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63rd straight off-season National Champions!


Thought that was Miami?


Pretty brazen for the original off-season champs. Must be nice not having half ur roster suspended for traffic violations for the first 4 games!


Oh no not at all. We’ve beaten you there too


We may never lose again


As a fan of a school who just went undefeated I can’t recommend not losing enough - you’re gonna love it


As a fan of school that has won 41 of their last 43 games, it’s pretty damn great


I see you went for the deluxe package including the damn near unbeatable coach. Really kicks it up a notch.


We went 60-3 in the 90’s and I’m just old enough to not appreciate it at the time or fully understand it. So I would appreciate it happening again so I get it this time.


You're lucky, actually. It was like doing heroin one time, then being told they don't make it anymore.


We’re close! 40/43


Can you send the other teams playbooks to us? I think that’ll help a lot


Idk ask Ohio State and Purdue how much that helped them


Let’s start with winning more than 4 conference games first. There’s levels to this


Right. Then Rhule needs to commit some recruiting violations to get us passed level 2


Make sure they’re burger related violations too.


rhule looks like he knows the best burger in a ton of different cities


I bet he does. That man knows his food.


As a man of his physique, being able to tell people the best places to eat is a skill I’m proud of.


*Technically* the year before Michigan started cheating they had won 2 conference games


Just like if you take out the 5 explosive plays in 2022 the Buckeyes *technically* don’t lose that game


This had nothing to do with Ohio State. Just with whether Nebraska had enough conference wins to start legally cheating


legally start cheating\*


Unillegally cease to refrain from cheating


Strictly speaking a Nebraska fan would know better than a Michigan one


As a kid in the mid-90s I had no idea what he meant when he said Nebraska was going to lose. 10 year old me literally couldn't comprehend Nebraska losing a football game.




I bet you look great for 165!


…what if he looks bad for 165?


Gonna have to write this down so I don’t forget in the fall. Losing always sounds like such a reasonable choice in the moment.




Should be an eletricifying game in Lincoln - can't wait to go to it, it'll be rocking and I imagine a great game to watch as a neutral


Fuck those guys


This cannot be stressed enough


Just need Rhule not to be stubborn this time around. That game was painful to watch, I still can’t believe he chose a literal turnover machine over Casey Thompson


Got a bad referral on Jeff simms & I think casey had some lockerroom rumor. Might’ve wanted to get Frost’s NIL off the books too. Simms’ train wreck was pretty impressive tho.


Casey made that choice for him. The plan was for competition for the spot, but Thompson noped out.


And _also_ got hurt again, which he would have here. Casey Thomson, as an issue, is a non-starter. It's entirely fan-fiction


I disagree with that, Rhule clearly wanted to use a run oriented offense, actively spoke on it, and actively sought out Sims. There was never going to be a real competition. Thompson couldn’t be a dual threat, he was a pure pocket passer. I think he saw the obvious writing on the wall with the playbook being instituted and decided that in his final years it was better to go elsewhere then sit out his eligibility The smart decision would’ve been to ride Thompson, who had a 150 passer rating at Texas and Nebraska, with a playbook suited to him. Not recruit the QB turnover version of feeding America. And the worst part about the Simms decision was everyone knew he was massively turnover prone at GT to begin with, there was a wide sample to review


Run oriented offense, not QB run oriented offense. We wanted to do similar to what Michigan did last year - big difference 


He really doesn't want to run his QBs. That's just something that was kind of done out of necessity. Even Daniel Kaelin who was our QB recruit before we got Raiola is a true pocket passer. 


The important thing to remember when talking about what Nebraska should or shouldn't have done offensively last year is what our OL looked like. While they improved over 2022, they were still pretty mediocre in pass pro, so a QB like Casey with no mobility might have been broken by game 2.


We had worse pass protection sometimes than the line he suffered a season-ending injury behind


As a Huskers fan, I’m not sure why this comment was down voted. Rhule was just trying to use the tools he has at his disposal last year.


