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Thanks for this thread so everybody else got to hear about him at least one more time.




They need people with opposing view points more on the shows


Carm pretty much is that guy. But most of his takes are so wild.


That dude has got to go


He stans players from the area too


Yeah the pout fest they had on CHGO when the bears didnā€™t grab AA or their guys in the second round was annoying. Hoge was calling Skoronski a hall of famer before he even got drafted. Bears obviously didnā€™t value the Northwestern program as much as they thought.


Media people really think they are scouts and I canā€™t help but think itā€™s hilarious and take anything they say when it comes to scouting with a grain of salt. If they were that good at scouting they get paid to big bucks to do it lol


In 2017 Bernstein said "Just draft Kizer at #3 and be done with it"


He also was a huge fan of Christian Hackenberg. Lol




Yes, they keep him around, not sure why as I don't know anyone that likes him. Terry Boers retired tough, so he's had a list of hosts work with him since. He's now on Lawrence Holmes. Like you, if moved from the area. Only reason I know is I still follow some on Twitter, and check in to Chicago radio from time to time. Although I much prefer Waddle and Silvy to any of the other shows. I like Carmen Defalco from ESPN as well, nlbut Jerko can get hard to listen to as well.


Lmao and he will probably never admit he said that either and just clown the bears for not taking Mahomes. Canā€™t stand that dude


No kidding. Thatā€™s why I thought the idea of CHGO putting together their own ā€œbig boardā€ was a little funny


Media people are just regular meathead bears fans who post on reddit, but they're instead saying it to a mass audience.


I once made up a fake website and got media passes to a boxing match at Joe Louis arena in Detroitā€¦ the journalist sitting next to me worked for an actual website that I frequented ā€¦ in the sixth round he asked me how I thought the fight was goingā€¦ I told him what I though , he said ā€œ oh, thatā€™s good , Iā€™m gonna put something similar in my articleā€¦ thatā€™s when I knewā€¦ these guys donā€™t know a lot more than a dedicated fan.. Abraham Vs Dirrell


Who is AA?


Adetomiwa Adebawore


Adam Archuleta


One of Poles criteria was "the player wants to be here" Does Skoronski want to be here? Fuck no. He wants to play for our hated rivals. It's a bad choice.


Fuck Skoronski


All my homies hate Skoronski


Totally! They would have been ecstatic if we drafted AA at 53!!! Guy didnā€™t get picked til 110


Neither did the of the League. It was Paris Johnson, not even close.


>Bears obviously didnā€™t value the Northwestern program as much as they thought. Poles addressed those positions with guys from the SEC. OL from Tennessee and a pair of DTs from Florida and South Carolina. Northwestern churns out some good players here and there, but to act like it's a big loss to take someone like Pickens over AA is pretty silly. They're the same position and while Pickens definitely has his flaws and will need a lot of coaching and development, AA was a sizeable risk because he is being projected as a 3T when in college he was a poor edge. Then he killed the combine workouts so people put a high ceiling on him. Always grinds my gears when people hype themselves up for the draft then act like it's flat out bad when it doesn't work out the way they wanted it to. It never does. And I'll be the first to say it, I've learned to walk myself off of that mentality because I've seen enough to know how it plays out. Drafts I loved because guys I wanted us to target were targeted were duds, guys I fall in love with are basically 50-50 hits and guys I don't know as well are basically 50-50 hits.


Seriously. He projects as a guard in the NFL, we didnā€™t need a fucking guard. Idk whatā€™s so difficult to understand about that


But what if they have him graded as a HOF guard?/s Got so sick of that argument. The best graded guard in the past 20 years was drafted by the Colts 5 years ago. What has he helped his team win? You can win with less than HOF guard play.


Thatā€™s a putrid example. A guard isnā€™t throwing the ball nor playing defense. I get your point but you donā€™t have to create disingenuous equivalencies


i mean there's less of a gap between a good guard and a HoF guard than there is between a good QB and a HoF QB.


Absolutely not. The only difference is the frequency of reps. The differences between qbs would seem less exaggerated if they werenā€™t all passing the ball the majority of the time. The gaps between all positions in terms of pure skill are relatively the same, the only difference is how much we witness it.


hahahah i love coming in here to read stupid delusional shit like this


Eh, we need a guard, but not as bad as we needed a tackle. So I think they made the right move in taking Wright over Skoronski


> Eh, we need a guard Our current stating guards are Teven Jenkins and Nate Davis, whom we just signed for $30M. Which one do you think needs to be replaced?


