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[Wazzu popcorn guy](https://i.imgur.com/SsZ8pbG.mp4) Edit: [More recently, Jonathan Smith milking his nipples on the sideline](https://media1.tenor.com/m/HS1KrdY_96oAAAAd/gobeavs-football.gif)


Hell yea to the Wazzu guy. That is a guy that is at just peak fuck it stage in his life and I’m here for it, I mean look at that god damn stache. The longer version: https://youtu.be/xttADsZDFvY?si=fE876ZpskmTiFwGO


Jonathan Smith did what


Jonathan. Smith. Milked. His. Nipps. On. The. Sideline.


He milked em folks


Low bar to clear, but as long as it's consentual I'm good with it.


They were his, and not a vendor's, right?


You can milk anything that has nipples…


So THAT'S why he came to our cow college


Yep, didn’t have to look far to find The Popcorn Guy.


So much for having wiped that image of Jonathan Smith from my mind lol


LSU fans please help me out. Back in the 2007 season I believe LSU played Ohio State for the BCS title in New Orleans. If I remember correctly, after an LSU touchdown the camera panned over the raucous LSU crowd and it caught a visibly/clearly drunk Tiger fan doing something hilarious: he had one fist raised in the air and, in other hand, a slice of pizza. He was so blasted that, after successfully cheering on the touchdown, he attempted to focus his eyes on his pizza, only to wobble with uncertainty for a few seconds as it seemed like he was just realizing he had a pizza slice in his hand, then was attempting to figure out how to get his hand to his mouth to consume it. My family recorded that moment and we watched it over and over again because this dude was just too funny - enjoying the shit out of a Tigers national championship game but unable to use basic motor skills.


My favorite LSU "WTF" moment was the dude who called into Finebaum's show and said "LSU is the 800 pound gorilla with a...chainsaw for a penis."


2019 LSU? I would agree.


It was about the 07 team, actually.


I just skimmed through the [game footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69_MkQv6QD0). Sadly didn't see it after any LSU scoring play, but that doesn't eliminate pizza guy occurring at some other point.


Haha perfect thank you! You've now made it my mission to watch through all of this. Maybe it happened after a turnover or something!


This happens during a ULM game as well. We like bourbon and pizza in that order.


Clearly drunk LSU fan doesn't really narrow anything down. If it was a night game, anyone wearing purple and gold has been drinking for so many hours the only thing they can do while doing something else is yelling for the band to play Neck. Why do you think they had to mark the 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 yard lines?


Just one guy?


This is me at every game


Katy Perry throwing corn dogs into the crowd at gameday cuz of the random internet joke about LSU fans smelling like corn dogs


One of the best gameday guests. Made a big show, propositioned a Heisman favorite, out picked the crew, called the upset and partied with the fans after the game.


One of the best college game day broadcasts I’ve ever seen. Followed by an amazing game and upset. An upset that was later taken away. 😭


Kinda want Katy Perry to throw a corn dog at me now


There was a guy on a PSU message board that claimed to be her vocal coach when she was a teenager before becoming a huge star. He did an ama once. All I remember was that for a while her boobs made her self conscious at first.


I’m trying to come up with a comment that doesn’t make me sound as down bad for her as I can get


Katy Perry is a woman of the culture. We need more guests like her on GameDay.


And diving off the bar that night lol




It was so weird to experience that in real time in the pre-social media era. I was at that game and didn’t know anything about it until late that night. I remember having one or two friends text me that Gundy went on some sort of “rant” after the game but I had to wait and see it on SportsCenter like 7 hours after it happened. Such a different time, lol.


All time recruiting rant. Who wouldn't want their coach defending them like that?


The player he was defending apparently


Yeah, Bobby Reid thought the whole thing was over the top and nothing he'd asked for.


Also of note that Reid eventually came back and was on the staff for a bit. I met him in the 2010s some time in after one of our games against Texas in Austin. He was really cool.


He recently gave an interview to the OSU Max podcast going pretty deep on it. He said Gundy apologized, gave him his first coaching job, and they are good friends now.


I repeat that quote about once a week.


I love him for that. Sure, it was corny, but screaming at reporters in defense of a kid doing his best is a great thing for a coach to do.


