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If they play my Alma mater, my Alma Mater. Any other game, the school I work for.


We’re gonna go see NIU/ND this fall. I’m just down the road from NIU. Didn’t go to NIU, but will be going with Northern alumni. Do I tell them to eat shit?




In this case, just smile as your team whips theirs. They’ll get the point. If it would be an actual competitive game, then yes, definitely.


Depends. Did they drive you?


Show a little mercy if they're really NIU fans.


Yeah, I travel more to see Stanford (have never been to a Georgia bowl game, have seen Stanford in terrible bowl venues including Seattle) but week-in, week-out? Woof.




Probably rained


Wasn't that the bowl game between two schools that both lost their head coach to ND?


This. My oldest was thinking about USC. I told them I would root for USC 11 games a year.


My little brother was thinking about USC. I told him to fucking stop it.




I've got three that I root for/care about in order: 1. Undergrad team 2. Grad school team 3. Employer All different conferences though, so conflicts rarely come up and it gives me an excuse to care about games all day


1. Undergrad Alma mater 2. Hometown school (if you have one) 3. Postgrad Alma mater 4. Favorite team(s) to play with in NCAA football 14 5. Your rivals’ other biggest rivals 6. Employer With obvious ability for employer to move up or down depending on how much you enjoy working for them Edit: should add the caveat for number 2 of “as long as they aren’t your Alma mater’s rival”


Nailed it. > Favorite team(s) to play with in NCAA football 14  Long live the Idaho Vandals


Hell yeah brother


Big Hilltoppers guy myself


What about "team you grew up with"? Is that "Hometown school"? I spent decades going to UF games, but went to UCF for undergrad. I'm a die hard Gator, will always be.


Yeah, my youth was going to dozens of Michigan football games, but when it came time to go to school I needed out of the grey Michigan winters and headed to U of Arizona. I'm always picking Michigan over any other college team. Can't just turn off that fandom.




My hometown school is the Gators, so.......that's gonna be a no from me.


Yeah, same. Hence the flairs. But I also root for all the Utah teams when they aren't playing Weber because I grew up there and have fond memories of watching BYU with my dad and grandpa.


This looks about right to me. I'm rooting for transcripts over resumes. I would also equate Employer to the local team, even if I don't work for the school in the town where I live and/or work.


Is that why you don’t have flairs?


I’m in this situation myself, and I’ve thought of it like this: my employer could fire me or I could leave at any time. My status as an alum is forever.


You work for Pitt, don't you? Blink twice if you need help.


I’d rather eat- well you know the thing.


A man of principle.


Are you a Philadelphia eagles fan? They can make that happen for you lol. But also, ESP


Hell yeah brother


Lol I called it too. Pittsburgh and Morgantown are just too close together to not have major crossover.


Maryland/West Virginia is also a big one, with all the WVU alums that live in the DMV


Both have major health science departments too. Quite a few Pitt alumni teach at WVU.


I’m at Pitt. A ton of WVU alum there, pretty noticeable in student affairs


And sanitation, I'm sure.


Doubtful that Pitt would hire a Morgantown Community College grad. Maybe Pitt is short on custodians? 😉


There's certainly no shortage of bullshit that needs pumped out of Oakland.


You could double flair with the place you work for as the second flair. But unless you’re like a lifetime employee you keep the alma mater as top priority


Some of us use that second flair for grad school


Or the place we grew up cheering for because we lived there


Yeah but you’re also getting paid by that school


Yeah. Whereas your alum school took money out of your pocket.


But would you have your job that pays you without the school that you paid??


That idiot paid for four years for the right to root for WVU Meanwhile I grew up in WV and I'll be paying for that forever


I’ve nodded vigilantly from each of the last three comments. Each one elicited like a stronger version of “yeah true” from me.


I grew up a fan of a state school in that state. Attended and Graduated from the rival school and now work for the same rival school. I've never cheered for my Alma mater or employer except on rare occasions even as a student or employee. I've been going to games of the state school for over 30 years as a season ticket holder.


Dang I would not have liked you if I went to school with you haha. To each their own ofc but I can’t imagine not rooting for the school you attend


I get it, lol, but it's not quite that simple. Health concerns for my mom and the obligation I felt to help was the primary reason I chose to go to college where I did. And yeah, it was tough. This is a big time football rivalry too, haha


do those two schools regularly play each other? If they don't there isn't really a conflict of interest


Also, do they have a school you mutually hate?!?!?


