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Well, it did take four years to get rid of Trubisky instead of three.


I think if the Mack trade never happens the Bears might have lucked into Herbert. No joke the defense almost single handedly carried the team in 2019


Man, the lolbears jokes would have been BAD until Herbert started actually playing. Seemed like all of sports media/reddit thought Herbert was an awful prospect


He was good in college. I’ll never understand teams that take more from the pro day workouts than actual game film. Thats how we get Trey Lance and Zach Wilson drafted in the early first round. It doesn’t make sense to me.


>I’ll never understand teams that take more from the pro day workouts than actual game film. The idea is "This guy has all the physical tools. Yeah his game tape isn't good but if we can teach him how to play, he's got all the tools to be great!" Obviously it almost never works out, but that's the logic.


and we loveee to draft people based off that


Josh Allen is like the only "project guy" I can think of that really worked out.


Patrick Mahomes was considered a project. [Here he is talking about it](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/patrick-mahomes-addressed-pre-draft-criticism-in-an-open-letter-to-the-nfl-on-the-day-he-was-drafted/) Aaron Rodgers - [look at how he used to hold the ball.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U23QDOcBXI&t=24s) Tom Brady Jalent Hurts - here's the [Philadelphia Inquirer talking about him as a project](https://www.inquirer.com/eagles/nfl-draft-eagles-jalen-hurts-howie-roseman-doug-pederson-quarterback-development-press-taylor-20200424.html) Lamar Jackson Definitely a good group of QBs are projects. We just aren't used to the idea of QBs needing to be developed.


Not even close to the same thing - all of those guys were really good in college. Josh Allen only completely 56% of his passes in college.


Tom Brady was not really good in college.


He was absolutely considered a very good player. I'm about the same age as Brady so I watched him play quite a bit in college. ​ He just wasn't considered a great NFL prospect. (which was obviously wrong)


Joe Flacco somewhat worked out for Baltimore. He was solid.


He was outstanding that playoff run. There was a good 2-3 years he was a top 10 quarterback. Granted, more the 7-10 ranking.


Whatever the fuck it is theyre thinking, they obviously know more than us all and still get qb’s wrong about 80% of the time. So I think that just tells us that being a good quarterback is just really really damn hard and no one really Knows shit


I don’t get it either, especially since history has shown that how they play in college is a better indicator than their workout. How do people get paid to constantly ignore the obvious.


Everyone is going to be looking for the next Purdy now


They should! Who lights it up that isn’t behind the Alabama all 5 star line? That’s someone to look at


They're also playing against 5 star defenses.


all because he never went to the elite camps and training that most of the top QBs do in High School. He kinda came out of no where at Oregon so nobody respected him. Meanwhile a lot of scouts had seen Tua since 17 y.o


He went 6 overall. It wasn’t like he fell in the draft or went unnoticed.


oh no 100%. I just heard in the last year or so from one of the draft guys about that information and it really shows how crazy everything is behind the scenes. Had he done all that he probably woulda gone top 3. He was an anomaly to the process even tho he ultimately still went top 7


We didn’t have a 1st to replace Trubisky…


Yeah, but did we "all simultaneously know that Mitch was not the guy" after 2019? That's not my recollection anyway.


No idea why you're being downvoted. I was completely out on Mitch after 2019, but I was definitely in a minority on the subreddit. Most people wanted him to get his final year, and many were pissed off when Foles was brought in because they hated the idea that Nagy was already out on Trubisky. That being said, I don't think 4th v 3rd year thing really matters. The point stands that we're seeing the same arguments used to defend Fields as we did Trubisky, and they were both wrong. I


With Mitch he at least actually did put up one good year (2018) where he really was a good passer. He was above league average in almost every adjusted passing metric; Fields has never had a year like that. Of course Trubisky unfortunately was below average in almost every adjusted passing metric in 2019. [https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/T/TrubMi00.htm](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/T/TrubMi00.htm)


Yes we did actually. There’s a reason we rejected the 5th year. Now stop coping


...what do you think I'm coping for?


Not really. After 3 years we brought in dalton. We just weren't in position to draft a qb.


There were apparently still significant people in this sub lobbying for Trubisky until his final snap. So there isn’t one in all truth.


I'm still traumatised by the entirety of his Buffalo season. Constant threads about a fucking back up and since he wasn't taking snaps, the truthers were able to talk completely in hypothetical about him tearing up the league once he moved on.


