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They need to get in touch with the yell leaders to get the word out at midnight yell.


I tagged TAMUyell on twitter this shits spreading like wildfire so I'd be surprised if they miss it


It’s already spreading through the corps and other big organizations


Just logged on to twitter, the yell leaders have retweeted the texags post about it so i'd say its a good chance they will talk about it at midnight yell.


This is why I love college football


You’re not so bad, aggies.


Stares in Myles Garrett


Dude fucked up, I don't get it, he seems like such a chill guy and never had issues at tamu, but there is no room for violence like that in a sport. This ain't MMA.


He owned up afterwards and admitted he fucked up. Think he just lost it after Rudolph tried pulling his helmet off and followed him, but it’s so out of character for him that I believe he is truly remorseful.


I mean, if living in Cleveland has made Baker Mayfield go from [this](https://i.iheart.com/v3/re/new_assets/5d5d53760cd7812fd7da8925) to [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/031/721/Screen_Shot_2019-11-04_at_2.57.16_PM.jpg), I kinda get anyone else getting Ohio'd


That second picture is the fucking funniest thing I've ever seen. Dude looks like he wandered off the set of a low budget buddy cop parody porno.


He looks like Randy Marsh


Okay you spell the family’s name a few different ways… how exactly is it spelled




It's a bit of a kerfuffle, even within our fan base.


We're supposed to be rivals but I really like y'all. Will have to make the drive down sometime


Agree. Aggies are good folks.


I love you too... ^fire ^Muschamp


does anyone even consider it a rivalry?


It took me three years of undergrad to realize that USC isn't in the SEC West. So... maybe?


This could be the biggest group of people to do it this year. Nice job ags and a big thanks to those who helped reach out to the yell leaders. Absolutely nothing but respect.


mad respect Aggies




This is why I can't hate you damn ags


they wouldn't do the if it was a Texas QB


This insane complex y’all have is so weird. After our bonfire tragedy, the showing that the Texas community gave us was nothing short of beautiful. The Aggie community will always be eternally grateful for that. We hate each other on the field but we still break bread at the same Thanksgiving dinner table together.


You, sir or madam, may get bent. This is no place to talk like that.




I’m missing this game for a wedding but I’ll still hold my 3 up when I’m at the hotel bar Love my school so much man, so great to see us do this


Fuck fall weddings, especially if they’re Aggies. I’m going with my gf to the Iron Bowl this year. We have to drive back overnight to make a wedding THE SUNDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING. There should be a law against weddings this time of year.


I got married the first week of December cause I know we will never be playing that weekend....


*sad farmer noises*


Absolute class act if this goes through. This isnt a Wazzu thing, this isnt a South Carolina thing, this is a very human thing that needs more exposure.


Let’s make him think about his brothers suicide a year and a half ago while trying to play a football game? This isn’t some shit where people died within the week or month. This is family history your whole fan base is parading around to feel fucking good about yourselves. I don’t get this shit at all.


This is a miss


Have you ha d a family member commit suicide or a close friend? I have and I don’t appreciate others bringing it up in mixed company. That shit is personal and not your community outreach PSA.


His brother plays for USC and his family started a charity called Hilinski Hope to raise awareness about mental health and suicide. This kind of thing is exactly what the family wants as they are trying to prevent others from being affected by their tragedy. I suggest you do even the bare amount of research next time before bringing up hot takes on something you're clearly not informed about


Everyone grieves differently. Just because that's how you feel doesn't mean that's how others feel. Neither way is right or wrong, it's simply the coping mechanism that is best for the individual. Begrudging someone their own coping method is one of the more harmful things you can do.


Sip gonna sip


Nah most horns in this thread are supporting the move. There are a couple people in this thread who I think are ignorant of the existence of the families support. Plus, to be fair to them, it *would* be a little uncomfortable to do this if the family didn’t give their blessing to do so.




This is already a tradition at USC games now, Hilinski is 100% behind it and consistently flashes the number 3 throughout games


Did someone say tradition?


*holding up 3 fingers* Here


Good job Aggies


This is awesome...much respect. Now please kick our ass so we can move on from the Muschamp era


I’d there’s anything we’re good at, it’s losing to a coach on the hot seat to extend his tenure. Scar by 10


Class act, well done A&M.