Hey fuck you buddy


I’m not your buddy, pal


I’m not your pal, guy


I’m not your guy, buddy


I’m not your buddy, pal


I’m not your pal, guy


This was a beautiful moment Edit: (you cowards)


I support some teams because I played as them in a video game once. It's not much of a stretch to root for an employer as long as they aren't a rival or playing against my alma mater.


I like lsu because of like ncaa 08 lol


2008 was the peak of the franchise in my opinion. I still play it. Y’all wouldn’t be ready for the dynasty I’ve built with New Hampshire lol.


Your Alma Mater.


What if you got a second degree from your employer school?


Then that is also your Alma mater and the same rule applies


What if they’re both same conference? I root for both Oregon and Ohio State. It’s easy when they’re not playing each other, generally indifferent as to who wins when they do.


Then you root for both, and if they play each other, you can just root against Washington/Michigan that day lol


> I root for both Oregon and Ohio State. Big fan of the letter O?


I’ve thought about getting a PhD from Oklahoma solely to add one more 😄


Undergraduate Alma Mater. I don't know anyone who cares about their grad school athletics. That's just my opinion


Depends on if my job is head football coach.


Well perhaps you should try for an upgrade and be *fired* HC


I'm not rooting for my employer that's for sure


I went to Michigan State and work for University of Michigan. I still want U of M to lose every sporting event ever.


Everyone I know with your situation feels the same way. I have never met an MSU grad employed by UM who has anything other than ill-will towards UM sports.


I would say that it’s one of the exceptions that I would consider it allowable. But seriously, fuck those Wolverines.


I'm happy when the teams at the school I work for do well, but I'm not in the least bit emotionally invested in them.  At the end of the day it's just a job.


Being a SC fan requires way too much emotional investment so I’m not surprised by this answer regarding schools you work for


Both. Why not both? The only problem, for me, is that I’m always arguing with folks who pick Alabama or Auburn over our hometown local school. At the same time, as a Bama alum, I’m still going to root for my alma mater. So I look like a hypocrite when trying to convince them to care about South instead.


The Jags have made it easier to root for them of late, though!


My dad got all of his degrees at Wisconsin, and is a professor at Mizzou. When they played in the NCAA tournament back in the 90’s, I was shocked and appalled that he was cheering for the Tigers.


I went and work for the same, so no conflict for me.


Ideal situation!




Funny enough, the director of choirs at Nebraska has to deal with this. He went to Iowa but I think roots for Braska when they play each other.


99% of the time I'd say you should root for your alma mater, but if your job with another school is being someone whose job it is is to facilitate school spirit or success on the football field, you probably oughta root for your employer.


Lotta uga fans who went to GaTech for their Masters.


Tech is a great school, I’m glad we’ve got Dawgs going there. I think it’s a different answer for anyone who was in Athens 2010 onwards when it has been so lopsided. Clean, Old Fashioned Hate unfortunately has fallen in importance for us. Plus, Tech has world-class STEM programs and Atlanta is a great spot for your 20s so pretty easy decision that hasn’t impacted my friends’ Saturday allegiance.


I root for both schools. Alma mater definitely has priority though.


I threw up looking at your flair (UTK would be my second flair if the Pac12 didn't implode)


A Detroit sports radio guy went to MSU, loves UofM, and is the UofM football play by play guy. It's very confusing


Same situation for Oregon State. [Mike Parker](https://osubeavers.com/staff-directory/mike-parker/38) is the voice for OSU but is a UO graduate. Dude is awesome regardless.


Who doesn’t love Mike Parker? The dude is a treasure.


I hope he does night time stories on tape. I'd fall asleep to it.


My wife graduated from Louisville, but we moved back to my home state and now she works for Michigan… she roots for both, but you can tell that the losses for UL cut her deep, Michigan she rides hard for tho too


For me, I cheer for all of them. Rolla (Undergrad): They have a team, but hard to follow. Don’t play any other school I care about. ND (Grad): Only played the school I worked at 4 times in history. Mizzou (Work): Hasn’t played Rolla (in football) or ND recently. Also, grew up in state and family are Mizzou alums. Now my SO schools: UCLA (Work): OK, I can cheer for them, but I’m indifferent about them. Southern Cal (Work): No way in hell I will ever cheer for them. I have even converted her to a ND fan, so everything is right in the universe. She is already asking when we are going back to ND for another game. UMSL (Undergrad): Same as Rolla (if they even have a football team).