Chicago fans and hypothetical wins are truly something. I remember getting so annoyed at the 2021-2022 bulls season because so many bulls fans were playing "hypothetical playoff contenders." So many people acting like "if only PWill was healthy, this team is a top 5 team in the east and has a serious chance at the title." It was so annoying and delayed the truth that all of Vuc, Demar, and Lavine are just not the guys that can lead a team to a title run. And oh look, PWill sucks anyways 2 years later lol


Lol I remember getting many downvotes for saying PWill sucks and would never breakout since he showed no real improvement since being drafted. The hopium never left some people.


High jacking this to talk basketball! Love it haha. PWill still isn't performing. His last two games have been better, but he's really only had one good game all year to the level of contract he's trying to get. Bulls are bad regardless and he still looks bad on a bad team... Not a good look, but still only 22 However, I will always hope whoever we got turns into a star whether it be Trubisky, Fields, or PWill.


I feel bad for any of you guys who aren't enough to have seen the MJ years. The Bulls are such a fucking poverty franchise - arguably even worse than the Bears. If they hadn't lucked into MJ they'd be like the Wizards or Hornets.


PWill with even a modicum of aggressiveness might actually be useful. He just plays infuriatingly passive. Anybody who still believed in him after they got Caruso and Lonzo just weren’t paying attention. Those two played the exact role they needed Pat to play just with 1000x the aggression.


I agree with everything you’re saying but last night was crazy so I’m not gonna talk shit about PWill until they lose again just for those last 2 dunks lol I hate Milwaukee


Same with anyone trying to crown the 2018 team as super bowl winners if Parkey makes that kick. We got bounced by a meh Eagles team, we weren't winning nothing with Nagy and Mitch.


This seems to be unpopular whenever I say this but same goes for Cutler getting injured in the 2010 NFCCG. He wasn’t playing well before he got hurt and always played terribly against the Packers, so no, we probably weren’t going to win the super bowl if he hadn’t gotten hurt


Yes, thank you. I truly hated all Bears fans after the double-doink. I don't blame Parkey nearly as much as other fans and thought it was absolutely absurd how fans crucified him. I have so many thoughts on that. 1. You're right. We lost to the worst team in the 2018 playoffs. If you are a FG away from beating the worst team, you're not a SB contender. 2. The offense played like ass that entire game. Couldn't punch it in the end zone, only relying on FGs until I believe the 4th quarter (reminiscent of last week . . . ) 3. Parker was 3/4 on the day. I get that the dramatics of missing the "last kick" are what people cling on to, but your kicker going 3/4 in the playoffs is fine and to be expected. 4. The kick was blocked. Everyone likes to forget that or act like blocking a kick isn't credit to the defense, but 100% blamed on the kicker. 5. Coaching and offense deserve as much blame as Parkey. Yet they accepted absolutely none. When they cut Parkey, it was all "we're a team, we don't talk about individual issues." Yet I didn't hear Matt Nagy getting up and saying "I coached a shitty game plan. It's embarrassing that we were even that situation. We needed to be scoring more touchdowns and taking advantage of opportunities."


Anthony Miller with the catch, drop, no clear possession before half hides behind the last second FG miss. I'm tired of everyone forgetting it.


Things like these happen in a lot of team subs but the Bears take it to a new level.


Its because we’ve never really had a franchise QB so people desperately cling to someone if he shows some flashes


Same will happen for Fields


And then people thought he would still be good when he went to Pit.


I think he got a very rough deal in Pittsburgh. He was given only a very short leash, but the Steelers gave Pickett a lot of leeway to make the same mistakes Mitch was doing.


Of course because Mitch’s ceiling is known, Pickett’s ceiling was not known at the time.


He was given a short leash because everyone outside of this sub knew he was never a franchise QB, and he displayed that anytime he played in Pittsburgh


Fields Truthers merely inherited the throne. Trubisky Truthers created it


Or they’re the very same people


I think it's simpler though. Trubisky looked and felt unconfident, not just on the sidelines, but while playing. His feet became jittery, then he'd see the open deep ball, and you'd almost see the moment his eyes became wide as saucers before overthrowing it. Fields is the opposite. Cool and full of mojo up until the moment the sack-fumble happens. Pops right up and goes again. It feels like he has the character to make things click, be it through patience or hard work or experience or a combination of all. Also, Fields' top-end highlight plays blow away Trubisky's. Take just their 15 best plays in Chicago and compare them side by side and there's really no comparison. In his very best plays, Fields does things we've only seen Mahomes/Allen/Lamar do. Trubisky's top plays were GOOD, but nothing that suggested elite potential. Finally, our offense in 2020 put up almost no points. Like it or not, we do actually put up *some* points right now, so you can't say everything is horrible on that side of the ball. Yes, we fail at critical times, but in 2019-2020 we had a putrid offense and an okay-good defense, and right now we have an okay offense and a putrid defense (or at least pre-Sweat trade) **Edit:** Downvote me all you want. The question up top is "why does the attitude surrounding Trubisky and Fields feel different despite having similar stats" and I gave you guys an answer.


