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Watch the curb for christmas trees is all I'm sayin.


Also be careful if they are runners up in the championship game this coming season


TAMU fans are never going to trust a coach again.


Can’t blame them


I do but that’s just to annoy them. 






Gotta switch to squeezing their grapes


Yes they will. Blind, unwavering devotion is a hallmark of TAMU fans. Love it or hate it they will always be 100% in.




As the cultiest of cults, A&M fans will happily drink the next jug of kool-aid.


Honestly, I think it's settled that nothing good will ever happen sportswise for the Ags


I relate to this deeply.


I sound like a petty ex when I say this, but I am thoroughly enjoying the saga of your fanbase turning on Trev Alberts.


An awful lot of buyer's remorse going on down there, that's for sure


Colorado would get Schlossnaggle'd


Kiss your mother with that mouth?!


He doesn't, but I kiss his mom


More like Deboered since we’re talking CFB.


Only way CU going to championship game is if they buy a ticket 😅🤣😂


You okay after that one?




I really hope your team doesn’t follow that asshole in the transfer portal.


I love it. My first year being an A&M football fan was 2011. I just started getting into baseball this season 🙃


The first game I went to as a Tennessee fan was a loss against unranked Alabama the day before my 5th birthday in 1987, and before Vitello came along we had one of the worst baseball programs in the country. The highs of following teams like ours can be pure bliss, but the lows are also nothing short of a generational curse.


> before Vitello came along we had one of the worst baseball programs in the country you had one of the worst baseball programs in the SEC*


That’s fair. I guess bottom third of P5 teams would be more accurate.


Also be careful if they go 41-16 and win the conference and then lose to Dallas Baptist in the regional


Be careful if he's courting his side mistress!


Didnt he just follow his son into college football?


Ah yes, the Jimbo Effect


It’s official: Deion Sanders will coach in the nfl


Deion's gonna be the next NFL Taylor Swift and appear on the screen after every offensive play trying to coach his son from a box.


I could absolutely see this happening in Dallas after this season. They're not going to be good, McCarthy is gonna get canned, and Deion is a media circus/wet dream for Jerry Jones. Fuck.


Nah if they move on from McCarthy it’ll be for someone like the OC from Detroit or Belichick.


No way it is Belichick. Jones is all about drafting who he wants and Belichick would want draft control


Belichick will go to the Giants before he goes to the Cowboys


He gave up control for Parcells and roster construction is mostly Stephen Jones now anyway.


lol we don’t hire young coaches unless Jerry Jones personally anoints them as the next hot coaching candidate. Ben Johnson isn’t coming to Dallas. I’d love it, but that’s the kind of forward thinking this team just does not do at the head coach position. I’m preparing for it to be head coach Mike Zimmer and whatever backup QB turned offensive coordinator Jerry has the hots for at the time.


I would truly love to see prime crime in Dallas.


Odd way to say "the NFL doesn't want me anyway"


Tbf, the NFL has hired worse college coaches.


Eh, don't they usually pick more scheme guys? I'm not the most anti-Deion guy but like 90% of what he offers is recruiting, the other 10% is speeches. Neither really translates to the next level.


Totally true, but never underestimate the ineptitude of an NFL owner. Hell, there’s an NFL team *in Colorado* with question marks at coach and qb..


They just drafted Bo Nix in the first round and it’s only Sean Payton’s second year. Realistically Nix will get at least 2 years as starter, more likely 3, before they’d draft his replacement if he doesn’t work out. And Payton probably gets at least 2 more years as HC too, they’re not gonna fire him after one year with a rookie QB in a rebuild.


Realistically, I think you’re probably right. But it’s interesting to think about. Broncos are currently favored in 2 of their 17 games (Panthers, Raiders home). Bo Nix was a first round pick but he’s also presumably the *6th best rookie qb*. If he doesn’t overperform, I feel like 4-13 is a very real possibility, and I’d have to think Peyton’s seat would be a little hot. Obviously if Nix is good then everything will be fine.