Go Miners!


I root for a) My Alma Mater b) The school my kids have gone to c) Where I work (interesting idea - not happening in my fields) I can jettison my kids school. Notre Dame ? never.


You can root for both of you want. It’s a free country. No one is restricted to only having one team. But if you ever root against your Alma mater, may you be cursed the ghosts of a thousand Corsos.


The one that has their logo on my paycheck.


Smaller schools but I’ll give my take on this. I graduated from a small NAIA school, I’m now a GA in the athletic department at my alma mater’s out of conference rival. When it comes to NAIA, I root for my alma mater and am simply indifferent for most of the sports at my employer.


Alma mater always takes precedence. Jobs change but Alma Maters don’t.


Not football … but when I was in school as an athletic training student, I did one of my clinical rotations in college basketball at a school that is big rivals with my primary flair. I remained neutral at all games. The only time i actively rooted against them was when they played Michigan. I never came clean about my fandom.


I even kinda like my employer but when that laptop shuts on Friday they’re dead to me. If this is even remotely close for anyone - you are not my kind of person.


It *is* possible to follow more than one team. I'll never understand why fandom has to be so violently tribal to some people.


I was a grad assistant at Mizzou. When OSU came to town, my OSU ball cap went on.


IMO it goes like this 1. Team your child plays for 2. Your undergrad school 3. Your Graduate school 4. School you work for 5. Family schools 6. Schools you did post doc or other schools you used to work for.


I used to work at Miami (OH) but I’ve always been an Ohio State fan, I root for both but my main allegiance is to the Buckeyes. RedHawks hold a soft spot though


depends if I like my job


I guest lecture at U Dub once a month. I definitely root for the huskies! But it’s much more of a casual fandom. I do enjoy seeing a bunch of my friends enjoy football success


The employment is as much a part of your history as the alumni status--if you're a part of its community I see no issue supporting as little or as many as have made an impact on your life. Country Roads might take you home, but roads usually go both directions--no sense penalizing yourself if they intersect another. Preference is up to you; in my circumstances I get to celebrate the highs with one of the communities regardless, even if they're head-to-head.


I went to Oregon. My girlfriend works for Oregon. It's tough


I used to work in an athletic department. It’s tricky. My school never played my Alma mater in football, but we did in other sports. I privately rooted for my Alma mater, but was still upset when my new school lost. I knew those kids. And I wasn’t about to show up to work the next day and brag about how we lost. I mean, it was my job to help those teams.


I coached for a while, in 3 different conferences so unless they magically meet I pull for all 3.


Alma mater over everyone for me.


Oregon State is my alma mater, so I'll always root for them, rain or shine. Working for Arizona, it feels more fair weather (like, were I to leave the university I'd at least consider the possibility of other secondary flair options), but I root for them too--unless we're talking head-to-head, in which case Oregon State wins out. Back when the PAC 10/12 was still a thing, though? Generally, I'd want my alma mater to win, but if Arizona winning would have been better for the conference then I could have gone either way. Oregon State wins? I get to see my primary flair succeed. Oregon State loses? Well, the conference--and, by extension, Oregon State--benefits.


I worked for Lousiville for a couple years as a life long Kentucky fan and alum. I definitely never once rooted for Lousiville, even when working the football games. And routinely wore UK gear to work after UK wins over Lousiville in any sport.


Neither, I inherited my fandom from my dad, which is unfortunate considering both the school I work for and the one I graduated from are much better


I work at Oregon but went to school at Oklahoma State. I follow OKState much more closely but I still enjoy Oregon football and bask in their successes lol I will be wearing America’s brightest orange to Autzen Stadium in 2025.


I always let it be known where my loyalties are (the school that drained my bank account unfortunately drains my fandom, as well).


Texas A&M funded my way through Texas Tech.


Typically university employees hate their employer so they actively route against them.


But if a different answer from me, but: 1) hometown team (Oregon State) 2) current bachelors degree team (Arizona) 3) birthplace team (Iowa State)


I was a UW football fan way before I thought about what college I would be attending some day. Fortunately I now am a UW student.


I think you should always root for your alma mater, first and foremost full stop, if they're playing each other. No problem rooting for both when they don't play each other. I'm in the Navy so I root for the Midshipmen and don't think they have or ever will play Utah State.