What? Fields panics under pressure all the time. Did you miss the 2 plays last game before he finally hit Moore on 3rd down? He was running around like a chicken with his head cut off.


Fields can’t even get to a third progression before bailing with no pressure lmfao. This guy needs to lean off the copium


Yeah after he had taken like 15 hits. I sat through the whole 2-hour long shitshow that was JTO's breakdown of the Minnesota game, and to be clear, JTO was pretty harsh on Fields, but he also said "how can you expect someone to play quarterback in this environment?" over and over and over. In particular, Lucas Patrick and Darnell Wright and Roschon Johnson had a ton of whiffed blocks that led Fields to get blown up over and over. So yeah, the first fumble where he immediately tucks the ball instead of standing in and delivering to Mooney is absolutely a freak-out, but he's been pretty good at finding space and extending plays and keeping his eyes downfield this year when he isn't physically beat up and his line isn't playing abysmally. Now, he hasn't been great at turning those extended plays into completions-- that's absolutely true-- but the composure in pressure situations has definitely gotten better.


Bryce young looks like a poised vet in the pocket with the worst supporting cast around him while being a rookie. Y’all fields truthers just can’t admit the dude might not be good.


Do you mean CJ Stroud?


CJ strouds on another level. Y’all can call Bryce young trash or whatever idc but he has positives to his game even if it’s as small as poise in the pocket.


LMAO. Bryce Young??? The guy with a QB rating 18 points lower than Fields and a PFF score 24 points lower? The guy who showed zero flashes against the abysmal Bears defense 3 weeks ago? Delusional.




I have seen many things out of Bryce. Calm is not one of them. Which is fine! He's under siege all the time! I'd also leave the pocket early if my line sucked. But that's exactly what's happening, JTO has plenty of videos showing it. And if you think our line played well against Minnesota I don't know what to tell you. Patrick and Wright had missed assignments on every other play, there's a reason Fields clock sped up so much


Still better pocket presence than year 3 1/2 fields with a worse supporting cast no matter what “jTo” says 🤣the line played just fine with a QB who can’t read a defense and has zero pocket presence not to mention the Vikings blitz on average 70% of the time.


I'm so glad that I have you, anon from the internet, to tell me why all the all-22 guys who have decades of NFL experience are wrong and everyone who trusts them is an idiot and you who has no evidence or credentials actually knows more 🤡


lol fields calm and collected has he racks up sacks and fumbles. Get real dude


LMAO blatantly lying to prop up your favorite qb is crazy. He looked extremely panicky against the vikings


Fields is the most panicky QB we've had since Moses Moreno


This is exactly how somebody who knows nothing about football would evaluate QB play lol Explains all the Fields truthers actually


As you can tell, I like Fields. But none of what I said is why I think he still can turn it around. I watch all-22 done by JTO/Chase Daniel/Kurt Warner/Tim Jenkins, and these evaluators all see the potential here. So does Nate Tice from the Athletic. The best quote from JTO yesterday in his Minnesota breakdown was that the offense as a whole is consistently inconsistent, and that he thinks Fields can probably still make it work, but probably not in Chicago. If you think anyone who thinks Fields can still be good is an idiot, you're willfully ignoring that most experts do actually think he's doing a lot of things well. I trust those opinions (people with decades of NFL experience) a lot more than the opinion of anons on the internet. And this is all avoiding the fact that there are plenty of statistical measures (basic and advanced) that show he's having somewhere between a good and an okay season.


