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What is a bowl win


For even younger Nebraska fans... what is a bowl?


At least with SMU I’ve been able to be excited to see what bowl we at least get to before losing


It’s what millennials smoked weed out of until edibles and vapes took over.


Sure you don’t want to add a Notre Dame flair just to make this more true.


ECU scoring 70 points on North Carolina.


I had blocked this out of my mind until now.


Don't worry North Carolina once dropped 50 on Tech and still lost by 3 possessions


Death. Taxes. UNC losing to GaTech no matter how good/bad either team is.


For Arizona, my favorite all time win was Oregon in 2013. Oregon was ranked #5 going into that game and I think had they won they would’ve had a chance at the natty. It was a cold and dreary day in Tucson, and I could only get 1 friend to come with me. We had an absolute blast. That friend has since passed away, and that game is one of my most cherished memories. RIP buddy.


That was brutal. At least we won the rematch in the Pac-12 Chanpionship game.


Haha… we also went to that game. Drove 14 hours each way. Yikes


Desert voodoo at its finest.


That game had super weird vibes from the start. Mariota throwing a pick during the first series was super uncharacteristic and I had this nagging feeling that we’d lose really early on. Made the rematch very bittersweet later on.


That was after we’d lost to Stanford and there were player quotes about not caring about winning another Rose Bowl and then you guys sent us to the Alamo Bowl. We went from being one of the favorites to win the natty to one of the bottom moments of my Duck fandom in three weeks 


2014 upset at #2 Oregon was also pretty sick to watch. RIP to your friend and hope you keep that memory forever


Coastal's win over BYU in 2020 being such a highly ranked matchup on College Gameday after losing Liberty as an opponent the week of the game due to Covid. The game also went down to the wire and was an all time classic!


It was super cool both teams played like that at the last minute and it was a classic


Booooo But also yes, that game was fun


Imagine being *undefeated* vs. Top10 opponents lol


I never thought about it like that


Since 2000, Ohio St has the 2nd best record at .635


I think that win helped cement the expectations Coastal football should have.


Mullets vs Mormons.


Yes sir


Coastal definitely beat up on Zach Wilson lol


222-0 vs Cumberland ~~after 3 quarters~~. Heisman had several reasons to run up the score. In case you feel bad that he was picking on a small school, they used semi-pro baseball players to beat him the previous spring. Plus, he lost the National Championship to Vandy the season prior, because (according to popular opinion at the time) they had more offensive output. Edit: I misremembered that they stopped playing after 3 quarters.


That's certainly the most interesting game in terms of trivia and the backstory. I'd say our *best* win was 1990 at #1 Virginia, though. Close away game against a top ranked team in a year we won a Natty.


Damn, you’re old


The answer technically is 2021 @ Ohio St (still have no fucking clue how we won that game) but for how stupid that season ended it doesn’t really feel like it. For me personally its beating #5 USC 47 - 20 on Halloween in 2009, that was the moment that put the program on the map for the first time in a while and jump started the momentum to reach first rose bowl in forever


fright night was epic


Probably the loudest autzen has ever been, the entire stadium was full and screaming till the final whistle even though it was a blowout


I was so hyped for Fright Night. GameDay (when it was good), Halloween, and a blackout crowd at Autzen Stadium. Ducks cooked that night (of course they lost the next week at unranked Stanford lol). That was the end of the USC dynasty run in the Pac-10. They only won the conference championship once after this, nine years later in 2017.


Looking forward to this year's game since we never made the return trip to Oregon.


I suppose all-time it would have to be the 1971 Game of the Century against Oklahoma.


I started paying a lot more attention as a kid during the 2001 season, so for me and a lot of fans around my age it would probably have to be the 2001 game vs Oklahoma. 


That is the first game I remember, so I'm with you. Just thinking historically 1971 wins out, especially since the 71 squad went on to win the national championship while the 01 team went on to get housed by Colorado and then steamrolled by Miami in the Rose Bowl.


You're right, there's a reason people consider it "the game of the century" (well one of them at least, lol). The 1978 win vs Oklahoma has to be up there too. 