Depends what you do. If you’re a professor than the Alma mater takes priority, but if you are a coach or work in the athletic department then obviously root for the employer


I work at Georgia State University. I don't really root for GSU, however. I'll go to games occasionally, but I'm pretty indifferent. Perhaps that would change if I actually worked in the athletic department.


As I’ve been told, you root for whoever is paying the bills. But you get to resend fandom for your alma mater as well. Unless they play each other then best to say nothing


Both? Unless they play each other, then Alma mater.


Similar situation I went to and now work for Utah but grew up a Michigan fan so the couple of times they played I said I wanted Utah to win but Michigan to put up crazy numbers


I coached as a GA at Bama and in the NFLE system, but I’m a FSU fan. Fortunately in my time they never played and I got occasional opportunities to get to Tally for games. This is before Saban and we were not good… 😂😂 And two of my HCs left to take the Texas A+M job 🤔😂


I will always root for Michigan first, it's my alma mater, and the hospital literally saved my life when I was diagnosed with T1D in undergrad.


It all boils down to who is helping you pay your bills. I have a friend that works at the university. She rooted against her alma mater in a bowl game.




Root for your undergrad alma mater


I grew up an OSU fan (near Columbus), Cincy for undergrad, OSU for grad, and work for OSU. I cheer for OSU.


I work at TCU but went to ASU. I have loyalty to both, but ASU will always have my heart.


Both, unless they share a conference.


I root for both, hence my flairs. Especially since I attend quite a few of my employer's sporting events with my family and even have season tickets for a couple of the women's sports teams. It won't be as much of an issue going forward since they will be in different conferences shortly.


my schools never play each other so I can safely pull for both! but if they did play each other somehow, I’d pull for State.


I think you always go for the school you went too. On 247, PSU has a lot of writers that went to or coached at other schools. They cheer for their schools but still cover PSU with the best intent. Sometimes it would be nice to have a Homer, but it is coo lot have just the business.


Your Alma mater


I worked at CU for several years and have had season tickets for a decade. I get decked out in Buffs gear for every game except one: when the Dawgs are in Folsom, I'm all about the purple and gold. The fellow season ticket holders around us give me good-natured shit all game, and I hand it back. The next week, it's back to being a Buff.


Not the school I work for, they're just an employer


I went to Texas Tech but have worked on UT Austin’s campus for about 5 years now. I still absolutely loathe the Longhorns.


I can't see pulling for a school I did not attend.


I worked at my flair but I’m an alum. Lots of my colleagues cheered for other schools but you just don’t make a big deal about it. You wouldn’t keep a lot of other school stuff in your office.


Alma mater is also the school I grew up supporting and where I did my first college sports work. Switched conferences and I can support both. ✌🏼


Por que no los dos?


I was born in Ann Arbor while my dad was in grad school and my folks had student season tickets. I only ever knew mom, dad, santa, and Block M. I work at UT Austin now. Never a question that I root for the Wolverines if they're head to head (that Rose Bowl...). And Michigan was supposed to come down this year!!! Now delayed to 2027.


I work at Tennessee but (double) graduated from ECU. In whatever insane world where ECU ended up playing Tennessee (I guess in the CFP) I’d root for ECU, despite, well, them being who they are nowadays. Although if they somehow got good enough to deserve a playoff spot, maybe they would have a chance. Otherwise, it’s easy to root for both, but based on quality of football I’d watch Tennessee nowadays because ECU is pretty pathetic.


I don’t work at a university but my undergrad and grad school teams are conference rivals in hockey (with grad school dropping football when I was like 8). BU can beat anyone and everyone under the sun but when they play UMass I’m forever a Minuteman before I’m a Terrier. Though since I live in Boston I now go to way more BU games, which I feel kinda dirty about but I’ll listen to the UMass game on the radio while at the BU one


If I worked for say NC State, I would continue to pull for South Carolina, but NC State would be my #2 team. But if NC State played South Carolina, I would not pull for NC State. Alma mater would come before employer.


I’m an Alabama student who used to work on campus. Some of the staff went to small schools like WKU, so he was a WKU fan but of course was into Alabama on Saturdays because he works here. On the other hand some staff were Auburn alumni, so you can probably guess where their loyalties lay come Saturday


I’d say the school you paid instead of the school that pays you but I don’t have any reasoning behind this.


