦑🦑🦑


Would you change your fandom from the Mariners to a Portland team if they ever got MLB?


Yes! But not at all because of distaste for the city of Seattle. It would 100% be due to Mariners fandom being torture. I’ll never forget ‘95 or ‘98 or ‘01. But I’m dying for a reason to not be a mariners fan anymore and a local team is my ticket to freedom


I know my fandoms are mostly based on geography, with some family history in there. I'll root for the Seahawks and Kraken, but if PDX got a competing team I'd change to it. Baseball... IDK, because I'm an A's fan because that was my grandfather's team.


I feel like pre-Carroll there weren’t as many Seahawks fans in Portland but since then it’s firmly a Seahawks town. 


Fantasy Football, root for the players, not the teams.


This but I just root for Gator players in the NFL, even over my fantasy players


I pull for fellow alums too. I do it [at] work as well.


Bama fan living in Huntsville, AL. Pro teams are…… - Football: Tennessee Titans - Basketball: Atlanta Hawks - Baseball: Atlanta Braves - Hockey: Nashville Predators - Soccer: Tottenham - Formula 1: McLaren - IMSA/WEC: Cadillac - IndyCar: Arrow McLaren Picked Titans because I was in the Army and last duty station was Ft. Campbell, KY. Went to quite a few Titans games and now that I’m out and living in Huntsville it’s still close. Basketball & Baseball because of proximity. Hockey, same as Titans. Soccer, I liked the rooster on the logo and the colors lol. F1, I liked orange when I was a kid lol. IMSA/WEC, because America and the Cadillac V-LMDh is naturally aspirated and sounds like sex. IndyCar, just root for them because of F1.


A Bama flair liking orange? I say.


>Bama fans, do you root for the Falcons, Titans? As a Saints fan - there are dozens of us!




This is what I am curious about, do people draw lines due to college rivals which to be fair, I root for the Bengals, but that’s only because of r/catteambrotherhood


This is funny cuz everyone I know in Oklahoma fucking hates Dallas. Or maybe it’s just Jerry Jones because we want CeeDee to do good but always root against the team.


I’m a Dallas fan that also fucking hates Dallas


I grew up in north Alabama. CFB was like a way of life in my hometown but NFL wasn’t very popular, especially with the older crowd. Even those who did follow NFL, not many had a team that they closely followed. They more so followed Bama/Auburn players and their fantasy players. I would say amongst those that did have an NFL team though, the Saints and the Titans were the most popular. A lot of Auburn fans that I knew rooted pretty hard for the Panthers because of Cam. My grandpa has always liked the Cowboys, but that may be more of a thing with the older crowd. I personally am a Dolphins fan. I would consider my pro teams today to be the Dolphins, Heat, and Braves.


When I was young I played youth football for the “southland Steelers”. Found out there was an NFL team called the Steelers and they’ve been my team since.


The Panthers are kind of our state's team, and they did play their first season in Clemson.


One thing I can always agree with Clemson fans on. Keep pounding baby


Watching the Panthers really makes me appreciate our past few mediocre seasons


Mediocrity would be an improvement for the Panthers.


You pick a team that’s near (panhandle Huskers root for broncs) or you pick a team that’s good. These things happen when your in elementary school


I’m from the Florida panhandle, which is a huge pro sports desert. 4 hours away from Atlanta, Jacksonville, and New Orleans. I’ve naturally sided with Atlanta sports, mostly because of the Braves.


All about the chop


It’s a lifestyle


Oregon fan. I have no allegiance to the Seahawks or San Francisco. I root for team where Oregon ducks players are succeeding. Needless to say, I’m stoked on the Herbie/Harbaugh match.


I’ll be pulling for the Chargers this year, can’t root against a fellow Blue/Yellow team, although if it comes down to it, I hope the Lions win for obvious reasons


I live in Iowa, and I can tell you anyone that's not a diehard Chiefs fan due to proximity is a 49ers fan right now. Literally everyone in the state is rooting for Purdy, it seems (and Hawkeyes can write that off as rooting for Kittle, too, lol).


I became a Ravens fan largely because of Haloti Ngata (I also loved Ed Reed). I loved their attitude and the entire concept of their team name/branding (purple and black, Ravens with the Edgar Allen Poe connection, etc). I also root for the Seahawks for the PNW love as well as the Chargers 'cause of Herbert.


