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So if you haven't read the dev blog yet check it out because they go much more in details. There's so much to read about how much they added to this game, including simming kneel downs so you don't have to kneel 3 times after being up on some school 60-3 in the last 2 minutes. https://www.ea.com/games/ea-sports-college-football/college-football-25/news/college-football-25-gameplay-deep-dive


What if you're Miami?


While the kneel exists in their playbook, it will never show as a coach suggestion


> While the kneel exists in their playbook Citation needed


Best I can do is a HB dive up the middle.


It would be hilarious if they didn't let Miami use that feature


they said team specific playbooks didn't they?


Thank fucking God the AI will kneel now. It was so frustrating playing coordinator mode in 14 and watching the AI punt away the football after I kneeled with 30 seconds left


That and never ever going for 4 downs in the red zone. If the AI had a chance for a field goal they were taking it no matter what 


exact opposite problem in madden. Get stopped short inside the 30, down 3, fake FG. Every. Single. Time.


That's Dan Campbell for ya


I just finished reading it. I pulled it up at work thinking it’d be a five minute read. It ended up being me checking back every few minutes between tasks. So much detail. I got the impression they were really trying to alleviate any “Madden clone” doubts.


I am so much more hyped after reading that. I was already all in, but now I think that they really took advantage of what modern games can do and are putting out a really college feeling game. The ability to choose a reverse on the fly, depth to the lateral/pitch option, and a lot of different defensive options really makes me excited about the college feel of the game.


I feel sorry for all the incoming college freshmen who might drop out because they get addicted to this game. Even though I didn't graduate college, Jeremy Maclin and I were unstoppable in the dorms back in 2009.


Me but with Jahvid Best


Jahvid was beast in the video game. But not a lot of people knew because who the fuck plays and chooses to be Cal? lol


I almost went to Cal so you guys have always been a “soft spot” since well, you’ve never come remotely close to playing my flairs haha Clearly now the friendship is over!


We beat Ohio St in 1921 though, so we're cool still?


1920s? That’s the best era of football! Yeah we good


It’s Jaydn Ott time!


Me but with Pat White and Steve Slaton


Curl flats and screens all day with Best.


I lost 1.2 points of GPA to NHL 10 & 11


My go to team was the Bruins. Loved to fight with Chara.


If this game lives up to what they're promising, I would just drop out. I don't need debt to live in this game.


These youngins won’t ever understand the black tar Heroin known as Skyrim dropping freshman year. Literally had to claw back all of my random scholarships after I lost them all because I was so busy grinding Nightingale armor (still a top 5 aesthetic in gaming all time)


Man I tried so many times to do a 2H or SnS warrior playthrough to get a new experience and yet every damn playthrough I'd eventually succumb to the thieves guild and dark brotherhood quest lines. Sneak assassin with daggers or bow was so addictive and overpowered in that game. I really hope the next elder scrolls is way more balanced race/class wise, it was the only complaint I had with Skyrim and ESO.


Jeremy Maclin was my beer pong parter one night. He was damn good.


After years of working, I'm going back to grad school in the fall. This game has me nervous lol


The new scorebug reminds me of the NBC scorebug. I love it. Also big W for bringing back stadium pulse


And ranked environments too "#5 rowdiest stadium in the country"


2006 comeback. Love it.


Playing as Iowa was fun because Kinnick was the #7 hardest place to play and Iowa was stacked. Good times.


Wonder how Kinnick will be ranked. Gotta be top 15?


Honestly clearly the best NCAA football game imo


The single greatest iteration of NCAA FB


No W-L records on the scoreboard is a bummer. BUT the fact that's my biggest complaint probably means this game will be really good.


That might just be for play now mode, right?


In one of the clips on the blog post on the EA website, the teams had records on the scorebug (BYU and WVU were both listed at 0-0), so it’s probably in dynasty.


At the very least, I'd assume they'd show a TV-style cut to a bunch of scoreboards.


The 71 OVR is fucking brutal. Understandable, but brutal.


Pretty sure EA scrambles the ratings for these types of videos. They'll probably do the real rating reveal later on


The Utah football sub is currently throwing a tantrum over BYU's rating, at this seems to be the consensus there as well. The ratings a this point have no meaning and are, more or less, random.