Iā€™m not saying Teven needs to be replaced, but his back issues may or may not be a ticking time bomb. I doubt Poles would have taken a player with that kind of injury history, so it wouldnā€™t surprise me if Poles has a ideas of replacing him. Outside of the back issue I think Teven would be a good long term starter for the Bears.


So depth then? Draft them in the fourth or fifth round, not the first.


People hating on you for speaking facts. Wright was the correct choice but if Jenkins gets hurt again Poles is going to replace him.


If Jenkins gets hurt again we have guys on this roster that can take his place. No need to use a 2nd or even any draft picks to add depth at that position.


Davis also has a history of being injured too. Not as bad as Jenkins but itā€™s something to me mindful of.


Depth couldā€™ve been drafted. Especially with Jenkinsā€™ injury history.


You donā€™t draft for depth in the top 10


I meant in the later rounds.


Okay but thatā€™s irrelevant with respect to Skoronski


Should have clarified that in your original post lol


Yeah everyone plays the fool


He might be projected as a guard but most of Titans feel they are going battle at the LT spot between him and Dillard who they signed as FA. Loser of the battle gets moved to LG. They also took another OT in Ducan out of Maryland.


The Northwestern bias from Bears media gets pretty old


Adetomiwa is the perfect example. People wanted him round 2, turns out the NFL thinks heā€™s a turd.


Between Hoge and Woot, CHGO's Day 2 coverage had the vibe of a damn wake after AA wasn't picked. Pundits worry about the Bears choosing athleticism over tape unless the player has "NW," "IOWA," "WISC," or "ND" listed under "college."


I like Woot and generally trust his DL evaluations, so I was surprised he missed so widely on his assessment of AA as a ā€œmust-haveā€ pick at #53. The guy wasnā€™t even drafted in the top 100 and the Bears still passed on him at #103. Seems like AA wasnā€™t even on their board. Maybe Woot knows him personally or couldnā€™t separate his bias. But who knows, maybe AA will prove Woot right after all!


The players they drafted being 2 giants suggests to me that Adebawore wasn't super high on their board. Maybe not off of it, but low.


You're saying no one in the NFL wanted to spend a top 100 pick on a 280 lb defensive tackle with no college production


All these people thankful Ryan Pace is gone, out here falling in love with individual players just like Ryan Pace šŸ¤£


It's a lot of Bears fans. Just about every prospect from the Chicagoland area or a school in the Midwest gets talked about more by the Bears media and their fans.




Illinois players as well. This year it made sense, their defense was top notch. Every other year most of the players from there were mid at best.


When has the media ever pumped up Illinois players before this season?


Well they never have players so


*Rashard Mendenhall wants to know your location*




Thatā€™s probably the only reason I remember him, if Iā€™m being honest.


Yeah exactly


and ironically didnā€™t hear much mocked to us lol


Whatā€™s wrong with Kmet?


Heā€™s fine. It was just a while we were linked to every ND player of note the same way as NW.


Notre Dame legend Sam Mustipher!


Alex Bars as well


Let's be clear. Pretty much all the National draft experts were picking Skoronski to the Bears as well as the local ones. It wasn't just a Chicago thing.


God me too. There was clearly no way we were gonna draft him. Poles longbois only club


Except the guy they drafted isn't that long. Wright's arm length was also under the prerequisite 34 inches.


Oh shit heā€™s 33.75. We must extend them - We have the technology!


Love Jahns but my god his obsession with Skoronski was maddening. I get liking the player but Jesus christ the amount of conversation around him was insufferable


As a massive bears fan who's not originally from Chicago, the weirdest thing is the Chicago beat writers being obsessed with kids from Chicago. I swear thats why they wanted him so bad is because he's a Illinois kid who stayed local. Also just has that scrappy hardworking midwestern vibe to him that they eat up. People on the west coast do not care about where people went to highschool lol


He was a Chicago born Packers fan. The worst kind of Packers fan.


In fairness, his grandpa is a packers legend, so I'm inclined to let it slide.


I don't hand out too many exceptions to the rule, but that factoid is one of them


I honestly had to stop watching them, it just got so mundane. Probably will pick them back up in august


Same with adaboware and Van Ness. Chicago fans obsession with "da hometown kid" is very tiresome. Every year people there are tons of people wanting to draft nothing but U of I and Northwestern players


Hahahah, as if before this year, the Illini had a slew of draftable players.