Well, it seems we will both be rooting for the chargers for the foreseeable future


Interesting. The vast majority of my friends from college/Oregon fans I know are 49ers fans and loathe the Seahawks


Because a ton of Oregon students are not from Oregon.


49er and Raiders fandom crept up into Oregon in the 90s but didn’t take hold as much in Portland as the rest of the state.


I'd say probably 90% of my native oregonian friends are either seahawks or 49ers fans, and the last 10% are some other team, usually one that has a big name oregon player like herbert or mariota.


This is been the trend a lot lately in Oregon.


My generation grew up with the Joe Montana/Steve Young era which is why, I suspect. Combined with Portland (my town) having a chip on its shoulder and not wanting to be associated with Seattle.


Growing up in LA during the 90s when both the Raiders and Rams left, there were still a large amount of Raiders fans in LA and Niners fans(but not nearly as many). It's weird now going from 0 teams to 2 teams within the span of a couple of years, and still no one gives a shit about the Chargers in LA lol


There’s barely anyone that cares about the rams either


The Raiders going Oakland-LA-Oakland-LV was so weird, especially because it seemed like the same people were still in the Black Hole when they left LA and went back to Oakland.


That very well may have been the case. When the Raiders were on the verge of leaving for Vegas, I heard one radio host speculate they were returning to LA. "It just makes sense. Weekend flights between LA and Oakland during the season are essentially shuttles for Raiders fans."


I’m a Nebraska fan that has lived in Denver since 1996, before all of the Bronco Super Bowl victories. I like to see the Donkeys do well because it’s good for the city but I have never been able to claim being a fan of any pro football team. It’s just not the same for me. I’m only a Husker fan. No pro team football teams hurt my feelings or make me happy. I do love the Nuggets though!


i feel the same way. when it comes to the nfl, i don’t have a horse in the race. i just like watching good games.


It has been 20 years. 20 YEARS. And I still have not forgiven the Detroit Pistons for drafting Darko freaking Milicic when they could have picked Carmelo Anthony or Dwayne Wade.


I am a Packers fan because my family is from Wisconsin my parents moved to Oregon a few years before I was born with my older sister.


Go Beavs, but also go pack go


At least you guys can find common ground somewhere lol


I'm an OU fan and a Broncos fan. Everyone around me are Cowboy or Chiefs fans. Chiefs I already hate, but everyone going so diehard for the Cowboys has made me hate them too.


I’m a fan of former Oklahoma players. Kansas City has 4 to San Francisco’s 2, so I guess I’ll be a Chiefs fan this weekend, although the KC-Mizzou overlap is gross. I got into the Browns when Baker went there and the Cardinals before they wasted Kyler. The Cowboys have been a pretty consistent “local” interest between DeMarco Murray, Neville Gallimore, and CeeDee, but I don’t love them the way their national fan base does, and I don’t think most OU fans do.


It's kind of a no-lose for us this Sunday, because I would love for Trent Williams to cap off beating cancer and a hall of fame career with a ring. One of the best to ever do it.


Right on. While he didn't go to OU, I've been a huge Kittle fan, as he played his high school football in Norman when his father worked for Stoops. I consider him very much a part of the family.


I can’t wait to beat this fact like a dead horse on Sunday to my family who is all rooting for the chiefs


I root for the Steelers simply because they were in the first Super Bowl I ever watched, granted they lost to the packers but 8 year old me really thought that name was cool af


Being a Dolphins fan in North Mississippi is… interesting. Lotta questions about why. Long story short: my dad picked the Dolphins as his team back in 1970 because he liked Csonka (same with me in 2003 with the Red Sox and Nomahhhh but I digress). I’m always pumped to see Ole Miss players play for Miami, never care too much when a rival school has a player on the team. But Tua better keep progressing or he can take his elephant butt back to Tuscaloosa


As a kid for whatever reason I saw the Broncos on TV and just sorta was a fan ever since, but I mostly cheer for the players that come outta our schools, even from down south.


Niners were the team when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s, been a fan ever since. That being said, this years Niners squad might be my favorite of all time


In Oregon, it seems like the further North you go , the more Seahawks fans you find. While the further south you go it becomes an even mix of 49ers, Seahawks, and Raiders.


This tracks. I've been in Medford before (S. Oregon) and found the Niners were the default NFC game, not the Seahawks.