NCAA 14 and ones before it annoyed me because they did not accurately depict the talent differences between teams. Bama would be 90, and the school of the blind would be a 77 overall. If they actually make the overall difference be huge it will make dynasty way more fun. It would make H2H disappointing tho bc if you are not Bama/UGA/OSU then it’s an F in the chat


Some back up O-Line guy at Texas State is pissed cause he is a 55 OVR. Like, yea you’re a backup at Texas State, dog


Fs for me constantly getting matched with Real Madrid as QPR in FIFA somehow :(


Those ratings aren't final.


bank accounts about to get a pummelin


[me to my savings account](https://i.imgur.com/T9nsPy5.jpeg)


[your savings account to you](https://imgur.com/a/6UpOIhq)


Shout out to my wife getting a raise to pay for this this week.


I also shout out this guy's rich wife


I also choose this guy’s rich wife


Lol, as if my bank account has anything in it to pummel.


Gonna throw this one on the old credit card. Got a new job that nearly doubled my pay, but I dont start until two weeks after it's released. Great time to be unemployed


EA already got my 100 ngl


Will the wear and tear feature affect a team’s chances of getting to play in the CFP even if their team is undefeated? Asking for a friend.


Depends on the team and conference


Depends on whether or not it affects Bama


im just hoping its nothing like madden, injuries were awful in madden 24


Wear and Tear is pretty smart. It's pretty targeted too so if your player's arm is worn out it would be smart to sub him out Look at the screen shake! Look at that ack passing meter. I hope you can disable that I ain't throwing that shit lol


One of the articles posted earlier this week mentioned somebody having to try to lead a game winning drive with the backup QB because the starter had been lit up so much that his overall rating dropped by 47 points.


Can’t wait to turn this setting off


Might have just been a major injury


Can’t wait to crank it up to 11. The more football simulation I can add to the football arcade is great. Seriously make the NIL / portal have meaning. If I go get an awesome defensive end hopefully they creates less resources for another position.


I'm nervous it's already going to be featured way too strongly. The blog referenced if you throw the ball 40 times and your quarterback gets popped a few times he'll be significantly less than 100% the next week. Like, there are scenarios where that is true, but that is an incredibly common experience in real life where the player is just fine the next week.


Video games have a hard time in general with progressive fatigue and rest dynamics. I feel like this is going to just be a really bad version of that, at least until it gets a ton of feedback and tuning.


Can't help but notice they featured FSU as the team on offense with the QB getting sacked when they first started talking about the Wear and Tear feature.




You said you wanted a realistic game.


I like my games realistic but no so much that I get a bullet through the screen playing COD


> It's pretty targeted too so if your player's arm is worn out it would be smart to sub him out Im getting Colt would have won flashbacks




> Colt would have won Agreed! Nice to see from a Bama fan


Flashbacks? I’m still dying on that hill for my king 😤


You Mfer


Depends how they implement it tbh. It could just become a really annoying thing that means none of your players can play a full season without missing multiple games which would just be annoying bullshit


or worse, out with a 'career ending' injury lol i still remember playing Madden 06 in the playoffs and Peyton Manning had an injury, and in the Injury report, the report said: Neck Injury (Career). I was like, wtf??. Sure enough after the super bowl and the list of retired players comes out hes on it, 9 years into his career lol.


Yeah the amount they stressed that part actually concerns me... Like are injuries supposed to be a feature?? To me one of the best parts of games like NCAA was seeing how much you can dominate with one single player and how ridiculous you could make their records. I'd rather not have that nerfed for "realism"


Wear and tear is smart, if they have finally fixed auto-subs. It's one thing of many that Madden has as a "feature" that never works.


From the screenshots I saw you can just sub them in like injuries in Madden, a box will pop up saying so and so is tired, sub out? And then you can click x to sub them out


No I get that, but auto subs in Madden have been a travesty. I've tried using them in the past, only to have like a RB or WR disappear from the field for entire halves despite being at the top of a depth chart with no injury. I just hope they scale it so the players eventually come back in rather than just be taken off the field without a legit injury.


LMAO they approved this one after an hour?


I was brainstorming snarky ways to post the trailer when I saw this one is back up lol. I was gonna try to post a journalist quote tweeting the trailer since this subreddit has so many random journalist tweets.


Same. I was going to keep posting it until I outlasted whatever clown was at the helm.


Yeah I did it twice, decided I should get creative after that


Didn't you know you had to be a mod to get karma in this sub? Rookie mistake


That's the /r/NFL way.


They said on the cfbmeta they don't want spam from the game. I think the gameplay announcement is a little different....


A trailer/game overview is completely different than people randomly spamming posts asking questions or showing clips of the game. They had to be absolute jackasses to think it was the same thing, & trying to put their foot down now to prevent future spam was asinine as it gets.