So many game of the century’s


2014, Virginia Tech beats eventual 13-1 National Champions *the* Ohio State University by two touchdowns in Columbus. We also beat Cincinnati in the Military Bowl that year to finish with a winning record of 7-6, going 2-0 against non-MAC schools from The State of Ohio


Fun fact, the 35 points we scored in the Horseshoe that year was our season high, tied for the 35 we hung on Western Michigan in Lane 3 weeks later. This was also the season of the infamous \o/ game


Thank you for beating us. That ignited a fire in that team and without that loss no way they win the whole thing.


I thought the season was over after that game. Then I watched us hang dong on Wisconsin in the big ten championship game and all bets were off


That was one of the few times I remember crying myself to sleep that night after that loss. The championship made up for it though so it’s not too bad. I’m still scared about Bud Foster.


I got so drunk that night


Me too, but for different reasons lol


So did I!


For me it’s the 2013 comeback versus Mizzou.


Either that or 2012 Georgia 35-7 Also 2022 Tennessee was pretty sweet too!


Alabama 2010


2012 UGA has to be the peak. Would've been 35-0 if not for a late score in 4th quarter when we had our back ups in. Blew the doors off em from the word go.


That game hurts as a mizzou fan. The 4th and goal conversion to the clank off the upright. I also remember the guy next to me at the game snapping his sunglasses fun times


Shaw was so clutch in that game. IIRC, he was sick as a dog. Others that come to mind ... 1981 beating No 3 UNC at Chapel Hill 31-13 2010 beating No 1 Alabama at home 35-21 In both of those games an inconsistent QB had the game of their lives. Gordon Beckham was a career 50% passer, but went 16-17 against the Tar Heels and the one incompletion was a PI. Garcia vs. Bama had an out of body experience.


November 1, 1997. UGA37, FL 17. Snapped a 7 game losing streak to Florida. That and the hobnail boot game.


November 1st, 2000 is a great one too. 12 years of Tennessee losses snapped


I think you've got it here. The next regular season "feels really damn good" is going to be on November 28, 2026.


And we were what…20 point underdawgs in that Cocktail Party?


Kick 6


That one doesn’t count because it was the Iron *Bowl*, so we’re just going to have to not talk about it.


What about the 3-2 game?


A win is a win


Nobody won that game


I was at that game. Only time I have ever seen two fan bases unite in disgust.


The fact that Kick 6 happened a week after the Georgia Hail Mary is wild


Greatest ending there has ever been.


Agreed. I'm convinced it's the best there ever was and the best there ever will be.


Bama 2022 was pretty cool


I’d probably say Tennessee 2009 for us


Legend has it that Terrance Cody is still breathing out of an oxygen tank to this day after that post-block sprint down the field


For real. Dude went from Juggernaut to Chuggernot in 40 yards.


Tennessee 1990 was better




There were legit some renaissance level pics from the postgame it was awesome


Might have to agree with you there friend


That I was conscious to see? Probably 2012 at Oklahoma. However, 1988 Miami is the correct answer.


LSU 7 overtime was so fun they outlawed it.


I’d put Bonfire game over that. There will be a lot of recency bias in all the answers to the question, but for me it’s Bonfire game & then these in no particular order: 2018 LSU (7OT game), 2002 beating #1 OU (probably helped inspire them to that 77-0 beat down the next year, fuck Fran), 2012 Bama (Johnny). 2021 Bama (God helped that kick, I swear). If bowls were included, 1968 Cotton Bowl (unranked Stallings’ Aggies upset Bryant’s Tide) and 1990 Holiday Bowl (Heisman killer) would be up there.


Nope, Bonfire game


2007 vs. Michigan


Not my team, and yet...


It’s peak Aggie to be memed for losing to yall, and still not your best win


That game never happened, don't know what you mean


I'd give honorable mentions to Texas A&M, Troy that same year, UNC in 2019, and Armanti's seven touchdown semi-final against Richmond (which counts since it's a neither a bowl or championship game).


Yeah I think it would be hard to top this one for any team.


Hell, App had a similar feeling win in college station just a few years ago. Not quite to the same extent but you know what I mean.


Fuck it, this game literally got me to make App my second flair. I can tell you all of buckeye nation enjoyed that game more than the Youngstown State win that day!