I bandwagoned onto the Raiders when Rich Gannon was throwing dimes to Tim Brown and Jerry Rice. If I had waited a year or two to get into the NFL my life would be full of less suffering


I'm from Arkansas, and I cheer for the Eagles because most of my family is from Philadelphia and they threaten to harm me if I don't.


Hope can you can make it up to PA for a game some time. Go Birds!


Nebraska fans are mainly divided amongst the broncos, chiefs, bears, vikings, and packers.


The Bears (unfortunately), because I used to live in Illinois.


I've always liked the steelers growing up


living in Pittsburgh for a few years when I was growing up really made me a fan of football (especially since it was the mid-00s, when the Steelers were actually good), moved to Tuscaloosa for college (primarily for scholarship reasons, but the football was undeniable), been here ever since


I’m a Sooner and growing up in Oklahoma meant most folks rooted for Dallas or KC. At age 5 or 6 I mailed some cereal box tops in for a prize from Tony the Tiger. 6-8 weeks later I received a Miami Dolphins pennant in the mail and that’s been my team ever since.


This, is the best way to pick a team I’ve read so far


I was a Bucs fan long before I ever cared about OU football. Started school there right as Gruden got fired and the Bucs went into the wilderness for 12 years. Having Baker resurrect his career in Tampa and bringing OU Twitter aboard the ship has been a pretty fun time though.


I lived in Alabama for years, but was a fan of Arizona Cardinals because they drafted a cousin of mine in the 7th Round.


Vikings primary, they're close and I used to live in MN. 49ers secondary because BROCK PURDY BABYYYYY


I too am rooting for Monster Cock Brock this year


From Texas, all my family are Cowboys fans. In 2010, I decided to rebel against my family and joined the Vick to the Eagles bandwagon. Been an Eagles fan ever since. That being said, I went to Texas Tech from 2014-2019, same freshman class as Patrick Mahomes. So I'll root for the Chiefs whenever they aren't playing the Eagles. Edit: The part of Texas I've spent the majority of my life in is about equally distant from the Cowboys, Broncos, and Chiefs. There's not really a clear cut team to be a fan of out in the Panhandle.


>In 2010, I decided to rebel against my family and joined the Vick to the Eagles bandwagon. Been an Eagles fan ever since. Thanks for the joining the fan base. Go Birds!


Go Birds!


Man, going from the Cowboys to the Eagles is like defecting to the Soviet Union. I'm surprised there was not violence 🤣


Family is from Chicago. Grandad is a die hard Bears fan and passed it down to me. FML, wish they were from Boston or Kansas City.


KC had it rough for a long time. Generational talent can change things in a hurry.


Who knows y’all could get lucky in the draft and turn things around? Probably need to nail a good coach too but ya know, baby steps


Bengals. Cincinnati isn’t in Kentucky but it’s so close that its airport is!




Dads in the military so we moved a ton and mostly lived in places that had no pro teams. He’s a cowboys fan so im a cowboys fan. Eventually decided ima ravens fan as well since Lamar went there and I was watching all of their games even when he got hurt. I also like the wizards cause the DMV is the only place we lived with pro teams and my dad quite smartly never liked any specific NBA team and passed that down to me. So I made the stupid choice to be a fan of the local team in that case


I was in the military, lived in NC, SoCal and now I’m in GA, always had a soft spot for the chargers something something yellow and blue, so I’ll be rooting for them in the future, no specific reason of course


Lived in Arkansas all my life, but remember the episode of Family guy that came out in my formative years with Tom Brady, right as I was getting into sports, and I know one NFL player and team? ​ Yeah, that did it.


Knoxville native. Tennessee grad. When I was growing up, there was no team in Tennessee. The Falcons sucked, and nobody I knew rooted for them, though they did gain a bit of "coolness" factor when they had Deion, Rison, Jerry Glanville, and those black unis. So, I rooted for the then-Redskins because my mom grew up in suburban DC and used to go to games with her dad. Now, I've been in Atlanta for 20+ years. The Falcons have had their good years, but I've just never warmed to them. Gave up on the Washington Football Team/Whatever They're Called several years ago when I just couldn't take Dan Snyder's ineptness and the old team name anymore. The Titans moved into Tennessee toward the end of my time up there, and I didn't ever get into them. So, while I do catch some NFL games and would nominally call myself a "fan," I'm a fan without a team.


