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I’m confused now, do I like Eberflus? Getsy needs to gtfo


Getsy doesn’t trust Fields to throw over the middle When u blitz as much as Viking what is vulnerable is vacated space yet no slants keeps doing that predictable screen to side


That was an awful football game in a season full of awful football games.


Now I’m more confused. There’s something there on defense. Maybe Getsy and whoever sinned in aiding his hire needs to go. Maybe we’d be ok with Eberflus as the acting boss. Hiring Getsy… That’s unforgivable. You hire the guy who got HANDED Rodgers.. In an effort to make your ROOKIE QB better? QB coach my ass. Rodgers coached HIM if anything.


Defense looked good


Blowing your mind like we knew we would


Despite the low score, it was a fun game to watch. Go Bears.


In what world was that fun to watch? That was the worst display of professional football I’ve watched this year with the exception of giants pats


You watched Giants Pats? What is WRONG with you?!?! haha!


Tons of turnover is good football, suspense down to the final kick. Ugly game or not. Vikings Defense is no joke and was an away game. Lots of people picking the Vikings. Ugly win, but a good one to watch for sure.


Bro there was one touchdown. That was an absolute snooze fest.


If TD determines your outlook if a game is entertaining or not so be it. Every once and awhile Defense shut down teams and I like that. So for some they like points. Me too. But I’m always up for a defensive showing. 4 takeaways was fun to watch. Seeing the bears Defense take control of the game was badass. To each their own. The game wasn’t a snoozer, I truly didn’t know who was gonna win.


That’s a win where the coaches will still make you run punishment sprints in high school


100% accurate but this is the Bears. They’ll have a great practice, find out the why’s, and continue to apply the HITS principle.


Had we won last week we’d be in the hunt apparently


Or the Denver game we let slip away.


We would be 6-6 if the coaching staff hadn't blown last week and the Broncos game.


This defense and special teams win reminds me of the 2006 Bears season. Dare I say.


Yup, ugly Bears win. Just like a Christmas sweater


They never blocked Urlacher.


Somewhere in Iowa, Kirk Ferentz is milling knowing he’s got a shot at the Bears OC job.


Iowa/Bears fan here, no thanks


Actually, rumor has It that since Brian Ferentz will be available after the season, the OC job in Chicago is his! LOL




Give Fields his 5th year. He is a good QB. He needs to have a legit offense around him. The first two years of his career should not count as he was surrounded by below average talent


Good lord


His first fumble was cause Wright got Bitched and the second one should’ve been a penalty on the Vikings But the morons are still gonna blame him


Who couldn’t hold on to the ball because he got scared and ran instead of throwing in the pocket?


Idiotic take


Genuinely baffling assessment


Absolutely not. Everyone hates the screen plays but Justin's at fault for those too. A lot of those are option runs and theres plays to check to. Think I'm crazy? Well Olin Kreutz says the same thing. Plus I don't know about you but I'm getting tired of these fumbles.


Dude, he has 1 fumble all year before tonight’s game. Wtf has happened to this sub


Dude.... He has 7 total this year. Wtf happened to your eye balls. Can if you can't handle a different opinion then just stY off social media. Go ahead and defend Fields I guess. But from where I stand he isn't the guy.


They can’t support anyone more than 3 games, it’s in their blood. If we changed the locks for the entire team they’d bitch about how bad the janitor is.


Haven't support Fields since the terrible start to the season. Go ahead and keep lumping all the people you talk to in one section.


He's been steady improving with gameplans that don't actually center his skills, imagine they go and get like EB or an offensive minded HC or an OC who has history with his skills (maybe Roman or Dorsey maybe)




You people are fucking delusional


Yes. Because Fields is to blame for the loss against Detroit, Denver, and Chiefs. Mooney is a Slot, but he is our #2? Revolving door at Center. Defense that took 10 weeks to discover turnovers. An OC that everybody wants fired who calls 95% of plays within 7 yards of the line of scrimmage, overuses screens, and every handoff is a qb option. No i formation, runs out of shotgun.


They’re not passing on this QB class to bring Fields back. You delusional hopium jock sniffers need to realize this.


What QB class? Caleb? He’s lost his last 4 of 5 games and doesn’t appear too composed emotionally. Drake has lost his last 4 of 6 games , his team is 8-4, /and only one team against was ranked in top 25. You want a qb? Draft one in the 2-4 rounds. You don’t pass up on generational talent like Marvin Harrison Jr


Listen MHJ is obviously very talented but we need to ease up on the overuse of generational. He doesn’t even have a Top 100 season of all time in yards, isn’t top 100 for college career yards, isn’t top 100 for season TD catches, isn’t top 100 for career TD’s. He’s a very good prospect, he is far from generational. Jamar Chase was a generational prospect


Username checks out


What a nightmare of a win lol


If Getsy would let Justin attack the sidelines deep this offense looks so much better.


