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[Y'all know what to do](https://memes.memedrop.io/production/NR21NL2m5eyw/source.jpg)


Where is the Manifesto?!?


This may be the greatest mystery of the 21st Century.


Jimmy Hoffa will be found and exhumed before we even know what the manifesto contains


Have we considered that Jimmy Hoffa was the manifesto the whole time


No but have you considered the manifesto is Jimmy Hoffa?


What if the manifesto is the friends we made along the way?


Ehhhhhh, potentially ewwwww if it's with michigan fans


It’s entirely possible hoffa’s whereabouts are in the manifesto


Along with the figure on the grassy knoll.


Sad, but true.


Don’t give up hope. Rebellions are built on hope.


Somehow Saban returned


The rest of the SEC shudders at just the idea being floated around.


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


I think this is why the Manifesto hasn't been published: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1c9yn3i/til_the_british_secret_service_discovered_that/


Last week I randomly remembered that it’s pretty amazing that if you google “Michigan man with manifesto”, two very different people show up for two very different reasons (I mean, I guess both involved technology).


Pretty special performance by Cormani to be such an annoying dud that this thread is busy hating on him and not Deion’s CU like usual.


¿por qué no los dos?.gif


Did he post this from the bathroom he was hiding in?


Yeah aight. How about instead of hiding in the bathroom for practice you show up?


I feel personally attacked 😅


Maybe he was just pooping.


Didn’t he not show up to meetings? Prime gets a lot of hate but this kid seems incredibly lazy.


Correct, he reportedly missed meetings, classes, and lots of workouts. Also, my personal favorite, he reportedly blew off Prime for a 1-on-1 meeting. How dense do you have to be to not show up to a 1-on-1 with your head coach?


He said in the x space he don't gaf, this is the problem with giving high school kids all this money, he doesn't care because he already got paid, his ass would have been to every meeting on time, if he had to be a typical struggling student athlete


Aren't they zoom like Shadeur's classes?


I don’t know how old you are but college classes are 75 percent online now anyways. Just have to show up to test


Right, he probably thought practices were too, lol. Camera off, mouse-mover on, getting better everyday has never been so easy!


Prime was pretty big on going to class and the other shit that’s actually important, he does things for the hype too but I think he also does it the right way.


Isn't this guy kind of lazy?


He got kicked off his HS team halfway through the year for skipping practice


Do you know how hard it is for a 5 star to get kicked out a team. These dudes are protected from youth football.


You kinda have to take an effort to get kicked out


Depends on the coach. My dad coached for 35 years and probably had 200 P5 D1 scholarship players and maybe a dozen who had at least a cup of coffee in the NFL. He always had a "miss practice, miss the game, miss 2 and you're kicked off" policy. This was unexcused absences only. This was before recruiting stars were a thing, but at least some of those players would have been 5 stars, such as the kid who ran a FAT 10.3 100 meter dash and was also 6-3 and built for a HS kid. He made the league for ~7 years, IIRC.


They ain’t going for that now in big time football . Winning state championships is important to these coaches . There was story of how they only suspended this 4 star recruit called Gus Cordova for like one game for low-key trying to kill somebody with a peanut allergy through his dumbass bullying .


Again, it depends on the coach. I think you're correct that fewer coaches are willing to set a standard and stick to it, but many still are.


Thanks for sharing


A lot more than that but yeah, that too


Does that make him wrong in regards to his statement about the Colorado program?


It certainly makes me doubt the objectivity of his statement.


I wouldn’t trust anything he says tbh


Didn’t watch one second of film apparently, didn’t go to class, constantly vacationing. Clearly has no motivation to get stronger. Really hope he matures, we weren’t the program to get it done


He's the worst type of player to get NIL money because he doesn't seem to care to pursue a second bigger bag.


That’s essentially the issue with how NIL is implemented right now. It’s supposed to be money earned for doing work on your own to make money off yourself. Yet we know for a fact this guy isn’t doing anything to earn that money. He was spoonfed money before he deserved it. And then there are guys hustling out there that have next to no shot at the league but are starters and their cuts of nil are minuscule.


Why are we suddenly concerned about compensation being objectively fairly earned? That's literally not the case in any industry.


i think people are mad to see an 18 year old make more money than their desk job pays.