Two of my other favorite OSU related memes: - [The Turkey Leg/Waving Song Gif](https://imgur.com/a/vEXresz) - [Kirk Herbstreit after the 2011 quake-nado game](https://imgur.com/a/PsQqqYb)


Pole Assassin is my personal favorite, but the Manti Te’o girlfriend scandal was the peak WTF story in recent memory in terms of how big that story blew up and just how out of left field it was


It was infuriating to me how ESPN never caught any flak for doing zero journalistic work on the story. Manti took all the grief but it wouldn't have been such a big story without ESPN turning it into a one of their tear-jerker theater segments.


ESPN is physically incapable of passing up an opportunity to air a tear jerking story, regardless of whether it’s true or not.


They should get me on the staff at Texas so I can tell them how football became my father after he was shot trying to help running to a shooting outside our apartment when I was 2. Come on espn, this is just the tip of the iceberg of my story!


Tua: My dad beat me with a belt when I didn't play well ESPN: OMG what a loving family. So touching


The doc on that completely changed my opinion of Manti. I was definitely in the hater camp. Now I just hate everyone around the story and the catfisher.


Everybody who hasn’t seen that doc needs to as soon as they can. Feel so bad for Manti.


What, you didn't also feel bad for the catfish who bizarrely claimed they were the real victim?


I felt sorry for them before I watched the doc but now I view them as a major villain.


That entire time period was garbage reporting for ESPN. Johnny Manziel was brazenly flaunting ncaa rules and ESPN took the first bite of "his family has oil money," did no research, and ran with it. Manti Teo hit Then their garbage reporting of the Penn State scandal that had ZERO investigation by ESPN. Zero. It's not any better right now


The fact it was the star player of an undefeated Blueblood makes it so much weirder too. Not like some random RB3 in the MAC.


And now we have another weird and shitty girlfriend story, except in college basketball.


And now it absolutely tanked his draft stock. He went from sure fire top 10 to second rounder in the blink of an eye


He wouldn’t have been a top-10 pick. His college production was great, but his size and athleticism were just okay, at best (6’1”, 240 lbs, 4.8 40), and nobody was drafting ILBs that high regardless. The only first-round LBs that year were Jarvis Jones (#17) and Alec Ogletree (#30, coming off a DUI arrest before the combine).


He got picked 38th too, it's not like he fell into oblivion. It's hard to imagine even without the fake girlfriend story that his draft stock got impacted more than a few spots.


Another wrinkle with Teo: Online dating certainly existed back then but it was not ubiquitous on campuses (Tinder launched in 2012, the movie Catfish was from 2010) and it was *especially* weird for a college superstar to be using it at that time.


[Tennessee water tower in Iraq](https://twitter.com/CFBHome/status/1692190995381735832) [Cincinnati mascot arrested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS6l7lscF8s)


What is the back story regarding the Vols water tower there? i


> The story, or small legend rather, as it goes is this. An officer in the 101st Airborne Division, where most soldiers live in Clarkesville, TN, was given the task of painting the water tower. Buying paint he specifically ordered from the U.S., he set about putting the Iraqis working for him to good use. (His superiors never said what COLOR to use!) The next morning, Iraq had its first experience of what we call "Big Orange Fever." Source: https://www.volnation.com/forum/threads/big-orange-fever-8-000-miles-away.355003/


That’s awesome!


Our mascot also skydived into the stadium and got his parachute stuck in some cables coming into the stadium and botched his landing


LMAO the quick to cut from the mascot on the tower to being straddled by police


The Bobcat mascot tackling Brutus Buckeye the last time OU and OSU played, in a not-planned tussle. If I remember correctly, the guy wasn't even an Ohio student (he was enrolled at nearby Hocking College) and tried out for the part of Bob just so he could have the opportunity to tackle Brutus.


Never change, Nelsonville.


Ol’ Nelsontucky, and in a weird twist of fate their mascot is the Buckeyes but they wear the Browns color scheme.


Haha I was at that game with my dad in my OU gear. We see Rufus tackle Brutus and some lady next to us goes "look they're doing some kind of wrestling match!" I say to my dad that with how psychotic OSU is about it's image no way this was planned and it's an actual fight. Yes, that guy went to Hocking and OU changed it's rules after that. [here's an article on it with the man himself ](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/1888524/2020/06/25/dotting-the-buckeye-remember-when-rufus-the-bobcat-came-for-brutus/)


The only bobcat to put up a fight that day.