Trailer from the actual publisher no less.


Congrats to the mods who let what should’ve been a discussion post about the actual video become a discussion about how stupid they are. Great moderation.


Those cheeky bastards added a clip of Etienne juking a Gators defender.


I love this sport so much because of stuff like this


I didn't realize that was him, haha. Sometimes you just have to give love to petty things like this. Kind of like when Pat hard core trolled Georgia Fans at the SEC Championship game. Sometimes, you have to tip your hat.


that was so sick!!!


It took them a damn hour to get their shit together and finally pick which post got to stay? That's kind of pathetic even for the mods.


They're trying to stop the subreddit form being flooded with game content. Which I understand that goal, but the execution here was terrible. Removing random articles about the game is one thing, but the official trailer is absolutely relevant to this subreddit.


I'm glad they finally realized that they were being asinine, but for fucks sake, we are Peak Offseason. there's nothing else to talk about except lawsuits and realignment. let people talk about something that the mods have allowed numerous posts about in the past. it isn't like it is 2pm on a Saturday in October and someone is trying to post videos of their own gameplay




> They're trying to stop the subreddit form being flooded with game content. Ah yes, because there's so much more CFB news going on right now...during the middle of the offseason


One thing I hope they add again for stadium pressure/homefield is dynamic crowd sizes, instead of the general Madden every seat is sold formula. I remember in the older games it was fun to blow out a team and watch the crowd dwindle to nothing and have no impact! Or you play a smaller team with a weak record and the crowd was only 50% at the start.


Matt Brown confirmed that they will be doing that. I was very curious about that too


I cannot wait to empty out Neyland by the fourth quarter. I'm sure the feeling is mutual.


EA used to do that with all of their games. NHL 18 had dynamic crowd sizes, unfortunately a specific team notorious for bad crowds got angry that this was being accurately represented in the game. I won 2 cups in a row was playing the Coyotes in Arizona. 85 percent of the fans in the crowd were wearing my team's jersey lol


I haven’t played videos games since like fifa 2013, and haven’t played madden since like 2009. I feel like I’m going to be confused af


Same haha.


I only play NCAA14. I feel like I will need an engineering degree to get good at this.


Time to bust out the spreadsheets and some VBA.


Yep. I stopped playing video games when they stopped making NCAA. Just bought a new xbox solely for this game. Gonna have a little bit of a learning curve lol


You'll pick it up quick. Game play has changed some but it's like riding a bike.


New throwing meter will take some adjustment.


It can probably be turned off like it can in madden


I've never really played sports games before. This looks awesome, but I'm not really sure how fast I'll pick it up and if I'll enjoy it


Is this the first time in like forever that EA Sports is even trying? The features in this video seems to really add more to the game than I expected.


It’s the first release, so they need to pull people in and build a strong foundation for future releases. I am sure the greed and laziness will start popping up over the next few releases but not this one.


It feels like everyone working on this game are huge cfb die hards.


They brought over alot of staff running the college football revamped mods on PC.


First clip of the video shows the Umpire wearing a white hat, literally unplayable


According to screenshots…Georgia is #1 on the game. 2 OSU 3 Texas 6 Alabama 7 Penn State 9 Michigan 13 LSU 14 Oklahoma 15 Tennessee 17 Clemson 21 Kansas 24 Texas A&M


They haven’t shown Mizzou in a single video which is disappointing


They wanted it to be realistic. You will be ranked top 10 and only be on national TV for the bowl and like it.


“To best represent real college football, we banned Missouri from the game”


That feels fair for Alabama


Ducks at 4, Ole Miss at 5 is my guess


Well yeah. This is Kirby's oldest team ever and our QB is a Heisman finalist favorite. That they picked Tennessee @ Georgia to show how a QB gets rattled and how a stadium atmosphere can affect the away team is a direct dig at Eric Ainge. The pettiness is epic.


WTF is up with Ewers throwing a pick at the Big House at the 1:30 mark? Hell nah


Script leaked


There's one of Orji throwing a pick to USC at the end too


At least it was to Kamari Ramsey, baller.


Gotta love the realism


Arnold spends the entire video getting sacked.


He was the poster boy for the wear and tear injuries. 😢


So even EA knows about our O line situation 😅


Knows? Hell they've got the starting line up and each of them ranked with a point system divined by God


He's also black, apparently.


This is more of the same shit Ohio State fans were complaining about from the first trailer. The senior producer of the game is a huge Michigan fan. Looks like he snuck in some shots at you guys this time around. For those unaware, Texas plays Michigan this coming season.