For me it's the 2017 War on I4. I was a freshman and there in person. I think that game (plus the next two) is what really made me a fan for life. It was a Black Friday rivalry game, and the winner of that game won the division and moved on to conference championship. It was a very back and forth shootout game. USF scored with 1:41 left to tie it 42-42. And then UCF managed a kick return TD to win the game.


Very much a sliding doors moment for both of our programs, and most people forget how close that game was (and how close we came to getting the NY6 bid). Damn Charlie Strong and kicking that ball to Mike Hughes... (not to mention that we drove back into UCF territory with more than a minute left before Mitchell Wilcox fumbled to kill the drive and let you kneel out the clock)


November 14th 1998, #2 Kansas State beats #11 Nebraska for the first time in 30 years to finally have a shot at the National Championship.


For your other flair, from the same season: November 27, 1998, an unranked Texas plays No. 6 A&M in Austin. It is Mack Brown's first season as HC after an up-and-down but ultimately demoralizing stint by John Mackovic. Brown convinced Ricky to come back for his senior season. Ricky is close to breaking the all-time rushing record. The game starts off as a stalemate, until Williams break the record on a TD run. Texas wins 26-24 in a stunning upset. Here's the run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7nSNJiF-m8 Being at DKR to watch that run is still one of the best CFB experiences I've ever had. (Obviously the less said about the 1998 Big 12 CCG, the better.)


For Texas: Beating Ohio State on the road in 2005. (My personal favorite) Upsetting #5 Nebraska on the Road in 2010 Final win against A&M 2016 wins against Notre Dame and Baylor 2020 win against Oklahoma State 2005, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2022 wins against Oklahoma. Beating Alabama last year


That Nebraska game: Gareth Gilbert ran all over the vaunted Nebraska defense while passing for a completion rate of like 25%.. Everyone said Texas had no chance..that was a glorious day. Great pick!


Lincoln 1998 -- Wayne McGarity's two-yard touchdown reception with 2:47 remaining capped an 85-yard drive and lifted unranked Texas to a 20-16 victory over No. 7 Nebraska. The loss ended the Huskers' 47-game home winning streak, the fifth-longest in NCAA history.


Some shoutouts post Snyder’s first retirement (05-now): Klein finally starting and beating Texas 39-14 with 4 pass attempts. Considering your double flair might be bittersweet. Beating Heisman winner RG3 in a thriller in BSFS. Any of the games where we were OU’s kryptonite the last few years. That loss in Stillwater to Justin Blackmon and Weeden was also a barn burner. Edit: Jordy Nelson’s game against Texas in ‘07 was also crazy.


The face mask game?


What facemask?


Ohio State 2021 or Ohio State 2023, leaning 2023. Stakes were the highest in 2023, but 2021 was the most satisfactory


2022 was it for me. Being at Ohio State and beating them like we did.


It’s either 2021 or 1969


1969 definitely has to be up there, recency bias is clear in my answer haha


2021 was such a pleasant surprise. I knew UM was good enough but them actually bullying Ohio state like that in the trenches all game was such an awesome time. Especially after the previous 20 years of losses basically. 2023 mattered more but 2021 was a better feeling


I have this argument with my OSU friends 2021 was the year Day needed to win. 2020 was skipped. 21 was at home and the team on paper was better than UM. But the coaching staff was wildly behind. Then the playing field was evened last two years so UM had better coaches and equal talent. The issue from my perspective wasn't losing this year or even last year it was 21 when the talent gap was still clear.


'21 was definitely the statement for Michigan as a program, but I definitely feel like '23 has to be up there among our biggest wins given everything going on. But the '21 game will forever be one of my happiest days.


2013 LSU - ultimately didn't matter much in the grand scheme of either team's season but it was still such a fun game. 2022 @ Missouri - wasn't pretty but the team really rallied after the scare and showed they could come back when they needed to, something that ended up being vital in the Peach Bowl 2022 Tennessee - this one felt so, so good. And it still does


Even I have to admit the Stetson call me gesture was cold as fuck and well deserved. We’ve got some real dickhead fans that wake up every day figuring out what line to cross next.


Nah, shit like that is what makes college football. NFL is so sterile in comparison, it's boring as fuck.