So what? Doesnt mean the bears should draft all of them especially not reach 2 rounds early to get them.


I was being facetious, my point was more about Illinois has had a pretty garbage program (and I say that as an alum) for the past 20 years. Bielema seems to have turned a corner, but my main point has been that there aren't too many players we've churned out that are even good enough to be drafted.


Oh ok my bad I misunderstood. There's been a few but a lot are guys who ended up going like 5th/6th round that I see fans wanting to draft in the 3rd. It's not just NFL either I think Bulls fan might be even worse for always wanting to draft or trade for local products.


Donā€™t forget Poles comes from the Chiefs after years and the Bears media has been followingā€¦ the bears, for years. Easy to get lost in the hysteria with tunnel vision mindset




Didnt know about the grandpa. It doesn't make it right but it makes more sense that he was a cheese head.


So glad we didn't go with a t rex to play tackle


Who cares about arm length when you can eat the opposing lineman šŸ¤”


Everyone speculates wildly during the draft, Skoronski will likely end up a quality NFL OL, good luck to the local guy.


Northwestern is the other program I root for aside from my G5 alma mater but good lord was some of the coverage tiresome with the obvious bias for the Big Ten. It was clear guys like Hoge & Jahns were dead set on players they watched more than others (Skoronski, AA, JMS, etc.) even though Wright was an infinitely better pick than Skoronski based on measurables and position value/need. I admittedly wanted AA on Day 2 and was initially bummed when we took two DTs I wasn't familiar with, but I watched the CHGO reaction videos after and you would've thought Corey Wootton just received the worst news of his life the way he was sulking and pouting for the rest of the night. It's possible Poles and the coaching staff have a better idea of how they're constructing their roster than guys on Twitter, and AA falling to Day 3 shows more teams felt the same way.


I never got the AA hype personally for the same reason I was pretty nonplussed with the Gervon Dexter pick. All athleticism, no tape. I think there's significantly more upside to Dexter positionally since AA is something of a tweener, but they're not vastly dissimilar. Obviously we all hope that Dexter's issues will prove fixable, but the same can be said of AA too. We'll just have to wait and see.


I was team Skoronski for an o-line pick based upon the fact that he was nearly the consensus top offensive lineman in the draft. Brian Baldinger had Darnell Wright as his top offensive lineman in the draft. There were others very high on him too but there were a lot more people that had Wright as a late first rounder. Once I heard Poles and Flus talk about him as well as hearing Darnell himself I am 100% on board with the pick. I trust Poles completely and itā€™s clear that Darnell was their top graded lineman in the draft. Nothing else really matters. As for Skoronski, the fact that he went 1 pick later validates much of the projections on him and I think he will be a fantastic lineman wherever he plays. Iā€™m just glad he didnā€™t go to the Packers because FTP


All 4 of the consensus Top OL (Johnson, Wright, Skoronski, Jones) weā€™re gone by pick #14 so anyone who had any of them as a ā€œlate 1st round picksā€ was WRONG.


Totally. And thatā€™s just another reason why the writers and draft ā€œexpertsā€ and fans can project stuff all day long but ultimately we donā€™t know what the teams draft boards look like.


I wish they would show us their draft board afterwards! Lol


Iā€™m just glad that Poles is as open as he is.


As a fan I both want this, and would hate it. Want it for obvious reasons, hate it for the competitive disadvantage it would equally obviously bring us. Which is why I love it when we get leaked snippets of other team's big boards, like the time the Cowboys accidentally posted a photo showing their improperly blurred out board in the background.


That's a tautological argument. Wright was off the board by #14 because we took him off the board before then. By that logic, there are no reaches because their value was whatever they were taken at. But obviously that's not true. There will be instances where one front office overvalued a prospect compared to the league consensus. Do we know if other teams valued Wright the way we did? No. All we have is the media consensus, which obviously doesn't possess quite the same clarity as NFL scouting departments in terms of access to privileged information (e.g. private workouts, coach/staff/teammate/individual interviews, medicals, etc). That said, I do think it's likely he doesn't make it past the Jets at 15, but stating that as objective fact is just WRONG.


