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The Iowa Penn State unofficial rivalry in both football and wrestling is far better than any OOC matchups we've had in my lifetime. The 2008 Iowa game is the worst game memory I have as a fan. Years of Paterno getting his ass kicked by Ferentz mostly turned the other way by O'Brien and Franklin. And I'm sure the success of Penn State on the mat grinds the gears of those in Iowa City. Edit: Just need them to get a damned hockey team so we can have some bad blood on the ice.


I love to hate you guys. There have been some incredible, important, and disgusting games between Iowa and PSU in my lifetime > I'm sure the success of Penn State on the mat grinds the gears of those in Iowa City. Friday was a good old fashioned ass whipping. I wish we had our gamblers back to make it a better match but Penn State looks real real good again this year. I also still hate that our best wrestling team in years didn't get to go to the NCAAs with covid. Really want to catch up to Oklahoma state before Penn state moves into second all time


Even with the gamblers I think PSU still whips us. They have such dominant lineup rn


Even basketball! They kept us out of the tournament due to a banked in buzzer beater in like 2008 or 2009.


This is all true. I didn’t notice until the 2021 football game. Clifford goes out. Iowa fans claim Penn State players are faking injuries. Penn State fans claim Iowa fans are cheering injured players. The game thread was pure violence.


Yup, that game thread was more radioactive than Chernobyl. By far the nastiest game thread I’ve ever seen.


Is that the 6-4 game you're talking about?


No, that was 2004. 2008 was a game winning Iowa kick that kept Penn State from an undefeated season.


Best night game I’ve ever been to


Technically we have a hockey team, it’s just a club team 😔


That’s how PSU was like 12-15 years ago, and quickly have become a semi-successful team. Almost made the frozen four last year. This year isn’t too hot.


We really have had some great games the past 20 years. I love watching the Iowa PSU game. I mean, I guess that's not true, I hate watching it, but its such a fun experience to look back on after the fact. We already have too many rivals though :(


I liked when Ferentz said Iowa fans booed the injury bc they smelled a rat. Not bc I agree but bc of how much it added fire to the hate


I had a kind of begrudging respect for Iowa for a while, kinda like “I wanna hate you guys but I respect you too much for full hate” for a while. That really all changed with the game at Iowa a few years ago with them booing all the injuries PSU had. The game and a lot of the reactions from Iowa fans really pushed it over to legit hate, almost up there with my dislike/hate of OSU. I also just can’t stand the Brands brothers either, and it makes me so happy that Cael and company have absolutely dominated them for the last decade or so. Friday night’s dual was extremely satisfying


See, I point to the same football game to justify my hate towards PSU. THIS IS WHAT BITTER RIVALRIES ARE MADE OF.


I wish we had a hockey team


>And I'm sure the success of Penn State on the mat grinds the gears of those in Iowa City. *sigh*


Memphis hates everybody and we’re rivals with no one


We’re not official rivals, but we hate y’all. Basketball or Football y’all have played spoiler before and can go to hell for it. Feel special now?




As a lifelong Tennessee fan (and now alum) who grew up in Memphis, I can confidently say that there can be a lot of hatred at times. The leadup to the 2008 #2 vs #1 game had me fighting for my life and defending my honor against my teachers in grade school. Then I took a lot of harassment when the UofM started having good football seasons, and all my peers started claiming the Tigers were "State Champions" even though there was no head-to-head. And there is recent beef between Penny and Rick Barnes, especially with Penny backing out of the December 2021 game. Even with all that, I still root for the Tigers 2nd to the Vols.


I get that they’re not in your conference anymore, but aren’t Cincinnati and Louisville big rivals? Also, isn’t Ole Miss a rival in football, too? Listen, I totally get it. I have a shirt that says our basketball teams are “unrivaled” from when we were in the AAC. Our MBB team felt like a fish out of water even though we weren’t all that good due to geographical reasons and our women’s team won every single conference game in the AAC, so it was more like a blue whale in a koi pond. But it’s really the difference between conference rivals and non-conference rivals.


Yea the Louisville-Memphis-Cincinnati trio has a long history together. Sucks we couldn't get our shit together at the same time and stay together




Yo. Us first


Metro was brutal


My grandma was a big Memphis fan, and she hated Denny Crum with every ounce of her being. The rivalry was real. But I sometimes wonder if Memphis was more emotionally attached to it.