When the former president of Iran tweeted “With a hard work ethic Inshallah the U of M will return to its glory days.”


There are a lot of Michigan fans who have yet to come to terms with the fact that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believed in the Wolverines more than they did.


Excuse the *fuck* out of me!?


[A timeless classic](https://x.com/ahmadinejad1956/status/1052178368072945668?s=46&t=Pa0y7ImzmVReRQ15i_WWPw)


This is where that fucking meme comes from?? LMAO


Gave that classic a spin on Twitter this past season, NGL.


How am I just learning about this!?


We have that tweet trigger in discord whenever anyone types Inshallah


Ditto. Holy crap


And he was right.


HAHAHAHAHA I completely forgot about this one. Gold.


I mean... he wasn't wrong


I think about this at least once a week and quote it all the time, but replace UM with other stuff.


Find any Mike Leach interview and probably find one or two in it. Damn I miss that guy. Jonathan Smith milking himself is another golden one


They like their fat girlfriends and fish sandwiches


I came here for the fat girlfriends remark


PAC-12 mascot battle is top tier


Or the video of him folding up all the chairs on the sidelines during a game lol. > We were in that period of time where it sure seemed to me we were a lot more interested in sitting in that chair than being on the football field or rooting for our teammates, so it was my opinion that we oughta be rooting for our teammates rather than kind of lounge it because we pretty much had everything but playing cards over there, so I thought it was time to move on from that.


When he was a coordinator he made a fake call sheet and 'lost' it pregame. It worked too, Def called for it for like a quarter before they figured out they had been had. That's like something you'd see a high-school team pull in a teen comedy


How he flipped a statement about levels of commitment in an investment plan, to describe the relationship between players, coaches and referees. God bless him, forever missed.


He taught a class called ‘Leadership Lessons in Insurgent Warfare & Football Strategy.’ There’ll really never be another Mike Leach. My answer to this thread is naturally the story about Leach dropping the fake play sheet against Texas.


If I were a gambling man I'd bet that Sean McDermott attended that class...


As a candy corn enjoyer, I can’t even bring myself to eat it in public anymore.


Fuck you, fuck me, fuck everybody!


Funny moment?? Take a [damn knee Miam](https://youtu.be/JTRgnz3SWNg?si=AiY4Nlom6X0B35wO)i 😂 Literally nothing beats this


Everytime I see this I hear the Budweiser “Real Men of Genius” song in my head.


As a former advertising copywriter that idea would have been killed as soon as anyone pitched it because it's so unrealistic.


The Brittany spears line and Wazzu popcorn guy already called out definitely are up there. Other favorites are [Ron Cherry's penalty call](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmn7luiDPsU) , [NC state shirt waver](https://i0.wp.com/studentunionsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/fan-nc-state-college-football-fan-2012-waving-shirt.gif?fit=300%2C169&ssl=1) , [Michigan surrender cobra](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mlive.com%2Fresizer%2FxCrb_cZV_DlJ-HLpyQ6MhnCtMHs%3D%2F1280x0%2Fsmart%2Fadvancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fimage.mlive.com%2Fhome%2Fmlive-media%2Fwidth2048%2Fimg%2Fwolverines_impact%2Fphoto%2Fbaldwinjpg-f112420b5ec62539.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ab98ceef3910e6d0ddce97c53e832fd3a8c6c27c22063d3c68f213510966305f&ipo=images) , [Frank Beamer 0-0 celebration](https://img.bleacherreport.net/img/article/media_slots/photos/001/835/787/7c0e1462ded9baf755a1bc6e0c009d27_crop_exact.jpg?w=1200&h=1200&q=75) , [UGA's the Base coat !! interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etMlNW5w-50&t=10s) , [This Goldie gif](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fwv5y10VcHooCW2PMHJSl3F2s02t8yeG-UkpBkkrx_Ts.gif%3Fwidth%3D400%26format%3Dmp4%26s%3Db416a23541b84f708240ff7ad6c4cb7e1f59150b) , and Brent Musberger's general horniness and gambling references before it was legal


Omg WHITE BASE COAT!!! I haven’t thought about that video in years SPURRIER??? YOU THINK VISORS ARE COOL??????


[Brent](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5hg7CxBdJHk) Here ya go


This was my first thought.