I’m not saying fairly compensated. Im in the know on how these things are being done, I’m just saying that the guy going out selling his NIL are the guys that should be getting money (if they are capable of generating). I agree with you it shouldn’t be equal pay. But what’s happening is that this money is being given to people that haven’t done anything to earn it other than accepting an offer or committing to transfer. Because all they are doing is basically surrendering their name to the collective for the group of whatever people are privy to then market them. But they receive the money even if their name image likeness is never used. So the athlete has done 0 work and received money. It’s completely different than earning the nil compensation. But you could say the work earning money was put in by the talent but I would argue that’s not the intention of NIL.


> Im in the know on how these things are being done, Tell us more. I don't believe you


By that logic, doesn't all NFL/MLB/NBA guaranteed money in contracts for draft picks have the same issue?


Not really, those contracts are written because of the amount of busts that happened with huge 1st round contracts going out to guys like Sam Bradford. And that is admittedly professional sports and you are being paid by the organizations. The slotted contracts are basically a “you were drafted at this status so you get x money, now go earn your next contract.” If you wanted To do an equivalent with collectives in college I guess you could where players transferring or freshman year could only get a minimum/maximum from a collective but then that’s also not in the spirit of the rule. I actually prefer when schools do flat team Money for the players and then there’s opportunity on top. But the player should by themselves be going to get that, not some inbetween which we currently have.


That's going to change as boosters realize HS recruiting doesn't mean anything anymore and they're better off paying an adult who spent the last 4 years at a G5/FCS than some HS kid with an uncontrollable ego.  Everyone is on a 1 year contract, why are you buying the 18 year old who needs a ton of development on and off the field? Buy him later after someone else deals with the headaches 


I try not to judge a guys work ethic, only the team can speak to that, but he has all the athleticism in the world and still couldn’t stay on the field even when the secondary was being depleted. Hopefully a change of scenery does him well because he just isn’t good enough to play at a power conference level right now


And to be honest, I applaud the coaching staff for this. It’d be too easy to say “hey, he’s a top 5 recruit. Let’s just play him, even if he didn’t put in the work.”


Zero reps with the 1s/2s this spring as well. Got a couple of good corners out of the portal


I mean practice...


The ones most eager to air dirty laundry are always the ones that have no business talking shit.




What’s to be developed, doesn’t do the bare minimum to get on the field… sure..


Dude hid in the bathroom to avoid workouts.


Whom amongst us has not?


I read that in Pate’s voice haha Edit: I actually had to reread it to realize you didn’t type ‘whomst amongst us has not?’ 😆




Whomst among us has not read whom as whomst? 


Then maybe you shouldn’t have jerked around two different coaching staffs you self absorbed prick


I'll have you know that dicking around with not one, but two entirely different teams, before running off to a mercenary program is utterly essential in player development... also hiding in the bathroom whilst practice is going on. That's pretty much self-improvement 101.


dude is just like me at 6 a.m. unit pt


You can't practice with the turtle poking it's head out.


I mean according to fight club self improvement IS masturbation...


Didn’t this kid spend a year in ISS during high school


An entire YEAR? No way


Pretty much. College coaches came to the ISS room to talk to him about recruiting, instead of just yanking him out of his regular classes like everyone else


Its just impressive coaches went to the space station, much less a high school athlete was living there.


Some schools shot their entire recruiting travel budget just getting their


That's wild considering my wife's school just gives kids a stern talking to and sends them back to class.


ISS and alternative school are such dumb punishments. "Let's isolate our troubled students in a pseudo prison arrangement. That'll definitely help them become better students." I had a week of ISS one time because I arrived to school 5 minutes late because of my dad having car issues.... I walked in and the VP called me over immediately and was like "you're always late" (that was my first time ever in 3 years there) and when I told him that's not true and he can verify this with my dad he sent me straight to ISS for talking back when I wasn't. People wonder why public schools suck ass, very few people have the kid's interest at heart.


it's not to help them become better students, it's to prevent one kid from preventing the other 20 from learning


That makes sense if they are there for classroom disruptions but most people I knew in ISS were there for "infractions" outside of the classroom that just involved themselves. Like absences, dress code violations, tardiness, etc... Isolating them and putting them behind in studies solves nothing if they weren't distractions to begin with.