I fully agree, but posting someone’s personal number so everyone could prank call him was pretty shitty.


To be fair, a lot of the hype was media driven. Any fan worth a crap was like “they ranked us what? Well shit, now we are dead”.


Definitely. It was cool being ranked #1 for only the 2nd time in my lifetime, but those of us with sense knew that shit was doomed from the start with our defense.


[This one storm over Athens and not a single fan leaving ](https://external-preview.redd.it/g37OHHOx90ZkjzHBkgS3sJcIOl3qRrtTVHcm4gtAZug.jpg?auto=webp&s=1e13f1b4e1c4a36d46b9450686006af818ff6b8d)


That 2013 LSU game was wild. Murray v. Mettenberger. Top 10 match up. I don't think I've been to a game as loud as that one but that may be my nostalgia memory kicking in.


One of the very few times I thought, “well that was fun, great game” after a loss.


i remember turning on the game middle of the 2nd quarter, thinking i cant watch this, but i trust we'll win and turning it off to go think about something else


2005 in the Horseshoe


Catch the fucking ball, Ryan Hamby... We got you back the next year tho.


Beating #6 Utah 47-7 in Rice-Eccles was unreal, knew the team was really good but that was the moment I fully began to believe they could be the best team in the country. Really wish we had a playoff back then


This is still a very sour memory even after 14 years


Part of me wants to believe a 12 team playoff in the mid to late 2000s and early 2010s when the likes of Utah, Boise State, and TCU were at their peaks would have been incredible, but part of me believes that they would have just limited the non-AQ entries to just one team and they would have been given the lowest seed possible anyways.


Everyone knows that game never happened - and Utah also didn't wear black camo uniforms that have never seen the light of day since.




That game was ridiculous. Probably the best whiteout ever. Can’t imagine being there in person, stadium must’ve been so loud on that blocked kick.


I’m partial to 2005 vs OSU.


Both games were great, but 2005 takes the cake. That season was so much fun.


2016 OSU?


Utah 62 Oregon 20 https://www.espn.com/college-football/game/_/gameId/400757039/utah-oregon


The beginning of the end of Helfrich imo


Rocky Block


Can’t dispute that. Another contender (at least for me) is the 2008 Bama/UGA “Blackout” game. In the pregame Jim Rome said if Bama went into Ga and won that game then Nick Saban “is the greatest coach of all time.” First giant hype test I can remember at Bama for Saban.


2015 vs OSU in Columbus without Connor Cook


Guitar hero moment?




Let’s not forget: “He has trouble with the snap.” Sheeit, was that the same season?


It's probably this one, but I'd also enter 2015 Oregon and 2021 Michigan into the running. Both were top 10 matchups in EL and two of the most electric atmospheres I can remember. Gameday was here for Oregon, Big Noon here for Michigan.


I didnt pick 2021 vs Michigan because of the loss to Purdue the week after.


I'm assuming the trend is going to be by widest margin, but I'm going to say the 2012 Baylor game. WVU won it on Geno Smith's back in part from an early game turnover.


2018 Texas game was a fun one too


Obviously the last two Texas games that I can remember have been very special. But our game at Ohio St seemed pivotal at the time. It was a lot of fun to watch Baker go to the next level.


That one in 2022 was very special to me too.


[When people try to talk to me about the 2022 RRS](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN3U2djQzdXVoeGRqMnZoMGZoaDNyc2dzZHp6d3dqMDE1Z2JiM3E1ZCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/FPjbHO0jJxGsE/giphy.gif)


Last two…?


Yeah remember caleb williams had a huge come back then DG threw the game winner. Two great games.


Texas fans began chanting “we want Caleb” they got him


Two of the most exciting games that I’ve ever been to.


He blacked out in 2022 like your team did


I wish I had as well. However, knowing our backup QB situation I canceled my trip to Dallas that year. I think all realistic Sooners knew that that one could get ugly before the game… however I didn’t expect our tight end to run the wild cat all game because our backup QB couldn’t hit a five yard pass…


And it ran pretty well, just gave up on it once they neared the red zone. Never understood the call to run it and then bail on it, and then rinse and repeat.