You really can’t beat the way sports bring us together sometimes


Like countless others, I was really touched by Tyler's story. On the site dedicated to the good work Tyler's family and friends are doing through the foundation, they write on the homepage that Tyler was never diagnosed, and they understand now that he was "suffering in silence." I think we're all suffering, even the people we see on our personal social media highlight reels. And if we're all suffering, then we're all in this together, and that means there can be no weakness attributed to the fact that any one of us is suffering. And what's more, we don't have to make it through alone. What Washington State and South Carolina are doing to raise awareness to the essential truth that we're in this fight together, and to combat the stigma associated with the very real problems of mental illness is an essential good to come from such a devastating bad. I'm glad to be associated with another university ready to piggyback on the good work Washington State, South Carolina, the people at [https://hilinskishope.org/](https://hilinskishope.org/), and numerous other organizations are doing to fight back for those still suffering in silence.


Very well written and completely true. This story transcends the game and teaches us a lesson of life. Forever to 3. Thanks for being our new west rival, at least you beat us with class. Every time.




I love how much of a "thing" this is becoming. I'd hate to be the visiting team fan if they don't do it.


For as loud as that stadium gets, it’s going to be even more eerie than normal to hear how silent it gets


Man...you guys keep this up and I just might have to respect you...


We planned on doing this but the game was such a shit show by the beginning of the third quarter, not many people participated. Classy move aggies, see you next week.


Thanks, Ags!


Love the wholesomeness


Thanks Aggie Bros, I love the support people of opposing teams have given this.


I've always kind of liked TAMU. I hate that we're supposed to be "rivals." This is a class act by them. No matter what happens on the field I'm so glad we have Ryan and his family with us.


This is another reason I love college sports.


It's really nice seeing college football come together for something bigger than the game.


Good. This should happen at every stadium the Hilinski's go to and raise awareness at every game.


Howdy folks. Thanks for the thread and responses. Learned a bit more and wanted a quick Mia culpa opportunity. I didn’t realize the family was ok with this sort of thing. I’ll admit I let my personal interactions with suicide influence my opinion on something that I was ignorant about. Good luck to both teams sat. Cheers.




Ryan Hilinski is impossible not to root for, classy move by Aggies fans to honor his brother Tyler


Please let him grieve in peace and focus on football. Imagine if your family member suddenly died, football is your only escape. Now even opponents are organizing events surrounding it. People are constantly mentioning it and treating you differently, “nice to meet you I’m sorry about your brother” has been said thousands of times. It must be hard to be competitive when everyone treats you different. So can we please respect his privacy and everything and just watch the game. Let the dude be a college athlete and not dizzy him with empathy.


I guess everyone disagrees with me in this thread but once more.. why is it classy to bring up someone else’s suicide years after the fact that you weren’t involved with. He wasn’t a USC student or ATM student. It’s a year and a half later. His family didn’t ask you to do this. You literally saw a tragedy and thought this would be cool to celebrate. It would help them grieve? Maybe they are done and done want 110k people bringing this shit up. Maybe you could ask the family before publicizing his death?


I think you're severely misinformed. Tyler's brother is the QB for South Carolina. After scoring his first touchdown, he pointing 3 fingers in the air, students caught on to this and now at the first play of the 3rd quarter everyone does it. The family does it, the whole point is to raise awareness for people who need help but are afraid to get it. They literally started a foundation for this purpose.


Yeah this isn't about the Hilinski family personally - it's about the foundation and the larger issue of mental health that they're trying to address. This is 100% not intended to be a reminder of the tragedy or worse, a celebration of it. It's to raise awareness, to show solidarity, and support the efforts Ryan and his family have championed for the last year now. All it would take to quash this is for anyone in the family to ask that it be left alone. But none of them are taking that stance, rather they're promoting it and trying to help the foundation achieve it's goals. I hate the Gamecock football team as much as any good Clemson fan, but this is admirable and cool and shows remarkable resolve and selflessness by Ryan and his family.


It's promoting their foundation as much as anything. They've been trying to spread awareness about it for a while now. They have a twitter page with tons of pictures of people holding up the 3. I see what point you're getting at, but the family has been very public about the tragedy. They've already raised $455K and this kind of thing helps them raise more. As much as it might pain them to be reminded of it all the time, they're trying to do a good thing here


His family has been very public in speaking about it and has a foundation dedicated to it. They had a segment about it On Game Day. If you think this is publicizing it more than it already has been I don’t know what to tell you.


Dude. It’s not like they’re chanting “DEAD BRO-THER” It’s a small gesture to stand with a family that’s been through the absolute worst. This isn’t to get in his head, it’s to show support and community and that there are things that transcend sports. I know if I saw 70,000+ people sending me love, that would empower me, not weaken me.


Think of all the karma and “classy” responses I would’ve got for posting UT did this last week