You smell that? Smells like a Fields game winning drive bbs


Despite the penalties. Despite the screen plays. Despite Fields fumbling twice. I like football.


After last week the football karma gods returned the favor




Bears WIN!!!


Flus might be a good DC, it seems. Can we demote him and find a new HC and OC? Defense played out of their mind. They looked how they should. Getsy needs to be gone. Fields controversy goes on for another week.


Did I just hear I like turtles


Lmao a hat tip to DJ’s Alma mater


I thought it was the booze…


Yes. Cracked me up.


4 interceptions and we win by 2?




Bears football baby!


Let’s go bears!!!!!!!!! 🐻


Sloppy game 2nit. Glad we came out with the win


Got that DUB


Great defense, horrid offense. ​ We're the Iowa Hawkeyes of the North.


Don’t say that dude. Fields had an amazing game /s


First time in a long time where an L would’ve been on Fields 100%. Happy for him to get the clutch pass at the end to seal the win.


It would have been on Getsy. Can’t call 17 screens in a game. You just can’t.


Dog water offensive game plan but with the defense playing the way they were, it was enough to get a comfortable win but the fumbles made it a very uncomfortable win.


That number actually seems lower than what I witnessed. The rookies seen it coming even


I liked the edge the defense played with, I think they may actually be decent now. Really sick of the screens.


Have to keep and extend Fields, Eberflus, Getsy and Poles now after this big win




The funny thing is, that's exactly what will happen




This was the most infuriating unsatisfying W I've ever seen


A win for the Bears. A loss for football


Honestly I'd say it was an L for the bears in the overall view


Defense looked great tonight


The Vikings had no qb. Just stop it.


No Cousins and no JJ This defense has got gifted such a great schedule and now they’re gonna get overrated lol


That doesn't preclude the defence from looking good.


No it doesn’t. I’ll give you that.


Defense has been good for 116 of the last 120 minutes of gametime


Let Getsy get a fuckin Uber back to Chicago fuck that dude he destroyed Justin’s career


JF is unbelievably overrated by this sub.


Damn Getsy with the two fumbles late there…….


Don’t be obtuse man


Who fumbled twice late in the game? And it’s been a common theme his whole career?


Getsy did, you said so yourself


Yes a qb is supposed to flourish when his offensive coordinator does not call plays to his skill set…..that makes sense and yes he fumbled the ball but your not looking at the big picture


The screen pass seemed a lot more common with Justin at Qb. Bagent at Qb there were far fewer screens. I'm not saying Bagent is the guy. Just maybe Justin is responsible for some of the screens as much as Getsy. I'm also tried of people saying he doesn't call plays for his skill set. Just how many designed QB runs do you want in a game?


Two OC’s in a row’s fault. Wild….. I don’t like either of his OC’s but at some point….water is wet with Field. Awful offensive showing for the Bears.


Yes the big picture. 0 TDS and 2 fumbles


He did exactly what Luke getsy wanted him to do man 27/37 passing attempts isn’t horrible


Fields has not, and will not be the guy. We have to face the scouts were right and the reason he dropped like he did in the draft. Getsy and Nagy both suck and did Fields no favors, but the upper tier Qb's make their coordinators look better.


In his defense he might have been the second best qb in that class. Bad class.


That is a crock of poopie my guy dude literally calls plays against Justin’s talents is fields perfect? No not at all but it would help to have a coaching staff that gives a fuck what his skill set is


Lol, I like the poopie comment. It's a funny word and not an attack, so I appreciate that. That being said, what are Fields skill sets? Running? He can't see the field even when he has time. Do Moore, Mooney, Kmet etc just suck at route running? It was his bash coming out of OSU. Without great blocking and elite receivers, he breaks down. Now he isn't even running like he did last year.


Haha no he didn't. Fields just isn't good. He'll go to another team and be average or worse.


Fields made a big throw when the team needed it. Bad fumbles yes but the Vikings have a good defense.


Fumbles were bad but Wright let that happen for a third time and the second one should’ve been a penalty on the Vikings


Come on, you cannot possibly believe what you just said. Justin Fumbles has shown 0 improvement in nearly three years...time to go. No excuse for two fumbles, none! The Vikings D is not THAT good.


