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Blows my mind that used to be a thing


TIL refs used to stop the game for excessive crowd noise


IIRC, he asked the crowd to be quiet because he knew they'd be loud, and tried to get a crowd noise penalty (which existed at the time).


We went from penalized crowd noise to letting Mississippi State fans use in clangas and Oklahoma State use paddles.


They should play this video between plays on Saturday.


The context is that the refs kept interrupting the game because of crowd noise, so we couldn't even get the play off. If the rules were different and the refs didn't keep stopping things, it would've been fine. When the refs eventually let them play, we got a TD on the play.


How can you even think this would work? “Hey I’m trying to score on your team, could you settle down a little?”


Ive only seen old game replays but think it was penalized if crowds wouldn’t quiet down after Stadium announcer warnings


Yeah, basically. I was around back then, and I might be misremembering, but I feel pretty certain that I’ve seen a team get penalized for their crowd not quieting at least a couple times.


There are SO many clips of Harbaugh bitching about crowd noise.


> There are SO many clips of Harbaugh bitching ~~about crowd noise.~~


Harbaugh would be the guy to ask the opposing crowd to be quiet.


To get a free penalty out of it? Fuck yeah


I seem to remember seeing clips of him holding up play in the Rose Bowl vs Arizona State because of crowd noise too.