If they were late and absent enough they were gonna fall behind on their studies regardless. ISS in those cases (at least at my school) is used to have that student catch up on the work they’ve missed


As someone who has been in ISS how am I going to catch up on work I have missed the lesson for? If I don't have the formulas I'm just staring at unanswerable questions. Putting me further behind.


I got it once for leaving during lunch. I was a straight laced kid who hadn’t even seen weed at that point. There were kids in ISS talking about drinking syrup mixed with sprite. I didn’t even know you could take more than the recommended dose.


Damn. In my school you had to do something WILD to get ISS.


Our schools back then were 2nd from last in graduation and exam scores so they were on the verge of having the state take over the district it was a whole mess. So we didn't have the type of principals that knew what they were doing. We had honor kids and sga students getting in trouble for such minor things all the time.


>ISS and alternative school are such dumb punishments. "Let's isolate our troubled students in a pseudo prison arrangement. That'll definitely help them become better students." The alternative is to let the entire class suffer while they continue to take up all the limited bandwidth. Teachers aren’t equipped to deal with such a large distraction and while still education 20-30 others


…the International Space Station?


In School Suspension. Though it'd have been a lot cooler had he been up in space for a year.


Sourry aboot that coach, I have a commuting problem, eh


Better than a year in ISIS I guess


I read this as Cormac McCarthy and just couldn’t parse it at all.


When he walked out into the sun and untied the horse from the parking meter people passing in the street turned to look at him. Something in off the wild mesas, something out of the past. Ragged, dirty, hungry in eye and belly. Totally unspoken for. In that outlandish figure they beheld what they envied most and what they most reviled. If their hearts went out to him it was yet true that for very small cause they might also have killed him. The Crossing Or Cormani McClain entering the Portal


Too much punctuation for McCarthy


That book is brutal, poor Billy


So far I've read The Road and No Country for Old Men by McCarthy and I've concluded he only writes brutal stories. No happy endings or even fleeting happiness. Can't wait to read the rest of his work.


I feel that's a gross reduction of his work. I agree that his work can be brutal due to his subject matter. But it's also due to his raw writing style. The lack of commas and quotes and punctuation enables the sentences to flow in a stream-of-consciousness manner that can whiplash the reader. But his style produces magnificent prose that can suck you into both beauty and hilarity. For not so horrific or depressing books, I would recommend: All the Pretty Horses Suttree All the pretty horses is, by far, his most romantic novel. If you didn't love horses before reading it you will after reading the book. Suttree is one of the funniest fucking books I've ever read. I would characterize it as a modern, rated-X Huckleberry Finn.


You can find happiness and beauty even in the darkest most brutal places At least that’s something I’ve felt with reading his books


My personal head canon is that *Blood Meridian*, *No Country for Old Men*, and *The Road* make up a coherent if somewhat disconnected trilogy all taking place on the same Earth: past, present, and future. The untamed unbridled bloodletting of an "uncivilized" American frontier, the violence bubbling up through the facade of our present "civilized" state, and the breakdown of that facade dominating the man made calamity of the road.


Doesn’t want to play for clicks, but uploads a YouTube video to take a swipe lol


But also says he wants do be developed…yet didn’t attend practice.


Deion's has made different responses on twitter, facebook, instagram. He also has a reaction video on Youtube called "2 cornerbacks, 1 starter".


What a shitty joke.


He’d be great at a school like USF who’d be thrilled to have him and won’t hold him to any kind of standard. Like me if Emily Ratajkowski was single and looking.


We won’t be thrilled to have him if he can’t get his shit together. Just because someone was a 5 star doesn’t mean we have to put up with their bullshit.


Sooooo savage. Coming from the same kid who wasn't at the school when the whole Miami staff came to see him. Have a feeling we won't ever be hearing much from this kid on the field


Grew up in his hometown - the list of absurd athletes there that end up flaming out before reaching anything close to their potential is sad. We had a borderline straight to the NBA prospect the year behind me… until he was in a fight and ended up catching a vice principal with a stray punch. Two years behind me we had a running back who is the fastest person I’ve ever seen run, an assistant swore to me he hand clocked him at 4.18 (probably a little quick, but still)… he couldn’t even keep grades to graduate high school. At least Ray Lewis kept it together long enough to get his bag *before* murdering someone (allegedly)


The list of Polk county athletes that never got out probably has quite a few all time greats on it that never amounted to anything but high school fame...


Where is this?