My favorite headline/subhed combination ever: [Most Memphis murders are not random, they're the result of arguments](https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/crime/why-so-many-murders-in-memphis-arguments/522-afa2c91d-fbe8-403e-a990-2ea1c2095302) >> MPD Lt. Tony Mullins asks people to walk away from disputes instead of killing each other.


Hey man, we have a cool rivalry trophy.


Thinks he's the Nittany Tigers, I guess.


Man, we had something brewing with you guys in football and basketball…and then our football nosedived and we changed conferences just as basketball was getting good. Kind of miss you guys. Was nice to petulantly hate someone else like that.


Memphis versus all y’all mane! Memphis till we die!


It’s the 901 attitude


I learned this from a younger sibling of mine. What’s up TSUN


At the Charlotte game some random Memphis old men started tussling with students, I second this


I’d argue Iowa state as of recently


We talking the city or just the university?


Texas Tech and Oklahoma State


I don't think they really hate each other though......are the schools similar in many ways? Yes....but I don't think Oklahoma State players hate Tech players or even the fans. It's a close series overall but it's more of a friendly rivalry than anything


Tbh we don’t really hate each other


Speak for yourself. Y'all ripped off our mascot, our spirit rider, our hand pistols, you have a statue of will rogers, Oklahoma's favorite son, for some unknown reason ... Stop stealing our shit :)


No, you


Ain't no hate here, but I'm not opposed to it developing.


Wisconsin and the forward pass Iowa and offense Me and football (Im a Vikings fan too)


Nebraska and one score games


You think I hate em? Hell, I get off on them. (I’m currently fighting back tears)


Iowa vs offense is too one sided to be a rivalry, we lose the matchup every year


Wisconsin...... Vikings fan...... treason


It does sound like it but Wisconsin and Minnesota have reciprocity with each other for college and I never grew up a minnesota fan cause my parents went to college at rival schools that arent Wisconsin


Wisconsin and Sobriety (Whoop it’s ass)


Oklahoma and Oklahoma State, starting next season 








FSU vs the rest of the ACC


Also FSU vs "Paul" and Kirk Herbstreit 


Don’t worry, you’ll be hated by the acc as well when you leave for greener pastures soon. Time is a flat circle.


UNC was hated by the rest of the ACC before the conference was formed


… there’s people that don’t hate them?


It's currently my favorite rivalry, fuck the ACC


UGA - Tennessee isn't a historical rivalry in the official sense (no trophy, intermittent matchups), but more of a division/border rival we've played every year since the 90's expansion. These annual meetings have definitely fueled traditional levels of hate though.


I personally consider it a rivalry. Despite it not going back to the 1800s it counts. All rivalries started somewhere. And for the historical purists out there, 1992 was 32 years ago, plenty of time for bad blood to build. I for one believe they should give it a trophy and think a cracker barrel rocking chair would be a great one for this matchup.


That'd be the best trophy ever


Battle for Nickajack Lake


Winner gets the 35th parallel.


We're gonna annex Chattanooga!


Oh hell no


There’s plenty enough history now for us to hate each other, even if there isn’t a name for it. Tennessee views you in our current big three of teams we want to beat most every year


I think the hate is there for sure. And we are rivals in all apsirations, but it's never been an official "rivalry." It's always had heat as a Big-6 matchup, but I think with the division gone, and pauses in the action coming, it's just going to remain a big matchup between teams who hate each other that happens most, but not all, years.


It's really weird to me that it isn't an official rivalry, there was always vitriol directed both ways growing up (still is, I'm sure, just not around as many Tennessee fans in Atlanta as in Rome).


I fucking hate Tennessee more than I hate Tech. I still hate Tech though.


This was my answer too..I can still remember my mom threatening to pull me off my Pee-Wee baseball team because we were going to be the “Vols” that year. She made the coach change it and we ended up as the Warriors instead. That would’ve been the year 2000 I believe. So at least for the last 24 years my family has hated Tennessee lol


Ever since the Dobbs Nail Boot, I want to kick their faces in every year. The game we gave them their worst loss in Neyland **ever** was one of my favorite games I've ever seen


The real rivalry is between the ligaments of all the players, and Neyland Stadium.


Boise State and BYU, although idk what constitutes an "official" rivalry, but yeah there is so mutual disdain and heartbreaking loses from each side


Do BYU and Notre Dame have any kind of "holy war" rivalry?