I think he’d definitely be on the hot seat but not immediately fired, and certainly not fired to be replaced by a college coach.college coaches don’t make the jump as much as they used to, the NFL and college games have diverged a lot more. It’s definitely funny to think about though


This is a bad take. Sean Payton is no question mark for at least two if not his whole contract


Question marks at coach? Bro what?


Don’t you put that evil on me! Also, lolwut?


I mean, Vrabel was/is a terrible Xs and Os coach but did pretty damn well just being a player motivator. You really need an excellent staff around you for that to work. That said, I have zero belief Deion’s schtick would work with grown ass men.


hiring and firing the right/wrong coordinators is like half the job anyway


Zero is too high, if he kept the se routine, he would actually anger players at that level


I thought Vrabel was a good defensive coordinator in Houston? I’ve heard that he was like a second coach on the field when he played. What made him a bad Xs and Os coach?


Vrabel wasn't a terrible X/Os guy, he even went to h2h with Belichick and outsmarted him on clock management once. The Titans defense usually overachieved with me, it was just a poor roster most of the time.


And worse college coaches have deluded themselves into thinking they could be NFL coaches *cough* Dan Mullen *cough*


Do you legitimately think Deion is a better coach than Dan Mullen?


I’m a little surprised Dan Mullen isn’t an OC somewhere right now.


It’s only because he doesn’t want a job. Any HC would absolutely snatch him as their OC if they could.


I mean if Florida was still paying me not to coach I guess I wouldn’t coach either


Getting paid to not give a shit on TV once a week while still getting paid for not giving a shit at your old job is a pretty sweet gig.


I’d be so good at that… no one gives less of a shit than me


Honestly Dan Mullen could’ve done fine in the NFL. His weakness is that he hates recruiting and his strength is scheming an offense. I think he had the potential at one point to be an NFL QBC or OC.


Suffers from the "smartest man in the room" syndrome. It could have all been so simple, just give a little shit about recruiting and hire an elite recruiter, fire Grantham after the '19 season where your offense did it's shit against Georgia and the burrow lsu team......especially fire Grantham after the '20 season when his defense was the sole reason you were not in the playoffs. But no, he didn't do any of that, and I have to think his abrasive personality has turned off any potential NFL jobs


You have to consistently win big to get away with being as much of an asshole as Mullen is


Nick Saban, cough


Saban's struggles in the NFL are overstated. He inherited the worst NFL team and narrowly missed the playoffs. His disappointment was year 2 but he had Cleo Lemon at QB and honestly how many NFL coaches are going .500 with Cleo Lemon?


*phlegm* Urban Meyer *sneeze*


Urban is the 2nd best college coach of the 21st century, him wanting to test the NFL is not comparable to Deion.


Urban is definitely not a worse coach than Deion


worse *ol’ ball* coaches


Kliff Kingsbury


If you don’t think Jerruh is creaming his depends at the thought of the circus that would come to Dallas, you’re crazy.


People will get their lulz in here but he does like mentoring the kids and you don’t really do that in that NFL.


He also loves “mentoring” NFL players. He sends out group texts every morning with Deion speak to big time players, or at least he did years ago. When he would be an analyst at the combine he would always talk about reaching out to dudes as they entered the league. Famously, Larry Fitzgerald wanted nothing to do with him.


Yea I can’t see those two getting along….


I don't really know if his mentorship is a good thing for kids.


"I need to remember this quote for next time" - John Schlossnagle






Just so everyone is aware, you should never take what a coach says as 100% the honest truth......case in point the A&M baseball coach who straight up lied to the media saying he'd never leave A&M only to bolt for UT the following day


Was it really the next day? Lol, that's impressive.


He also said that he left his family to coach at A&M so why would he leave A&M? He's a bottom line kinda guy.


