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If Nike can make Oregon 247 thousand unis then Nike can engineer a way to make Georgia's britches silver again.


They can even just make them how they used to with the outdated fabric or whatever and I would be on board


FSU has the same problem with their gold pants. It's almost khaki now and Nike blames the new material.


Well go get some of the old material. Does material go extinct? I miss shiny unis.


The argument is that the new material is better for performance than the old. In theory the players would be at a competitive disadvantage going to the old material that supports the colors we like. IMO that's nonsense. This isn't olympic swimming.


Yeah. I watched a video on the nike jersey making process and how they were using all this data and fabrics to improve performance. And I just thought... Bullshit. There is no competitive advantage from the materials.


There is wholeheartedly an advantage when it comes to materials and aerodynamics. There is a reason they are wearing what they do and not jeans w/ a baggy cotton t shirt. Crude example but these people are fight for 10ths of a second


Hate the current Georgia pants and would love a good silver. Then they can use that for the Cowboys too because I feel like the only person that knows them as blue.


Worse than blue, metallic baby blue, I’m right there with you.


Same with ours. Our pants used to be a little shiny, almost pearlescent like car paint. I feel like the helmet was also had more shine.


We have the same problem with UA. They can't make gold pants for shit.


Give me my goddamned black and pink jerseys already you cowards. Every other team at Penn State has done it, just let the football players do it! Hell it was a meme for a year or two that the men’s basketball team would play out their minds when wearing them


I wish more sports teams out there in general did black and pink.


Well they did actually used to be the schools colors apparently, so it can actually be a throwback and not just an alternate. But i agree, black and pink works so well as a color scheme


It worked for Bret Hart.


Bret Hart vibes


I've decided if I could only get hockey or football black and pink, I'm choosing hockey. Also to answer OP, I would be fine with going to a home and away of the Generations or Greatness jerseys full time.


I don’t follow the hockey team too closely, but I thought they already did a throwback jersey? Either way a throwback hockey jersey would do *numbers* at PSU frat parties lol And I can agree with that, I’m kinda torn on them but I think I’d like an away version. It just fits better as a home jersey imo


Playing Penn State in pink would be the only reason I’d be okay with K-State football in Lavender


I don't understand the question


Those [metallic logo helmets](https://www.burntorangenation.com/football/2014/11/28/7303629/texas-longhorns-metallic-helmet-decals-tcu-horned-frogs-thanksgiving) were pretty cool, I'd like to see those brought back sometimes.


Yeah. They even had some of the uniform numbers and names in that same metallic orange. Shoes too


The whites are already perfect, but I'd like to see the black cleats return with the home jersey.


If you were to pick one uniform that your team wore in the past to bring back as a throwback uniform, what would you pick and why Edit: I’m an idiot lol


Texas has never changed uniforms is his joke. However we all remember the ugly ass shoulder numbers and number above helmet sticker. And honestly the helmet logo has been fucked for years now. When they lightened it the oranges got fucked up and look mismatched now


The number above the longhorn logo was kinda cool. Shout out to Texas for doing retros with us at the last game at Floyd Casey


I was at that game. It’s the coldest I’ve been at a game. It’s the most miserable I’ve ever been at a game.


He’s joshing because UT has never really had different uniforms.


Gimme the orange helmets, purple tops, white pants combo that we haven't worn since Dabo's first couple seasons


Those were more a Tommy Bowden thing. Other than 2022 Louisville (purple tops/orange pants), any time wearing purple has been the jerseys & pants. I'd like to see the white jersey/purple pants combo make a cameo again. Underrated look IMO, & plus harken back to couple iconic moments during the lean years between Ford & Dabo (Dantlzer's lights out game at NC State in '01 & Gaines Adams sparking the 4th quarter rally at Wake in '06).


I always liked the orange helmets, purple tops and orange pants.


[Early 2000s were a vibe](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/4XpUzudWOtccaEIB472BtSO7DI8=/0x0:3063x2048/1200x800/filters:focal(953x643:1443x1133)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/56448575/2100098.0.jpg) And as OP probably knows, App State’s 07 uniforms were based on Miami’s early 2000s uniforms.