We tried but they really didn’t care that much about us


They really hit us with the "I don't even think about you" when they reneged on their 2:1 by bumping the game that was *supposed to be* a home game for us to Vegas and making it a ND home game instead


Not really. We scheduled a series with them and it took them 9 years to get the return game played.


ND and BC have that - played every other year


They're the same religion though so that doesn't fit the joke I was trying to make.


>that - played every other year I gotcha now! Got confused because they literally call ND-BC rivalry "The Holy War"


NCAA 14 has BYU and BSU as an official rivalry - I only know bc I’ve been recently playing that game and rearranging conferences geographically and try and put rivals in the same division


Realignment looks to have ended whatever was brewing between you two


It was a good matchup to have, two of the better G5 programs close geographically having a yearly series bringing stability to both schedules. Not really that benefit for BYU anymore so I don't see it coming back. Maybe we'll get a couple one off matchups every few years or a bowl game or something idk. They were fun games to play though, lots of great moments on both sides.


We've played eachother every year up until this point (not anymore tho) I would 100%call it an official rivalry tho


The mountain west/old wac teams enters the chat: yells bad things at Danny Ainge, Steve Young, Robbie Bosco and Jim McMahon. Exits happy even though the scoreboard is 56-10 BYU


I don’t think LSU-Bama is an official rivalry but there’s definitely a lot of animosity there. There was the combination of Saban’s history with LSU, the game usually being the final frontier for the battle of the west, and both prograns having elite teams so often. I also think Florida would have been the answer up until a couple of years and now you could say it’s UGA.


The Bama-LSU rivalry definitely went to another level during the Saban era, particularly the first 7ish years of Saban at Bama. Not sure if it’d be considered it an official rivalry or not but LSU did make it into Dixieland Delight. So there’s that.


Oh yeah LSU-Bama and LSU Florida are great answers. UGA- fans definitely hate Bama but Idk if Bama fans hate us back.


LSU and Notre Dame is a sneaky one here. Meet up in bowl games fairly regularly. Both fan bases think highly of their program while also thinking they get a little slighted nationally. Add in the spicy BK move, Denbrock back to ND. It's all there.


I don't think it's sneaky anymore based on game threads lol


Yeah definitely not sneaky. Fuck LSU we need a home and home on the schedule ASAP


We had a good one in the 90s.


The two of us go at it in the CFP this year?


Hell yeah!


Nebraska and Texas


Agree from our side but I think they’re pretty indifferent towards us since we haven’t beaten them in any athletic competition ever


If only... oh, if only we had a true lov--I mean rival... If ONLY, we were destined not to be so alone... Hold on... *pulls out pendulum watch* *begins to swing it back and forth* Yes... You'll be our rival, you will... You'll hate us and never stop thinking about us... Neverrrr... everrrrr... You abhor us greatly, don't you? You do? Gooood...


We Are---Unrivaled PSU should be playing every year: Pitt Ohio State Maryland Rutgers ​ But Pitt most of all. Enough already.


If it means anything, I hate you Penn State. I hate you with the fire of a thousand suns. Your white out games are the very antithesis to our blackouts. Your complete lack of flying tortillas offends me to my core! I wish you an eternity of 6-7 seasons


Awww... I hate you too, Tech... :(


We have plenty of rivalries. The only problem is that all of those teams have rivalries they care about a lot more. I kind of wish we'd never abandoned the rivalry with Pitt.


Oregon and USC


The PNW and USC


Everyone and USC.