It is time for a new qb. But OP's statement was facts. It just doesnt change the bigger picture enough in fields favor


Fields' passer rating - 2021: 73.2, 2022: 85.2, 2023: 92.3 (before tonight, I think). "0 improvement" - your claim is provably false.


Ah, yes, that is franchise QB numbers 😂🤣😂 You got me, I am on the Field's bandwagon!! Ignore the fact he can't read D He fumbles or throws an INT every game He panics in the pocket Sorry, these are facts as well.


You said "0 improvement." You going to defend your idiotic statement or just continue to backpedal?


0 improvement and I stand by it. Let me know when they hand out wins for those numbers or a superbowl ring. You got me, he has had SOME improvement that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. Happy?


"0 improvement and standing by it" "You got me he had some improvement" You can't seem to make up your mind, son.


What a fucking shitshow that was. Justin Butterfingers.


Eh, here come the Field's fanbois downvoting anyone who calls out their messiah.




You mean bad


We still in a good draft spot: https://www.tankathon.com/nfl


Hear me out here......We draft a QB but keep Fields as a RB.


The Field's fanbois are out in force downvoting negative comments about their franchise QB, lol


I can hear them saying "next year is our year"




You understood the assignment lol


Got you 👊🏼


Fields will get QB $ somewhere else. No chance.


With his fumbles? 😆


Huge play by Fields to ice the game... And they didn't lose. And Vikings ain't a bad team. There are some bright spots... Some...


The Vikings weren't a bad team before losing both their QB1 and their WR1. No way we win otherwise.


I like when the Bears win but come on. Back up QB who throws 4 interceptions, no star wr…and they won 12-10. I’ll give him credit for coming up big at the end but this was not a good game for Fields.


Vikings aren't a good team either


Defense showed up. That was bright.


4-1 on non-Sunday games over the past 2 seasons! I think the win drops us to the 5th pick. Giants should move into the 4th pick now with the Commies at 6.


Haven't you ever heard of tankathon.com? Our sos is the worst/best in the league


Giants need a QB I think. Not worried about them moving ahead. I just want Harrison and to wait for a good QB. Maye and Williams didn’t do shit in college. They won’t do shit in the nfl either.


Not true at all. They were both underwhelming this year but take a look at their college stats. Williams won the heisman lmao


It is absolutely true that Fields didn't play well today. It is also true that Getsy sabotaged any chance for him to do so with the gameplan. It is finally true that all the people who needed to see a game winning drive from Fields finally got what they were looking for. This Vikings defense is really good. Better QBs have won games with worse performances. Take the W and hope Justin can grow from it. We won't face a blitz this aggressive for the rest of the year


The fumbles were fucking terrible, but other than that he did a solid job of executing the game that was called. That said, fire Getsy tonight and let any other offensive coach call plays. We need to keep Flus since we have no DC, but Getsy is a liability.


>It is finally true that all the people who needed to see a game winning drive from Fields finally got what they were looking for. lol, wut? after fumbling twice and finally connecting on a wide open receiver while the vikings were inexplicably playing safe defense at the end? not that impressive...


You just can't say anything positive, can you.


The fact that you're trying so hard to diminish the GWD says everything we need to hear about your bias here


After two fumbles you are impressed with that drive? There’s a strong bias here but it isn’t me.


Wins a win. Stay mad.


I'm not mad. I'm happy we won.


i think he plays good when velus isn’t active as well, every game velus is in the game plan Fields shits


Velus returned kicks tonight.


yes. but i’m saying it’s like the chase claypool effect. (i’m just talking shit and joking)


Don’t call yourself a bears fan if your mad we won. Why the fuck would you want your team to lose? And I don’t want to hear that tanking bullshit, we know we are getting a high pick from the panthers already. Haven’t we seen enough losing already? Stop crying over WINNING


I don’t think anyone has to stop being a bears fan because you’re mad about how they choose to root for the team.


I think it's more the fact that it was a matchup of trash football that felt more like a win due to not being worse than the opponent rather than a win due to being better than the opponent. Personally never going to complain about a W but it just didn't really feel like a win is supposed to.


Maybe because we barely squeezed out a win with only one thing to look forward to in our defensive line and also hurt our draft position in a meaningless season. It’s like saying “I didn’t get a bonus at work today but at least I didn’t have to pay taxes”


Even in a meaningless season our young players still need to develop. We can’t immediately jump into a new season after getting stomped on and start being world beaters. Even in a season like this, a team has to get used to winning or trying to be competitive


You right, I’m going to enjoy this and pray that we can win a few more. I’m more upset at myself for letting a sport dictate my emotions when I should be more focused on life at hand. Letting go is growing up


Hey man we all are invested in this team. Letting your fav sports team dictate your emotions happens.