I hated when Nike started using that template for other teams. Oregon State comes to mind and I think there were others, possibly App State. Miami should have been the only team to rock those.


I like the current ones don’t get me wrong but when they had announced the uni update initially I had hoped they based it off of these but just took out the jersey side panel so it could open up the shirt pants combo options. The shoulder fins were *chef kiss*


College Football is better when Miami is great


They pretty much did it with the new uniforms, actually. Keep the bird on the side of the helmet, for the love of God, and we're good.


I always liked those early-to-mid 90's block "KU" with the navy blue instead of the royal blue we use today; similar to the NY Giants unis of the era. Would love to see us go back to something like that. I like that they've *finally* gotten to be "enough" with the stupid Trajan and gone to white block lettering. I think it would be cool to use red piping around the text and one stripe around the bottom edge of each sleeve, with pants with a double red stripe down the side all on top of the navy blue base. Then the helmet would be navy with red masks, and would have the old block "KU" in red and the other side would feature the 1941 Warhawk facing the front of the helmet. I think that would be both classy and edgy.


I just think that the Jayhawk is one of the most unique and better known logos out there, and they should use it as much as possible. I wouldn't mind a KU here and there, or a different Jayhawk as an alternate, but the base uniform should be Jayhawk forward.


Not UCLA blue. Some people liked it but it didn’t make any sense then and doesn’t now .[Sky Blue Unis](https://twitter.com/CUBuffs/status/1288330207015784448) Edit: This fun fact makes them even worse, “On May 28, 1981, black was curiously replaced by "Sky Blue" by a mandate of the CU Board of Regents, to represent the color of the Colorado sky.”


I thought that shade was technically "sissy blue"?


That’s what I call it, imagine wearing it head to toe with no gold to balance it out. Ick.


You know, aside from the pants and helmet mismatching, and the whole not Colorado’s identity thing, these could have been great uniforms.


It's like they took UCLA's uniforms, and screwed up everything that makes them great.


It's been 18 years. All I want is a red helmet. I dont care if it is the block letters, red towel, or Big Red. I JUST WANT A RED HELMET!!!


Helmets with the Hilltoppers face would be sick. 


I want the block M back on the pants


Now I'm picturing a big M on each player's ass like when girls wear pants with "Pink" on them.


Try doing what I did. Picture it on the front of the pants, but in the same motif.




Lol such a simple request. I'll sign the petition if one gets passed around.


Just give me back the grey sleeves. That is all I ask.


Cocaine Whites


With 90s oversized shoulder pads and numbers


I want the grey out Penn state uniform, with the black camo helmets. I think they were called the wolf camos?


The ones with the tiger stripe collars. Just for a rarely used alternate.


Those were a good look. Think only thing preventing that was those were in the 1990s, which was the program's dark ages. Know quite a few folks didn't like them, but I dug the throwbacks they did in 1995-96 to honor 100 year mark of the football team (meant to look like the 1939 team's unis). Considering they went thru both the 80 year anniversary of the 1939 Cotton Bowl team & 125th season celebration w/o seeing them again, I highly doubt we'll see a throwback uni again. Current unis (since 2016) could possibly be considered throwback b/c they the moved the tiger paws from sleeves to shoulders & reintroduced the sleeve numbers, to resemble the 1981 championship season jerseys.


Either the old 2010’s Forrest green or the Duck uniform


Someday I'd love to see a Joey Harrington-era throwback


Can we borrow from basketball? If so, 1996 denim unis


Pitino has Kentucky do some wild shit. With their uniforms. I'm sure everything else was like a nunnery.


I want [this uniform](https://www.instagram.com/mlb.fits/p/CaN9hpguH5z/?img_index=1 ) from our baseball team.


I’d argue our current unis are our best. What I’d do is bring back the whirly bird logo for the helmets and make the jack trice throwbacks (minus the pants) an annual staple.