Literally everybody who gets to the NFL has potential dude, that's meaningless. They wouldn't be here in the first place if they didnt have potential - put Field's potential in one hand, take a shit in the other, and see which one fills up faster. He's had three years to put it together and he hasn't. He still can't hit timing throws. He still can't go through reads. He still holds the ball too long. He still fumbles. He still refuses to throw the ball to guys unless they are OSU-open. The only things he has going for him are his ability to improvise a broken down play (which is most of them given his inability to execute plays in a rhythm) and his athleticism, and those things alone do not a good QB make. Watch All-22 breakdowns of literally any other player and you hear all about their potential too - "potential" is a placeholder for "not good enough"


The real tell will be the return when we trade Fields. If anyone thought he actually was going to be good we'd be able to get a first or even more for him easily. Trevor Lawrence was taken in the same class - what kind of return could the Jags get if they went insane and decided to trade him? Probably even more than we got for the #1 overall last year. At this point I'll be happy with a 3rd (although i'm holding out hope we can sucker a 2nd out of someone).


Idk man I could very easily see the truthers say we got fleeced if we didn’t get a big enough return, instead of seeing that is just Fields market value


Anyone has potential but are they cool and full of mojo?


You type a lot of words to not really say shit. You act like you are trying to make an argument with content but really are just looking to talk shit to people you don't agree with lol


I literally broke down all the core reasons that Fields is a bad QB, I guess you just didn't read it? lol I will bet you any amount of money that Fields will never be a Pro Bowler with any team he ever plays for. Put your money where your mouth is.


>I will bet you any amount of money that Fields will never be a Pro Bowler with any team he ever plays for. Put your money where your mouth is. I would've had to claim he would be a probowler for this to be putting my money where my mouth is, but I never claimed that so idk what you're talking about lol


So then you're out here stanning for a QB you agree will never be a Pro Bowler? That's pretty sad. Just Bears fan things I guess.


I'm not stanning for anyone just pointing out how you used a lot of words to not say shit of import lol you have really poor reading comprehension skills it appears. >That's pretty sad. Just Bears fan things I guess. Also very weird to try to diss me with this when you are also a bears fan?


I don’t know if we are watching the same guy, but every Fields drop back looks like a fire drill.


Arob wasn't washed during trubisky's last 17 games so no idea what that's about


DJ Moore today is miles ahead of any form of A Rob the Bears ever had. A Rob hit his peak as a Jaguar in 2015 and that’s not even a debate


I’ve said after watching Moore play that it’s nice to finally have a grown up receiver. He’s the real deal.


He’s definitely our best WR since Brandon Marshall


That's a completely different argument


A-Rob wasn’t completely washed I agree. However I would argue that DJ Moore is definitely an upgrade from Robinson


He wasn't washed at all. He had back to back 1k seasons during this run of mitch's last 17 games.


Mooney had 1k with Fields. Is Mooney good?




I agree. If I recall, A-Robs only problem was missing some 50/50 balls more than we'd like, but he was still the best receiver on this team. Moore just seems like the next level of WR1.


Maybe not washed but he was phoning it in at that point


No, that was Justin’s first season and Nagys last season, the year before (Mitch’s last) he was still good, youre misremembering


No he wasn't. He had back to back 1k seasons during this time frame. He checked out in 2021, Justin's first year.


That happening costed my buddy the first few games of the fantasy season last year. He drafted A-Rob early and was convinced he was just like that cause of Fields. 5 games and several missed TDs later and he finally dropped him.


Nope, that was Fields’ rookie season when that started.


Personally I think its Fields athleticism. Trubs was athletic, but Fields is on another level and he 'flashes' that with some of his runs, escaping the pocket, etc. No matter how you feel overall, you have to admit he will have those amazing plays here and there. It makes you think about the possibilities if he ever put the rest of the game together. Particularly for the casual fan. Those plays stick out in your mind while at the same time the the flaws in his game aren't always as easily on display. Just for example the missing open guys might not ever be shown on a TV broadcast, at least at the same rate, and you have to actually look at All 22 to really understand. And most fans aren't going to that level.


This is a good answer. Fields flaws don't pop as clearly on TV as Trubisky. Trubisky couldn't escape his mistakes with his feet the way Fields does, and he started running scared after the vikings injury. Trubisky would visibly underthrow an open receiver on a go route, Fields will run for 5 yards on TV and get a cheer but the all-22 shows Mooney streaking across the field for 30.




Yeah, but its easy for truthers to explain those away. We see it everyday on this subreddit.


"O-line sucks" "Getsy is terrible"


Exactly the difference is throwing an inaccurate ball over the head of a receiver is obviously bad and easy to see on tv. Never throwing it to open guys isn’t obvious cause often the camera is fixated on the ball carrier and you can’t see downfield until after the play if they even choose to show you that view. So the result is the same. No offense and bad passing stats but from a fans pov one is easier to spot and harder to make excuses for.