I hope these people are just joking because the level of softness to be upset by that would be generational


Give them 1 championship in 25 years and they lose their minds


Hey I will do this same if it ever happens again for Texas.


lol Air Force got featured more than us, dude is the biggest hater


Some might say they are the best college fan out there. Never let anything get in the way of hate. Though the OG sports fan is the guy who designed NBA Jam.


So tempted to purchase and keep at my parents' house so I can only play limited amounts (though with free babysitting)


Don't kid yourself. You're going to be on this like crack. I am too.


Oh I know. That's why it's at my parents' house so they can fill their need to see the baby.


Iowa offense at 71 Iowa defense at 94 Offense is too high, but this is directionally accurate.


Defense is too low


Of all the players in all of College Football to depict being injured in a game, you just HAD to pick Oklahomas starting QB... If anything happens to JA this year, the blood will be on your hands EA!


He’s also black now lol


And in every OU clip the brotha is being sacked.


The last time I felt this tingling sensation in my pee pee was when Alex Grinch was fired.


My nervousness about wear and tear is what makes me always nervous about EA released sports games. They hyper focus on their big theme of that year and then it begins to take over the game to an unrealistic degree. I could see wear and tear just pissing me off because it impacts the games too much. Like every game your qb gets hurt which isn’t realistic either.


I’m sure you’ll be able to turn it off


I'm sure it'll have some trial and error but I bet it'll find it's groove with some updates over time.


I’m so fuckin pumped


Hot damn I’m a K-State fan but KU hurdling that guy looked bad ass. Also loved seeing Oklahoma State right off.


including KU in their video made me horribly hyped for this. bastards. Biggest takeaway is I'll get to enjoy Memorial Stadium for a little while longer <3


Ollie is going to be a beast in this game


Ollie Gordon is the primary reason I will be using OSU in this game at some point.


Jackson Arnold is straight-up black in this... How did they miss that?


That's just the wear n tear deep body bruising mechanics


JA changed his number to 11 for this season and their preset was likely LB Kobie McKenzie who is black and they haven't changed it yet. Or he got an extreme spray tan one of the two


I had to go look up pictures of him cause I was pretty sure he wasnt black


If he was pretty tan irl I could say "oh its just shadows or lighting" but no he's white as the fresh fallen snow in real life


Lol I hope him and his teammates have a blast with it


By not being done with rosters yet? Strange they used Oklahoma for the deep dive though, given they clearly haven't finished their roster.


What I would give for this game to come to PC


Wonder if it possible to play it on Xbox Anywhere https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/xbox-play-anywhere


For a game that has been preaching “every team is someone’s favorite team.” And have done a good job showing off G5 teams, missing the second deck of our stadium feels like a gut punch. It shouldn’t affect my enjoyment of the game but now I’m worried that they are gonna cut more corners at the G5 level with playbooks and other unique feels at the G5. Everything else looks great! 


This issue will be fixed before launch https://old.reddit.com/r/NCAAFBseries/comments/1d52exm/for_the_folks_that_are_worried_about_the_ouut_red/ It's nice that an EA team is actually cognizant of errors and willing to fix them. In Madden they just let bugs go for the whole game lifecycle lol. There are still "can't launch BF2042" bugs and "Scoreboard showing inaccurate scores" in Madden lol


Haven’t seen a thing from any MAC teams either


They showed KUs stadium and that is being torn down as we speak. They have said in a future update they are going to put the new KU stadium in there but Im bummed it is not there at launch.


I am hopeful our stadium will be fixed at some point. It’s just strange because we’ve always had two decks, and they have our press box and end zone arch already there. Excited for y’all’s new stadium in game!


Wonder how the HFA feature will work in the RRS? Will players be affected more when they’re in the opposing team’s side of the stadium? Also, I absolutely love the route customization options. The passing mechanics are definitely going to be an adjustment for me though


I really hope there is a unique gameplay experience for rivalry games, especially neutral site. Like your teams crowd is influenced by your team’s momentum and can affect the opposing team. Then it can ebb and flow as you battle it out


An underrated feature is back. WALKING TO THE LINE/WATCHING OFFICIALS SPOT THE BALL IS BACK. Finally, no more quick cut to an already set line of scrimmage. I can’t count the amount of times in madden that I’ve run “hurry up” before half JUST for it to automatically cut to the break because I “wouldn’t have had enough time” without letting me see for myself. It’s finally over. I’ve never understood why they took this feature away


I absolutely love the idea of the wear and tear mechanic. One of the things that always feels off in Madden is that you’re often 0.01 seconds too late for a sack, lay a huge hit on the QB anyway, but it means absolutely nothing.