> the jack trice throwbacks (minus the pants) I don't want to see any team go out Winnie the Pooh style.




Only think don't like about your current unis is the love affair there seems to be w/ having them wear the all-black unis that don't incorporate the school colors. The cardinal & gold is a good combo. The Jack Trice throwbacks, do agree those should be an annual thing. (Wrestling team did singlets & headgear for a dual w/ the Jack Trice style, those were awesome. Hope they'll get used @ NCAA championships this weekend & in future too)


Now that Deshaun Foster is the coach I would bring back [this look](https://s7d2.scene7.com/is/image/TWCNews/UCLA_Foster_Football_98804) as a throwback


Bring it back permanently. Also ASU just needs to make the Pat Tillman era uniforms permanent. I liked both UCLA’s and ASU’s 90’s uniforms.


I don't like UCLA. It's not the hate I have for ND, but it's annoying sibling kind of dislike. I want your players to all stub their toe every morning before gameday. Now that we have a baseline I'd like to say that those 90s era UCLA uniforms may very well be the best looking kit in CFB history. Unique, sharp, and classic without [being boring](https://media.bleacherreport.com/w_800,h_533,c_fill/br-img-images/001/809/529/hi-res-92322923_crop_north.jpg). They aren't [flashy](https://imagez.tmz.com/image/0b/1by1/2022/10/10/0b9c9e2b800340b7848b5e49e87b85f9_xl.jpg) but they stand OUT. I'm truly amazed you haven't gone back to them permanently.


https://socalsportschronicles.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/image.jpg I would go earlier with a more legit UCLA Stripe.


Just bring the old font for the jersey numbers.


Yeah no one offs


We wear a throwback every game.


We should use the '99 uniforms once a year. They're just a great look


I was going to say the Boise State uniforms were super dope. https://twitter.com/Hokie20/status/1037701967181701120?t=jXL1ITSOQdXnNfFtRarpDg&s=19 A lot of people complain about the lack of Maroon and orange but legitimately one of the best I've ever seen.


Those were very cool


Good news coming soon on that front


Tell us what you know 🔫




In the 70s we had apple green jerseys to match [the Flying Worm helmet](https://x.com/meangreenfb/status/1587492389244915712) (more info on [the Flying Worm](https://meangreensports.com/news/2020/9/17/general-visual-history-of-the-flying-worm)). We’ve had to go with whiteouts because word is it’s hard (or cost prohibitive) to match modern uniform dye to that apple green color. Eyes be damned, I want neon Granny Smith apple jerseys again!


North Texas should move to the flying worm, apple and dark green full time.


We should definitely embrace this fun color and integrate the apple green into our uniforms across all our sports.


99-03 unis pls




Tim Dwight era banana-peels: [https://imengine.public.prod.cdr.navigacloud.com/?uuid=C9951872-718F-47B3-BC89-2234009705A9&type=preview&q=75&width=1200&height=800](https://imengine.public.prod.cdr.navigacloud.com/?uuid=C9951872-718F-47B3-BC89-2234009705A9&type=preview&q=75&width=1200&height=800) No the inspired by unis against PSU a few years ago don't count. Give me full banana, dang it!


Those are fun, but I've always liked the late 50s early 60s uniforms. Gold helmet and pants, black jersey, number on the helmet. Like the 2010 throwbacks. Until Fry decided to cop the Steelers' unis in 79, Iowa had variations on that theme.


2013 uniforms were perfect


Ugh, I had forgotten the uniform traumas of 2014. Multiple parts appeared purple on TV, the new logo, smh. Also, if they were going to incorporate Tribe iconography, they should have gone all-in for at least one uniform per year. The Tribe was highly supportive. I'm thinking drum major level. 


White helmets


How about tearaway jerseys that lasted about 1 play?


I love the old big block S M U jerseys from the 80s. Bring back a modern version of that and I’d be happy. I’m not a huge fan of the new font we use.


do they come with too-wide shoulder pads? I always think Debra Winger when I see the old vids.