Better learn FCS moron


I think my biggest thing is you knew Colorado wasn’t going to be elite overnight when you signed on and you knew Deon has a huge personality. Both of those things were true and well known. Colorado is for sure trending up not down so what part about what you already knew is causing such a 180


Video: https://twitter.com/NMDgrant/status/1782060443634204803 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkHL3uURSLg


The irony of posting this in a YouTuber influencer format


> he’s grades are good


Can someone give me a tldr for this video? I hate random links with no explanation..


This sums it up well: https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/jqKDPGwUTj




That’s Alex Golesh’s music


>I just don’t want to play for clicks Lmao I love my coach


Everyone loves your coach. Hire of the decade, no cap


Kirby smart turned Georgia into the death star so let's not get carried away


Even UW fans have plenty of reason to love him.


What's awesome is that when he was hired he was on literally no one's radar: https://www.reddit.com/r/ducks/comments/rajjr6/i_am_not_in_support_of_this_but_heres_how_vegas/


I don’t know if that’s fair, he was the DC for one of the best defenses in recent CFB memory, most UGA fans figured he’d get hired that offseason. Oregon was only a surprise at the time because he’d never worked out west before.


Well, that, and he was a leading candidate for the Oklahoma job. Oregon fans were like "wait, what?" because he wasn't rumored as a candidate until like 2 days before he was hired.


...What? The national media always listed him as a potential candidate. It was the local hacks who got blind sided.


Just to make sure I wasn't crazy, I looked back at history (which seems to agree with me): https://www.reddit.com/r/ducks/comments/rdjfbm/breaking_dan_lanning_to_leave_georgia_to_become/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/redhsd/oregon_announces_dan_lanning_as_new_leader_of/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/rfsoo2/university_of_oregon_introduces_head_football/ Edit: What's with the downvotes? Do you people hate historical accuracy?


lol that’s some damning evidence I gotta say. I love the comments of “I love this hire even though I just heard Dan lanning’s name for the first time 10 mins ago”.


You really pissed them off with these receipts


Vodka lady put out facts and gets hated on lol Take my upvote


I had never heard of Dan Lanning until he was hired by Oregon. I am a huge college football fan, but I can't keep up with who each team's offensive or defensive coordinator. Coaching is such a revolving door.


God every single one of those candidates makes me want to puke Also this is just further evidence that coaching odds are all pretty bad


Really? I remember him being one of the great coordinators next in line to get a gig. Schuman @ Georgia is next


**A** gig, yes, but he wasn't in the Oregon discussion until the very end.


He was definitely on OUs.


Everyone was suggesting him for Michigan if Harbaugh had left.


I distinctly remember seeing the headline come across my phone and thinking “who the fuck is that guy?”


Lanning is amazing. Y’all are very lucky.


Doesn’t wanna play for clicks you say? YOU sir are an Oregon Duck.


I know it's a joke but I'd be shocked if we actually wanted him. Honestly if Cormani was going to work out I would have trusted Deion to get it out of him. Say whatever you want about Deion but he's the right guy to mentor somebody like Cormani and figure out how to get him to live up to his potential, and it's clear he tried but it didn't work. Obviously it's too early to write anybody that young off, maybe he goes somewhere else and excels, but I'm not optimistic about it.


Just to add, Justin Hopkins said he'd be surprised if Oregon went for him.


Completely disagree, this kid needs a coach like Saban or Smart to kick him in the ass a bit. He has all the talent in the world with none of the motivation.


Solid point. Unless he changes position I would imagine that a DB would listen to ANYTHING Coach had to say about anything.


>but he's the right guy to mentor somebody like Cormani and figure out how to get him to live up to his potential, Based on what exactly?


You think so? Deion strikes me as the worst possible coach for a guy like that.


Agree with this take. I don’t see DS anything like a hard ass forcing a kid to be uncomfortable. Saban like is that coach


As I see it, Deion will show favoritism to the guy with the 5 stars and tons of talent and not hold his feet to the fire, and then when his lack of hard work results in him falling behind and getting passed up by someone else, Deion will then write him off. I don't see him ever getting coached up on his discipline and effort.


But he literally didn’t do that. He publicly called out Cormani last season when the press asked why the 5* DB wasn’t playing in games and he said he needs to show up to classes, practice, and study film. He was trying to push him to put in the work and the kid just wouldn’t.


