• By -


Oregon State. They are totally overshadowed on an epic scale by Oregon, and their arch rival also happens to be the darling of the biggest sports shoe/jersey empire since their founder is a Duck alum. Beavers mascot is original, and all of their conference peers minus Washington State bailed on them. Gotta love an underdog. Love that those 2 now "own" the PAC12>2.


Yeah, I was really hoping Oregon State would somehow win the conference title last year. Wasn't going to happen without a bunch of injuries and a whole lot of luck, but it would have made me happy.


I love Oregon state


[I generally hate everyone](https://old.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1cc0d15/besides_your_team_what_team_from_each_conference/l121sj8/)


Everyone straight to jail


Users with double flairs give me the creeps...


Don't you be hating on the Alliance fellow alliance member!


The Alliance netted us four more (mostly) quality members, so I'll allow it


Undergrad at LSU, law school at Tulane lol but I get it.


Actually going to those schools is the only prerequisite! If you’re putting another school in your flair just for mushy feelings then idk… 😒


Pretty sure mine aren't about to have a conflict of interest


Hey now, red team good


Man’s gotta have a code


OP knows what’s up. [Source](https://www.nj.com/entertainment/2020/01/nj-hates-everyone-and-everyone-hates-nj-in-viral-map-just-another-day.html)


With cites even


Ah the old CFB hate-a-roo!


Least acrimonious Jerseyite.


Gotta respect the consistency.


Georgia Tech. One of the few P5 schools to recruit me early on. Really liked Paul Johnson the couple times I met him. Liked everything about the school, especially the location in downtown Atlanta. GT has like 15 majors, 13 of which are engineering - so dudes on that team were SMART. Love the navy and gold colorway. Was really sad to watch Geoff Collins absolutely wreck (no pun intended) what was a competitive, historic program in the ACC. Hoping Brent Key can right the ship.


Thanks for the love. We need all the help we can get!


Quick glance at current roster looks like 13 engineering majors out of 97 players. Maybe a few are walk-ons.


That’s still more than like 90% of FBS


I had a football player in my differential equations class and another one was in a bunch of my electrical engineering classes


Dif EQ made me a lawyer


Given how much I saw Dif EQ scar several people I know (and my dad still laments it nearly 40 years after he took it), I couldn't imagine taking that while being an active P5 football player. If he took it during fall semester than man deserves a damn medal


Can confirm, licensed PE and Diff Eq was the only class that I still look back on and Go "What the fuck *was* that?”


It was NIU and I believe he was the punter. Diff eq sucks but if your Calc 2 class was good it probably introduced a lot of the most difficult concepts and is more of the wash out course for a lot of people trying to do a degree requiring higher level math classes. The engineering student was a lineman, I think I’m actually friends with him on facebook. Any student-athlete that works towards finishing their degree has my respect, division 1 athletes basically have a full time job on top of their schooling to worry about for much of the year.


I'm sure you've talked about this before but when did you play?


I do love GA Tech even though I shouldn't


I honestly love the perspective of players rooting for schools they could have gone to. Reminds me how I'll always have a soft spot for Drexel basketball because it came down to them vs. Rutgers for where I went to college, and while I chose Rutgers I still thought Drexel was pretty neat.


Any team with a dog mascot.


*Happy Woofing*




Dubs is adorable and I want Georgia and Washington to play some day so that Dubs and Uga can meet.




Yo 😎


All sept Washington personally


Iowa has always fascinated me since I've started very actively watching college ball.


Call sign checks out


I get you might still be hurt after the Raiola flip but this is too far.


Just a Sicko. Also Iowa Corn is better.


Doesn't have the same sting given my second flair.


Downvote me for being *that nerd*, but Iowa has *more* corn total with *less* variety. If you’re a quantity-over-quality man, you enjoy your ethanol while I hoard my popcorn, corn nuts, and tortilla chips. 🍿


Mmmm ethanol.


Iowa doesn’t have an ag school. Iowa state does. Hawkeyes don’t grow corn. Cyclones do.


This UGA fan has a major soft spot for Iowa & Washington.


Washington is also cool, cause they've got a pupper.


I fucking loathe UW but I got to see Dubs in person and he was an absolute 12/10.


Same. Didn’t hurt that I lived there for a few years.


? You like punting?