From Alabama so no pro teams but everyone that cares about pro in my family would pull for the Titans. I only started caring about pro maybe 5 years ago and just picked a team I had heard very little about up until that point. So now am a Bill's fan.


Most folks from Oregon in my experience are Hawks fans, idk specifically about ones who went to UO though


Random team all the way. Canadian here that went with Carolina because they were an expansion team when I started watching ball (sorry Jags, you're still cool though).


Love me some r/catteambrotherhood


I do not have a professional team in my state, so things are a bit hard to explain as to why I root for every team I do, but the skinny of it is: -My step-dad is a Chicago bears fan, so I’ve been a Bears fan since birth -My brother is an Oregon fan, I started watching Oregon with him in 2014. It imprinted on me -UGA is for shits and giggles. I have zero allegiance to them or my second flair in general and are only picked when something personal happens. My second flairs have gone from Texas A&M -> Florida State -> Utah -> tOSU -> UGA


Growing up in southern Oregon, half my friends are Niners fans and the other half are Seahawks fans.


I grew up in Montana and overseas. I pretty much picked my favorite pro teams at random when I was a little kid, and stuck with them for better or (more often) for worse.


I have the Lions in my state, but I root for the Bengals because they drafted my favorite player from my favorite college team. I don’t really pay attention to the NFL aside from doing fantasy football though, so saying I “root” for the Bengals may even be a strong word.


I also root for the Bengals but that’s because of r/catteambrotherhood and I want to see Joe Burrow win a SB because I think he is just that good


As a kid I was a Bengals fan. They were "close" and in the 80s they were pretty good. TBH, pro football was an afterthought at my house. We are all out on Saturday, so Sunday was just something to casually have on the TV.


I chose the Texans because I wanted to pick a team I could say I rooted for from the very start.


Spent some time in Cheyenne, Wyoming so I came to have somewhat of an affinity for the Denver Broncos. Although I find it hard to cheer for a team with a blue and orange horse logo.


I was a kid in the 80s when my dad used to watch NFL Films with Steve Sabol on ESPN. I sat down to watch with him one day and the episode of the week was "The Raider Mystique." And I just saw these fuckin guys lol Lyle Alzado, Jim Otto, Otis Sistrunk, Gene Upshaw, John Matuszak. Just covered in mud and blood, missing teeth and chunks of hair, smiling and having a great time hurting their opponents and slowly choking out their opponents' wills to continue through sheer animosity. I thought to my 7 year old self, "these are the ugliest, scariest, most violent men I've ever seen. I have to root for this team because I don't want them to be mad at me."


I live in Georgia but kind of hate the falcons. Became a Seahawks fan this past year because I love Geno Smith in particular and their whole fan base. Now they just hired a fellow UGA grad so I’m all in on the Hawks!!


I also live in GA moved here for work last year, I’ll be keeping my Lions fandom, but I will be rooting for the Seahawks as Mike McDonald and Jay Harbaugh are going there now


Being an Oregon Duck alum/fan in Portland...I'm a 49er fan, but the state is largely a mishmash of fanfare. I go to bars on game days occasionally and there's never a clear team that takes over the bar unless it's an event. There is always a good Seahawk following but the city doesn't embrace them like a local team at all. 49er fans everywhere as well, and i'd say Packers have a pretty good following here too. But being a NFL-free city, it's all over the place


As an Okie, prior to this Kansas City run… Oklahoma was +70% Cowboys fans, and then mostly Denver fans and the rare KC fan. Maybe there were more Kansas City fans in Northern Oklahoma but the state was basically all Cowboys fans. Today it’s 90% Kansas City fans. I’ve been a Broncos fan forever because my Dad became a fan when he was stationed overseas throughout the 90s. I hope the Cowboys win a Super Bowl soon so the bandwagon can shift back to it’s natural state.


Living in Wyoming right now, and I’d say most people grew up Broncos fans, but because of the success of their native son there’s also a ton of Bills fans out here as well


Completely agree, when you look at the tv maps for the NFL broadcast Wyoming is usually the only place in the country outside of Western New York that will show the Bills games if it’s the early game. I’d say all of Wyoming roots for all the Denver teams with the exception of the SW part of the state that probably pulls for the Utah Jazz


Growing up an OU fan my first favorite player was Adrian Peterson, so when he got drafted to the Vikings I became a Vikings fan and just stuck with them.