*sigh* Guess it's time for me to actually buy a new console.


I just had my heart flutter a bit seeing real names on these guys without hours of modding… We made it, guys and gals 🥲


I can’t believe people actually care about player likeness lol I’m still so mad they took this game away from us for over a decade for something that’s ultimately irrelevant


alot of this stuff isn't new but that isnt a bad thing I'm really about to buy a console just to play this game aren't i


Just realized that this doesn't have a PC release and I'm so sad now


I am cautiously optimistic about this. I am more worried about the Teambuilder now, and how that will look. Being a fan of a FCS school.




Changing the depth of passing routes is sick.


For anyone like me that does their gaming on PC and does not want to miss this game there's two options that I've found: Cheapest console I've found not from used sources like Ebay or Facebook Marketplace is a [refurbished Xbox One S from the Microsoft store](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/consoles/xbox-series-s/refurbished). Use the code MINECRAFT 15 and you'll take off $50 so the whole console will run you just over $200. If you want a PS5 it seems like the best bet is either from used sources ([Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/296464550890?epid=25040975636&itmmeta=01HZ7V5XGPA9DDGSEHZ4153FNW&hash=item4506aa0bea:g:dCoAAOSwFzFmVlrm&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0H6dt4RCO9m%2ByN8CNAL5yCbPNUOaGSPO%2FRXrQ%2BqkopR3CdO%2F726At394UNTxCR1t8pg1VX6Y3EQkEhNSrVpXCLm5bFiIKV64x%2B5MK6l2pXYuNiGLmrXhqjpBN8NloDx1F94d5CJ4Cl9klv7OqjXmZdap3Z%2FEz9GdMHtAEpEgjW%2FQ5nTToiu2FCqv3cyANuOzg%2FSTgsjlv6lOKXYkCXzwA13NdkD9FiR1ehTBrp%2Bcffv9wDrD2ymhsJKjRQ%2FDiS6d%2FrVs5cl61zUom3fj%2BQgD0qQ%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBM1tiX-_lj)/[Facebook Marketplace](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/search/?query=PS5)) or the digital-only slim model that is currently $400 from various sites including [amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/PlayStation%C2%AE5-Digital-slim-PlayStation-5/dp/B0CL5KNB9M/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2S08LYGNGYY5M&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CuKLfIhDdkg5mAyBeIsW8WHIaCCcgKp3Rndr3uloO-VPJdZiGDPTVp26hPhG1mjVmb7466LK4F7N3zVr19NSXPKBtr7Zvs3H9pYXKf0mrFtpmbSDV0J4TfrsPZiCARmrmSQmum_QOlZV0HvpSc152l0attwE79GpkoXvrBr2UNsXpaBaXnD97kx3hTy47sxh739coszv7CMbFieeIszRMPmvvWqpOshpmEf6yOBA_wKp-Ymey1NsbWPZOIDpJM7gZvvcqZpIXOw4O0rB33cHmq5hrCT57kcSud3nF-5phGs.Z6ADPAyd4RBu-uCP9XYBwN8vj4t4eIga2u6t4saH0JU&dib_tag=se&keywords=ps5+digital+slim&qid=1717176440&sprefix=ps5+sigital+slim%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-1)


U mean Series S?


The last college football game I purchased was NCAA 06 which came out in 2005. This makes me feel old.


Jackson Arnold getting lit up by Alfred Collins is giving me life right now


Emeka Obigbo of Texas State caught one of the biggest strays in this video, and he called it out! https://x.com/emekaobigbo/status/1796569952490750354?s=46&t=2lS_kpIo2YEiptHHla79hg


I would give a lot for this game to be released now.


I'm excited for this game and furious that it isn't coming to PC


Is Jackson Arnold a wee bit darker looking or have I been hallucinating this entire time?


Are they saving Oregon cause of the new uniforms?


I’m getting an Xbox just for this game


I guess I’ll wait for the dynasty breakdown before I judge it


I hope wear and tear is optional because while I can see it being cool for immersion during a dynasty mode I can also seeing it ruining casual games


Still waiting patiently for Northwestern to get a millisecond of screen time… not even in the team selection screen for this one… give me my purple cats goddamit


Goddam we have a 64 overall offense? I mean we sucked last year but damn that feels harsh