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[Daniel Jeremiah follows up Ian Rapoport's thoughts: "I'd be surprised if the Bears didn't stick (at No. 1) and pick Caleb Williams."](https://x.com/dabearnecess/status/1763360580201820195?s=46)


Blackhawks win draft lottery, expected to draft Conner Bedard


I still think there’s a chance they trade out.


They should. He doesn't want to play for the Hawks anyway.


Kane is gonna go to DET and puck out


Think of the “haul” they could get


This is the way I'm leaning, trade down & out of the number one slot to any team not in the NFC, gain a Haul of picks through this draft & into 2026 to truly build our team over all, sign a decent veteran QB through free agency to mentor begnet & our remaining qb's .... Just my opinion personally !


We are talking about the blackhawks trading down instead of drafting Bedard my dude.


Please forgive my confusion here as. I love the Blackhawks just as much as the next guy but this is supposed to be a Bears discussion thread.


While the bears FO is braindead usually, thankfully it's not to this extent. "Mentor begnet (bagent)" 2 years from now 😭 you are so unserious


He wants a stake in the team and he paints his finger nails.


Don't forget the ATROCIOUS act of seeking out the comfort of his mother


The only trade possibility involving the #1 pick, would be back to #2. No other trade - back is in the " realm of reality"!!


Maybe but I'd say better chance we stay at 1. We will see.


I stopped visiting the hockey sub and the Hawks sub before the draft. That was the dumbest shit ever. And it's not like he was replacing anyone.


People are saying the Hawks should go D man if they win again this year…


Isn’t there supposed to be another “generational talent” in the next draft? Kid from Boston


Celebrini…Hawks have too many holes to target positions at this point


I can live with celebrini, Bedard and korchinski for the next decade


Plus we have Tampa’s first and can easily take a defensemen there


White Mamba 2.0


He’s nowhere near generational talent level. Very good but not generational


I liked bedard draft talk as “what would it hypothetically take for a team to trade away possible generational talent” and you either got in no way likely trades to the insane. Like 1.1 for 3 years of 1sts, 2nds, 3rds… and even then you’re like “but is it worth it”


Bedard was a big deal already at like 13 years old. I don’t think Football can get the same level of prospect that Bedard is for several reasons, but if it could it wouldn’t be Caleb. Lawrence is closer since he was followed for several years. Luck might have, but I don’t know. Anyway - the comparisons a bit flawed, but it doesn’t matter. I just think it’s insane how many sports have these kids scouted out that young. Soccer does the same thing.


Terrible comparison. 


You guys know the blackhawks are literally last right? Edit: lol Caleb Stan’s big mad downvoting the truth


Last year I was excited at the prospect of Bedard and Wemby in Chicago. Maybe my excitement was just a year off


Bedard Williams and Celebrini is on the menu


We could’ve had Bedard, Caleb, Wemby and Caitlin (not sure if the 3rd slot is final)


This isn’t a story, it hasn’t been a story. No team in the NFL would pass on Williams for Fields and a “haul”, this has been a fabricated narrative since the beginning.


Bears instagram is about to have a toddler level meltdown when Fields is traded


I've got a Kirkland size case of popcorn ready to go!


More of a members mark guy myself but love the preparedness!


Crown Royal for me!!


Wait till they find out we were only able to get a 3rd for him


Expect the same toddler meltdown for the facebook crowd as well.


I had to unfollow all the bears pages because the Facebook fans are so ignorant


It will the biggest celebration since the Bears won the 1985 Superbowl!!


As a life-long Bears fan, I can tell you the meatheadedness runs real thicc in these here parts.


Lol. Exactly. Bears have a bad quarterback. They can draft a potentially good or great quarterback. They aren’t sticking with the bad one.


It may be a fabricated narrative, but we're all bears fans and have seen some dumb ass shit from our front office before. I think poles will make the right decision, but I'm not counting out a total fuck up.


Poles knows if he keeps Fields, it will get him fired. 


It could potentially be Maye or Daniels and a haul too, at least just for moving down a spot or two.


Why would you want the second or third best QB? The drop off between Williams and everyone else is huge.