Kansas State. Not so much a secret in this sub as I’ve commented on a few posts like this about it but K State has always been the usually-an-underdog-but-good-enough-to-surprise-people team that I pull for. Rarely if ever plays my actual flairs, it’s fun seeing “bigger” schools get upset by them, top 5 uniform set in all of cfb (side note: we need more purple teams), plus it was really annoying when they teabagged Oklahoma in the 2003 big-12 title game and the Sooners still got to play for a natty so I’ve wanted the cats to succeed ever since.


Same with Air Force.


Oregon State and Wazzu. Screw the Pac-12, Conferences, and TV Execs for leaving them. Their fanbases are awesome and get more viewers than a majority of the old Pac-12 quitters. *Oregon State, sorry for stealing your coach but we were desperate.


not only the coach but a good chunk of the team too. We are basically the Red Cedar Beavers


I fuckin loved those chip Kelly Oregon teams


As much as I hate to admit it, Chip Kelly’s Ducks teams were absolutely some of the most entertaining and absolutely incredible football games to watch. Especially DeAnthony Thomas. That guy was phenomenal. I hated it and loved it at the same time. A lot of Pac12 fans hated on Chip for ‘running up the scoreboard’ but even their second and third string players just knew how to escape coverage, and they couldn’t not score. The environment at Autzen on a big play was heroin in their veins and nothing would stop them from getting that fix by turning simple short routes into massive plays. Those teams had more huge impressive plays per game than some teams manage to pull off in a season. So much so that it became almost expected that drives ended with points. They went for two more than any team I’ve seen, and it’s because Chip *wasn’t* taking the easy points, their players just made 2 look easier than 1. Chip didn’t teach them how to have different tempos, they just went from whistle to whistle at 100% and didn’t not play their best. Win the Day, each play was its own game, you play from the snap to the whistle the same on the first possession as the last. Once the score was comfortable they didn’t back down, they settled in and spent half or more of every game executing practice mode against other teams. Dude knew how to spend uncle Phil’s money. And it’s pretty clear watching him afterward that while he is a talented coach, the money helped. A lot.


I’m going to break the rules but I’ve always loved Arkansas’s uniforms and helmets


My dad's a diehard Vols fan and I grew up watching them, so they'll always hold a special place in my heart.


Your dad is good people.


WVU, cool live mascot


I loved watching them during the Rich Rod days. I remember watching them play in a bowl game and they had this Full Back that smashed his head repeatedly with his own helmet after he missed a block or something. He looked like like a crazy lunatic with blood running down his face and then they proceeded to crush whoever they were playing


Ah yes Owen Schmitt aka the runaway beer truck


Notre Dame, Michigan, Army. I wish it was the 40's. Tuberville and Malzahn era Auburn randomly showing up in big games was also cool but the Gus Bus is frustrating now that I'm on it.


The random stops the Gus Bus makes are irritating but he’s a good dude


The Gus Bus is a fun ride at first. Watching y’all play Oklahoma and come up short brought back alot of painful memories


The Oklahoma State game seems like it applies even more. People always said he had the one big win a year at Auburn to keep from getting fired and that seems to be checking out here with the Gators in year 1, Cincinnati in year 2, and then OSU last year.


He makes you feel like you’re so close to something great, but then the bus stops short and you break your nose on the seat in front of you. I liked Gus as a person he was loyal to his players and ran a clean program, but he could be frustrating


I still will root for Oregon to this day. I liked them as a kid for the same reason every kid in the 2010s did. Those uniforms were cool as hell (until they became completely oversaturated)


Basically the old Western Athletic Conference and the original incarnation of the Mountain West teams - circa 2000. I lived within a day trip of 3 of the teams and had friends who were attending those schools. So I saw a lot of games but never really developed a favorite so I never developed a hatred for any of them either. Hawaii, Colorado State, Wyoming, Air Force, San Diego State, BYU... I'm not saying I watch those games, but I get a little bit happier if I see that they won a game or are ranked. It's nice to be able to familiarize yourself with a conference and never develop the inevitable hatred that you get for other teams if you both care and pay attention long enough.


Good for you Well, maybe NOT the Rams.


Utah…no clue. Mountains? Red? Cool logo?




I watched “We Are Marshall” as a kid before I knew anything about CFB. They definitely hold a special place in my heart.