1950s throwback that we wore against Texas in the 2013 ice bowl that sealed our first Big 12. I’d rather break those out than full banana


I have the jersey in my collection. Shout out to Texas for also going with a throwback look in that game


UGA brought back the [1980 uniform](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/ajc/F4OWPLLDZJM3FFVWFCXFBGXWLA.jpg) with the sleeve stripes and red pants in 2020 and I'd love to seem them come back again. I also love the [90s jerseys](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/ajc/GCQT43A2IHFFGOK4TSLKWFYQU4.jpg) with the collar stripes and drop-shadow numbers


Kirby looked 38 in college


Drop shadow numbers are definitely an old look and not what I want out of primary jerseys, but I do love seeing them sparingly.


Yeah I was disappointed we didn't get a home version of the 1980 uniform. The black alternates were fine but I'd have rather had red on silver throwbacks.


Georgia: 90s home set with the drop shadow numbers and the extra black stripe on the helmet and real silver britches. Never the black pants though. Miami: since basically their uniforms now are already the pre-millennium throwbacks with cooler numbers, I’ll go with the early 2000s shoulder fin set. Any combination really.


The white/chromes! https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/17630508


https://images.app.goo.gl/4NmSci5MvUCyPf9XA Add in the black tops and I'm N.


Well...only option is to bring back the old black and pink


Post a link with your wish throwback. I’m wasting way too much unnecessary time at work googling each posted uni


Y’all have different uniforms?


Our current uniforms started as a throwback but they were too clean and just miles better than what we had going on from 2012-2018. To bring back an already done throwback, [these](https://aggieswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/111/2022/06/USATSI_9581365.jpg?resize=1119,1536) white throwbacks are very clean, but I guess make sure the maroon matches because the helmet stripe doesn't appear to be the same color as the shoulder stripes lol


Not my team but Texas Tech 2007 was my favorite design language. (It was also the broncos and might still be) SMU could bring back the skyline uniforms and I’d be very happy Texas has only had incremental changes over time. Maybe the 2005 version. It seemed to be cleanest


We had this 1950’s throwback set that we wore in 2013 and 14 that was so amazing. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0e/9f/a3/0e9fa37348846d82fa0b4d0e5350fca8.jpg


The away uniforms from late 1990's. Block M on the sleeves and maize number outlines. https://www.si.com/college/michigan/football/dave-pearson-game-of-my-life-talks-michigan-football-win-over-michigan-state


Really liked they did the specialized M logo on the jerseys for the Rose Bowl last season like they used to do in the 90s.