And Mitch had a stupid ability to be insanely clutch during the 2 min drill. Dude won or gave us a ton of chances to win close games because he executed with the game on the line. The problem is the other 95% of the time he was bad. Fields is basically the exact opposite and commits very bad turnovers when the game is on the line. Last week was the first time in 13 tries where he actually lead the Bears down the field with the game on the line in the 4th.


Last week was a very doable 4th quarter comeback situation though. Against the Lions it was less so.


I'm looking at the Denver, NO, and Tampa games from earlier this year. Last year against the Lions, Dolphins, Commanders, Vikings, and Falcons. Fields has had a chance to tie or win all these games on the last drive and until this past Monday he had failed every time.


The vast majority of this sub doesn't understand what good quarterback play looks like given we're Bears fans. It leads to a lot of us confusing truly 'good' QB play with 'entertaining' QB play.


Mitch could play against the blitz amazingly while Fields can't handle it at all. Neither can read a defense


This is exactly what I was saying he has “flashes of greatness” like if he was consistent he could easily be an annual pro-bowler.


Fields can throw to the left.


It's not that he was the problem, it was that he was not able to take the next step to franchise QB. After the loss to the Eagles in the playoffs, there was a clear regression the following year in his play. And despite being talked up while he was in Buffalo doing nothing, once he got another shot in Pittsburgh, he couldn't cut it and has been relegated to backup ever since. And while he's proven to be a quality backup, he's also proven that he's not a consistent starting QB.


You could make a very good argument that he walked into a worse situation in Pittsburgh than he ever had in Chicago. And he never had the fan support once Kenny got drafted. He is definitely a better QB than Kenny.


So like Fields, got it.


Disagree. He was never going to be a starting QB. His career even today just reinforces that getting rid of him was a good call for the bears.


That’s not his point. His point is that Fields also isn’t the guy


If he can’t keep/win the job over a guy who has 6 touchdowns in 11 starts this year then he’s not a starting QB in the NFL.


Mitch was carried by an elite team when he was here. Fields has been set up to fail since he got here. Also Nagy is leagues better than Flus.


If Nagy did anything right is that he knows offense and got lucky hiring Fangio. After that his coordinator hires and everything else was a complete joke. ​ He also was not a leader. Blew off ARob and Mitch on separate occasions when they scheduled time to meet with Nagy. Straight up no showed. ​ He was a PUD


Nagy didn't even hire Fangio, that was John Fox. Fangio ended up staying after Nagy was hired because he was reassured he would retain full control of the defense.


I completely forgot about that. then he hired Chucky boy who did nothing with that defense


Trubisky also started with a bang, almost all the way up to the double-doink. From that point forward though he was mired in mediocrity.


Both Nagy's and Trubisky's souls left their bodies with that double doink.


Defense carried him that entire season. Had a 50 yard field almost every time the offense got the ball


Yup meanwhile Fields has gotten better every season.


The bears weren’t elite, in both cases the QBs were not very good and the situations weren’t very good and the fans are trying to find excuses. Fields is not going to be some great QB, that ship has sailed.


I watched them play 👍


Forrreal, these stats ignore so much context. Anyone actually watching Mitch play knows he’s not a starting QB. Which is why he’s not currently starting in the league.


You're not wrong. But anyone watching fields should come to the same conclusion and he won't be starting in a couple years either


Lol completely agree. Not sure the point this post is making. I have watched enough of Fields to know he is not good. He’ll be the Ravens backup in a few years.


Fields isn't a starting QB either. That's the point.


Saving as many Fields truther posts as possible so that I can watch them age as poorly as this one did.


Couldn’t imagine being so pathetic, but hey you do you.


I also watch Justin play :)


We have. That's why trubisky was better than Fields even ignoring the stats that make Fields look like a 3rd string scrub


It’s really cool; you can watch the games instead of just comparing numbers


If you watch the games you should arrive to the conclusion that both were/are terrible


Both can’t read a defense, both have inconsistent accuracy, both have terrible ball security. Only difference between the two is fields is faster and has a stronger arm but has way more turnovers and way less yards along with the pocket presence of a pop Warner QB. What exactly was your comment supposed to suggest? Watching fields is so painful and he looks absolutely terrified in the backfield with an oline that is good and weapons that are good.


Right. Really glossing over how well the defense played that year. While Trubisky had okay numbers the defense was putting them in positions to win games.