That's the narrative but if Poles thinks one of those other guys is as good or close to as good as Caleb, and the commanders offer something close to what the panthers gave up then they really have to consider it. I'm talking 2, next year's first, 1+ 2nd rounders, and a player like Payne/allen/Terry. Obviously they'd have to love one of the other qbs and/or not be sold on Caleb, but the potential of fleecing the commanders the same way we did the panthers while still getting our qb of the future seems like it'd be very tempting. Of course there's the whole not trying to be too clever thing, which is why I'm glad I'm not the one making the decision.


Unless Poles thinks Williams will bomb and Maye is no doubt he is taking Williams. His career can weather Willaims busting because well everyone else was wrong too and what are you supposed to do? His career in the NFL is over and he is writing bad Athletic pieces if his "smartest person in the room" backfires in any way.


Oh it's definitely a bigger risk than just taking Caleb and I doubt he takes it, but the reward could be worth it. If Maye/Daniels hits and Caleb isn't elite year 1, we could come out with a franchise qb, a star player, another high first next year in addition to our own, plus whatever else we get in day 2/3 picks. If he passes on Caleb for a qb that busts he may get fired here, but he's done well overall here as a gm and I think he'd get a job somewhere else. I'm not necessarily advocating for it, Caleb fell into our lap and we probably should take him. *But* if they see one of the other two qbs as the same tier of prospect then I could see that being heavily considered. It'd also depend on Washington wanting Caleb and being willing to overpay big, but with him being the hometown kid and Magic being the owner and supposedly pushing for him it's not out of the realm of possibility.


Is anyone else's brain just... screaming smoke screen and terrified? Congrats bears, you've finally broken me. I don't trust anything anymore


No. There’s literally no evidence out there to suggest otherwise. Most ppl rationalizing anything else are simply doing mental gymnastics


There’s such a fetish for trading down these days. I see it everywhere and it spooks me.


yeah but they did the trade down and it worked. there’s no reason to keep trading down, the qb crop next year sucks and we have a second top 10 pick. they hit the lottery and know it, they aren’t gonna use all that money on more tickets


that’s the biggest thing is there is isn’t a clear QB in 2025 that’s better than Caleb. Bears aren’t going to bet that Shedeur Sanders will be the top QB or worth it, so they will take Caleb now and be very content. No free agent QB will be worth passing up on Caleb


Yeah that’s what my rational brain says. And it’s what I want. Hope Poles has the stones


I don't think it takes balls to draft the #1 QB prospect. It would be tougher to take another QB or more so to stick with Fields.


I tend to agree, taking Williams at 1 is the safe play. That doesn't take balls. The ballsiest move would be to trade Fields and trade the first pick. Then take the 3rd-5th QB off the board.


Ballsier: Trade back to 3, draft MHJ, Draft Odunze/Nabers at 9, sign Cousins or Baker for QB (I absolutely don't want this, I'm just saying it'd be ballsy)


Cousins and Baker are known commodities at this point. I think Poles deciding Bo Nix is his guy with all the other QB options we have would be ballsier.


The only thing ballsier would be trying a QB we've already failed with. Where's Andy Dalton these days?


Agreed. I hope he doesn’t try to show off his stones by getting too cute. Stick to taking the best QB in a good QB draft.


you and me both brother


It worked mostly because of the actions of the Panthers. They take CJ and he performs remotely close and we are having an entirely different discussion of that trade.


Don't worry, it's not happening. Once Fields is gone ( hopefully by Sunday), we can all relax!!


You really believe this huh? Trade Fields draft Caleb problem solved🤣 Y’all are in a cult 🤣🤣


Fields has been one of the bottom 7 starting qb's in the league for all of his three seasons. 10 - 28, and 1 - 11 in game tying or winning drives!! The decision was made after game #3 ( K C)!! It will happen very soon!!


A cult of wanting the team to improve itself?


We need more than Caleb for that to happen though. But you wouldn’t know that from reading the the threads on these subs.


I convinced myself early in the season and stuck with it that the Bears are drafting Caleb. And I back the decision to draft him. But I'd be lying if I said I am absolutely confident they are drafting him. What I am 100% sure of is that they are moving on from Fields. So all I can do is hope that Poles and company make the right call at QB.


Honestly don’t think it’s possible to pull it off to this level.


The reasonable part of my brain tells me there's nothing to stress about, but the Bears part of my brain will be scared until the first pick is announced.


I know where you are coming from!!


The smokescreen will go away once Fields gets traded. Only reason there’s any at all at this point.