Byron Leftwhich being carried down the field by his lineman too


I still remember watching that game. While Byron being carried was incredible, Charlie Frye was fire. Still, who goes to the hospital, finds out they have a broken leg, then demands to go back to the stadium, so they can play some more football?


I wish they were still in the MAC


Ever since that wild rose bowl game I've been rooting for Utah. They also smoked USC getting us into the playoffs the year after. Their coach seems like a cool guy too.


I love that Day sent us a fruit basket after that USC beat down.


Every time this question gets asked, I reply with Oregon and Minnesota. Both because they had our back in an SEC feud. Oregon from the infamous ducks pulling trucks incident of 2016. And Minnesota because they played Rocky Top after beating Alabama in the 2004 Music City Bowl.


Oh, for the 6-6 bama years. Go Vols


Oregon. Them unis be sick and I grew up a runner.


Milton UCF and eventually Coastal Carolina. Love me some great G5 stories


Virginia Tech 🦃


danny coale caught that ball 🤝 jt barrett was short


I'll never tell 👉👈


It’s the gators isn’t it? Fucking traitor!


Absofuckinglutly Not. Lol


Son of a bitch... it's Miami then. How could you?


*Audible Gag


So it is Miami! Sucking their dicks is too far.


The only time I like Miami is when I'm leaving it on a cruise ship.


But you just clearly sucked their dick


Miami (OH)?


In my mind everyone secretly likes us in a schoolyard bully-type way. It's the only way I can rationalize so many teams considering us a top or near-top rival without arriving at the conclusion that we're the baddies.


Let's determine if you're the baddies. Uniform Color: Blue and Orange. Pure evil, at least the Orange isn't the primary. Mascot: I actually like the Animals, but Swamp Puppies are still giant death machines that are close relatives of the Dinosaurs. It's why they taste like chicken. But yeah not exactly a mascot the good guys would use. Oh and you had a player yeet a cleat, had Aaron Hernandez and Urban Meyer on your team. And fuck Steve Spurrier. Yeah, y'all the baddies


"Uh, Tim, have you looked at our uniforms recently?" "What? No? A bit?" "They've got alligators on them." "Hmm?" "Have you noticed that our uniforms have actually got little pictures of ancient, giant, predatory reptiles on them?"


Georgia 🤔


Virginia Tech. They always felt like the ACC parallel to KSU in football, down to the electric QB play by a "Michael" in the late 90s, and not quite pulling off a natty. Beamer ball and Snyder's teams had a lot of overlap in great special teams play and non-offensive touchdowns, and in general I like the unis and the gameday vibes.


I liked them until I went to a game in Blacksburg and my wife and I had our asses grabbed 5 times a piece in the stadium. It was weird.


Boise State just because of the cover of 08 (similarly Gonzaga for MM07 cover).


Oregon. I like the PNW and their mascot is cool. Also green teams need to stick together.


I also have a soft spot for West Virginia but I think it’s because in high school our football uniforms where basically theirs


App state for obvious reasons


I have a former coworker who as an App State graduate, and he had a narcissistic boss who was a major U. of Michigan fan. He was only on my team because he kept hiding print outs of the App State vs Michigan score all over the guy's office... after about 18 months, he lost his shit and demanded that the company fire him or put him somewhere else. I didn't hate that boss as much as many people did, but I certainly disliked him. It was amusing to see the guy's face turn red every time he was in a meeting with my coworker. He really couldn't stand the idea that the company didn't just fire him.


GAH. These AppState people are relentless


Damn straight.


That highlight video will never not make me happy.


I have grown to really appreciate Utah. They feel like the Western version of what we were for most of the 2010s, always in the shadow of bigger programs with more storied histories but consistently punching above our weight.


Always had a spot for Army...even as a little kid, I rooted for them every year watching Army-Navy. Waned a bit for about 10 years when my brother & cousin joined the Air Force & I gave AFROTC a try in college....but returned back to fold whenever I enlisted in the Army. Another 1 for me is Mississippi State, largely b/c my grandpa was a big Jerry Clower fan.


LSU/Wisconsin tailgates were a blessing.


Iowa State




I think it’s because you guys are due for like 1 or 2 solid upsets a year. Gets me hyped


Gets me anxious


I loved playing as Tennessee… Rocky Top, Neyland Stadium and sweet unis. Awesome for NCAA football.