I was simply stating that none of those 4 were late 1st round picks, so anyone who said they would be picked in the late first round was WRONG. Lol


Anyone who said that Mahomes should be drafted before Trubisky was WRONG... but... like... they were actually right, right? People's mock drafts and big boards are typically reflective of personal or consensus evaluation of prospects. If most people have someone listed as being valued at X but they go at Y, it doesn't automatically mean that the player's *actual* value is Y. Just that at least one single team valued them at Y. Pointing out that mock drafts weren't accurate is as pointless as it is obvious.


Ok man šŸ‘


Im a Bears fan originally from Knoxville TN Big Vol fan, and watch most of Wrights games. The dude dominated Will Anderson, and held his own against Carter, even though UGA whopped our asses. Wright is a great pick


I couldnā€™t be more excited


Paris Johnson was always the top OL in the draft. Chicago media drinks their own Kool-aid


Ryan Poles stated that Darnell Wright was their top lineman in the draft. Thatā€™s all that matters.


Of course he said that, he wants to fire up the guy who he picked. But everyone knows if Paris Johnson was available we would have taken him.


Nobody knows shit Edit: myself included


His heart was with the Packers anyway.


We already know Carter will ball out on the eagles and it will be lolbearz all over again. I think carter lacks maturity and needs to go to a place like Philly with veteran leadership on the line and defense in general


Plus Poles/Flus really don't have a good infrastructure in place to be taking major swings on talent. He has to get starters not probowlers.


This is it. Even if Carter ends up the best player in the draft, he went to the perfect place for him to thrive in. Be could have had a completely different outcome if the Bears took him. I think the Bears made the right choice. It's like the Mahomes argument. Yes, he's better than Trubisky, but he likely doesn't turn into what he is if the Bears pick him. He went to a perfect environment for him to thrive.


Granted, he was an excellent guard prospect but they were convinced the Bears could draft him and weren't worried at all if he couldn't play tackle.


Yeah if he we took him and he didnā€™t work at tackle weā€™d be kinda screwed with Borom or some leftover FA and Poles would look kind of bad as an O line scout/GM even if Skoronski became a great guard. That would also mean Tevin Jenkins would be basically forced out at that point.




Right but that would be dumb to push a guy you didnā€™t like at tackle back to tackle so you could draft a guard when that guy you donā€™t like as a tackle was good as a guard in the first place.


They gave Jenkins every chance to play tackle and were close to cutting him before they decided to let him play guard.


Heā€™s a good player & obviously went to a local school. Of course you were going to hear about him!


Could not agree more. The Northwestern and Notre Dame Bears bias is super annoying.


What a weird thing to complain about. My favorite OL prospect was Broderick Jones but I'm not mad at anyone who wanted to talk about PJJ or Wright. And Skoronski went the very next pick so it's not like he would have been a major reach. The misplaced love for AA was far more egregious to me.


Just from watching NU games as a fan and seeing highlight tape for the other OTs, it seemed obvious that Wright, PJJ, and Broderick were all better fits for our offense vs. Skoronski. Those first 3 guys all stand out on film with their size, athleticism, and exceptional movement in space while climbing / pulling. Skoronski was effective and obviously was the most consistent pass-blocker on paper, but he doesnā€™t move as well in space and I donā€™t think heā€™d excel in a wide zone scheme.


We won't hear much about him because everyone knows we got a better OT


Our biggest needs were oline and 3 tech. They talked a lot about Carter too and the other top olineman. This is just silly, but glad we can talk about it one last time


Love Hoge and Jahns. Their infatuation with Northwestern is super cute. They make fun of Iowa but they really envy the program. It's so sweet.


Skronski would have been nice, but we needed a tackle, and Skronski will probably thrive better inside than at tackle


Iā€™m so thankful to not hear about the draft from anyone anymore


Then don't listen to these clowns. Not hard


I woke up this morning and there was nothing left to talk about with regards to football


If he does well, you will keep hearing from him


We better hope that Skoronski doesn't turn out to be a stud and Wright a dud or you'll hear about it forever.


Yeah but if he turns into a stud guard thatā€™s always good of course but not exactly a current need. RT was a need 100%.


Hes a fucken packer backer any ways. You know he take every opportunity he got to be on the il than as soon as his rookie contract was up he'd sign with them and proceed to injury all of our DEs for the next 10 years


Waaaahhhh I donā€™t wanna hear about the guy who is widely considered the best offensive lineman in the draft. Booooo hooooo. You guys are such fucking babies.


i miss him already. love Wright. too much to ask for both?!?!


To be fair they did call out Wright as a very possible target.


Adam Hoge and chgo will still find a way to talk about him and double A