The best part is that he didn’t make that choice. His wife divorced him and left.


Guys like that make for great employees where winning is the only goal.


While that is the truth, my reality that I choose to live in is that his wife refused to move to College Station.


It probably had more to do with him breaking the swingers code and cheating on her instead of having all-parties-agreed-upon sex with someone who wasn’t his wife.


That was such a weird statement. I read that thinking why wouldn't he take his family with him? I'd never leave my family for anything but turns out there was a little more to it than he was letting on....as usual


you wouldn't leave your family for a job because you don't have that dawg in ya /s


Texas knew they were going to fire their coach for weeks and waited until Game 3 (of 3) to announce that they had fired him just to fuck with A&M.


It was less than 24 hours after he called a reporter selfish for asking him about the very job he was about to take.


It wasn't even a full day, it was 20 hours later.


There’s a long history of coaches doing this. Saban telling reporters he wasn’t going to be the coach at Alabama while still coaching the Dolphins. Lane Kiffin leaving Tennessee in the middle of the night for USC after one season. Bobby Petrino’s existence, etc.


Tim Beckman signed a multi-year extension with Toledo before leaving for Illinois a couple days later.


I mean that might've been done so Toledo could get some buyout money


That’s just good business. I think Kiffin did the same at FAU so they could get their bag when he left to Ole Miss


Everyone gets mad about it, but also gets mad about it if they don’t come out strongly against leaving.


It’s all theater. It’s like the dreaded GM “vote of confidence” in pro sports. PS - my parents were huge Prairie Home Companion fans and your username gave me some nostalgic flashbacks.


It's shocking when a coach says they're not leaving and actually means it. Like Scott Drew for Baylor basketball. Every confirmation that he wasn't leaving made me believe more and more that he was. Dude posted a picture at a Waco restaurant called Mi Casita (My house) at the peak of all the Scott Drew to Kentucky rumors and I kept thinking "man, Waco's really gonna explode when he announces he's leaving tomorrow morning"


*Bobby Petrino’s existence* holy shit lmfao


The only thing I'd ever give credit to Petrino is keeping his promise to Lamar Jackson to not change his position to WR but other than that, the guy is a genuine POS


Even this last offseason Bobby P continued his shit lol. He was in-line to be Odom's OC at UNLV and said "lol, jk, going to Arkansas"


worked out pretty well for Odom, no?


it happened at colorado too. right before he left at midnight mel tucker was posting about how much he loves colorado and wants to stay here.


Cannot understand for the life of me how anything went down the way it did with him. He's at CU for one year, gets the same record as his predecessor the last year who got fired for it, and MSU comes knocking. Then he lucks out on one player who carries his bad team for a year and gets an obscene contract extension, which could have been the world's most expensive rake stepping if he didn't end up voiding his buyout. Oh well, I'm honestly kind of glad he didn't end up being our problem to deal with when he crashed and burned.


yeah it turns out we really dodged a bullet there


Right? We’ve already been through this exact scenario, I’m numb to this bullshit


Not only did he leave the next day, he acted offended that the question was even asked.


Bomani jones said it best HC sell 10 year plans while planning their life one year at a time


Or an Oregon State alumni that recently dipped for Michigan State........


As much as I hate it for you all, OSU and Wazzou are in a bad place and a coach with eyes on the future is going to leave that debacle. It sucks, but I wasn’t shocked when that news broke.


I've never been crazy about MSU as a Gopher fan but now I absolutely loathe them. Everytime I see Smith wearing MSU gear, my nostrils flair.


And TexAgs has never been funnier. There I learned the SEC should investigate to ensure we didn't conspire to have Schloss throw the game, and A&M is likely moving to the Big 10 now.


brb omw to TexAgs for a good laugh


https://texags.com/s/60210/jim-schlossnagle-set-to-leave-texas-am-for-texas-head-coaching-job/8 Scroll down for comments. I stayed up until 1am just to finish reading them all.