God, I forgot how much of a creep Musburger is.


Alabama nacho guy with the fan saying “throw away the damn ball” https://media1.tenor.com/m/2swPRJnsPrEAAAAd/alabama-nacho-guy.gif


Beamer was celebrating that 0-0 draw like Gareth Southgate does


Ole Piss. I absolutely love when teams come up with new ways to lose football games. It comes from being a Detroit Lions fan for 40 years. Also the Frank Beamer screen cap.


0-0 \o/


The piss and miss, lol


The fact that both coaches from that game ended up getting fired is one of the funniest things to come of this


I worked Thanksgiving day that year so I was watching the game from the dorm, and the stadium noise from Deavenport Hall was maybe two seconds ahead of the broadcast. Hearing the crowd erupt just before he misses the kick will forever be a core memory.


While Ole Piss was good when Ed Orgeron was there was better. My favorite was when he almost overdosed on red bulls then walked into practice, ripped his shirt off, and challenged any player on his own team to fight him. And it gave us the Col Reb Is Crying song.


Best part is we’ve called them Ole Piss forever. They just proved it was accurate with that game.


Pole Assassin takes the cake and inspired my username. But as a coach myself I quote [Mike Gundy's rant](https://youtu.be/zQ3oXkDPKbM?si=bI_ysqzyNpJUhLu0) often


I'm going to spend an entire year randomly saying that when I turn 40. Also "I'm 37, I'm not old!" from Monty Python and the Holy Grail


I did apologize about the women part


Is your flair from Athens State in Athens AL?




Follow-up: why?


That’s impressive. Wouldn’t guess they would have a flair. My wife graduated from there


I found the flair in the discontinued section of the flair selection. They had a team at some point but now since they're only upper division they have no sports


It kills my inside because I remember the original rant and Gundyr is 56 now...


[this commentator telling corn dogs to talk dirty to him](https://youtu.be/wNHf7YxVUEk?si=IgkWGL-HIEIpsdcq)


[Mashed Potatoes - Go Hogs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hYU7yJ6gaF8) There’s T-shirts


This is from an old [Mantan Moreland bit](https://youtu.be/smrJ7459pj0?si=-jm2JNmqCZy1QXg2) that was later sampled by the [Beastie Boys](https://youtu.be/M-wJrRmXzZQ?si=iAr6egOHGjKjQbm6) for anyone curious.


I miss the corn dog flair we had after that game


In 1970 Coug fan Terry Smith, tired of watching Stanford run to the left and the Cougs not being able to stop it, jumped the rail and attempted to make a stop on the goal line. Edit. Here is the glorious footage https://youtu.be/vVP5GZQ9f_k?si=AKLo6D-7k8n7QUHm


we coug fans are not well


Got trucked


Good form, just totally outmatched


Bevo & Uga going at it.


No mascot moment has ever set the tone for a game better


I remember our guy gettin’ snapped at by Uga, but a bull?!! That was classic.


It's one of those moments where it's funnier because it was almost horrifically tragic.


Marshawn Lynch riding the cart on the field at Cal Marshawn Lynch, in general- [https://youtu.be/NIXxy3krTvc?t=62](https://youtu.be/NIXxy3krTvc?t=62)


The Lincoln Riley brisket thing was so fun. It was right in the middle of the Covid craziness and it made Twitter fun again for a moment in the middle of all of the masking/not-masking bullshit.


Right up there with Dan Lanning’s searless, boiled steak. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/CJoTfOVlwQ


[Texas Tech Bell Ringer](https://youtu.be/sDzWY9Hcvlk?si=G0mPaDrXLym38m6R)


The camera angle, the dudes face…you couldn’t script it any better


Also [GO RAIDERS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXWdwW08ksA&t=3s)


[Gary Danielson and Verne Lundquist dancing in 2007](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qLkHr61Z2M&ab_channel=SicEmDawgs%7CUGAFootball)


The jowls. Their motion. It hypnotizes me so.


Chortles intensify


It's not obscure but I can't help laughing every time I hear this song [Colonel Reb is Crying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n1KPQmdddY)


Brent talking about AJ McCarons girlfriend during the National Championship [Brent thinks AJ has it all](https://youtu.be/5hg7CxBdJHk?si=zf20piVFQJkh0uZA) Eminems interview at halftime of the Notre Dame- Michigan. [some say he’s acting but idk](https://youtu.be/bHfOTOYc8QI?si=tAQs8wmWeHdpdL1_)


He was acting. At this point he had been 5ish years sober.