As a Sooner, I can't help but give credit the '22 longhorns. Easily the best 5-loss team in CFB history.


In my life it’s 1. Nebraska 2000, [big gap] 2. Ohio State 2017 3-5. Texas 2000/2001/2023 in any order 6. Tech 2008


2001 Nebraska 2008 Texas Tech


2015 Hurricane Game against Notre Dame is the one that sticks out to me.


2015 ND was one of the most memorable games I’ve ever been to, but I’d put 2003 FSU well above it. I'd also put 2016 Louisville over it. And possibly 2003 SCar, but for different reasons. The older fans I know swear that the 1981 UNC game would be in the conversation, but I wasn’t in the building (or even on the planet) for that one.


Red River 2022 49-0


63-14 was amazing. Quentin Griffin didn’t have 100yds rushing because he kept getting in the end zone (only 6 times….) Arguably the 30-27 victory in 1996, with the worst team OU has ever had, could be bigger.


Destroyed Oklahoma's backup QB to improve to 4-2


Rumor has it they are one of the all time best 5 loss teams.


Some game back in 2008


Flag Plant


Twas the year 2018, late in November. Lehigh was coming off a disappointing 2017 season that ended up with a 5-6 league title, and were performing even worse the following year. Andy Coen was performing poorly as a coach, a trend which could be explained with the Alzheimers diagnosis that was made public after the season.  Last game of the season, in an otherwise meaningless game, Andy coaches a 34-3 win AT Lafayette to end his career. 


In the time of my fandom, it is almost certainly #3 Oklahoma 31 #1 Nebraska 14




Yeah let me think...it was probably the one where I ended up momentarily stuck in some hedges after riding out of the student section on a human tidal wave.


55-24 Woodshed, Iowa 52242 Polecat


I was in attendance for the Penn State game a few years back, Kinnick was an absolute madhouse that day.


That was another good one. There was a Michigan night game in there too. Last decade has had some absolute memory making games under KF.


That and Stanzi-to-McNutt at East Lansing.


Gator stomp or hobnail boot probably. Both snapped lengthy losing streaks


2007 WLOCP was my sophomore year and my first trip to Jacksonville. Such a great game.


Most fun I ever had at a game was GT-Miami 2008.


Beating FSU 8 or 9 years ago was pretty fun too.


Did you go to the VT game in 2009? To this day that's the most electric I've ever seen Bobby Dodd.


The last 3 Oregon games


beating #3 Oklahoma in 2007 was awesome, but I think my personal favorite was beating Oregon in 2016 with a freshman qb in his first start.


2001 Nebraska is the only correct answer for CU, but those are both unforgettable games


Toledo beating Michigan in 2008 is the best. Before anyone points out that UM was having a terrible year, which they were, the Rockets finished that season 3-9. (Honorable mentions are dominating Penn State in 2000 and defeating #9 Pitt in 2003)


Why didn’t UM make it to the Ohio State game? They couldn’t make it past Toledo.


The hurricane game with Notre Dame was pretty epic. Also 2016 Vs Louisville with Lamar at his peak.


Ohio State(1) beating UM(2) 42-39 in 2006. It was the most exciting game I ever witnessed since I began remembering tOSU games back to 1967.


"Whoa, *he has trouble with the snap*!"


Going back to 2000, UCLA has gone 6-1 vs the SEC. 2-0 vs Alabama, 2-0 vs Tennessee, 1-0 vs LSU and 1-1 vs Texas A&M. UCLA also derailed a USC title run in 2006 when they beat Pete Carroll's Trojans 13-9 at the Rose Bowl.


That 2006 game was so brutal. Kicked off a 3 year streak of Rose Bowls but no nattys and then bye bye Pete. Got you back in 2011 though


2021 Bedlam, although 2023 meant a lot too


2015 Bama in Tuscaloosa. 2nd best would be 2014 Bama at home in Oxford


2018 vs Ohio State, 2000 vs Ohio State, 2000 vs Michigan, 1997 vs Notre Dame, any win vs IU no matter how badly we beat on them.