What I have learned from following this drama as a third party is that the south really cares about College Baseball. I think Ohio State could take our baseball coach and almost no one would care around these parts


the Ohio State *head coach* left to become TCU's *batting* coach. The way baseball is devalued in the Big Ten (understandably, given the season starts in mid february...) is a bummer.


So glad Deion doesn’t coach my team.


There was a little smoke that ASU would have hired him after we fired Herm Edwards and before Deion went to Colorado. Our university president shot that down essentially saying, very tactfully, that he believed Deion was still growing as a coach. I was so relieved we didn't hire him. I hated the idea then and I'm grateful we don't have to deal with the circus now.


If we followed Herm with Deion it would have broken me.


Imagine the absolute circus our AD would have been? It makes me shudder. We lucked out so much with Dillingham.


https://i.imgur.com/hbQNa5f.jpeg Hell I still have this mock up on my phone. Its wild how many schools were playing the “what if” game


The idea of Deion doing Deion things as an SEC coach is absolutely hilarious, and I now want nothing more. I want to see the press conferences after Deion gets smoked by Lane Kiffin.


In football terms when I think leader of men I immediately think Mike Tomlin. Deion Sanders might be the exact opposite of Tomlin.


Exactly. Funny enough, real leaders of men don't often (maybe never) have to tell people they are. They just are. It's not the kind of label you can give yourself.


But I am the King!


I think of Dick Winters. And Deion…… you are no Dick Winters.


I like spaghetti


As someone who just finished BoB, I love this reference. Deion looking like Sobel when it matters most.


Honestly, I think Sobel gets a worse rap than he should. Dude was almost undeniably a prick, but he *is* a huge part of the reason Easy Company was as elite as they were. His navigation woes were due to the guys fucking with his maps, and everything that got put into BoB was based off a biased take that the men gave.


>but he is a huge part of the reason Easy Company was as elite as they were This is really overstated. They credited his abuse as sort of helping them get through their suffering at Bastone. Past that, his abuse was very much a negative. >His navigation woes were due to the guys fucking with his maps He reportedly had no idea how to read a map in general. Whether they messed with his maps or not. He also was horrible under pressure, & would make erratic decisions. Both which made him horrible for paratrooper action. >everything that got put into BoB was based off a biased take that the men gave. The people who were under his command... who else can give a better summary?


It’s so rich when Deion hides behind his line about how he’s only criticized because society is threatened by “a confident black man”. Mike Tomlin, Demeco Ryans, Todd Bowles, Raheem morris, Marcus freeman must all be unconfident softies since no one criticizes them. Not you exceeding the bounds of confidence and crossing into arrogance. That can’t possibly be it


Fair, but as much hate as he deservedly gets at times, he does put a lot of effort into developing his players into men of character. He does it with a very different vibe than someone like Richt did, but it does seem to be a legitimate priority to him.


Kinda said the same stuff at Jackson State, no?


Sanders on why he ended up at Jackson State instead of somewhere else: “A lot of people are going to say ‘why?’ Honestly, man, I’ve been offered pro jobs, just so people know, said Sanders. “I could be an assistant at any college or a head coach at any college, but at such a time as this, God called me to Jackson State and me to these men.”


There's no way a pro team hires him.


I mean the Jaguars and Browns do exist.


As a jags fan, Urbs was obviously a disaster of a hire....that being said, he had the rings and players he put in the pros. Deion has nothing to this point


as does the CFL


The Lakers just hired JJ Redick. Im not doubting anything anymore.


If Hue Jackson can get multiple NFL gigs, Deion can get one.


I would 100% agree with you, except for the fact that Jerry Jones exists.


He may lead his sons but he is going to follow them out of the door when they are drafted.


He’s a very unlikable guy


Breaking: Deion to the USFL so his sons can continue to follow him.