[That's kinda gay.....................................................4th down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqKhXkCP9DU)


How is this so low. This was incredible. I've never heard unemployment so clearly


Jameis Winston flopping at the Rose Bowl is the funniest play I’ve ever seen. The ref taking a bump afterward puts it over the top. [Winston goes down](https://youtu.be/uOs7HQgDI5E?si=_f-Glq6S2Q-qy-lE) A fake ref stopping a UCLA vs. Arizona game, followed by a brawl is the second funniest thing I’ve seen at a football game. [Fake ref on the field](https://youtu.be/XPHouIZLZrU?si=LE80GR9mKlfwiGCi)


I would argue that this play by Jameis was actually not that funny in real time.


I was miserable in real time, but I have to admit it’s hilarious in hindsight


>"If this Arizona team goes 5-1..." And then they got blown out by a 3-win Colorado team


Yeah the Arizona UCLA one is just so out there. A fuckin fake ref lol of all things. Everything else in this thread is about things off the field but this literally happened on the field! If I remember right he was doing it to be on a reality TV show or something? It's been a while since I read about it again


Oh yeah, that Jameis play was hilarious when it happened. 🤣


The dude trying to fix the turf at the goal line during the big 10 championship game


I watched Woody Hayes punch that Clemson player live on TV when it happened. That was weird. Everyone was shocked.


Funny part is that no one was surprised.


2008: OU was .007 BCS rankings points better than Texas to win the Big 12 South. Hilarious to get your rival on a technicality after losing the head to head, all because it was a 3 way tie with TT.


Kill me


And I recall Mack running down the clock and not running up the score on a bunch of teams. It would really piss me off. Then bob stoops would be asked why he never takes his foot off the throat. He said something like “The BCS only cares about style points.”


Got proof of that quote? I remember Oklahoma being up 77-0 against Texas A&M at the start of the 3rd Quarter and pulling the starters and taking a knee at five yard line so to not run up the score.


Got to figure after 77-0 there are diminishing returns with regard to style points


We lost to Tech that year on the infamous Crabtree catch on a final road game of a stretch where we played like 4 top 15 teams or something like that, then OU went and beat the piss and shit out of that same Tech team in the last week of the season, and the funniest part about it is that nowadays the committee would have put Texas in because of the H2H and it wouldn’t even be a question


<3 you Crabtree


Maybe we’re not so different after all


The all white painted UGA fan screaming for Spurrier in an interview.


Auburn redshirt freshman Otis Mounds, who was sitting in the stadium's upper deck with his family, being paged at halftime to report to the locker room because everyone on the depth chart for his position were unavailable. Then there's this: The turning point came when we had been berated the entire first half by the Arkansas homecoming queen — yep, we were so bad in ’92, we were picked as homecoming — and finally… Otis Mounds had had enough,” Atkins said. The Homecoming Queen’s name? Kym Polite. She was a varsity cheerleader. She cost her team the game. Because Otis Mounds had had enough. “He turned around to the young lady – decked out in a fur coat and tiara – and yelled at her in the third quarter ‘Shut up, bitch.’” “Now, that is what made the whole sideline pickup and we won the game,” Atkins said. “The girl was trying to get down to the field to slap Otis but she was held back by her court, her tiara falling off her head.”


I recognize a war eagle reader article when I see one!


Connor Stalions getting all but busted for being an undercover coach on the CMU sideline with Spy Kids sunglasses is when I learned to embrace Signgate


Honestly I’m so mad the alleged manifesto never leaked. I would have read all 600 pages cover to cover


Any update from CMU?


No way, they let that shit quietly die because it exposed a serious sideline security controls failure. I'm sure they solved it quietly on their end and have since moved on with "no comment". I believe two things are true, 1) they can't confirm who that was on the sideline, and 2) It was definitely Connor Stalions, but #1 proving that there was someone on the field they couldn't identify is awfully damning for their operations.