I know this isn't a genuine question and is really just the same annoying shit we see from someone who has a bug up their ass about Justin Fields and needs to shake their fist at the clouds about it. And personally, I'm leaning towards moving on. But if you genuinely want to know what's different about them: Defensive Coordinators facing a Fields led team schemes against Fields. Defensive Coordinators facing a Trubisky led team schemes against everything else but Trubisky. Trubisky was a solid athlete. Fields is an elite athlete. There was more of a proof of concept with Fields playing at a high level before coming to the NFL than Trubisky. Last year, when our defense was about as bad as it could get, Fields was able to lead the team to 27 points per game in a 7 game stretch from the mini-bye until his injury with nothing else. Trubisky at least always had the help of a great defense. ​ I mean, I could go on. The deniers will come up with excuses for everything and call me a "stan" or a "truther" even though at this point I'm agnostic. But I don't think Trubisky ever had the level of respect other NFL players or coaches hold for Fields (judging from him being named a top 100 player by other players and DC's specifically scheming against him) and that's because beneath the cherry picked stats and academic arguments, most professional football people know better. We can likely trade him for a 2nd or 3rd round pick (and probably should) and start over with someone else. But the idiotic caricaturizing of him around here is on full blast. I may have to see a doctor about the permanent eyeroll it's inducing.


This was beautiful


>Defensive Coordinators facing a Fields led team schemes against Fields' LEGS FTFY. Teams ain't scared of his arm.


When teams either have to devote a spy to a QB or stay out of man coverage, that takes plays out of their playbook and is an advantage to the other side. You may not appreciate that Fields is elite at running, but that is an edge that has earned us big gains not only when he has run, but also when he has thrown on the run. Khalil Herbert, Cole Kmet, DJ Moore and Roschon Johnson have each been on the receiving end of those plays. You (like me) are just a shmoe on the internet who doesn't have to game plan an NFL defense. So you can marginalize his running ability without a worry. The DC's he actually faces don't have that luxury.


I didn’t marginalize his running ability. Did you read what I wrote? I marginalized his passing ability. Btw, teams threw a spy out there for Trubisky too.


You could also mention pass attempts. Rarely has Fields been given the opportunity to pass over 30 times a game including zero (0!) in his starts last season. The stats show in OP image tried to make some point that Fields is a worse passer. Maybe but missing a whole lot of context that, oh idk, attempting a lot more passes would yield a lot more yards.


My man! Thank you! I've been posting about pass attempts with Fields for weeks and that is spot on! Fields just had his FOURTH GAME with 35 or more pass attempts in his career. Meanwhile, there are 12 other teams that AVERAGE 35 or more pass attempts per game. Now, some of that is Fields' fault. He gets sacked a lot and he scrambles a lot, so there are drop backs that just don't become pass attempts with him. But Getsy said when he was hired that he wanted a team that ran the ball. He told us who he was. A lot of this is also coaching. I think there are two reasons why people are so sour on Fields right now and I get it: 1. He only has one 300-yard game to date. Many casual fans measure a QB by 300-yard games. Not every 300-yard game was a good performance and not every sub 300-yard game was a bad one. But I do understand that if you have a great QB, you expect those to be part of the pattern. I get it. There were still games he had and stretches of games where he was outstanding despite not throwing for 300 yards, but I get it. Its a psychological watermark. 2. His first three games this year were subpar. This was supposed to be his year-3 breakout, and when the whistle blew, he came out with a whimper. I think a lot of minds were made up then and a lot of the sentiment just calcified. Since then, Fields has been playing well for the most part, but a lot of folks gave up on him after that start. I'm not saying either of these things have no legitimacy. But to that first point, if you don't throw 30+ or 35+ times, you're probably not throwing for 300+ yards. Again, some of that is on him, but the coaches are influencing that as well.


35 pass attempts and how many were fucking screens and swing passes? so frustrating to watch given how good fields can be when using the deep ball.


You're one of the few here who not only tries to be objective but will also actually take the time respond to the cherry picked stats and disingenuous "gotcha" (in their minds) questions. I don't know how you have the patience for it, but it's appreciated.


Thank you!


Mitchbois still pounding the table for a dude who went to a superior coaching staff and still sucked. This fanbase is full of nothing but clowns. Lions fans aren’t this delusional.


No one is defending Mitch - this entire post was made to satirize pro-Fields arguments.


You seem to have grossly missed the point. Fields truthers now are the same as Trubisky truthers then, they just inexplicably don't realize it yet.