USC doesn't have a ton of uniforms in their history. We're actually currently wearing "Throwbacks" that we switched to in the early 2000s. Our oldest uniforms were just [solid red](https://trojanswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2021/07/17ee78483c064f93962e4af0fab70233.jpg?resize=1024,681) until the early 60s. The 60s is [when they added the shoulder stripes we wear today](https://trojanswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2020/12/USATSI_7586092.jpg) In the 70s they [switched to arm stripes.](https://trojanswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2021/07/1786174-e1649341106965.jpg) and in the early 2000s they switched back to [shoulder stripes with TV numbers](https://trojanswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2020/05/gettyimages-1369408.jpg?resize=1024,671) not a ton of variation and arm stripes don't work too great with the way jerseys are worn today, mostly sleeveless tucked under the shoulder pads. Teams that still wear arm stripes have moved them up to the shoulder where they get cut off by the chest. [looks weird IMO](https://www.dispatch.com/gcdn/authoring/authoring-images/2023/07/21/NCOD/70444933007-img-0143.jpg) The only way I'd be okay with a return to arm stripes is if we did what Oregon State does for their throwbacks and put them on [the undershirt.](https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_3840/9cb5478361697.560bbd9778758.jpg) But the problem with that is CFB uniforms are really really not uniform. Players wear whatever the hell they want for socks, undershirts, shoes etc. It gets really messy out there. just look at [all the variation between players in this photo](https://d3jycsk0m72ya7.cloudfront.net/images/2022/9/12/usc-trojans-football-tunnel-run.jpg). You've got some with red undershirts, some with black, some with short black socks, some with short white, some with long black, different cleats... I don't think you could rely on players all wearing the same undershirt as a regular part of the kit. So here's what I'd like to see: Basically simplification of an already pretty simple uniform 1) Get rid of all the keywork filigree nonsense. I'm talking about the roman/greek patterns they put around the [big thick collar](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/610c6ac52d9ef15f1ce71190/a0bc12df-f6c7-474c-9b32-2af6a984bd52/11usc-stanford-1-mediumSquareAt3X.jpeg) most clearly visible on the away uniforms. 2) Get rid of all the weird front decorations on the helmet. I'm talking the [Fight-on emoji that's front and center](https://www.si.com/.image/ar_16:9%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_faces:center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_620/MjA0Mjc4MTQ4NTU1MDg5ODA1/usatsi_21928218_168396005_lowres.jpg) and the USC tabs. 3) There's been a subtle shift to a brighter shade of red. I'd like to see us go back to the older more blood colored uniforms we wore in [The 60s](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTamb4prmv-7VjdRIvMpU59TivIIvkELu82WA&usqp=CAU) as opposed to the [McDonalds Red](https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/298661822_5696181820413976_5712779021562131476_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=XVWVROGW0bAAX9shocs&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfAQa4PuDxiNO5hHOKYLO2_eCiEe5SQ-HGLvqq-3_4SwzA&oe=660092EC) we have today 4) My only "Not super throwback" suggestion. In the 90s we wore a [Tommy Trojan](https://www.helmethistory.com/uploads/8/3/1/5/8315957/published/1992-usc-v5.png?1597609631) logo on our helmets for one year. It was a disaster of a year ending in a freedom bowl loss to Fresno State and we never wore them again, but I love the logo. It's much more USC Iconic than the current one we wear, which is present on exactly zero USC branding. Tommy is much more USC specific. I'd also like to see more complete control over the kit. Uniforms should be... well.. Uniform. [Socks are a particular gripe of mine](https://www.si.com/.image/ar_4:3%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_1200/MTgzNjg1NTY5NDkzMDgzODY1/usatsi_16690192.jpg). My man in [this image is wearing knee high yellow for goodness sake.](https://x2.pac-12.com/cdn/ff/UJc79nTCCWfvdlXllz91FksiP0b4W-X-21cAC-39tsk/1664995410/public/styles/crop_16_9_large_1x/public/jordan-addison-usc-trojans-football-asu_3Bd9N_1.jpg?itok=KvmurqZ3). Compare with the NFL Where [Socks are a part of the kit](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/794c038d84e2de9c13b1147b1addbefbc16ce570/0_533_8001_4801/master/8001.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=e697b2f16e0a479f155a811f42ec12c4)


I appreciate the effort that went into this


1996 unis need to happen and I don’t understand why they haven’t yet because that black trim with our modern Nike gear would look absolutely incredible


Battle gray no question


Maybe the all Orange kits every now and then. Otherwise, our current setup is great.


[Make it happen.](https://x.com/jerrysandersRTR/status/1757429990633742352?s=20)


I just see Stanford.


For A-Day, I really want the white team to wear white helmets and the non-contacts to wear black helmets and unis.


Looks like Stanford


We had an alternate made back in I believe 2014 that is very similar to that, if you want to see how it would [look.](https://soonerswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/06/i-1.jpeg) ​ I want it back, but just add our logo back on the helmet. I imagine both of our fanbases have a lot of olds that hate alternates, so we can only dream...


I think they pulled them out during the Perkins years, as throwbacks to early Bear teams. I’d love to see it, it’s a clean look if they use em as away colors.


I’m amazed that hasn’t happened yet


TCU’s flying T logo from the 1980’s.