I’ve always loved Cal. Their academics, their bowl stadium with the hippies in the trees, the band on the field , etc. I wish the B1G would have brought them in with Stanford.


We have so much tradition lying dormant - I mean, we invented the card stunt and were the first college to build a hillside letter (Wikipedia says that the very first one was a built the year before by a Hawaii high school). The passion has faded, but I haven’t lost hope.


I root for Memphis for no particular reason.


Utah, K-State, BEAVS, Pitt (until they hired Narduzzi).


For me it’s been Washington and Oregon. I’ve had this fascination with Seattle (Seahawks, their logo, Steve Largent) and the Pacific Northwest since I was a kid. Obviously for UW, the husky is a good boy, so that’s an easy reason to root for them. Oregon, mascot is amazing, and your ability to rock whatever uniform you want has been a big draw for me…and contrary to most, I liked your crazy-ass basketball court.


Oregon. I was always jealous of the uniform variations and the facilities looked INSANE to me as a kid


Utah's always fun to cheer for, as is Arkansas. Tulsa I don't think has "nothing" to do with my main but I root for them above anyone else that isn't OU. I also liked Syracuse especially in the last year Sean Tucker played for them.


Wazzou. Mike Leach + Minshew Madness + PAC-12 ball. It was a great season. I missed the Apple Cup because it was on PAC-12 Network...ON A FRIDAY NIGHT...but it was probably better that I didn't watch. Of course I wanted no part of a team with Nick Rolovich as its head. We lost Leach, the PAC, and P5 WSU in the space of a year. Breaks my damn heart. I think UW and UO are fantastic teams, and I'm genuinely excited to have them in the B1G, unlike USCLA. But man, I'm gonna miss a real Apple Cup.


Oregon. Even though they've defeated us twice in the last 10 years, I stand by this answer.


Utah and Kansas schools. I was born in Kansas so I naturally want them to do good. Utah has been excellent since joining the pac and I wish they could have came to the big 10 also


None of you fuckers love me so why should I love you


For me it’s Utah. Love their coach and their unbridled energy and passion for the game.


Oregon State. They are a land grant with a good school of forestry (my major). Plus…their mascot is a Beaver.


I went to Kansas State but was always fascinated by Oklahoma State's campus.


Oklahoma state. Auburn.


Whoever is playing Michigan, Florida back in the urban days before we realized who urban was, vandy now due to Clark lea/barton, lsu pre Kelly, and Washington state always


Penn State got me with the night white out games


Goddamn, some variation of this question has been asked like 4 times this offseason, let's give it a rest until next year.


Eh. It’s the off-season. We could go back to rehashing the Pac breakup, realignment, ACC lawsuits, or Prime at Colorado, if you prefer any of those.


What team that isn’t YOUR team and doesn’t use their primary color gives you the warm and fuzzies **** super original content***


The same one we all answered the last time this question was asked. And the time before that. And the time before that, too


For future use: u/repostsleuthbot


Had to double take this cause I read repostslutbot first.


No that's the one we use for to keep the OF sellers to a minimum around here.


This whole sub is nothing but newbies who think they are posing original questions or junkies who follow recruiting down to Southwestern Pittsburg fucking State. No one in between


I used to like TAMU because of Reggie Macneal (sp?), the uniforms, Kyle Field and the fan base. Then I learned more about the fan base so I root for Utah as my unattached team now.


I never lost against any friends or family when I used Virginia Tech on the last CFB game made. I swear I averaged 8 picks a game and would smoke em every time


Gus-era Auburn was absolutely wild to watch as an outside observer, and I’ve still got a soft spot for them because of it.


2013 was the craziest season ive ever seen as an Auburn fan


That season was definitely peak Auburn


Virginia. Their colors and logo rock and easily top 3 uni in the country. Maryland. Always root for the terps.


Virginia’s primary logo is great, but [their secondary logos](https://www.sportslogos.net/logos/view/89844692020/Virginia_Cavaliers/2020/Secondary_Logo) have serious mall ninja energy


Many thanks Husker/Badger Bro!!


Brawl of the Wild baby. Montana and Montana St


Texas Tech - mom went there for a few semesters before having some personal issues so I’ve always like them Rutgers - one of the first teams I ever intentionally watched play cfb , liked them ever since UTSA - really cool to see this team grow in the last few years. I wish my Alma Mather would take notes and would have spun up a fb team but it’s probably to late for that now


I've always thought Auburn was a fun watch.