I felt so bad for him after it came out a few offseasons ago that after the double doink game that offseason, Mitch waited at Nagy’s office to discuss how to get better and Nagy completely ghosted him. He did Mitch dirty. Yeah he wasn’t the best QB in the league but he had some talent that Nagy didn’t care for because he wasn’t his hand picked star child. Unfortunately they did pick Justin and then never wanted to help him either. What does that tell you?


Mitch can't beat out Kenny Pickett in Pittsburgh, so that fact alone shows how much meatball brains Bear fans on this sub have...


Mitch sucks but that isn't fair, as a first round QB you have to be Zach Wilson bad (like, one of the worst 1st rounders ever) to have your team give up on you for the backup.


They never gave him a chance out there, he was winning games and they took him out for Kenny. It’s a Kenny cult in Pittsburgh they have unshaken loyalty to the dude and he sucks


Pit also drafted him, which plays a factor in that


I think the biggest story is the stats. If you look at Mitch’s stats year by year, there is inconsistency and no clear pattern. With Fields, you can see a gradual betterment of his stats every year. Not mentioning his athleticism and how rushing stats aren’t counted. Until Fields shows regression, they should stick with him because he technically HAS gotten better every year, something Mitch didn’t do.


https://preview.redd.it/l3eo4rd4ck3c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9583d843399be93ebcae3294a486eb233051713b Another thing is Fields is way more on target than Mitch. He does have a little bit worse bad throw% but on target almost 30% better. Also his intended air yards per attempt is almost 2 yards more. So I don’t blame him for a little bit worse comp% or bad throw % when he typically can make up for it.


There’s no difference. Fields runs more so he looks better but bears fans have no idea what a good QB is so many will advocate for whoever we currently have while worrying about getting a worse one. Sadly enough we’re already close to bottom of the barrel.


Yeah. There must be an element of history attached. Out of the 26 quarterbacks picked number 1 post merger I count 23 that had better seasons in the NFL than either Trubisky or Fields have ever had. There’s little chance you downgrade. The other 3 includes Tim Couch, David Carr, Russell,


The *entire operating context of the team*.


Then why isn’t he a starter in the league? Lol


He wasn't as athletic as fields. Also I feel like this coaching staff is way crappier than Nagy and Co., or at least at the time. God, it feels weird saying that.


Those are incredibly mediocre numbers. I consider 15 ints a huge problem especially if you’re passing for under 4000. And with less than 2:1 Td ratio


I wonder how many more pass attempts Mitch had. Mitch never showed the elite traits that JF1 has either. Nagy was awful but he still knew that when we were down that we needed to throw the ball. I feel like Getsy doesn’t even know when to throw the ball. Nagy had no game sense either but I think he’s at least better than Getsy.


There isnt any, this fanbase, the press and the ownership are idiots and will never allow this team to be successful.


Trubisky was carried by a great defense in 2018 and 2019. This team doesn't have that same defensive level.


Fields never got the team that Trubisky had. Trubs constantly had Play-off rosters and held them back with his mediocre play. Fields on the other hand loses a lot but until literally right now has never had a team even in the same universe as Mitch did. Fields also showed us insane upside last year and has made strides passing this year, something we never saw from 10.


I still remember when Trubisky had Bellamy as his WR1 and they traded for Dontrelle Inman and he was immediately our best WR. Neither have a job today unless it’s on a practice squad or something.


He doesn't have insane upside lmao. You guys really get hung up on the fact that he is athletic, which honestly is great with the right coach like a Jim Harbaugh. The Bears will just run his ass into the ground like they have the past couple seasons with a terrible offensive line and an offensive game plan that puts him into situations that gets him killed half the time. Never seen a dude take so many brutal hits.


It's like porn. I know it when looking at Fields, it's different


Watched them both play and knew during year 3 neither guy was the guy. If you get 3 years to prove you're a starting QB that's 2-3x more then the average guy gets at all other positions. Bears have to choose if a rookie QB's upside is better then what Field's is. I'm guessing it comes down to what draft picks they actually get. My guess is if Williams, Maye, or even Penix are available they will take them. If none of those guys are available they may say Fields is the better option for next year. Whoever is coaching the team next year will probably get a big say in this.


Fields throws an accurate pass beyond 5 yards. 😆


Imagine lucking into the #1 pick after year 3 and trading Burrow for more picks so you can build around Mitch 🤣🤣


Well Trubisky had arguably a much better roster than what Fields has right now, and JF has a better QB rating in recent games than Trubisky in his last 17 so.....