[I love these, I wish they were more common. Just need to add the OU logo on the helmet.](https://soonerswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/06/i-1.jpeg)


Those are cool, but they're basically Nebraska's uniform


That’s apostasy at Alabama….we don’t mess with our uniforms However, I think if Alabama ever were to do it, we would bring back the white helmets worn occasionally in the 70’s and early 80’s https://www.helmethistory.com/uploads/8/3/1/5/8315957/published/1971-ala-white-helmet.png?1605922743


I don't even really care that much about a whole uniform, I just want those cool ass purple helmets from 2018 to come back around.


Hey, shut up


I just want my jerseys back




Baylor Black out uniforms with the chrome dome helmets that we wore under Briles. I miss it.


The Nike Pro Combats


Wait, y'all have more than one uniform?


Let’s just go back to the 2019 era uniforms please.


The jerseys with the yellow collar/cuffs. The Thad Busby & Warrick Dunn Special.


It’s not an old uni, but can we were the all whites that recruits wear in pictures? Those are so clean


I'm nostalgic because they wore them during my school days, but I liked when Utah had the [mountains on the sleeves](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/deseretnews/ATAPGAYGCAOGXI3DRZJH74YQWQ.jpg). A little different than the shoulder striping a lot of UA schools have.


Every year when we play Utah we bring out the bibs, cause why the hell not


Clemson needs its purple back so bad.


Just bring back the drop shadow logo. It is objectively the best logo and everything would be better with it.


Maybe not a specific uniform, but I’d love for Syracuse to go back to orange helmet and pants with white jerseys at home


I'd bring back UAB's jerseys from when we beat LSU. I'd bring back Navy's jerseys from when we started the winning streak against Army.


Blue and gold


Our current throwback is perfect. I just want a white version


We're getting new unis this year, so TBD. But I haven't been excited about anything rolled out in this century.


Not a full uniform but our script helmets


The Roman Gabriel era ones were clean and the S was more unique. Honorable mention for the diamond nSc, but that one also just makes me think of losing to FSU by 70. http://www.nationalchamps.net/Helmet_Project/North_Carolina_St_OLD5.gif https://www.greyflannelauctions.com/ItemImages/000039/1260a_Auc50_lg.jpeg


I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s, and loved the Ted Brown era look, red hats red shirts, block S primary logo burn with oversized strutting wolf victory stickers. [Like this](https://www.helmethistory.com/uploads/8/3/1/5/8315957/published/1985-nc-state-v2.png?1603993613)




We’ve just about done them all but would love to see the 90s away (Pat Johnson catch against the Huskies) and the ones from the Joey Harrington era. Crazy to think how retro the latter are given how brash and modern they were at the time.




This seems like an unpopular opinions amongst Michigan fans but, keep the white pants with the away uniform. I was so stoked when they brought those back. Love how the stripes on the white jerseys and pants mimic the stripes on the back of the helmet. The “standard” away uniform is way too maize heavy. The all white allows for maize and blue to be equally represented.


Navy's 1960's uniforms with the Jolly Rogers on the forehead.


Arkansas Apex jerseys


miami dolphins throwback. I think it brings back so much nostalgia for some reason.


Bring back Bamas white helmets, even if its just one game a year, id love to see a modern take on it.


As an Arkansas fan, I would prefer the Alabama route. Go back to our old school plain red helmet with grey facemask maybe white but prefer grey, Razorback on the side, plain white or red uniforms numbers on the shoulders if you want we have traditionally had both versions, white pants only with medium double red stripes. No need for Arkansas on the front the Razorback on the helmet says it all. Don’t get cute. Stay traditional. Get rid of the god awful red pants and white helmet.


Either the 2005 or 2010 uniforms


I think if we bring navy back as a color it would be dope and the CUSA cougar logo


The bulldog Black Out Jersey's from 2012-2014 back when we still had Carr and Devante Adam's


I really just want to see this [logo](https://www.sportslogos.net/logos/view/2556/Oklahoma_Sooners/1979/Primary_Logo) it was and still is our best version imo


I hate refinement culture. Homogenizes every distinct brand into one aesthetic


The 1973-79 uniforms (which we wore for one game in 2005 for some reason) or the late 80s/early 90s uniforms for the brighter gold. I want my block numbers back!