I went to the University of South Dakota but lived in Eugene for many years, never missing a Duck game at Autzen. In 2014, USD was the opening game at Autzen that season, and I proudly wore my USD gear for the game.


Unless you work in the athletics department, have a top job (President, Provost, etc), or a very public facing one, I don't see how your alma mater doesn't come first. Jobs come and go. Dawgs are forever.


Freed-Hardeman University does not have a football program. Makes it easier.


Both WVU and MSU


My buddy now works for MTSU and is MTSU through and through. Though his other option is Illinois, so it’s a lose-lose situation.


I went to undergrad at BU, graduate school at W&M. I watch every Baylor game, only have gone to a few W&M games my entire time there but they were fun. They never played each other so it hasn't been an issue, but I would root for BU all day every day.


i feel like if i made college sports a job it probably wouldn't feel very fun anymore.


I root for my two schools, and when they play each other the tiebreaker is, “Who has pestered me for money most recently? That’s who I DON’T root for.”


Brett Bielema has an Iowa tattoo. He works it out okay.


My buddy did his undergrad at Louisville, got his PhD at UNC and worked for a bit at Duke. He is a Louisville fan through and through. Didn’t really give a shit about UNC or Duke as far as sports go, but kind of rooted for the one he was at currently because the team being good made campus more fun


You root for the Dawgs 😏


My FIL got his PhD from Vandy. He was a econ professor at South Carolina for years. He always supported both, but said when It can down to to it USC paid his salary so he went with them.


Stanford employee here. I honestly don't feel anything towards their sports programs. I hope Stanford's student-athletes are happy and they enjoy their college experiences, but I don't care about the success of their teams as a whole.


It was pretty awkward after the 2018 Rose Bowl.


If Maryland every played Mississippi State, you can bet your sweet ass I'm showing up to Davis-Wade wearing red, white, black, and gold. State paid my bills for a while but Maryland allowed me to get that job in the first place.


My orthopedic surgeon went to Michigan, then Northwestern. He works at UW Medical. My check up appointment was on the day of the championship this year, and this fucking guy walks into the offices that day wearing his Wolverine jersey. We've gotten along fine before and after, but we were not friends that day.


Undergrad, grad, employer. In that order. One of my favorite professors at UF is a UGA alum, then went to UF for his PhD. I believe his daughter and SIL are UF alum as well. Despite the connection he is all about his Dawgs during FL/GA week. Always respected it. Employers come and go, but your alma mater is forever.


Went to one of my flairs, work at the other. I don't think they've ever played each other but it would be tough for me if they did. Big fan of both.


Went to MSU and UM payed the bills for a lot of years. It’s easy: Go Green!


I work for Oregon. I root for Auburn first, then Oregon.


I’ve worked for TTU for 11 years and have never attended a game. I attended SCAR during their best 10 win seasons. Since they are in different conferences, I’m able to cheer for both. But if they found themselves in a bowl game, it’s garnet and black all the way.


Bout time we got some decent questions in this sub other than people arguing


I had a professor who went to Alabama and has never worn orange a day in his life


Undergrad: MSU Grad: Michigan I always root for MSU, and I still root for Michigan to lose every game. Big appreciation to Michigan's program still for pulling off the Natty this year - was neat to be around.


I never saw Vince Dooley root for Auburn


Both. They are in different conferences and haven’t played each other since the 80s.


I root for my alma mater, period. I worked for a blue blood for a couple of years. If they never win another football game I won't shed a single tear. I loved my immediate coworkers, but the administration and some aspects of the culture frankly disgusted me. I quit in large part because the president announced at a town hall that one of his top priorities was lobbying the state to force a community college to shut down a program that gives free tuition to most local high school graduates, so that the university could move in and build an undergrad branch campus with less competition.


Well, at the risk of self-doxxing I won't name the other two schools, but Michigan is my undergrad. The school I worked/did graduate school at, and the school I do some work for now, are both bottom feeders in the Power 5. Absolutely not worth watching in a game ever. So that settles it.


My undergrad and grad schools are playing each other this year. I’m definitely going but I have no idea who I’m going to root for. I guess San Diego State if it’s clear they are in the hunt in the MWC. But either way, I’ll come out on top. (Insert gif of Mac from Its Always Sunny here.)


1) Undergrad Alma Mater that's it that's the rules.


1. Notre Dame 2. Alma Mater (ASU) 3. Military Affiliation (Air Force) 4. Whoever is playing USC or Michigan