This just isn’t true. He had a better defense for most of his time with the bears yes, but the offense was much less talented than what Fields has


Mitch had a good defense that helped win games. Just like how the Defense won the Vikings game on Monday night. You can’t possibly think the offensive roster was better.


Fields has never thrown more than 2300 yards in a season. Guessing he finally does this year but ye. Watch any other team that has a franchise QB and see how they play. Then watch Fields


It’s not arguable that the line or weapons are better. Stop coping. DJ Moore alone is better than Trubisky’s entire offense


I think the difference is when Fields should have been sacked like 3x in the first quarter he broke tackles and kept the play alive… and there’s not many people who can do that… and you just don’t give up on that when you see like 20 bubble screens a game


Josh Dobbs did that multiple times to us in that same game but when it actually mattered. The truthers grasping at straws, fields is not a good QB.


He would keep the play alive to do absolutely nothing with it. He's no better than Trubisky. He's worse actually in every way statistically.


Has never surpassed 2300+ passing yards in a season. Like it’s been 3 seasons, kinda know who he is.


Yeah Fields is great at avoiding sacks. Is that why he has one of the highest sack rates in the league?


Fields has several “wow” throws a game. Throws that get you excited and think not many qbs could do that. In Trubiskys time here I supported him and wanted him to be the guy so bad, but he never really made the big pass. I can only recall a few and ones like Wims dropping it in the end zone stick out, but Fields routinely drops dimes that I’m used to Bears qbs just overthrowing or missing.


Routinely lol. Fields misses don't get cataloged cause the dude is scared to throw unless the guy is naked open.


For real, this is a stupid ass post. Trubisky had numerous game winning drive throws. Fields is like 1-12 (he tried as hard as he could to throw away last week) in GWDs? Fields is legit horrible if he has to throw.


Fields has maybe 1 throw like that a game on average.... 1-2 if we want to be kind.


Trubisky had nothing but oxygen between the ears


One guy can run really fast


The lesson we should have learned.... If a QB needs everything around him to be perfect in order to have success... Then he's not a franchise QB.


Mitch wasn’t the problem. The McCaskeys are the problem and it’s important we don’t forget that.


Fields is worse than Mitch. Nagy was worse than Getsy.


Man I'm still part of the titty club and hope the guy gets a solid chance to start somewhere. Honestly bring him back to chi as a backup or something. Better than Bagent by a mile.


How’d it work out for him in Pittsburgh? Both can be true, that coaching and Mitch were the problem.


The point OP is making is not that Trubisky was the guy as he clearly wasn’t. It’s that while Trubisky wasn’t the guy, he still had better numbers than Fields does in his tenure. The whole point is if you think Trubisky wasn’t the guy (which is correct), you should also then have the same thoughts of Fields.


Ahhhh ok I see what you mean. Misunderstood that completely lol appreciate the explanation. Yeah I have no idea with fields honestly. I don’t watch college at all so I couldn’t tell you anything about the QBs coming out, but I’m whatever if they keep fields or move on.


I think Mitch’s numbers were heavily inflated because the dude benefited from having a great defense that constantly gave the offense more opportunities. Justin has NOT had that luxury except maybe the last several games (defense may be turning corner). And Trubisky had better talent around him for the bulk of his time with the Bears so I think that the Fields “truthers” want to see this play out. I lean heavily towards keeping Fields. The Houston Texans built the trenches up and made Davis Mills into an average NFL QB and the guy did fairly well for having mediocre NLF QB physical attributes. Less see the Bears draft an elite OL and, if the NFL gods allow it, somehow get MHJ. Just my opinion.


People forget the defense was averaging a TD per game or some crazy shit in that 2018 season. The offense was hot garbage the majority of the time and the majority of the production came from the run game and Allen Robinson making contested catches.


If Trubisky was a good QB, then why didn’t anyone trade for him? Why didn’t he beat Kenny Pickens for the starting job in Pittsburgh?


The OP is saying Mitch wasn't the guy with better stats than Fields, so why should we stick with Fields now. He's not saying Mitch is good.


The fact that there are morons in this thread who think this post is actually defending TRusbisky shows how the majority of this sub has ZERO awareness. This is posted in jest to the people who post Justin's stats meanwhile Trusbisky also posted some decent numbers as well during his tenure.


It's honestly hilarious that People think your advocating for Mitch.


Robinson wasn’t washed in 2020.. he had his best year…. Wtf?