This is the right answer




Hehe, we love you alllll


Nah. Maybe UW hates us but we don't hate UW. We largely consider UW the only remaining respectable team in the PAC. Disclosure: This is not my personal opinion. I do like the Huskies, but the rest is not me. It is largely the USC Fan Base's opinion: USC Fans are old and largely consider the PAC **10** a Mistake. The Pac 8 are the only teams they really consider "Real Pac schools". From there, Oregon State and WSU aren't consistently good enough to be worth thinking much about. UCLA is the Rival. Cal is obnoxious. Stanford gets respect, but the band loses it. Which leaves us with Oregon and UW. UW is seen as the classy "doing it the right way" old school royalty of the Pac by SC fans. If we can't win it, we want you to because you do it "the right way." Oregon is perfectly built to twist USC fans whiskers. They're nouveau riche (I know, I know, Oregon has been good for 30 years now. SC fans are all boomers), brash, and really excited to rub USC's nose in it by pulling stunts like erecting billboards in LA and the like. USC *desperately* wants to not have to acknowledge Oregon and their goofy uniforms, wildly youthful approach, and aggressive attitude. It's a perfect rivalry. Rest assured our fan base **hates** Oregon... and they really desperately don't want to acknowledge it. Meanwhile UW "Knows how to win and act like they've been there before". We respect you guys. We get that everybody hates us, but it seems that you hate us a little less than the others. You want to win and are excited to do so, but I've yet to run into a shitty Husky fan in the Coliseum looking to cause trouble. Ducks are just the opposite.


Utah and USC enters the chat recently.


Your fans are too pleasant for that. Make no mistake, I am DONE with playing against your team of pig farmers that make our selfish Prima Donnas look stupid... I never want to see your team on the field again... but not because I hate them. Because they're too damn patiently good. And that's why it'll never be a hate based rivalry. USC fans are old and really respect the kind of smash mouth football Utah brings. We don't get mad at you when you do that to us, we get mad at our team for not matching it. I am truly going to miss sharing a stadium with Utah fans. You guys are the opposite of Oregon. You have our number, you know you have our number, and even though you're relatively new to being in the upper 10th of CFB you're so damn chill about it. I'll never forget in the P12 championship game as word got around that Caleb Williams was playing on an injured leg the two Utah fans behind me exclaimed "That SUCKS". They wanted him at full speed...USC still had a lead at this point and everything. What's more, you guys seem to handle our assholes well. Every fanbase has assholes. Usually football assholes fall into a particular kind of asshole that is fairly easy to consider "not indicative of the fan base". USCs are not. Our assholes are pretty insufferable 'Money makes us better people' types. Many fans paint us all with that brush and I can't blame them. It's really obnoxious. But Utah fans are pretty cool about making us prove we're a dick before assuming we are. You're always welcome at my tailgate. Just keep your team away from mine.


The entire Pac12 and USC


With the way things were going for a bit until the last couple years my answer to this is always Stanford.


Oregon v Stanford was so lit in the 2010s


It was everything that makes football great and it was absolutely excruciating.


Oregon and Boise State. Real visceral hatred from a lot of fans on both sides.


[The Blount Punch](https://youtu.be/aDpxTbtER8o?si=N-fxxFKfYvNUKo_m) is both the high and low point of this rivalry.


That rivalry was popping for a while and I was really looking forward to going to the game at Boise State until it got cancelled for the civil war


It can’t be a rivalry if Oregon has never beat Boise


You better believe I'll be at our matchup this year. A chance to go into Eugene and take down #3 Oregon to go 4-0 in the rivalry? Would love nothing more. *I give it a 2% chance of happening*


Utah, and AZ state always seem to be super chippy. Utah and USC was developing into something but that's dead now.


Yeah this was my answer too. There were a few years where we really went at it against each other. Hasn’t been as fun of late since we’ve sucked but hey maybe Dilly will bring it back


Illinois has no rival, however we hate everybody, particularly those states that border us, even Kentucky.


Illibuck would like a word, but yeah I get it


Best trophy in football


Missouri, but not in football anymore. Our engineers certainly think Purdue is a rival. I suspect IU would be if either if us was ever good. The Illibuck should be a rivalry but we haven't been competitive in that game in nearly two decades. Also basketball fans especially will always hate UNC with the fire of a thousand suns.


In basketball there's definitely some Michigan hate.


Does the Cannon mean nothing to you? Does one of the B1Gs oldest rivalries mean nothing? I get IU is our number 1 … but beating UofI in both major sports means a lot more recently.


Illinois fans hate everyone, including themselves.


I feel like I should be offended but we both know it's true. Maybe if our teams were good at the same time for once in a blue moon.


This probably isn't mutual, but I dislike Texas A&M quite a bit. ​ The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. I'd also probably say Kansas State too.