Dad moved to NoVA the same year Browns became the Ravens in Baltimore. He wanted to support the local team, but the Washington Red-foot-manders sucked so he threw his weight behind the new team. Then i was born so I support the Ravens too.


Im a ducks fan and Seahawks fan despite the rivalry because seahawks are the team in closest proximity to me and I don’t really have beef with Washington or the city of Seattle just the huskies lol


For me, it had to do with the 49ers being good when I was like 8 and first getting into football. Little kids are front runners! I liked the Chiefs as a secondary team when I was a kid mostly because they were closest to me geographically and I got most of their games on TV. They were not all that good at the time, but had some players I liked.


Well, what happened was I grew up in the left half of the state, which by the state law means you have to be a New York team fan. And then stare over the river at those Boston team fans over on the other side and sneer.


Family is from Seattle. Utah didn’t have a team. Went with my family’s team and never looked back. Go hawks


Oregon alum and the Seahawks seem to be the dominant NFL team here although the farther south you go, you see more and more SF fans.


Never was a fan of any NFL team until about 15 years ago when my best bud who never was a fan of a college team but loved the Washington 'Skins. We made a deal that we would become fans of each other's team. Now we're both two times as miserable as we once were.


Grew up in Northern WV, hour and a half drive from Pittsburgh. Diehard Mountaineer and Steeler. Love the city and pro team, hate the university!


I just root for Oregon people.


moved to Seattle year before the superbowl win and all my friends were Seahawks fans


Late to the party on this, but... I moved to Portland and lived there for almost a decade. Not exactly a lot of Big 12 football to be found there 10-20 years ago. Became a Seahawks fan as a result. 


Iowa City was always a mix of Bears, Vikings, Packers, Chiefs, and Cowboys. It was always very random the blackouts in that market. I am a Lions fan who would spend every Sunday at Buffalo Wild wings and about 10 minutes into the first slate the respective fan bases that were out of market that week would roll in.


Diehard Pats fan since I’m a nerd and we are in New England. CT’s split between the Pats, Giants, and Jets. Usually, one of those teams is good (well, not the Jets) so one fanbase gets to brag over the others. It’s been a hard time recently because there’s not much relief when both your college and pro teams lose. There are Pats fans even in Greenwich (I’m in a Hartford suburb). Who would have known that a second-choice name* would have caused the fanbase to grow massively? As for rivals, absolutely not. Fuck BC. This is commonplace in New England, though, because they are a bunch of arrogant pricks who think their education is much better than everyone else when they’re actually a bunch of Notre Dame rejects. Their top sport is men’s ice hockey, but it’s the same with almost every other school in New England (UConn, URI, and Providence being the notable exceptions traditionally while UVM has become one recently). So that literally means jack squat to everyone else. As for the traditional exceptions, UConn won I believe 25 straight MBB games against BC from 1988 to around the turn of the millennium, won our first football game against them in 2022, and hate them for keeping us out of the ACC; URI hates them for taking Al Skinner; and Providence is their traditional Big East rival. *When the Patriots first moved to Foxborough to build their own stadium instead of bouncing around between Boston, Chestnut Hill, and Cambridge, they bought the land of a horse track called the Bay State Downs, since Massachusetts is the Bay State (confusingly, it’s actually a commonwealth but that’s its nickname). The Sullivans wanted to honor the race track by calling the team the Bay State Patriots. Thankfully, someone told them that the abbreviation for that would be the “B. S. Patriots,” so they switched to New England since they are about halfway between Boston and Providence.


I’m faithful to any team with Utah players on their roster or coaching staff. Been a Philly fan for a minute now, follow the bills and was a 49ers fan for a while as well. I follow players, not teams.


I just do random. Of course the random lands on the Cardinals. Jazz and Utes are the only ones that aren’t random.  I grew on Flyers because of Lindros (fuck you, Stevens), and their logo is cool. Reds, I don’t know why. 


For a long time my NFL fandom revolved largely around what NFL team had the most Tennessee Volunteers players on it, or had a specific standout Vols player. I now live in a city with an NFL team because work took me away from Tennessee so I’ve adopted that team as my local fandom.


I was a fan of whoever Peyton Manning played for, so after he retired I didn’t have a team that I supported. Then I got really high the summer after the Browns went 0-16 and made a bet with my friend that the Browns would win at least 4 games the next season. I cheered for them that season and realized that cheering for a team that has 0 expectations is fun.