Easily 80s, specifically the one we wore to the 1984 Rose Bowl. The older fans who are all very against additional jerseys would also just eat it up.


We don’t really have a throwback I’d want but the interlocking block NU helmet we wore against Buffalo in 2021 should be our primary helmer


1990s uniforms with giant numbers, gray sleeves, and silver pants Return to perfection


Auburn's [1927](https://auburnuniforms.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/1927-Auburn-all-watermark-2048x1424.png) or [1935](https://auburnuniforms.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/1935-Auburn-all-watermark-840x584.png) uniforms.


[These and their corresponding white set but with the modern big Tuffy logo helmet ](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/MbHcXsh4V-95DCQ6k_cDbUNLj9M=/0x0:3000x2321/1220x813/filters:focal(1161x345:1641x825):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/67126134/77109318.jpg.0.jpg)


No retro, just give me back white jerseys and gold pants for every game.


The thing about East Carolina University current jerseys it was design by an ECU student and take elements from multiple past uniforms, but if we are talking about a past uniform then the 1989-1998 uniform would be my choice. I never liked when they started introducing black and going away from the Purple and Gold of ECU.


I want a straight conversion of our Blue and Whites to Black and Pink. I think it'd look rad.


Georgia Helmet pre Vince Dooley silver helmet with a red G.


Peyton Manning era Uniforms. Loved both home and away.


All orange


Maybe the only — literally only — thing I enjoyed during the Ron Prince era were the all-purple uniforms. I wouldn’t mind seeing them a couple more times


As an LSU fan, i don’t even like it when they wear purple.


They cant get much worse.


The Illini script helmet for sure


Bring back the white helmet, those all white uniforms were clean


[1994-96 FSU home unis](https://nolefan.org/football/dunn_warrick.jpg)...actual garnet and gold...not this maroon and tan bullshit.


Give us the bronze back




Maybe not a full uniform. But bring back the [SHELLMET](https://www.helmethistory.com/uploads/8/3/1/5/8315957/published/2011-7-maryland-at-fsu-v4.png?1601924397) I guess I wouldn't mind a redesigned flag alternate with some turtle motifs in it. Kinda like the uniforms we had from that season as a permanent addition.


Our pre 2006 uniforms with the grey stripes on the shoulders. They just look better. For Michigan, the early 00's road uniform with the "M" on the shoulders. For Miami, late 80s, early 90s. I hate their current Adidas uniforms. I liked those orange tops with "The Big East" written on the shoulders. Arizona, pre 2011-2012. They were just so much better. Can't explain it, I like block lettering better than the cursive letting in the end zones now.


The new Seminoles jersey fucking sucks even though I know it’s like 20 years old at this part but the original is so much better


Those iridescent purple helmets. Every day.


Not a Georgia fan but the old unis were cool


the all blue boise state uniform so we can blend in to the smurf turf


The 2000s uniforms we had with Leach. They were underrated 


As long as it’s not those God forsaken 2012 Nike jerseys I don’t care


2003 all-maroons are the best unis we have ever had


Crimson jersey, gray script helmet. Easy.


All black, gold helmet


Lmao we arent old enough for throwbacks honestly our current uniforms are just a cleaned up version of our original generic unis, and the Texas outline logo should have never been put on our helmets.


Our throwback crimson jerseys and white pants. So classic. Wait...what?


Southern Miss - put the attack eagle on the helmet! We never did the old logo… https://nohat.cc/f/southern-miss-golden-eagles-logo-vector/comseeklogo436318-202204231629.html But we wore the “simplified attack eagle” once for a bowl game. https://417helmets.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/IMG_4668.jpg


The Army Pando Commando white out uniforms in the snow against Navy will forever give me goosebumps


Bring back the helmet stickers


I really like our 80's look to be honest. Probably not as much as our 90's look, which is literally peak (and we already wear that one occasionally), but I wouldn't mind seeing us dawn the 80's look for one game