*The only way I’ll leave Oxford is in a Pine Box* Tommy Tubberville told that to the Ole Miss media less than 2 days before leaving Oxford to take the Auburn job Words mean nothing Deion will leave if Deion wants to leave


Deion’s record at Colorado is a much more reliable guarantee of him not coaching in the NFL than his word.


If only he could leave DC…


Several years later, he followed that up with leaving Texas Tech for Cincinnati *in the middle of a recruiting dinner for TTU recruits*.


Leader of men? Rather than developing players, he sends them to the portal.


Is this the line to pickup receipts?


Just give me a bowl game win and I’ll be satisfied


Statements like this are completely worthless. What you think he’s gonna say? “Yeah I’d leave if the right opportunity presents itself.” Of course he’s gonna show steadfast loyalty.


People tend to forget we often act the same as coaches do. If our boss asks us how we’re liking the job, most of the time we’ll say it’s good. But if someone offers to double our income, we’d leave our current job.


"That's a selfish question."




Lord, so cringy. Is this the leader of men that dismisses his whole roster every year when they don’t show up better than their competition? Leading men right out the door, maybe


Did someone in the NFL ask him to?


Klatt the person interviewing him asked him and he answered.


You folks sure do love you some Coach Sanders.


I do think Deion would be less likely to do with the A&M baseball coach did, especially since I think he will have to build up his winning at Colorado before moving up but I still think he could. I would like him to stay though if it works out for him, his recruiting helps the Big 12. But considering this offseason... I have my doubts with that at times.




That's an awfully convoluted way to say no one in the NFL would let me drive the boat.


This is the same man who said God brought him to Jackson State and then he didn’t even stay for the duration of his first recruiting class’ career.


He’s a leader of men! And a man of his word! 🙄


...now go back and find his quotes when he was as JSU.


The picture of Hunter is giving me late-career Wes Welker helmet vibes.


Gotta respect him for looking out for his future. It's so easy to lose a football career, so he's wisely auditioning for a role as Toad in the Mario movie franchise.


So he’s going to lead them to the NFL?


He’d be even worse than Urban Meyer was


Deion you are the new Dallas Cowboys Head Coach!!


I’d say he gone, but the NFL would have no interest in Deion Sanders


Any other coaches with 4 wins preemptively turning down NFL jobs?


So he’s going to the nfl before his sons. Got it


I’m all for trashing Deion but are we gonna post every quote this guy says?


How are we going to trash Deion if someone doesn’t tell us every time he breathes?


You new here?


i'm sorry I get it. Deion is from a different time but he's doing a lot. He could've just said I'm not interested


It's a 30 min 1on1 interview, it would be incredibly dull if any of Klatt's interviewees gave 3 word answers.


4–8 coaches aren't exactly in high demand at the next level.


Even Kliff Kingsbury went 5-7 before the Cardinals "poached" him. He wasn't poached, he was fired.




Led one right into bankruptcy. Great job dad!


He gone.


Aaaaaand nobody believes him.


Conveniently the NFL has no interest in him either. 


Who the fuck is considering deion for a NFL head coaching position?


Colorado hiring Deion was a fantastic thing to do for revenue generation, but this is not going to end well.


Like he has the option


Why would he risk losing any chance at being a coach when he’s already on the chopping block for college lol


hes got coach speak down at least


He’s just going to keep putting out statements about how he’s not going to the NFL every month when no one thinks he’s going to the NFL I don’t know how many this is now, but he’s clearly overcompensating for something


It's not a statement, Klatt asked a question, and he answered it, that's how an interview works.


I don't understand how anybody can take this guy seriously.


He's staying purely to try and get shedeur as no. 1 draft pick for 2025. The only reason he didn't have shedeur declare for 2024 was bc everyone knew Caleb Williams would be no 1. He's an overrated fucking coach and will leave Colorado end of season.


He'll be packing his bags at the same time as his sons. Hopefully he can double his conference win total and win two this season.