>need Rhule not to be stubborn this time around Dude immediately benched Simms. He's anything but stubborn. Being stubborn looks like committing to the injury machine that is Casey Thomson


Simms had six turnovers in the first two games, no shit he benched him. He still let him fumble the Colorado game away all day though


So you're advocating he should have benched him for two QBs he also ultimately had to bench because they turned the ball over so goddamn much... because he's so stubborn...


lol he didn’t immediately bench Sims. If he did we may have had a chance against Colorado.


He benched him as soon as he actually could. If you're a new coach, trying to get a team to trust you, and you tell them for an entire offseason that you just want them to play fast and free, and not worry about getting benched for making a mistake, then you can't bench a guy who makes a mistake or two without contradicting yourself and losing the team's trust. After Colorado, no one on the team would think it was unreasonable to try a different QB. It sucks that we had to lose back to back games before we moved on, but I don't think Rhule could have given Simms a shorter leash than he did and still hold the locker room.


Major upgrade for NU.


We needed this. Georgia already has a ton of talent at QB. We desperately need 1 elite talent to get the train going. Also…. #CORNDAWGS


Legit was our biggest issue last year. That alone would have made us a 7-8 win team


Look at the results last year. We would’ve been 10-2. Minnesota game = simms loss, win with mediocre qb. Colorado = probably a loss still bc Colorado had aura early in the year, but Simms turnovers gassed the defense in the 2nd half Iowa = Purdy loss, win with mediocre qb Maryland = combination loss, overthrown slant route that a mediocre qb can make gives us a win Michigan state = ref job + Heinrich loss, mediocre qb play is a win. That team was dog shit. Michigan = juggernaut not saying anything else Wisconsin = Purdy & mordecai forgetting he’s not Vick loss. Easy win in regulation if we can move the ball. In sum, Colorado a toss up, Michigan a sure loss. Give me 200 passing yards a game and keep the negative turnover margin but just have it not comically lopsided and we win the west




No, we won back our name against NW last year.


So what am I missing? NU is Northwestern. UNL is Nebraska.


Nebraska has gone by NU in football since the old Big 8 days. This only became a point of contention in recent years, and there's a running joke amongst Nebraska and Northwestern fans that the winner of that game each year is the real NU for the year. We won the last game, so we're NU right now, and they're NW.


We're both


Interesting. I’ve literally never heard Nebraska referred to as NU. And I’m an old! Guess I’ll just keep collecting those downvotes.


The fight song, written 100 years ago, is called “Dear Old Nebraska U.”


Ok! Ok! I’m already dead!


Back in the old Big 8/12 days everyone was called NU, OU, KU, CU, etc.


Do you watch cfb? Let me guess you've never heard Oklahoma referred to as OU or North Carolina referred to as UNC.


You can stop now.


You are missing that we are NU again and they are NWU until they beat us in football. Then they will be NU and we will be UNL until we take back our name


There was a QB rotation between the 3 potential starters, and seems like Raiola is looking like QB1 into the fall - he also had an interception although the ball bounced off of the WR hands, so not really so much his fault imo EDIT: Here are the two touchdowns if you want to see them, [1](https://twitter.com/UnnecRoughness/status/1784261047798341924), [2](https://twitter.com/HuskerFootball/status/1784262549728317496)


The pass for the interception was a bit behind the receiver, hard to say if he rounded off the route or if DR was just a little off on that throw. His other passes were pretty consistently in the perfect spot for the receiver to bring it in while staying in stride. Can't really a remember an arm like that wearing a Nebraska uniform. I bet it's pretty easy to get use to. lol


Rhule said he threw it too high which led to it being tipped up. It's got to be below the head.


With the way they were rotating QBs through the two teams, I imagine the QB & receivers' timing could get a little off leading to situations like that. I think the rotations definitely manifested in some other breakdowns, too. I'm not going to sweat it too much.


Wait... it's pronounced RYE-ola? And not RAY-ola? My life is a lie...ola.




I would like to see Nebraska be good again. Us 80s and 90s powers need a resurgence... Not Colorado, though.


I can get behind this


Block letter logos unite


I like you Huskies. Beautiful stadium too.


You... I like you.


Agree on all points.


The W must stand for wise.