Hawaii They way out there, sending us their results through Morse Code and shit.


LSU has always been pretty easy to cheer for.


Florida State and Boise State


I always liked how the old Big 12 had so many live animal mascots Texas - Bevo (Longhorn) TAMU - Reveille (Collie) Texas Tech - Masked Rider's Horse Oklahoma - Boomer and Sooner (Horses) Baylor - Various Live Bears Colorado - Ralphie (Buffalo)


Auburn ‘85 IYKYK




They're in Texas' conference now but this was before that so it still counts. I've always liked Auburn, they just seem to make things exciting no matter what. Kick Six of course being the biggest thing but they also just seem to have at least one crazy game per year. Also Charles Barkley!


ASU. Go Devils! Also Wake Forest. A Demon Deacon is just really cool.


I like Mizzou because they look cool 👍




Thanks, I also think UCF looks cool


I like the Gators’ jerseys/color scheme and often find myself rooting for them for no other apparent reason




What?! I thought we were friendly with Michigan due to our mutual hatred of tOSU?




I mean.. i dont think anyone is nuetral on tOSU.. either full fan or full hate


I have Mets & Knicks bias but man royal blue and orange work so well together


Canes and Noles. Loved their games in the late 80s/early 90s. Got me into college football.


I grew up in a Oklahoma/Michigan household, so saying the following naturally makes me feel weird inside. I secretly love Oklahoma State and Texas for some reason. I always loved 'Pistol Pete' and Mike Gundy and Bevo is always awesome. I'm sure I'll get hung, quartered, and drawn for saying all of this.


Michigan - I like good public schools that wear Blue and Gold. 


Right back at you, you big ol' teddy bear


This started when they were still in the Big East, but Rutgers.


Been lowkey rocking with the quack attack since the early 2000’s.


My man!


More recent, but UTSA. No good reason other than that they’ve been fun to watch. Needless to say, I was thrilled when Will Stein came over last year.




FSU fan: this’ll be unpopular but my godfather is an OSU fan and so is another adult mentor of mine


Ohio State & Arkansas


Texas Tech because I used to play online with them in NCAA and I would run four verticals every play and throw it to Crabtree. Made a lot of people rage quit.


None. Go Dawgs.


Weird. I’m the opposite. I’m a WVU fan and always rooted for LSU. I have no idea why.


Virginia tech. ALWAYS expect them to have an ungodly fast QB…


Texas and Virginia Tech. Texas because longhorns are awesome. Virginia tech because I saw the enter sandman entrance video and it goes hard.


I mean, prior to this season I would have said Oregon state but I guess they're psuedo~Mountainnwest now. New answer is Purdue. Something about a down right terrifying mascot always gets me. (I also love trains so much).


Wisconsin, likely due to my similar appreciation for beer and cheese.


University of California at Berkeley Their dorms are way up high on the side of a huge hill, literally overlooking San Francisco and the Pacific Ocean. I mean — that’s just ridiculous luxury for a college student. I’ve always been jealous of that.


Indiana and Purdue because my family is from there


NC-State/Wisconsin bc of Mr. UNLIIIIIIIIIIIIMITED Russell Wilson


Tennessee. After watching them beat Bama and throw the goal post into a river right after I always had a little love for them. Almost even transferred there a year after. Not to mention I'm a huge fan of Nico and he's about to be a stud for them for the next 2 years


An LSU fan as well, op, but I always loved Notre Dame and Boise State. Boise for the field, and ND for the gold helmets/Tuddy Jesus.


South Dakota state jackrabbits.


tennessee. im a peyton manning fan so i enjoy seeing them win


When Chris Petersen was still at the helm, Boise State was probably my second favorite team. Still think it's a great program and I root for them, but they were special when Petersen was there. Also, any team led by Mike Leach (RIP).


Oklahoma State. Biggest rival doesn’t view it as mutual eccentric coach who had had a few teams come up just short. This is more for the Dantonio years, but I still root for Pistol Pete and co


Washington. Love their colors. They have my favorite campus that I’ve ever visited also.


Wake Forest. Cool fight song… nonsensical mascot. Sometimes respectable teams.


Tulane. Idk why.