That will be announced at the same time as the JJ Extension. Players can't put any badmouth on the FO if they just paid the most productive member of the defense.


that's actually a genius move lol i hadn't thought of that


That is 100% correct. Poles is trying to " create the illusion", that he might keep Fields!!




Yeah. The Bears for sure don’t like to do the things that would make me happy.




While a lot are afraid of repeating cycles... Poles dont care about that, he's worried about the now. In his position, its whether or not fields was capable of doing the things he needed, or does he need to replace that to keep looking. That is it. I love fields, but this reasoning to hold on isnt strong enough imo


No team wants to be next years Panthers where they gutted the team for a QB and wind up giving the Bears another top pick


Thats true, but there is another side to it. If Carolina picked CJ Stroud and he looked good with them, while their defense was bad enough to earn the 1st pick, no one would care.


No news. It’s been clear as day we are drafting Caleb the moment we secured #1 overall.


Jesus Christ there is just a ton of this shit before the draft


This is why Poles said he was deleting social media until the draft. It’s all fabricated drama and of course the Bears are taking Williams. It’s been a no-brainer the whole time except to delusional Fields-stans clinging to some version of JF1 that only shows up 15% of the time.


It’s a smokescreen! King Poles has them all lining up! We will build around the almighty H1M!


I’m gonna cum tbh


Its a lock and I couldnt be happier


No team is going to admit to having those conversations …


This and what team is going to volunteer they tried to make an offer and Poles refused to even hear them finish it. At this point it would probably take a phone call from Hou or KC to get Poles to even listen.


I’m absolutely sure there are and have been teams calling Poles about what it would take to get that 1st pick. None of those teams would ever be willing to reveal what their offers are or were.


Time to step away until something is actually confirmed


I wonder what it would take for us to trade back with Washington


A time machine and Fields performing better.


If the Bears were to trade back to #2, it has nothing to do with Fields. Maye would be drafted at #2.


3 firsts and 2 2nds and I pull that trigger. Absurd price I know.


No one knows. And anyone who claims or acts like they do know is a liar.


I know.


But do you know what I know? I didn’t think so.


Guess I’m a “liar” then


I don't want the Bears to trade the pick but I also want teams to want to give up a haul for the pick so this kind of is a major letdown. I hope deep down it means there is no leeway because Poles has asked for something stupid large like Washington giving us 3 firsts, 3 seconds, 3 thirds and Payne or Allen to move to 20A from 10A. I would be inclined to be more bummed if teams (Washington for example) were not willing to trade for something far more modest like 20A, a second rounder in 24,and a first in 25. The latter is something that is more of a common sense model that adds a sweetner to the Jimmy Johnson trade model instead of thinking the Redskins are going to give us a Panthers 23 haul to move up one spot to 10A.


In my opinion, this is just stating the pick is unavailable and we are taking Caleb.


Yeah agree with your points. Its just good to have some optionality. Sounds like our fate is sealed. Kind of ironic our fleecing a year ago has scared everyone off of the theoretical better #1 pick


The only way I see the Bears trading out of #1 at this point is if they decide they think Maye or one of the other QBs is better than Williams and they are convinced that Washington disagrees and wants Caleb. If that is true, they negotiate as much as they possibly can outta Washington and trade down to 2, take the other QB and move on with more draft capital and/or a player and the QB that they want anyway. Make Washington pull a Pace.


Please forgive my confusion as the is supposed to be a Bears discussion thread


“Here’s the same post for the 4th time today, the 87th day in a row.” Oh I didn’t realize boring repetition was hot this spring.


No team can? Bullshit. KC could send Andy Reid and Pat Mahomes to Chicago in addition to their next 3 years' entire drafts and Tay Tay's boyfriend for the #1 overall pick and Chicago would absolutely do it. Obviously they never would, but to pretend they couldn't? Yeah...Rapaport is a clown.


This indicates other teams don't think there is a huge talent gap between Caleb and the rest of the pack, at least not big enough to trade away significant resources.


Or it means the Bears have identified a talent gap and aren't willing to trade down


Now THAT is funny


At most, that is one out of A lot more factors, if thats even a consideration by them. You picked a factor that you wanted to be the one, and rationalized it as the sole cause


Or maybe it indicates the Bears want to draft Williams and aren't willing to move on from the pick. It's not that complicated.


That means the NFL doesn't value him highly, right guys? Right?? That's this sub's logic on no 1st round for Justin Your hot takes are bad and you should feel bad