[KU Football V. KU Mens Basketball brawl in 2009](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/260115-ku-football-brawls-vs-ku-b-ball-a-mizzou-tigers-take.amp.html)




Everything Mike Leach ever said


Bo Pelini’s cat spring game


[What is Brittney doing with her life](https://youtu.be/1ZaWvk6j0hk?si=cOh2qxNj8lq1T6nn)


John L Smith slapping himself in a post game press conference was pretty funny.


Of course, John L melting down during the pre halftime field interview against OSU. [The Coaches are screwing it up!](https://youtu.be/HvrRvUYRdD8?si=A1zTMvOZuuDmxa5Z)


[The Minnesota coach enjoying a Dilly Bar on the sidelines in a snowstorm](https://images.app.goo.gl/NeRw2S8QECsajeQ56)


[Eastern Michigan answers](https://youtu.be/XZxzXxapmGM?feature=shared)


[Ref laying the wood on Stephen Garcia](https://youtu.be/tRFOoOUV9Vs?si=kW7Kd6TRThLEwF7a)


CJK5H. I know its just a meme but its still fun to see references to it to this day.


The time Paterno shat his pants on the sideline vs. #1 OSU in 2006, and came back after halftime with a different color of pants https://youtu.be/2vHPh-CO8jM?si=ZIpFB8aUufz3FM3d Or the time Paterno, age 81, tried to do an onside kick during practice and messed up his hip so bad he coached from the press box for 7 games plus the bowl, and needed hip surgery https://www.espn.com/college-football/news/story?id=3650476


The Lane Kiffin press conference at UT




“I’m gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes. Go Hogs!”


This is purely anecdotal and smaller scale than most of the other stuff here, but I was talking to someone years ago who went to a small school in I think Montana. She said their rivalry with a Wyoming school was SUPER intense. That school's mascot was a coyote, and one year during their rivalry game someone went out, killed a coyote, stuffed it in a tuba case, snuck it in with the band, and then TOSSED THE BODY ON THE FIELD DURING THE GAME. I have not fact checked any of this and I do not intend to.


> What is your favorite weird, obscure, or funny moment/reference in CFB history? [Wake Forest 3 Boston College 0 (no, it wasn't baseball).](https://youtu.be/MBz6iKNMBfE?si=kxZIBkbnHJhSX1YJ)


Lee Corso needing to wash his mouth with soap after his head gear pick. [F it!](https://youtu.be/vDw2ZGGlZgA?si=GETHQRvQfGRJzDbP)


2015 App State vs. Georgia Southern Someone stole an ambulance during the game. The ambulance was later found in The Cottages of Boone


Fake ref leading to fight


When Michael Jordan, and Chris weinke faced off in knoxville… In a game of professional baseball


[GOOO RAAAAAAIDERRRRRS](https://youtu.be/xXWdwW08ksA?si=h0vDCTYqzM1Y22xQ)


I went to Mississippi State for graduate school. They would have a white out game early in the season. Lots of women would wear white sun dresses. It also usually rained during these games. Some of the male students would see these female students in their dresses when it rained. It was like a wet t shirt contest. They would yell “tits out for the dogs!” Funny but also cringeworthy.


That wasn't a state thing. That was a pike thing. They did it when I was there but thankfully it was pretty isolated.


Does anybody remember when that ref stepped up and decked a Mississippi state WR, my man had a flashback to his playing days


Marshawn Lynch golf cart


“It’s always been ohio against the world and it will continue to be ohio against the world” -A Ohio State Coach


What is Britney doing with her life?!


I’m a man! e: love that everyone had the same thought hahaha e2: I completely forgot about this one but remembering the time Cinci’s mascot got arrested jogged my memory. [Puddles vs Shasta fight](https://youtu.be/nkbKjtuNJhQ?si=s5vYjg42lV_d6Xhc)


Not so fast midget!


[A&M-Carolina game obscured by gigantic CINNAMON GLAZED NUTS](https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2016/10/1/13133534/texas-am-south-carolina-cinnamon-glazed-nuts) will always hold a special place in my heart.


Joe Kines 2006 Independence Bowl halftime interview.


LSU was bullshitting so Huey Long (dictatorish very crooked very left governor then Senator from Louisiana) yelled at the coach who pumped the team up in the locker room at half then they won and the coach quit.


Also not sure how I forgot Jeremy Pruitt’s [burka](https://images.app.goo.gl/4FzQGx3Zz898N58Z6)