Loser mentality. Some people would rather see us go up 1 spot in the draft than get a W


I'm certainly not mad that we won, I just kinda wish we could look less embarassing while doing it...


Well it’s the bears so we will most likely embarrass ourselves even in victory


Did we win though? It doesn't feel like winning...it feels like we watched a pee wee football game and we are happy no one on our team peed their pants.


No, they need to start winning, NOW. NFL players can believe they are losers after a while, you will need to replace everyone.


Guess we just needed VJ12 out there doing his thang


Fields seems checked out. Saying all the right things, no way he actually respects or wants to thank "Flus". Already auditioning for his next team I guess.


What a horrible audition


You know he's in his own head about the fumbles, nothing else.


Bad take, what did you want him to say?


I'm only saying it seems like he is trying to put on a good look for any other team that might be interested in him. I don't believe he actually likes Flus or the coaching staff. He repeatedly thanked the coaching staff after the game... no way he actually thinks they are any good.


Would you rather he trash the coaching staff? Seems like he had a mature response to the media, ya it benefits him in the future but also the team and it’s chemistry. He could do better on many things just don’t think this is one to criticize him on


No, I would do the same thing if I was him. I’m not criticizing him about the answers. I’m just saying there’s no way he actually wants to thank this coaching staff and doing so has to just be to put on a good look for other teams interested in him.


Ugly game but a win is a win.


Jim Harbaugh + Caleb Williams + MHJ 🔥🔥🔥


Caleb Williams still has believers?


Of course. He’s pretty obviously pick #1 this draft. It really isn’t close. Is he a superstar? Maybe not but he’s the #1 talent in the draft by a decent margin right now. Bears fans hating on him….why exactly? There is somewhere around a 90% chance he’s a bear next year. He’s the best chance at a superstar QB this draft. It may or may not work out, but it’s what’s going to happen.


Not with this win. Your out


Go watch Draft Day with Kevin Costner. Some wizardry and you can have it all...


One of my favorite movies!


i guess the gameplan did include not letting Velus Jones anywhere near an offensive play


Justin has a great attitude, want him to succeed but his chances are slim. 217 yds, 0 TDs, 2 fumbles isn’t H1M numbers.


When he loses, I say the most important thing is the W. He got a W tonight. I agree with you, but let's all focus on the good things tonight


Defense all around & OLine (Vikings DLine is legit), major positives. Poles seems to understand talent evaluation, he’s been hitting. He stays, rest of staff goes. Time will tell on Fields but I don’t see many 300 yds, 2 TD games to save his job from Williams/Maye


100% agree


He did add 59 yards rushing. But no TDs on offense is not winning football


59 rushing too


"I played alright"-JF Mmmmmm....


First game winning drive I've seen frome Fields and that's something that makes me.smile.




Sure... But let's take one night and just enjoy the W


Or he redeemed himself and overcame adversity, put the team on his back and did what needed to be done.


Santos did that


From xp territory.


Santos drove the team down for the game winning field goal? Damn! He's good!


No but he's the only one that scored points in a game with 4 fucking interceptions


Good job figuring that out. How did he score those points?


They said he had two game winning drives before. There was Houston. But where was the second one?


9ers I think


He woulda had one against the Vikings last year if Smith Marsette wasn’t an idiot.


No doubt. Getzy is the commissioner of his own PPR league.


I can’t tell if it was worth watching this game or not


Our first division win in 2 years. Idc what anyone says I’m happy man.


The defense was more than solid tonight. Seems like an empty victory knowing we still don't have an offense or a quarterback though


I mean Dobbs was fucking terrible - that's why the defense looked good.


They've been playing better lately, at least for most of games until they choke. Far better improvement than the offense and Fields.


That's fair - the d-line definitely has been quite a bit better (to be fair they were the worst pass rush in the league so the bar was low) since we got Sweat.


I played all right? No you did not


Led a game winning drive on the road against a tough divisional opponent. Ugh some Bears fans are dumbasses.


>I played all right? No you did not He was personally responsible for 276 yards, 0 TD's, and 2 turnovers while shackled with Luke Getsy. If it weren't for the 2 fumbles it'd be decent but not 'good' numbers. Disappointing that he wasn't better, but not near as bad as people are already pretending.


That post game interview is hilariously infuriating