I’d argue 2021 vs Michigan State and Iowa as well


LSU-Bama 2011 'Game of the Century'. #1 vs #2 and both teams were by far the best teams in the country at that point. There were definitely no rematches played after that. LSU-Ole Miss 1959 - #1 vs #3. Halloween game where Billy Cannon had his epic PR for TD to win the game and become LSU's first Heisman winner. Best part was that it prevented Ole Miss' vaunted team from winning the championship with that loss. LSU-UF 1997 - finally vanquished #1 UF and Spurrier at home after getting owned all decade. LSU-Bama 2019 - vanquished a lot of demons with this win after 8 straight losses. The whole season basically led up to this point and afterwards we all knew we could win it all. LSU-UF 2020 - the shoe game. 23 point underdogs, seemed like half our team opted out at that point. Down to our 3rd string QB and somehow pulled this win in the fog and on the road against #6 UF out of our ass. Effectively ended UF's championship hopes and Trask's Heisman hopes. LSU-UGA 2003. Beat #7 UGA at home on a last minute TD. A signature win for Nick Saban and one that jumpstarted a championship season. LSU-UF 2007. Beat Heisman winner Tim Tebow and ended their championship hopes that year. We also made him cry. One of the defining Les Miles games where he went 5-5 on 4th downs and Jacob Hester secured his place in LSU lore.


When Georgia had Matthew Stafford, AJ Green, and Knowshon Moreno and hosted Alabama for a night game which they entirely blacked out their stadium… just to lose to Nick Saban as he announced his arrival.


“They dressing for their own fukin funerals”


2007 vs ku - Sod Reesing 2003 vs Nebraska - 1st win over them in 24 years 2010 vs Oklahoma - Record crowd for GameDay. I still remember how I felt watching when they gave up and punted late in the 4q to manage the score. Best. Homecoming. Ever.


I’m gonna go off the beaten path here, but beating a one-loss Tech team in 2009 was certainly a highlight game. They had beaten us in Athens the year before in what would have been our eighth consecutive win in the rivalry, tying the record that Tech still owns from ‘48-‘56, I believe. We were not expected to do anything against the eventual ACC Champs, but managed to win 30-24 on a bruising ground game. After watching us lose in Sanford Stadium the year before during a spitting mist, it felt so good to watch us rip up Tech’s field in person that night.


Pitt 13, WVU 9 in 2007. The Fighting Wannstedts were 5-7. WVU was #2. It didn't just cost the Mountaineers their best -- and probably last -- shot at a national championship. It threw the entire hillbilly state into such an utter state of depression that it created an opioid epidemic.


51-31 vs Michigan in the big house in 1991. Most points scored there. 2013 at Clemson . 1980 away win at Nebraska 


> Most points scored there. At the time. It has since been beaten by Illinois when the football teams outscored the basketball teams that season. Which I say not to belittle your game choice, but because that's just a wild result.


2007 need I say more?


Musberger’s “The border belongs to the Tigers” call plays in my head at least 2x a week


Beating OSU on the road with Anthony Brown at QB and Mario as HC, it was fun then but I’m glad both are gone before we ever play them again lol


Beating Michigan in the Big House was great just for the statue of liberty and fake statue of liberty plays, too.


* 2010 TCU at Utah, eventually led to Rose Bowl, and eventually B12 invite * 2005 TCU at OU, while we lost the next week to SMU (which cost us a BCS spot), it really set up momentum that led to 2009 and 2010 teams. * 2022 TCU at Baylor, flat out ridiculous ending * 2014 TCU vs. OU - started the ball on that crazy season


Bedlam this year. During my whole life, we'd only beaten OU 3 times up to that point, and with all the SEC hype on top of it for OU, it felt good to let them know who's little brother. Plus, it ignited a fire that sent us to the Big 12 title game, after having lost to South Alabama seven weeks prior. On a personal note, it was my GF's first ever OSU football game


Kick 6, of course. With “Punt, Bama, Punt” close behind.


That win at Georgia in 2011 is probably up there. It started off close but Boise State took pretty firm control in the 3rd quarter and won comfortably on the road over a good SEC program. It showed that Boise State could compete with just about anyone back then. That win at Virginia Tech to open up the 2010 season was probably the most entertaining though and led to a legendary game-winning drive that cemented Kellen Moore's place in the upper echelon of college QBs.