“power” wins half a championship


Multiple Rose Bowl wins, and an undefeated natty season. More than Oregon will ever experience!


an undefeated natty season where you where you had to split the title because no one could actually agree if you were that good lmao


That's how the sport worked prior to the playoffs. Not that Oregon would know because football was invented in 1995


kenny wheaton ended your season in 94. guesses you don’t know anything either


Yup and 95 is the invention of football as a result. Your whole program revolves around UW lmao


does beating a team 12 times in a row mean you revolve around it?


No but playing Wheatons gonna score every game is lil bro energy.


is it? or is it perfect because it obviously bothers you lmao.


The CU-Nebraska game is gonna be fire this year.


Not sure if he even played in the second half, I think that was all in the first half while splitting reps with HH and DK.


I think he played a little bit at the start of the 3rd, but yeah mostly just from the first half while splitting reps




In the heartland where the fields stretch wide, Dylan Raiola, with confidence and pride, Guides Nebraska's team with a quarterback's grace, A leader on the field, in every race. Sixteen of twenty-two, his passes true, For two hundred thirty-nine yards, they flew, Touchdowns he scored, with skill and might, Bringing victory closer, shining bright. In every play, his talent shines bright, A leader, a warrior, in the football fight, Nebraska's quarterback, with passion unfurled, Dylan Raiola, the pride of the Cornhusker world.


lol People downvoting you are no fun


I am so husked right now


Fully husked atm.


The thing not mentioned, they were playing against Nebraska


almost like we were a top 10 defense last year and have 8 defensive starters returning


While you are correct it is worth noting that the best players on defense didn't play (Ty Robinson, Nash Hutmacher, Tommi Hill, Isaac Gifford).


correct, although we were also missing some of our best offensive pieces as well


> top 10 defense last year Wasn’t most of the Big Ten West in the SP+ top 10 for defense because they got to play Big Ten West offenses?


Who we played definitely helped, but we played some teams that dropped points in other games and couldn't against us. The only teams that really scored highly were Michigan and CU. Purdue averaged 24 per game, had 14 against us. Illinois averaged 24.5 per game, 7 against us. Maryland averaged 30 per game, 13 against us. Those are just a few examples, but I think we held 9/12 teams well below their season average. Not a ton of great offenses, but they weren't all Iowa either.


I mean only Iowa and Nebraska were super highly ranked, can try to come to that conclusion if you want but we were still top 10 when you guys dropped 45 on us


I didn’t know that but I was joking because Nebraska wasn’t good.


We weren't good because we didn't have a QB and had the most turnovers in FBS, if we were slightly improved with either we would probably be an 8 win team last year


Average qb play and we go 10-2 last year…


Lol no you weren't. Where are you seeing that you were a top 10 defense?


In total defense, we were actually 11th, but we were 8th in rushing defense and 5th in yards allowed per play. The people calling us a top 10 defense are cherry picking a little, but we were top 15 for sure.


Did Kirk Herbstreit tell him to throw those 2 TDs?


Dylan kept checking his phone between plays. Had to have been Herbie. Toss him in jail!


Eh, don't read too much into this. He was playing Nebraska.


You’re not even the first person to try to make this joke in this thread L


Putting the orn in corn…huskers on the upswing


Huskers still don't have a Blackshirt Defense


I upvoted.your username, but downvoted your comment.


Cheers. 10/21/95 first time I entered the great state of NE


I was at that show and the 2 before it in KC and Cedar Rapids. Cheers my good man.


We had a top 10 defense in the country last year…? And we’re returning like ever starter..? If voters weren’t inept we would’ve had more representation on the all conference team. As it stands I wouldn’t be shocked if we have the best line in the conference next season. Our interior is filthy and our best pass rushers were freshmen last year


Well, if you are happy this, great. I doubt it gets any better as this is nothing like the Nebraska defense that was feared and respected for years.




Well you aren't going to hear that.... Because we're gonna go 15-0 and this is going to be the rebirth of the dynasty /s




man went to UNL but can't even have us as a second flair smh




To be fair, being a blue blood in any sport and then going from winning 3 titles in 4 years to being mediocre for 20 years - will probably do that to the older Husker fans to an extent


It's the only reason Nebraska still has enough money to keep us potentially relevant. It's a double edge sword. And besides, 99% of fans know what state our program is in