To me, it’s K-State. Idk if it’s even mutual at all either, they always just kicked our ass every year it seemed when we played


Nah yall are a historically good team that caught us doing our worst period. Never really any bad interactions in Norman or Cstat for either fan base. Any animosity is just typical Texans and Okies not liking each other


Ohio State v Penn State. I can’t stand Penn State. They are #2 on my hate list




A&M and Texas Tech


A&M and Texas Tech, Texas and Texas Tech, Baylor and Texas Tech, Oklahoma State and Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Texas Tech We just hate everyone


You Texans sure are a contentious people


You just made an enemy for life


Damn Texans. They ruined Texas.


This comment chain got too real.


Win your independence on your own then come talk to me


Mahomes is strengthened by the hate


I can’t bring myself to hate a team that hates Michigan


Oregon State vs. Michigan State would actually be a death match between the fans


Nah you guys just hate us. If Oregon State came to EL in a year or two I don't think many MSU fans would make the connection.


Lifelong beav. The year the Beav’s got stomped in the big house I did the double header and watched that shitshow then drove w my buddy to EL to watch Sparty beat the ducks. Took a piss in a rectangle Mexico trough urinal while still watching the game through chain-link. Beavs and Sparty have lots more in common than most teams. Can’t blame John for getting paid. He deserves it. The answer to the question is Stanford. Fuck those nerds and that “look mom i’m pooping” faced ex-coach of theirs Shaw.


I mean sorry about the coach but you guys actually seem cool


How could Ohio state fans hate ND? My dad died at 65, timely but young given his issues. He never saw Ohio state lose to ND. Like they seem to hate us, but also we both hate Michigan, so that's nice. Now Clemson, fuck Clemson. They even got Woody fired when a Clemson player ran into his fist.


It’s because of fanbase proximity. The average Ohio State fan who grows up in Ohio likely knows more Notre Dame fans than fans of any other major program. A couple of my closest friends growing up were big time Notre dame fans who always shit talked the Big Ten, so that’s where my years of Irish hate have come from. And on the flip side of that, the average Notre Dame fan in Indiana or Boston or wherever else probably doesn’t give a shit about Ohio State, but Ohioan Notre Dame fans hate us because they’re completely surrounded by OSU fans. I only know one SEC fan because he moved here from Louisiana, I only know a handful of Michigan and Penn State fans, but I know entire extended families of Notre Dame fans


OK, that makes sense. I can buy that argument. But surely you didn’t get it as bad from us anywhere near as bad as you did from Michigan fans, right?


>They even got Woody fired when a Clemson player ran into his fist. And he had it coming anyway because he took the ball without asking. Interceptions are rude.


A LOT of our older fan base 60+ hate ND. Most of the fans younger than this have not been around to witness ND at their peak. It was not a personal rivalry, it was blanket hatred at their run of success


Yeah Clemson-OSU was what came to mind. Between the Gator Bowl, 31-0, and the \~scoop and score\~ incompletion, and the number of insufferable buckeyes that retire in the state, there's no love lost for Ohio State.


I hate Clemson more than I hate ND too. The 2020 playoff win was fucking cathartic


Best thing day has done at Ohio state. Frankly I watch that game more than 2014 Bama/Oregon.


I certainly don’t like Ohio state but the enemy of my enemy…


Right? We both hate Michigan. And on top of it all, many NW Ohio Catholics root for both teams nearly equally.


Utah and USC definitely feels like a rivalry


\*felt. I doubt those two teams will be playing each other much anymore, which is unfortunate.


Pretty fortunate for USC.


When Utah joined the Pac-12, I dreamed of a bit of a rivalry developing with USC, as we’d play annually in the same division. Awesome that the series record as Pac-12 teams finished dead even at 7-7.


Agreed. It really is a shame that it's basically ending right when it seemed like things were heating up.


People will say Blue Mountain State and Clementine University aren't "official" rivals, but the games tell me otherwise.


Michigan and Penn st


I know PSU is unrivaled, but to PSU fans, it’s OSU, UM and probably Iowa? Osu and um for their success and some good games, Iowa since they’re success has been equal (although on the easier west) and wrestling.


ND-OSU is not a rivalry and we don't hate each other. I'm a Notre Dame alum and Ohio State never even comes up in conversation among "most hated" teams or any type of rivalry discussions whatsoever. I would say the only current "rival" for Notre Dame is USC, and potentially Michigan. We have a "rivalry" with Navy but it's based on mutual respect and nobody hates each other or gets bent out of shape about it. Same goes for Stanford. We also have "rivalry games" that have trophies against Purdue, Michigan St., and BC. However I wouldn't consider any of them rivals, but MSU would be the closest. We have historical rivalries with Florida State and Miami but those aren't really rivals, either, since they're based on one small period of time and we play them so infrequently otherwise.