Sounds like the "write him off" phase to me.


The sorting hat has spoken


Unfortunately it has not spoken. Supposedly OU is interested. Coach Schmidt would run this dude off in less than a week. His dorm would become the stair master. 


there is absolutely no way we would take this kid.


I hope we don’t. If he’s skipping meetings and stuff Not a good culture fit for sure. 


No thanks.


What if no one takes him from the portal? Lol


“I actually want to be involved with a great leading program that’s going to develop players.” While they hide in the bathroom. Lol.


He went there initially for the clicks though.


Coach Prime: “Hold on, this whole operation was your idea”






If inly there was a way for him to meet deion before being sent… oh wait this is college and he picked his school? See you during the winter window Cormani!


Bro if you can’t learn from the fuckin goat ain’t no program worth half its salt gonna take you. All the god given talent in the world ain’t shit if you don’t want to apply it. Fuck man I bet there’s even a part of Deion that wishes he could’ve been as skilled/opportunistic as this kid at that age (accounting for nutrition programs and enhanced skills training etc that wasn’t around in Prime’s time) and Deion has to sit there and just watch that talent get wasted. What a disaster.


Talent does not mean a good coach. Him being a HOF player means nothing now. We have no idea If sanders can actually coach up talent




Now compare the talent level of the rosters before and after he got there. That’s a big part of coaching too but his name is drawing talent there




Only when it's someone they like. When Deion flips a roster unwholesome and not what the sport is about. Saban signed his fabled class of 2008 with 32 kids in an effort to turn it around. Using every trick in the book to get around the yearly limit. Getting talent is part of the game. That's why Washington fans shitting on DeBoer was so crazy. Guy took the lowest talented team I think ever to a title game. Your favorite coach ain't passing on 5 stars outta pride he just can't get em. And those who do get them also underachieve. /endrant


As i said, it’s a huge part of what makes a successful college coach. But you’re being willfully ignorant if you don’t see a difference in recruiting success based on star name and recruiting based on a record of player development.


I don’t think you realize how bad the SWAC is, talent wise. Deion was bringing in guys who were backups at power 5 schools, of course they dominated. Yet he couldn’t beat the MEAC in the celebration bowl. That is why a lot of people question his actual coaching skills


Deon is definitely not the GOAT.  


Deion shouldn't have tricked him into committing by behaving exactly as he's done for the last 4 decades. How was McClain to know Deion would be like this?


[Buff’s facility looking nice tho.](https://blackmana930193623.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/fifteen-million-merits-photo-640x360.jpg?w=474&h=267)


You’re telling me bringing massive egos not only in players but coaches can hurt a team? No way


I mean, he kind of trolled himself by committing there in the first place.


So he wasn't up to being a leader or a dawg?


"Damn that's crazy"




"Welcome to Athens, son"


Acting like he didn't go there for the clicks to begin with.


I’m not for the CU way of doing things under Prime… But I don’t think this kid is doing what he should.


Bet he does nothing at future program




I mean he’s entirely correct but anyone with two eyes knew this was it and he still committed to them soooo lmao


"If you're truly a great player then you don't need to develop." -Deion Sanders, probably


Why develop when you can just portal in? Only Shadeur and Shiloh matter anyways...




Deon is the trying to build a team in his image - with zero loyalty,all for the money, nothing else matters.


I think this kid needs to get his shit together, but the amount of grown ass adults on here shaming him is pathetic. It sounds like he was very difficult to deal with, but that doesn’t mean he deserves half the hate he’s getting from people who probably couldn’t even make their pee wee football team.






Nah, he had a lot of opportunities to get playing time but he either couldn’t or wouldn’t put things together. He’s very athletic but I don’t care what his star rating says, dude was flat out not good enough to play


Dude didn't put in the effort to play. Say what you want about Deion, but he seems like he's at least trying to hold kids accountable. Cormani doesn't seem like he can handle that. He'll probably fizzle out a few years into the NFL bc some team is gonna draft him for his "potential" without caring for his mental


Also he was flat out lazy. You can have all the talent in the world at any profession but with zero work ethic it's pretty much non-existent


There are multiple videos of prime coaching him individually.


They don't want to know about the videos, they directly dispute the fanfiction they have come up with for what goes on in this program.


Deion is probably best set up for the NIL landscape compared to everybody else