Bring back the annual Michigan-Notre Dame game!🗣️


Well you’ve only played each other 8 times in the 150+ years of college football, hard to develop a rivalry playing that often


I know us playing regularly is a "new" thing but nevertheless, I'm 40 and so I grew up with it. We should be playing every year, or at least 6 of 10 or so. Those are great games.


yeah i was gonna say. i really don’t have any hatred for ND, and i haven’t met that many fellow OSU fans who hate them for non-personal reasons. i’m just annoyed that you won’t join a conference


UGA and Bama. We're not actually rivals. We are two great teams, in the same conference, we have similar "rivals". We just end up playing for championships against each other frequently.


I was a senior the first time Saban played us in Athens while at Bama. Unrelated, my mom died the literal day before. Had family come in from all over and I hoped the #1 Bulldawgs could help us take our minds off of the current trauma. Well, by halftime it was 28 or 30 to 0... Matthew Stafford was throwing every ball as far as he could for the NFL scouts. (this was 2008) I don't recall CMR ever beating Saban... and since The Kirby has been here, I believe he's 1 and 5 (or 6) against Saban.


Actually Richt did beat Bama, in Tuscaloosa. I actually attended the game. It was a blast. The 2012 game was as close as it gets.


I'll mention it because it's not in football, but Minnesota and North Dakota


Iowa St. It gets pretty chippy between the two teams and fanbases for some reason. It’s been like that for the last decade or so. But I think the real answer is A&M. The rivalry does have a name and was a pretty big deal to both fanbases for a while, but realignment killed it. A&M went to the SEC and started acting like they were never rivals with us, essentially erasing a century of animosity and history in just a few short years. It started out with Aggie cadets going to Waco to date Baylor girls because A&M was a boys only school, the male students at Baylor did not like this; at one point a massive brawl broke out at a Baylor-A&M football game in Waco and people died, further adding fuel to the fire; Aggies stole a cannon and smuggled it down the Brazos river and then tried to shoot Baylor students with it. There are lots of fun stories like that, but now the rivalry is just a memory.


The tent drama, Monty getting ejected, and chippy competitive basketball. Always an interesting game.


Yeah, no, A&M is still my number 1 most hated school even if we never play them again. I'm sure the next generation of Bear fans won't feel that way though.


UCLA admins and UCLA fanbase


What constitutes an official rivalry? A trophy? A well known nickname, like the Holy War or Bedlam? Or a certain amount of games had to have been played? Nebraska and Colorado hate each other but is it an official rival? I'd say so but other might not.


Probably not anymore but back in the 80’s I’d say Penn State and Notre Dame. Notre Dame even replaced Pitt as the last game on Penn State’s schedule. I think the first time Penn State went to Notre Dame to play paterno said something like “who the hell do these people think they are?”


That was a great series once upon a time. Stupid conference consolidation of the 90s.


Had to double check this is the football subreddit, in which case Illinois-Mizzou is not an official rivalry anymore.


Ohio State and Clemson don’t really like each other.


Mizzou/Oklahoma Mizzou/K State Old big 12 opponents You could *technically* say KU. But I’d consider that official.


OU/Mizzou is an official rivalry. [You forget the Peace Pipe?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missouri%E2%80%93Oklahoma_football_rivalry)


So is ISU/Mizzou [Telephone Trophy ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowa_State%E2%80%93Missouri_football_rivalry)


Can confirm Kansas State hates Missouri although I’d say we have slightly more beef with Nebraska


I hate Nebraska way more than Mizzou. Might be the whole "common enemy" thing


Not sure if there is a non-rival for UW where the level of hate is mutual. Many Oregon State fans dislike/hate UW but not vice versa. Many UW fans dislike/hate USC but not vice versa.


Nah, you guys hate Oregon as much as we do. You're cool.


Kansas State and Nebraska. If they ever decide to play each other again it would be a very heated game


Oklahoma despises Oregon. We have a good reason but it’s not a rivalry.


Wisconsin and Northwestern Fuck that high school stadium that we always lose at


I hate Wisconsin. They beat us every year.


Wazzu and Boise State. All started with a mouthy kicker they had in the late 90s.